Chapter Thirty-one - The Vault

Harry left the hospital wing so that Professor Dumbledore could get some rest. Draco and Theo were waiting for him outside.

"How is he?" Draco said.

"He's resting comfortably."

"It looks like Jamie got away cleanly," Theo informed him.

"Terrific," Harry said ruefully. He still didn't know what to do about her. Right now, there were more issues to deal with.

Theo continued, "Tracy is still down in the Chamber, so far as we know. We might have to Memory Charm her. She knows too much. We can't trust her anymore. Not when her sister has been spying this long. Who knows if she's a spy herself or under Imperius or a hundred other possibilities?"

Harry knew that Theo was right. Tracy was a risk to their security now. Still, he didn't like the idea of it. He had trusted her once, and it was still possible that she had not known about Jamie. There was no right answer. But there seldom were, in war.

"What do you think about closing membership in the Order?" Theo said. "No more new members. Maybe kick out a few of the members we have."

"Yeah, we probably have to do that," Harry agreed. It would be just the Slytherins, Neville, and the extended Black family. I was about to invite a Death Eater to join. Who knows if I've already brought another spy into our midst? Stupid, Harry. Stupid. Too trusting. When will you learn?

"Definitely," Theo continued. "For instance, does Draco need to be involved?"

Harry let out a short, barking laugh. He couldn't tell if Theo was joking or not.

"Yes, I do need to be involved," Draco said indignantly. "Voldemort wants to kill my father and my entire family."

"I know," Theo said. "But my point stands. More people means more security risks."

"I thought I was inviting only people I could trust absolutely," Harry said sadly.

"Exactly," Theo said. "You can't trust anyone absolutely."

"You can trust family," Draco said reflexively.

"No," Theo said harshly, "you can't."

There was an awkward silence. Finally Draco cleared his throat. "Sorry, mate."

"Trust is earned by a select few," Theo declared.

"I trusted everyone I invited," Harry repeated. He didn't want to believe he'd been wrong to trust in Tracy.

Theo snorted. "Then maybe you need to rethink the purpose of the order."

What was the purpose of his Order? It was to train to fight Voldemort, in ways that were not acceptable in public, with spells that might technically be considered Dark.

"What do you mean, Theo?" Draco said.

"If it's to build an army that's one thing. But if it's meant to be your war council, it's too big. It's not even a trust issue. Too many voices. You need to figure out who's actually going to give you useful advice. That's who you should trust."

Harry thought about it. Who did he trust to give useful advice? Sirius and Remus, definitely. Lucius and Narcissa, of course. Ted and Andromeda, too. Draco was right that you could trust family. Professor Snape had always offered him expertise in many areas. Elan and Percy had their own brand of wisdom.

"So," he said. "How do we decide who to remove?"

"Tracy," Theo said instantly. "She's the first to go." He began listing off points. "Even if you give her the benefit of the doubt about Jamie, she was really eager to torture Michelle."

"A little too eager?" Draco suggested. "Not a good point in her favour."

Despite what Tracy said about wanting to kill her sister, Harry agreed with them. It could have just been words. It was exactly what a spy would have said. "All right," he said, still with some reluctance. "She's out."

"Arcen?" Draco wondered. "All he ever does is whinge and complain about everything. I'm tired of it. You can't tell me you aren't too."

"Merlin would be out of patience with that little bleeder," Theo exclaimed. "Harry, you agree, right?"

"Yeah, he's out." Millie will be thrilled. She's been asking me to kick him out since the beginning.

"Crabbe?" Theo said. "Goyle?"

Harry snapped, "Crabbe killed his dad tonight, Theo. You should have some empathy for that."

This war was breeding kinslayers. First it had been Theo. Now it was Crabbe. For undisclosed reasons, Vincent preferred his last name. When the son had encountered the father during the raid on Hogwarts, it was violent. Harry had watched his friend guzzle Dreamless Sleep and collapse onto his bed.

