This is my first attempt at fanfiction. For months now I have been reading the fanfiction posted here (the good and the bad), and I have finally forced myself to write on of my own. I would love to get some feedback, but please don't review with the sole purpose of tearing me apart. I don't think my self-esteem could handle it. That is not to say I don't want constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy reading this, but if not, I apologize for wasting your time.
When Two Worlds Collide
It had originally been Seamus' idea. He had thought up a plan on such a grand scale, that no one had really taken it seriously. The very idea of going to America had seemed had seemed so far-fetched, that it had merely been a topic of conversation for the students at Hogwarts. The idea probably would have stopped there if Seamus' older brother hadn't continued to write to him, describing the wonderful beaches, exotic palm trees, and the beautiful women of southern Florida.
Seamus would often stroll into the Gryffindor common room with an awed expression on his face just after reading one of these letters. He would read these letters out loud and after a while every one was a little taken in by the wonder on his face. After about a week of this, he had said simply, "I wish I could go. My brother said that the women there are crazy for an foreign accent."
Ron had snorted and looked aver at Harry who was writing an essay for Transfiguration. "I knew it had something to do with girls." he said with a laugh.
Hermione shook her head slowly. "As if there weren't plenty of girls right here in England."
"Yeah, I guess." Ron answered. He turned back to Harry who was still writing. "But did you see the pictures that his brother sent. The women there are beautiful. Not really any better than those around here, but they are kind of exotic."
Harry looked up from his essay to see Hermione glare at Ron. Ron of course didn't see it. Harry found it hard to believe that Ron could be so oblivious sometimes. Harry wanted to say something that could stem the fight that was brewing, but could think of anything.
Ron simply continued. "Yeah, those women are always running around in bikinis. And they're tan too. I wouldn't mind going there myself."
Hermione's glare deepened. "I'll bet. There aren't any girls around here to compare with that. Are there, Ron?"
Harry saw what was coming and wished he was in a different room.
Ron, still oblivious to the death stare Hermione was giving him said, "No I guess not. Not that we don't have our beautiful women, but I think a trip to America would be worth it just see half those women in the pictures."
Harry winced and held his breath. After five years with Ron and Hermione, he could tell when a fight was going to explode.
Hermione spoke in a whisper when she said, "You're a real jerk, Ronald Weasley." She stood up from the couch that she and Ron had been sharing. She then stomped away and went up the stairs to the girls dormitory.
Ron had a bewildered look on his honest face. He watched Hermione walk away and then turned to Harry, who could barely keep from laughing.
"What was that all about?" he asked.
Harry, who was glad the fight hadn't escalated into the usual shouting match, turned back to his essay. The entire school knew the feelings Ron and Hermione had for each other. That is- everyone but Ron and Hermione. They fought constantly, but Harry had come to believe that this fighting was just a way to avoid really talking. Harry truly believed the world would come to and end if a day went by where Ron and Hermione didn't fight.
A trip to America was a huge topic of conversation for the remainder of their fifth year at Hogwarts. Many looked at it as a way to avoid talking about real things. At the beginning of the term, they had learned that Voldemort had liberated Azkaban prison and enlisted the help of the dementors for his evil cause. Most students didn't want to talk about it.
The crazy idea had merely been a way to get the students mind off of Voldemort until some of the teachers at Hogwarts heard about it. They were surprisingly supporting of the idea. Professor Magonagall was especially supporting, and it was she who mentioned the idea to Professor Dumbledore.
Dumbledore had agreed to the idea. He had been worried that with Voldemort's uprising, an attack on the school itself was possible. He knew that Voldemort had a personal score to settle with Harry, and he feared for the boy. He knew that getting Harry out of the country might be the thing to do until the start of his sixth year at Hogwarts.
Dumbledore gave the fifth-year Gryffindors his permission, and had even written to their parents, explaining the situation. He had only a three conditions. Each student must get permission from their legal guardian, they must be chaperoned by several parents and teachers and the students wouldn't be allowed to leave the coast for the duration of the trip.
The only catch was that the trip could not be funded by the school. Dumbledore feared it would show favoritism toward the Gryffindor house.
When the students had heard this, Ron's face had fallen. Ron's family were nicest people Harry had met, but they were extremely poor. There was no way they could afford to send Ron to Florida.
The problem was soon remedied when Fred and George, Ron's twin brothers, had offered to pay for the trip.
Ron was suspicious. "And where do you plan on getting the money?" he asked.
Fred had merely smiled and put a hand on Ron's shoulder. "Don't you worry your pretty, little head, Ronnie-kins. It's all been arranged." he said with a wink to Harry.
