Happy Holidays!
I got bit with the Christmas bug and had to get this one in. I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: Yaoi
I do not own Sexy Asami or Cute Akihito, they belong to the one and only Yamane sensei.
Christmas Coupons
Akihito stood in the middle of the Ginza shopping district wondering what to buy the man that could have anything-his lover, Asami Ryuichi, businessman extraordinaire. The man had more money than the Prime Minister and Diet members put together, and here he stood unable to even afford a pair of underwear to give him for Christmas.
Though that wasn't entirely true, considering the black card he had tucked away in his wallet, which gave him access to an account worth billions of yen, yet Akihito refused to use it. Nothing about that money was clean, as far as he was concerned, and he wasn't going to help that sexy lover of his recirculate it for cleaner bills. It was this stubbornness, though, that was keeping him from buying Asami something nice. Well that and the fact the anything purchased with the card was automatically sent to Asami for his approval, meaning he would know what his gift was before Akihito gave it to him. Where was the surprise in that, he thought.
Unfortunately, work had been slow considering no one liked to do dirt around the holidays, bad karma. So there had been no really newsworthy stories since the beginning of December. Now here it was the day before Christmas Eve and Akihito still had nothing to give the man that had saved him countless times from himself. Hell, this year alone, he had saved Akihito from two kidnappers, four groups of thugs chasing him down trying to get the evidence in his precious camera, and a half dozen threats to his ass, most of which had been due to his own carelessness.
Akihito realized then, he should get gifts for Asami's men who saved him the countless times he didn't know about and the handful of times that he did. As much as he bitched and moaned about Asami being overprotective and obsessive making his trained men follow Akihito around all day, there were times he had been glad they were close by.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, he was letting his mind get off topic of what the real issue here was-he couldn't afford to buy Asami a gift. The past two Christmases he was able to just save enough to get Asami, soft, Italian-leather driving gloves the first year and a gold, monogramed tie clip the second, but looking in his wallet, he had barely enough to buy the ingredients for dinner that night. What was he going to do?
Akihito turned to walk to the train station feeling dejected. He really wanted to get Asami something nice for Christmas, but with his dwindling bank account due to Asami's expensive eating preferences, he knew he'd just have to come up with something else. Akihito thought about the things Asami liked and his cheeks grew hot as he thought, the one thing that perverted bastard liked was doing lewd sexual things to him. That was the only thing Akihito knew he really enjoyed that cost him nothing. Well that and money, and he had already established he didn't have any of that.
Akihito came up with an idea that caused him to blush a deeper red from his neck to the roots of his sandy blond hair. Sex coupons.
He had long ago admitted that, although his lover was a pervert of the worst kind, according to Akihito, a sadist, he reveled in any level of pain Asami gave him because it always led to pleasure beyond compare. Asami had taken him to heights he didn't even think were possible, let alone imaginable, and he willingly accepted his role as masochist to Asami's sadist.
He stopped at an office supply store and brought vividly colored index cards, with just as vividly colored Sharpies. He brought an envelope to put them in and a bow for the envelope. Though upon leaving the store, he began to wonder if this was really such a good idea. What if Asami tried to claim them all on Christmas day? With what he was planning to put on these 'coupons', he would have to be taken to the hospital to recover for days.
Akihito felt a familiar sensation in the pit of his stomach and wondered why that thought excited him. Fuck, Akihito thought, Asami had truly twisted him and he had willingly let him.
"Screw it," Akihito said to himself. This was the only thing he had that he knew Asami would appreciate, so the 'coupons' were a go.
He got to the station just in time to catch the train to the expensive market Asami made him go to, to get their food and alcohol. Hell, he was on a friendly basis with most of the staff and the managers, having got to know them over the years. Though they feared Asami's wrath, they discovered that the boy that did his shopping was just a regular guy. Fortunately, they figured it out before Asami let them know, in no uncertain terms, that 'the boy that did his shopping' was his boy.
He had dreaded going back after that. For days he went to the regular market and brought their food, but Asami could tell the difference and refused to eat it, a waste to Akihito's time and money, so he went back to the expensive mart, reluctantly and in disguise.