Theo shrugged. "He'll get over it. Goyle?"

"I don't know." Harry sighed. "These people are our friends, Theo."

"And we are at war," the weedy boy urged.

"I know," Harry said, "but I trust my friends. Tracy and Arcen can be out, but I'm not casting suspicions on friends who have done nothing wrong. Crabbe and Goyle were among my very first friends, as were you and Draco. I'm not going to kick them out. We need all the help we can get."

They had reached the common room, and near the fireplace they found Pansy and Millie poring over a parchment that they tucked away. Harry was glad to see them. He needed their help.

Pansy and Millie were discussing travel plans for the summer when Harry and his uncouth friends returned to the common room.

"How is the professor?" Pansy said.

"He's resting comfortably. He's been through a heck of a lot. We all have. I'm still knackered."

"What do we do about Tracy?" Pansy said. "She and Jamie have betrayed us all. Jamie got away, but we've got Tracy."

"I'm still in favor of a Memory Charm," Theo replied. "I've been working on them with Mister Malfoy, and I think I can do it. We need to do it before she gets off the train. The first thing she'll do is Apparate to Voldemort and tell him everything she knows about us."

"How much would you take?" The pain in Harry's voice made Pansy want to embrace him and shield him from all harm. "We did so much work together this year. How would you take that and not our friendship? How would you keep her classes and all intact?"

Pansy snorted. "Are you really that good with the charm?" Her tone left no doubt as to her opinion.

"I am," Theo said modestly - well, what passed for it with him. "I'd probably have to scrub everything except the classes. We didn't spend much time that wasn't in Duelling Club or the Order."

Harry's face blanched. "Everything?"

"We have to be safe. If she is a traitor, she'll go right to Voldemort with all she knows."

"No. I can't do that to her. I just can't. This isn't her fault."

"How can you be sure?"

"Her kisses. She never held herself back."

Pansy's heart ached. Such love, for he is rent in twain.

Theo snorted rudely. "You're a fool."

"You're a cynic."

"Yes, I am."

Harry sighed. "I'll open the Chamber, but I don't want to see her. Pansy? Will you escort her out?"

"Of course." Anything for you, Harry. "Millie, will you back me up?"

"Sure. Do we need Daphne? More? Does Tracy have her wand?"

"No, I took it out of her pocket when she went into the pensieve."

"That will make it easier. No, I should be able to handle her if she decides to put up a fight. What do we do with her?"

"Just let her go. If she starts any trouble, we'll deal with it. I'll keep her wand until the train reaches London. I'll leave it with the train master."

"Smart," Theo noted.

"Let's go."

Harry led them to the second floor girls' bathroom and opened the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. The ride down the pipe was now on a cushion of air, and they landed softly. Harry spoke the words of power that opened the door.

"Just close it firmly when you leave," he said over the clanging of the disengaging locks.

"We will," Pansy promised.

Harry turned and left.

The door opened on silent hinges. Pansy and Millie stepped inside.

Tracy sat on the floor, her head bowed. As they approached, she glanced up.

"He didn't even have the decency to come himself," she said scornfully.

"Shut your mouth, Davis," Pansy snapped. "Congratulations on breaking his heart. I've never seen him like this."

She quailed. "I never wanted to hurt him. I didn't know about Jamie. I swear. How can I prove it?"

"I don't know, Davis," Pansy said heartlessly. "He doesn't really seem interested."

Tracy sank back down. "Damn her," she swore softly. "She ruined everything. Everything."

"Let's go."

"What's going to happen to me?" she said, not sounding as though she cared.

"That depends on you. If you're going to cause trouble, Theo says he's been working on a Memory Charm."

"He has," Tracy murmured. "He's been getting help from Mister Malfoy."

"He says he'll wipe out everything except classes and homework."

Her face drained. "He could do it."