Harry had understood immediately. He had given Fred and George a sack of galleons and the end of his fourth year. They obviously still had plenty of the money left.
Hermione had no trouble getting the money, as both her parents were dentists. They had given her permission with a sense of relief. They were both very supportive of Hermione's choice to become a witch, but they felt they were obligated to entertain her during the holidays. And seeing that they were both very busy people, the trip provided them a reason to continue their day to day routine.
Harry, who would never dream of asking the Dursley's for permission, asked his godfather. Sirius had agreed immediately, but insisted that he go along as well. Sirius was very protective of Harry, and saw the trip as an opportunity for Voldemort to attack him.
It wasn't long before the entire Gryffindor, third-year student population had permission to go. They were all very excited and it was all they could talk about until the end of school.
School ended in June and at the July, the day rolled around. They were going to be using the muggle airplanes to get over the ocean. And so Harry found himself in an airport, looking for his friends. The Dursleys had driven him there, and had left without saying a word.
Harry searched the huge masses of people, looking for any familiar faces. It wasn't long before he saw Ron. His friends fiery, red hair was easy to pick out, especially since he was taller than anyone around him. Ron had grown steadily over the past few years, and was now a full head taller than Harry. But as he had once been a gangling, skinny boy, he was now beginning to fill out his clothing. Quidditch had made him bigger since fifth-year, and his old, hand-me-down, muggle clothing was much too small for him. It made him look slightly comical, but no one had teased Ron about his clothing since Vincent Crabbe in the fifth year. Ron had calmly pounded the squat boy into the ground. He had gotten in to a lot of trouble, but no one teased him again.
Ron was staring out a large window at an airplane landing. Harry had remind himself that no matter how much the wizarding world shocked him on a day to day basis, there were many things that pure-blood wizards like Ron, were not used to.
"Ron!" Harry yelled as he ran over.
"Harry! So good to se you, mate. You've gotta look at this!" he said motioning out to the approaching plane. "How do muggles do it? It's pretty amazing what they could do without magic."
Harry was much more used to the world of muggles because he had been raised as one. He was about to answer Ron when a voice interrupted.
"Hey guys!"
Harry and Ron turned to see Hermione running over to them. Harry could see her parents jogging to keep up with her. Her bushy, brown hair bobbed up and down with each step. She was wearing a tight T-shirt and short khaki shorts. Even Harry, who never thought of Hermione in any way other than friendly, had to admit she look really good.
Ron hadn't been the only one to develop over the years. Hermione had grown into one of the most beautiful girls at school. She had been getting more attention from boys at school, but she always turned them down. Harry reckoned she didn't even know why she turned them down. Harry knew that she liked Ron even if she didn't.
Harry glanced over at Ron and saw the wide-eyed expression planted on his face. He obviously thought Hermione looked good too.
Hermione threw herself into Ron, who spun her around with a laugh. After he put her down, she turned to Harry and hugged him too. Her parents had just caught up and were breathing very loudly. Hermione's mother's reaction to the way that her daughter hugged Ron and Harry was a wide smile. She obviously approved of her daughter having male companions. The look on her father's face, however, was anything but happy. He scowled openly at Ron, who of course didn't see it. He was too busy staring at Hermione.
Once again Harry almost laughed out loud at the situation between his two best friends. He just wished they would admit their feelings and get it over with. But there was no way he was going to talk to them about it. It would be too weird.
Hermione said goodbye to her parents and she Harry and Ron were about to continue on to their gate when Hermione's father stopped them.
"Hold on, you three. I would like to talk to you. No, not you, honey." he said to Hermione. "Just these two." he said motioning to Harry and Ron.
"But dad-" Hermione began with a worried look on her face.
"Don't worry, honey. Just keep walking. They'll catch up." he said with a smile.
Once Hermione and her mother had moved a little away from them, Mr. Granger sighed and took off his glasses. "Women. Living with two of them is hard, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my girls." After rubbing the bridge of his nose for a while, he put his glasses back on.
Harry knew what was coming. He had seen the look Mr. Granger had given Ron earlier. He resigned himself for a long talk.
"And it's because I love them, that I want to protect them. I don't know what I would do if one of them was hurt in any way." He said this all staring straight at Ron. Ron was several inches taller than him, but he seemed like a child under that stare.
"The point is, boys, this trip is going to be trying on Hermione. She is going to experience a place that she has never been to, see things she has never seen. There will be plenty of opportunities for her to get hurt. I don't want that to happen. Do you se where I'm going with this?" he asked.
Harry knew that Ron might say something to make the situation worse, so he quickly said, "Don't worry, sir. We'll look out for her."
"Yeah, don't worry. We love her too." Ron answered.