Upon entering the market, he was recognized immediately, but instead of the jeers and dirty, or worse, disgusted looks he expected to receive, he was met with, 'Great catch, Takaba' and 'Aw, how did you get so lucky, Takaba?'. It was, normal, or at least, what passed as normal, as far as Akihito was concerned and he was glad. The only change, they no longer asked him out on dates, which was fine with him, since those times generally made him feel uncomfortable anyway.
Since then, he's gone out drinking with them as a group with his best friends, Kou and Takato, and has had a really good time.
Akihito walked confidently into the market, head held high, and gave a friendly greeting to the manager on shift.
The manager, Tanaka, returned the friendly greeting with, "Hello Takaba. We got those chocolates you like in. I saved you two boxes."
Akihito smiled brighter and said, "Great! I'll be sure to get them from you when I check out."
Tanaka said, "I'll have them ready for you."
Akihito waved to Tanaka and proceeded to collect the ingredients needed for tonight's dinner and tomorrow's breakfast, ignoring the stares of those not used to seeing the young boy in faded, torn jeans and tennis shoes walking around so proudly and on such friendly terms with the managerial staff. His skin having grown thicker since first encountering those stares two years ago, when he first took on the role as Asami's housekeeper, cook, and lover.
Christmas Day
Akihito was up at dawn, preparing Asami a special Christmas breakfast.
He had thought long and hard about which 'coupons' to include in his Christmas gift to Asami. After finally coming up with fifteen, that had caused his nose to bleed either thinking of when these scenarios actually took place or thinking of what would happen now when he used a particular 'coupon', he sealed them in the envelope, before he changed his mind, with the bow and wrote, 'To Ryuichi, Merry Christmas!' He then braced himself for whatever was to come.
Akihito arranged Asami's breakfast on a large tray, propped the envelope on his tea mug, and carried it into the bedroom. He set the tray on the desk and walked over to the bed to wake Asami. When he was next to the bed, he felt himself being pulled down into strong arms and yelped.
Asami whispered in his ear, "About time, Akihito," and he bit, gently into Akihito's ear.
The moan escaped before Akihito could stop it. He pushed at Asami, saying, "Not now, Asami. Your breakfast will get cold."
Asami said, low and sultry, "Breakfast can wait, you know that. I'd rather eat you any day."
Akihito was adamant, "No, perverted bastard. Let go or you won't get your Christmas present."
As tempting as it was to continue, Asami enjoyed anytime Akihito brought him a gift. He blushed a beautiful shade of red, while he tried to act like it was nothing special. So seeing what the boy had brought for him this Christmas was too much to pass up. Asami reined in his passion and behaved himself.
Akihito looked at the crime lord and smiled, saying, "Good boy," and he moved to the desk to collect the breakfast tray for Asami.
Asami smirked at the use of his own words, thinking of ways to repay the brat for his insolence later. When the tray was set in front of him, he noticed the stark white envelope with the red and gold bow instantly. He picked it up and looked at Akihito.
Akihito blushed with a shy smile and said, "Merry Christmas, Asami. I couldn't afford to buy you anything so I made you something instead. You can open it."
Asami turned the envelope over in his hand and lifted the flap that had been taped instead of sealed. He pulled out the colorful cards and began to read them as Akihito looked on in trepidation, again having second thoughts about his gift idea.
Asami read the note that accompanied the cards, 'Intended for Asami Ryuichi's use only'. The crime lord was intrigued. He looked at the next card before reading it aloud, "This coupon entitles the bearer to a Bloody Mary massage to be given by Takaba Akihito." Asami looked at Akihito and gave a knowing smirk. He read the next one, "This coupon entitles the bearer the use of handcuffs and other restraints during one intimate session with Takaba Akihito." This time when he looked at Akihito, he had a slight blush on his cheeks, that made Asami raise an eyebrow and wonder what the next card said. He flipped to it and read, "This coupon entitles the bearer the use of anything in the sex room during one intimate session with Takaba Akihito." Asami thought, with a devious smirk on his lips, 'Oh, he's being bold', as he moved the tray from his lap, food forgotten and got off the bed, cards still in hand. He locked golden eyes with hazel ones as he walked towards Akihito, who had taken several steps back as Asami read through each card, he had noticed. He asked, "So when can I use these 'coupons' Akihito?"