"If you behave yourself, you'll be let out and allowed to go home. Certain precautions have already been taken. You'll note that you can longer remember the location of our headquarters. The details of what we did in our meetings are no longer clear to you. If you are a spy, or if you become one, the information you provide will be of limited value."

"The Fidelius," Tracy said, not guessing.

"Yes. Marvellous bit of magic. When they cast it, they concealed the house and all activities conducted within."

"What about while we're at Hogwarts?"

"This is the Chamber of Secrets, Davis. The great Salazar Slytherin himself ensured our privacy here."

"And the Room of Requirement?"

Pansy smiled tightly. "You're clever, Davis. That's why you're dangerous. Theo is right to want to erase your memory."

"Thanks, I think."

"You're welcome. That's your chance to prove yourself, I guess. If you can keep that to yourself, then maybe we'll start to trust you again."

"Jamie already knows about it. She knows about almost everything we did. She's my sister. We talked about everything."

Pansy giggled mirthlessly. "It's really funny, if you think about it. I'm the one with the reputation as the school gossip, yet it's brainy Tracy whose loose lips give away all our secrets to the enemy."

Tracy collapsed to the floor again with a wail. "She was my sister! When everyone was shunning me during fourth year, she was the one who kept me sane. She was the one who helped me get over Harry rejecting me, who helped show me how to really get him back. Was she just using me, that whole time?"

"Probably. Get up, Davis. What's done is done, and there's no use crying about it. If you truly are innocent, then you need to start fixing this. You can't do that down here."

For a moment, there was no response. Then the crying stopped. Tracy pulled out a handkerchief and blew her nose. She stood up but kept her face averted.

"Let's go," she said quietly. "I'm ready. I won't try to see Harry. I won't cause any trouble. You won't even see me."

Pansy glanced at Millie, who had been been silently watching, her arms folded menacingly. Millie met her eyes and shrugged. She made a fist and tipped her head inquiringly. Pansy shook her head.

"Good," she said to the defeated girl. "Come on."

Tracy paused to take one last look around the Chamber, then she sighed and walked toward the exit.

Once released from the hospital wing, Professor Dumbledore tried to put the castle back to rights over the next few days. Students were dead, professors were missing, and Death Eaters had been exposed. The board of governors was demanding an inquiry. The Ministry was demanding an inquiry. Parents were demanding an inquiry. Some wondered if this would be the final disaster in Dumbledore's tenure as Headmaster.

Since exams had already happened, students were sent home early. Rather than waiting around idly, results would be sent by owl. This decision was wildly popular with everyone. They'd just been through a battle and wanted the comforts of home and hearth.

The Leaving Feast was sombre. The Great Hall was draped in black. Dumbledore spoke eloquently about every fallen student and teacher. Every house had lost members, and scarcely a dry eye could be found by the time he was done. The House Cup was awarded to the fallen for their sacrifice. Their names would be carved on the plaque, remembered for as long as there was a Hogwarts.

Gryffindor had lost Cormac McLaggen. Slytherin, Lucas Slater. Hufflepuff was mourning Sally-Anne Perks and Wayne Hopkins. Ravenclaw was missing Terry Boot and Lisa Turpin. Pansy was taking her ex-boyfriend's death hard.

For the Hogwarts Express ride back to London, Harry made sure not to exclude anyone. He claimed the last car on the train and abolished the walls to make one huge room wherein he invited all of the fifth years and up. Just about everyone accepted his invitation, but there were some notable absences. The seventh years were all off together, taking their final ride as students. Tracy was obviously excluded.

As the train raced toward London, Harry considered the members of his Order. Tracy was already gone. Crabbe and Goyle didn't need to be a part of it. Arcen didn't add any value to the organization, and Millie's best skill was keeping him in line. He knew he couldn't do without Pansy or Daphne, and Astoria had proven useful.

His gaze fell on Ginny. She'd had close encounters with two of the Horcruxes. She had more right than anyone else to be a part of his plans. She would never turn traitor and had just as much reason to want Tom dead as Harry.

