Reviews for Maddian Wolfblood
Bookworm32 chapter 6 . 7/31
I know this was written 4 years ago but HOLY HELL! it is soo good
Bookworm32 chapter 4 . 7/31
OMG! AMAZING! i know you probably wrote this before the next season came out but OMG! so good!
Bookworm32 chapter 2 . 7/31
I just fifnished the series and I LOVED IT! this is suck good writing!
KZ chapter 5 . 2/23
I really like this!
QueenLillith chapter 6 . 12/24/2019
Pretty please make another chapter,I'm hooked
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2019
Love the story
Guest chapter 6 . 7/14/2018
I really like your version of what happens and I hope you continue writing.️
Jessica Blymier chapter 6 . 7/12/2018
need more!
Guest chapter 6 . 6/6/2018
When does the next chapter come out? X
Aaliyah Payne chapter 2 . 10/8/2017
Love Sammy
Guest chapter 6 . 6/9/2017
upload! It's an awesome story!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/8/2016
Why do you have longer stories
jkirsch chapter 4 . 10/3/2016
This was a lot of fun seeing the Dark Moon episode from Rhydian's POV. I laughed out loud at Rhydian's line about how only Maddy's mom can withstand her cute pouting expression. Wolfsbane is another one of my favorite episodes so I can't wait to read your next two chapters.
jkirsch chapter 2 . 10/3/2016
I like your Maddian take on the Maddy Cool episode. I've actually wondered how the show would have been different if Mads and Rhydian had been together a lot earlier! I have a request if you are still up for writing another wolfblood fic, could you do a story based on the Eolas episode from S1 where Maddy gets addicted to eolas? (One shot or maybe two shot?) That would be amazing and I really enjoy your writing. :)
cupcakelover.mel chapter 6 . 4/26/2016
plz update
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