Akihito didn't look away from Asami's intense gaze as he said, "Not until after you eat breakfast, pervert. I worked hard on it. Do you even know what time I got up this morning?"
Asami took Akihito in his arms and said, "Then maybe you should have waited to give me my present, Akihito."
Akihito looked up defiantly and said, "Or maybe I shouldn't have given them to you at all, sadistic bastard. You haven't even read through them all. Eat your breakfast, read them all. I'll let you use one today. Just one, Asami, I have no intention of playing in bed with you all day. I have friends and family to visit." Akihito placed his hands on Asami's shoulders then, rose on the balls of his feet, and planted a chaste kiss on Asami's lips. "Merry Christmas, perverted old man."
When he tried to make his escape, Asami grabbed him by his waist and pulled him in close. He licked at Akihito's lips as his hand moved down to cup his ass, kneading the cheek, roughly, until Akihito couldn't hold the moan any longer, "Mmph".
When he finally parted his lips, Asami used his tongue to assault Akihito's mouth, tasting and teasing, until they were both breathless. Asami released his boy's mouth and took a breath. Noticing the rosy hue of Akihito's cheeks, he said, "No blushing now, Akihito, this is an excellent gift. One which I intend to get much pleasure from. I'll eat, read the other cards, find the one that will best fit this situation and use it to both of our mutual benefit. But before you run off, I have a gift for you too." Asami released Akihito and moved to his safe. He removed the gift wrapped box and gave it to Akihito, saying, "Merry Christmas, kitten."
Akihito took the gift and said, "Stop calling be kitten, bastard, I don't like it. Thank you for this," and he tore at the festive paper, like the excited kid he was.
Asami watched Akihito's facial expressions the whole time, this to him, being the very best part of the holiday. He watched as Akihito's eyes grew big and brighter, as his lips formed a perfect 'O' before breaking into the biggest grin Asami had ever seen. He asked, smiling, though he already had his answer, "Do you like it?"
Akihito looked from his gift to Asami. He placed the gift on the table and jumped into Asami's arms, planting kisses across his lips and cheeks. When he finally composed himself, he answered, "I love it, Asami! Thank you. This will be perfect for editing my pictures and I won't have to stay at the paper so late. How did you get this? Only the people in media have access to it, its top of the line software."
"You forget I own a newspaper and a television station, Akihito. You mentioned a while back that your photo editing software was outdated, so I started looking for the best there was out there."
"You could have just asked me what they were using in the industry."
"And ruin the surprise or this wonderfully free reaction? Not a chance, Akihito. Your other present will depend on if your computer is powerful enough to handle the software, that may need an upgrade as well."
Akihito released Asami and took a step back. He looked at his gift on the desk then turned back to Asami, his eyes not as bright as they had been, he said, "That's too much, Asami. My gift to you barely cost me anything. That was 20,000 yen easy," he said pointing to the software. "A new computer is too much on top of that."
"Akihito, you would deny me my happiness on Christmas? If you need it, you need it. What's the point of having the software if you can't use it? Besides how will you ever get the proof you need to make your big break off me if you are using substandard equipment," Asami finished with a smirk and challenging look in his eyes.
"Hey, bastard, I wouldn't rat you out, you know," he said with a defiant glare, before saying, with a bit less defiance, "I couldn't. Not after everything you've done for me. Not after I saw you weren't such a bastard. That there are things even you care about, Ryuichi. So it doesn't matter if my computer is too old or not. What I have still gets me paid, so..."
Asami took a step towards Akihito, leaned in and whispered, low, in his ear, with his baritone voice, "I know that already, but I want you to have it anyway. I'm sure your parents taught you that it is rude to turn down a gift, Akihito. Say 'thank you' and let me eat." Asami stood up straight, turned, and went to the bed to see what Akihito had prepared.
Akihito let the tingling from Asami whispering in his ear run its course, as he waited until Asami turned back towards him. He gave a shy, "Thank you, Asami," before he ducked out of the bedroom and went to clean up the mess he had made in the kitchen. Thankful to be anywhere but standing less than two feet from the crime lord, he didn't think the blood vessels in his cheeks could take another influx of blood due to all the silly blushing. What was he, a schoolgirl?