She glanced over at him and their eyes met, and somehow he knew that she wasn't distracted by all of the idle chit-chat going on around them. She was also thinking about serious things.

She moved over to sit next to him. "Hey."

"Hi," he said, glad she was there.

"Knut for your thoughts?"

He decided to be honest and a bit playful. "I was thinking about you."

He definitely startled her. "Oh really?"


"How so?"

He gave up on the teasing. "Just thinking that you're in this fight until the end. I'm going to be making some changes with the Order, and I still want you to be a part of it. Time to kick out everyone but the essential people."

She sat up straighter. "And I'm one of them?"

"You are."

"Well, that's nice to hear." She smiled at him. "We're going to win, Harry."

He knew that, but it was good to know that she believed it too. "Yes, we are."

"Even if we make some mistakes along the way, we can still come out on top."

Harry sighed. "I don't know about that. I think I might have made a potentially fatal one."

Ginny's eyes filled with concern. "How?"

Harry took a deep breath. It was time to confess his failings. "I almost invited a traitor. I was only a few days away from asking Jamie to join us. We could use a Healer. I almost invited a Death Eater to join my secret group. It makes my spine tingle."

He told her about Jamie and Tracy. He left nothing out, and she listened without a word. When at last he fell silent, she squeezed his hand.

"I was there when Pansy and Tracy took Michelle away. I never thought they were up to something. I didn't quite believe it was official prefect business, but it didn't seem like more than just normal girl stuff, at least what passed for it with Michelle. I didn't do anything to stop it. I was just glad it wasn't me."

Harry shook his head regretfully. "I don't know what Tracy did, and I'm not sure I want to know. Not like she'll tell me now anyway. Sweet Merlin, if she really has gone Dark, who knows what curses she used on Michelle?"

"In addition to the ones we've worked on in meetings," she mused.

"Thanks for the reminder," he said sourly.

"Dark magic is never a good idea," Ginny reminded him.

"Dark magic is about intent and symbolism."

"Yes, and her intent was obviously malign," she agreed. "Have you talked to Michelle? I think you owe her an apology. I admit she has been pretty suspicious this year, but Tracy never should have been left alone with her."

Harry agreed. "Yeah, I need to make things right with her. I think a public apology is a good way to start.

He signaled to Astoria, and she was at his side in an instant. "Yes, Harry?"

"I need you to find Michelle and bring her here. Gently, if possible," he insisted.

Tori smiled. "Sure. I shouldn't be long."

The blonde girl had reverted to her ghost-like ways, and Harry hadn't even seen her board the train. Tori sussed her out and half-dragged her into the compartment ten minutes later, which certainly didn't help her state of mind. As soon as she walked in and saw who was in the compartment, Michelle screamed and began to flail. Several other girls reached for their wands, but Harry stood up.

"No! Enough. Michelle, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you."

Michelle was near frenzy. "Tracy will! How could you let her do that to me! I didn't do anything!"

"Tracy isn't here," Harry said firmly. "She's on the outs. What she did to you wasn't right. I'm sorry. I hope that we can fix this situation. We're family in Slytherin, and we shouldn't be treating each other the way we have been. It stops now." He looked around at everyone. "This business with Michelle stops. I've had enough of the shunning, of the girl games, of the harassment, of the everything. Enough. Enough. I want you all to apologize to Michelle for the past two years of hell."

The girls all muttered apologies.

Michelle looked flabbergasted. "I-I accept. Thank you." She turned to Harry gratefully. "I don't know what to say."

"I'm sorry I didn't put a stop to this sooner," Harry said honestly. "I wasn't happy with what you did either, but this has gotten out of control. You can hang around, study, whatever."

"And what about the secret thing?" she inquired.

Harry knew they'd gotten too big and too careless if they'd been discovered. "You're not wrong that there's been a secret thing," he said, deflecting the question, continuing, "but there's about to be much less of it, so it's nothing to worry about. We'll let you in on the next secret thing."

