Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell.

Please leave a review...sorry this is so short.

Liz Parker woke up earlier than usual, the Saturday morning sun stealing her sleep. She sat up and yawned, then opened her eyes. Another day without Max, she thought to herself. She heard something moving across her room, and goosebumps formed on her delicate skin.

She crawled to the end of her soft bed, looking for the invader. Liz chuckled to herself, sighting the small white mouse in the corner of her room. She sat back down on her bed, and then, laughing once more she extended her arm like Max or Michael or Isabel would to an enemy.

The result was not what she was expecting. The mouse was forced to the wall, and it squeaked in pain. For a couple minutes, Liz stared at the mouse and then looked at her own hand. She swallowed hard and dialed her best friend Maria DeLuca with trembling fingers.

"Hello?" Maria answered with a groggy voice.

"Um, Maria," Liz said, clutching the phone, "I really need to talk to you." Liz looked over at the limp mouse.

"Liz, it's eight o'clock in the morning," stated Maria. "What in the world couldn't wait until at least noon?"

"I just killed a mouse," Liz said.

"Ok, Liz, I realize we're best friends," Maria told her, "but waking me up, on a Saturday morning, right before the week of finals, to tell me you killed a mouse, isn't on the list of things best friend's do for each other!"

"Maria, this is serious. When- when I killed it I- it- I killed it like Max would," Liz told her best friend.

"Spaceboy kills mice?" Maria asked curiously. Liz rolled her eyes.

"I mean, the hand thing," Liz told her. "I was playing around, pretending to be Max, and then..well..poof..."

"Poof?" Maria repeated, somewhat doubtful.

"Maria, I know how stupid this sounds, all right? But, it happened," Liz insisted.

"Liz, you don't think you're a--" Maria didn't finish her sentence.

"I think we should call Max."

More to come, sorry this is a bit short. (I'm known for short work...) I was going to write the whole thing in one, but I'm too anxious to get feedback...so PlEaSe leave a review...