Asami gave an amused chuckle as he watched Akihito leave the room. He thought it cute how Akihito could still be so bashful in situations like this after everything they had been through together. Akihito, generally, refused to take anything from Asami, nor did he like to spend Asami's money. Christmas was one of the rare times Asami could buy him a gift, or several, and guilt him into taking it, or them, whatever it was.
Always so predictable, Asami smirked, as he began to eat his breakfast and read through the rest of his 'coupons'.
Asami finished reading his 'coupons'. Each card had been a bit more brazen then the last, allowing for tortures that they would both enjoy. Some were location based, in the shower, in the limo, and even in his office at Sion. There were scenarios where Akihito took the lead and had his way with 'the bearer'. Blindfolds, bondage, and the use of some of his best mechanical instruments were all afforded 'the bearer' and Asami's mind actually reeled at the possibilities. He was going to have lots of fun with these, he thought.
Asami made his final selection by the time he was finished with breakfast, and thought, best gift ever, as he carried the tray into the kitchen for Akihito to take care of.
Akihito turned from the sink and said, "Just set it on the counter, Asami," and he went back to finishing the dishes.
Asami came up behind him and held the 'coupon' up for Akihito to see.
Akihito's hands stopped working as he read the card that was at eye level. He felt his cheeks flush, before he pulled his hands from the water and dried them on the apron he was wearing. He took the 'coupon' from Asami's hand and placed it in his back pocket before he turned to Asami and said, "As you wish, my master, what is your command?"
Asami gave a mischievous smile as the change was instantaneous. He said, "Remove your clothes, slowly. Leave only the apron on."
"As you wish." Akihito unzipped and wriggled out of his cut-off shorts, kicking them away. He then put his thumb in the waistband of his boxer briefs and slowly pulled them down over his ass, bending towards Asami as he trailed them down to his feet and removed them. He pulled the top half of the apron over his head to remove his t-shirt, sliding it up to reveal his milky skin, inch by inch. As he raised his arms to pull the shirt over his head, he was grabbed into Asami's powerful arm as he restrained Akihito's movement with the other, leaving his face covered by his t-shirt.
Asami lapped and bit at his exposed nipples until they were hardened nubs and soft moans were heard through the fabric. He lifted the shirt enough to reveal Akihito's moist lips, before they were claimed in a burning kiss. Asami explored the whole of Akihito's mouth with his tongue as he pulled the shirt free. He trailed kisses along Akihito's jaw line to his ear and whispered his next command, sending shivers down Akihito's spine, "Take me in your mouth, Akihito."
Akihito blushed up at Asami before he said, "As you wish, my master." He placed the top half of the apron back over his head then got down on his knees in front of Asami and removed him from the opening in his pajama bottoms. Akihito took the hard member in his hands and slowly ran his tongue from the base to the tip, eyes never leaving Asami's golden ones. He took the tip in his mouth and sucked on it, letting his tongue lick at the slit. Akihito teased at it until he felt it pulse in his hand before finally taking what he could of Asami's length in his mouth.
Asami let out a deep, guttural groan, spurring Akihito onward. It took all his concentration not to grab Akihito by his hair and ram into his pretty little mouth over and over again.
Akihito worked his mouth slowly over Asami's cock, though, enjoying the feel as the organ grew in his mouth due to his ministrations. The power surge he felt gripped his groin and Akihito reached down to take hold of his own cock.
Asami seeing the boy's obvious excitement said, "You are not allowed to touch yourself, Akihito."
Though Akihito frowned up at Asami at the command, he removed the dick in his mouth long enough to acknowledge the order, "Yes, my master," and he took the massive organ in his mouth as much as he could and sucked again. He pumped his hand over what didn't fit down his throat, and tasted the pre-cum that was now leaking from Asami's swollen member.
Asami stood, gripping the counters for support as he looked down at the kitten working so diligently in front of him. When he was close, he ordered Akihito to stop. He told Akihito to stand up and bend over the counter, "Legs apart and spread those ass cheeks for me."