"Oh." Michelle said, her tone uncertain. "Well, okay, then."

"So how did your OWLs go?" he said conversationally.

They talked of normal things until Harry was sure Michelle was comfortable. It took awhile, as one might imagine. Then he waved Goyle over. "Now go and get Zabini," he said in a low voice. If he was making amends with one, he might as well try the other, though he wasn't sure if Zabini would be amenable.

Several minutes passed. Harry wondered if he might need to send a search party. Finally, the compartment door opened and Zabini and Goyle came in.

Harry tried to smile genuinely. "Ah, Zabini, please join us. We missed you."

Gone was the cocky and irritating boy who had come back from Beauxbatons. In his place was a skittish, twitchy, and jumpy young man who looked ready to bolt if anyone looked at him wrong.

"What do you want?" Zabini said fearfully. "I didn't do anything."

"I know," Harry said, putting as much regret into his words as possible. "Don't worry, things are different now. I'm really sorry about all of that. I hope we can forget all about it."

Zabini's jaw dropped. "Just like that? You decide it's over so it's over? You're nutters, you are. I don't want anything to do with you, Potter."

"I don't blame you for that reaction," Harry said calmly. "I can only tell you that things will be different now. We were hostile because we didn't trust you. Now we know that you're all right. See?"

"You had to torture me before you're willing to be nice to me?" Zabini sounded dumbfounded. "That's pretty twisted, Potter."

"It's a lot more complicated than that, and I really still can't get into it, but yes, we're willing to be nice to you. Friends, even. If you still want to."

Zabini sighed. "I suppose telling you lot to sod off wouldn't really get me anywhere. I still have to survive one more year, and I guess it will be easier if I don't have to worry about you all every second. Sure. What could possibly be worse than this year? You realize that under the old rules of conduct, I'm owed infinite favours next year. Do I actually get to collect on any of it?"

"That's really not unreasonable. We'll work something out."

With the shock of everything that had gone on, Harry had entirely forgotten about the contract with the dwarfs. When he received the message that the tunnel to Gringotts was complete, he realized that he still had his own plans to see to despite the despicable revelations of the past month.

The plan was to break in at the very bottom level, under the Lestrange vault. Lucius knew the number and location.

"Now," Sirius said to Lucius. "When do we go?"

"When do you go?" Harry asked pointedly. "We're all going."

"It would be better if only a few people went," Lucius stated.

"Yes," Harry said firmly, "and I'll decide who. It's going to be me, Theo, Draco, Goyle and Crabbe."

"Harry," Sirius said, trying to sound reasonable, "I think it would be wise if you let us go."

"Are you saying we're too young?" Harry challenged. "We just fought off Death Eaters a year ago."

Sirius folded his arms. "You got your butts handed to you by Death Eaters a year ago, as I remember it."

"That was a year ago," Harry deflected. "We've all been training since then. And the dwarfs made their contract with me. They won't let anyone else in."

Sirius looked helplessly at Lucius. "Is it always like this?"

Lucius assumed the look of the long-suffering parent. "Yes, actually."

Sirius sighed. "Alright. Harry, you can come with us."

"And Draco, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle," he insisted.

"What, none of the girls?" Sirius teased.

Harry didn't take the bait. "Not this time. Draco and Theo are already here, Crabbe could use with the distraction, and I'm not going to listen to Goyle belly-aching about being left out of the action."

"Fine," Sirius said. "Friday night."

Harry nodded.

It was time to hunt down a Horcrux.

Lucius, Sirius, and Remus were the main strike force. All three were used to covert operations. The secondary force consisted of Harry, Draco, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Now I mean it, Harry," Sirius said, wagging his finger. "Exactly as ordered no matter what."

Harry had left his flip tongue at home. "I promise, Sirius. We will obey all orders without question."

"This is for real," Sirius reiterated. "This is deadly. I know you've gone into action before, some of you. Just keep moving. A stationary target is easier to hit. Keep your shields up."

Lucius took over. "We don't expect to encounter resistance, but we probably will. There will be magical traps, hopefully not anything living. This far down, there are dragons."

The party of nine took a Portkey to the rendezvous point. Andromeda and Narcissa remained behind at Malfoy Manor on Healer duty. Lucius was dragged around the corner so that Narcissa might say goodbye without an audience.

The dwarfs who met them wore plain clothing, heavy despite the onset of summer. They led the way to the runic gate that transported them to the underground. Harry was glad to visit the dwarfen city again. He noticed many smaller details that he had not seen on first glance. The dwarfs were the most amazing craftsmen he'd ever heard about.

The procession ended at the Mining Guild, where there was an honour guard waiting for them. Lord Dumpling was there, beaming with pride. "Hello, worthy customers. I am pleased to report that the work is complete."

Harry stepped forward. "Thank you, Master Miner. I am pleased to receive your report. I congratulate the guild on completing the work ahead of schedule."

The dwarf bowed deeply. "We gain honour by exceeding expectations. Would you like to inspect the project?"

"Indeed. We are ready to make use of it, if that is agreeable."

Lord Dumpling grinned. "It is! We have some workers who have taken up the job of protector in the absence of our warrior caste. They are still young, still in need of training, and in time, perhaps a new warrior caste can be formed, but they will guard the tunnel as you penetrate the goblin vaults."

"If we can get up as precisely as you say, there should be no need for your new warriors, but I thank you nonetheless. We brought many wands to the potential fight."

"You will emerge in the Lestrange vault," Dumpling promised. "May you find what you seek."

Harry felt his pulse began to pick up pace. "Thank you, my lord."

The procession to the diggings was long, and Harry's feet started to hurt. He wished he knew if it would be a breach of protocol to fly a broom. At last they reached the end. A series of wide steps had been carved leading up to the ceiling. A squad of dwarfs armed with ruby-tipped wands awaited them.

"We'll take down the last of it," said the foreman. "You go in, do what you have to do, and get out. We'll collapse it behind you."

Harry was ready and eager. "Here we go."

The dwarfs pointed their strange wands, and the stone began to ripple. A hole opened up, and as the torchlight spilled into the vault, it glistened off a thousand jewels. Lucius took the lead.

"It's a big golden cup," Lucius reminded them. "There will be no mistaking it."

Harry saw piles of gold and silver, crowns and necklaces, jewels and pearls of great price, but no golden cup.

Next to him, Crabbe leaned in to peek behind a leaning bookshelf. He touched a volume bound in blood-red leather and screamed bloody murder.

"It's burning!" he cried, clutching his wrist in his left hand, holding the fingers of his right hand claw-like.

"What did you touch?"

"That book there?"

Harry waved his wand quickly and was repulsed by the pulse of Darkness he got from the tome. There was a very nasty enchantment on it that would harm anyone who didn't know the counter.

"Who just leaves that lying around?" Crabbe sobbed. "Aaah!"

Harry couldn't believe his eyes as the fingers started to disintegrate. "Help him!"

Lucius and Remus started waving their wands, but Crabbe's hand and arm fell to dust. He screamed until his vocal cords gave out. His mouth was open now in a silent utterance of horror and pain. He looked at them all desperately, pleading with them to save him, before the curse ate into his chest. His heart stopped, he collapsed, and his body quickly disintegrated.

Harry stared in shock and horror. "Crabbe!"

Theo was inventing new curse words.

"Being in the most secure vault of Gringotts is not enough for her," Lucius hissed. "She places heinous curses everywhere. Touch nothing!"

"It might have been nice to know that before!" Harry stormed.

"I didn't think I needed to state something that obvious! Take only what we need."

"I don't see any damned cup!" Harry railed. "Do you?"

"No!" said Draco.