Akihito could only comply, "As you wish, my master."
Asami grabbed the cooking oil and poured it over Akihito's ass before he coated his fingers in it and jammed them in his tight hole.
Asami added a third finger and worked to loosen Akihito, moving them in and out quickly.
Akihito moaned and squirmed, trying to hold the stance he was commanded to, but his hands were slipping from the vegetable oil.
Asami nibbled at the nape of his neck before whispering in his ear, "Put your arms behind your back, Akihito."
When he did, Asami used the apron strings to tie them there. Asami removed his fingers and glided his cock in slowly. He pulled it out and then rammed it in to the base. He pulled out and went in slowly, again, then pulled out and rammed in hard. Asami repeat the pattern over and over.
Akihito moaned his pleasure, "Ah...hah...hah...mmph...mmm...unh...uh...uh...Ma-Master."
Asami thrust faster, to the base of his cock, skin slapping against skin, until he slipped on the oil on the floor and lost his rhythm. He pulled out of the boy, lifted him over his shoulder, and carried him into the bedroom. There he untied the apron, freeing Akihito's hands, removed it and threw it on the floor, revealing creamy, rosy colored skin.
Asami took the handcuffs from the drawer and commanded, "Restrain yourself, Akihito."
Akihito took the handcuffs and placed them around the bed pole before securing his wrists in them, giving Asami a look that begged him to hurry and finish, as the words were not allowed.
Asami put his hands under Akihito's thighs and pushed his legs up in the air. He positioned himself and pushed deep in his kitten's ass, gaining him the most beautiful sound his lover could make as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his mouth hung open in silent cries of ecstasy. He continued to pound into him over and over until he was near completion.
Akihito writhed, pulling at the cuffs at his wrists, wishing his hands were free to explore the hard body on top of him. He wanted to knot his fingers in Asami's raven hair, and run them over his well-defined chest and abs, but he couldn't tell Asami that. He could, however, buck his hips to meet Asami thrust for thrust, as he nearly screamed his pleasure.
Asami took hold of Akihito's cock and began to pump it in time with his thrusts, which were now angled to rub over his prostate with each in and out motion.
Akihito panted, shutting his eyes tightly as the orgasm exploded inside him, and his cum was shot all over their chests and stomachs, Asami kept thrusting, relentlessly, milking him dry before finally cumming himself, inside his lover's ass.
Both men lay panting, as Asami unlocked the handcuffs, he said, "Good boy, Akihito. I adore it when you fight with me, but this was lots of fun too. Why sex coupons though? We do this anyway."
Akihito blushed and said, "Like you said, I'm always fighting you and it. Maybe I wanted to know for myself if I could do it without all the fighting. I mean, it's not like I don't enjoy it almost as much as you do."
"Almost? Whether you fight or not, Akihito, I already knew that. Your body has never lied to me, regardless of what your mouth said to the contrary. Needless to say, it was a very thoughtful gift, Akihito, thank you."
Akihito said, "You're welcome, my perverted master," before he captured Asami's lips in a kiss.
Asami pushed Akihito to the bed and said, "And who made up these 'coupons' again?"
Akihito blushed crimson and took a swing at Asami, who caught his fist and forced it to the bed. This time, Asami moved in to claim Akihito's lips in a kiss that foretold the beginning of round two.
Four hours later, Akihito stumbled out of bed to collect his phone and the 'coupon' from his back pocket. He called his family and friends, and without giving too many details, told them he wasn't able to visit today. Next, Akihito took the 'coupon' from his back pocket and read it again, 'The coupon entitles the bearer to complete control over and obedience from Takaba Akihito for one intimate session'.
Apparently what they considered one intimate session varied, so Akihito made sure the coupon could not be used again after today. He ripped it into little pieces as he walked back to the bedroom and set them on Asami's side of the bed. He then climbed in bed next to Asami and took a well-deserved nap.
A/N: I'm not sure if this will continue or not. My bestie suggested I write about each time Asami uses a coupon. Let me know what you think. I will keep it as on-going until I decide if I can add another task to my roster.
Thank you for reading this little Christmas tale and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!