"Would it be in one of those chests?" Theo suggested.

"Possibly," Lucius said with consideration, "but opening them could be dangerous."

"We've come this far," Harry half-shouted. "We keep going. We find that damned cup."

They used their wands to open the chests with magic. Several deadly curses flared up, but they were safely out of range.

Remus countered several deadly traps, and they were lucky to not have the skin seared off their bones.

They found riches beyond measure, but neither cup nor anything that might be mistaken for the cup Harry had seen in the memories.

"It's not here," he finally concluded with disgust. "This whole thing has been a waste, a deadly waste." Crabbe died for nothing.

"I must concede," Lucius said. "We have looked everywhere and have probably overstayed our welcome."

"Lucius is right," Sirius said. "It's time to leave."

They retreated into the dwarfen tunnel. The miners raised their wands and closed up the vault wall again. They backed down the tunnel, closing the stone in as they went, collapsing it as though it had never existed.

Despair followed them back to the dwarfen city and back to Number Twelve.

Jamie approached her Master's throne room with caution. She could hear the shrieks as he put Bellatrix under the Cruciatus again and again. She escaped Hogwarts hours ago. Has he been torturing her all this time?

She waited for a pause, a lull. She stepped forward boldly. "Master," she said, kneeling at his feet. She brought the hem of his robe up to her lips and kissed it reverently. She bowed her head, keeping her face down to avoid attracting his fury.

He spoke in a cold, dispassionate voice, dusty and almost serpentine. "Welcome back, my dear Jamie. Bellatrix was just telling me about her failed attack on Hogwarts. Perhaps you could shed some enlightenment on one or two of the finer details."

Jamie shuddered. "Of course, my Master."

And she talked. She told the absolute unvarnished truth about how she had quaffed stolen luck potion in order to have a tremendous night. She related the tale of how she had ambushed the Gryffindors to allow the Death Eaters to get off the stairs, of how she had come up behind Potter and Longbottom to rescue Bellatrix, and of how she had guided Bellatrix, the last Death Eater standing, to the Vanishing Cabinet and freedom.

She fell silent, and for a long moment not a sound was heard. Jamie flinched when she felt an inhuman finger lift her chin, and she looked into those serpentine eyes. She felt no fear, only adoration. "You did well, Jamie. You completed your mission. You repaired the tunnel so that my Death Eaters might penetrate the castle, and you ensured that they were able to escape. During your time in the castle, you also managed to cause a great deal of mischief without being detected. I am well pleased with you."

"Thank you, Master."

His eyes blazed as he looked up at Bellatrix. "You are the only one to return, Bella. The only one of fourteen. Some captured, many dead. Yet Dumbledore is not dead. What have you to say about your failure?"

Bellatrix fell stricken to the ground and pleaded. "Master! Please give me another chance! I will kill Potter. I have been so faithful for so long." Her voice rose to a sob. "Please let me continue to serve you. I will prove my worth." She seized the hem of Voldemort's robes.

Voldemort looked down at her prone form with no emotion. "See that you do. Crucio!"

Jamie watched her mentor writhe on the floor with a deep satisfaction. Serves you right for what you did to me. After I got you out of the castle, that's your gratitude?

At last the Master removed the curse and looked away from the weeping witch. "Severus, step forward." The Potions Master knelt respectfully.

"You have performed many services for me without complaint or excuse. I would bestow upon you a sign of my favour."

"I am not worthy, my lord."

"Take this cup. I took it away from Bellatrix when she failed me so spectacularly, and her failure again tonight confirms my decision. You, who have never failed me, who have served me faithfully, I now grant this cup. Keep it protected at all costs."

"You honour me, my lord. Thank you."

Lightning flashed through the windows and the thunder crash echoed all around them. The rain poured down, adding a roar to the cacophony.

Snape allowed a small smile in satisfaction at being chosen by the Dark Lord. "I know exactly what to do with it."