Harry winced and waited for the long, fatherly lecture. It didn't come. Mr. Granger actually smiled and said, "Well, that's good. Keep an eye on her. Don't let her come to any harm."
"Yes, sir." Ron said
Mr. Granger stuck out his hand, and both boys flinched. When they realized he wanted to shake their hands, they complied. Ron's handshake was much longer, almost as id Mr. Granger was testing him. Ron stared back, unblinking.
When Mr. Granger release him, he smiled even wider. Ron had pleased him somehow. When they began to walk away, Mr. Granger whispered, "It starts now."
Neither boy knew what that meant, but they were only too happy to leave his penetrating stare. They jogged up until they caught up with Hermione and her mother. They were talking and Hermione was blushing horribly. When Harry and Ron came over, Hermione quickly glanced at Ron and blushed even brighter. Mrs. Granger laughed out loud. Harry didn't know what was going on, but didn't ask.
Hermione said goodbye to her mother who kissed her in return. Then, strangely, Mrs. Grnager walked over to Ron and shook his hand in the same way Mr. Granger had. Ron seemed as confused as Harry felt. When Mrs. Granger left, Hermione tool out her plane ticket.
"Gate 18. We better hurry. I'll bet the class is already there." With that, she took off at a quick pace.
Ron and Harry exchanged confused glances and then took off after her. One thing was for sure, Harry thought, this was going to be an interesting summer.
When Two Worlds Collide
It had originally been Seamus' idea. He had thought up a plan on such a grand scale, that no one had really taken it seriously. The very idea of going to America had seemed had seemed so far-fetched, that it had merely been a topic of conversation for the students at Hogwarts. The idea probably would have stopped there if Seamus' older brother hadn't continued to write to him, describing the wonderful beaches, exotic palm trees, and the beautiful women of southern Florida.
Seamus would often stroll into the Gryffindor common room with an awed expression on his face just after reading one of these letters. He would read these letters out loud and after a while every one was a little taken in by the wonder on his face. After about a week of this, he had said simply, "I wish I could go. My brother said that the women there are crazy for an foreign accent."
Ron had snorted and looked aver at Harry who was writing an essay for Transfiguration. "I knew it had something to do with girls." he said with a laugh.
Hermione shook her head slowly. "As if there weren't plenty of girls right here in England."
"Yeah, I guess." Ron answered. He turned back to Harry who was still writing. "But did you see the pictures that his brother sent. The women there are beautiful. Not really any better than those around here, but they are kind of exotic."
Harry looked up from his essay to see Hermione glare at Ron. Ron of course didn't see it. Harry found it hard to believe that Ron could be so oblivious sometimes. Harry wanted to say something that could stem the fight that was brewing, but could think of anything.
Ron simply continued. "Yeah, those women are always running around in bikinis. And they're tan too. I wouldn't mind going there myself."
Hermione's glare deepened. "I'll bet. There aren't any girls around here to compare with that. Are there, Ron?"
Harry saw what was coming and wished he was in a different room.
Ron, still oblivious to the death stare Hermione was giving him said, "No I guess not. Not that we don't have our beautiful women, but I think a trip to America would be worth it just see half those women in the pictures."
Harry winced and held his breath. After five years with Ron and Hermione, he could tell when a fight was going to explode.
Hermione spoke in a whisper when she said, "You're a real jerk, Ronald Weasley." She stood up from the couch that she and Ron had been sharing. She then stomped away and went up the stairs to the girls dormitory.
Ron had a bewildered look on his honest face. He watched Hermione walk away and then turned to Harry, who could barely keep from laughing.
"What was that all about?" he asked.
Harry, who was glad the fight hadn't escalated into the usual shouting match, turned back to his essay. The entire school knew the feelings Ron and Hermione had for each other. That is- everyone but Ron and Hermione. They fought constantly, but Harry had come to believe that this fighting was just a way to avoid really talking. Harry truly believed the world would come to and end if a day went by where Ron and Hermione didn't fight.
A trip to America was a huge topic of conversation for the remainder of their fifth year at Hogwarts. Many looked at it as a way to avoid talking about real things. At the beginning of the term, they had learned that Voldemort had liberated Azkaban prison and enlisted the help of the dementors for his evil cause. Most students didn't want to talk about it.
The crazy idea had merely been a way to get the students mind off of Voldemort until some of the teachers at Hogwarts heard about it. They were surprisingly supporting of the idea. Professor Magonagall was especially supporting, and it was she who mentioned the idea to Professor Dumbledore.
Dumbledore had agreed to the idea. He had been worried that with Voldemort's uprising, an attack on the school itself was possible. He knew that Voldemort had a personal score to settle with Harry, and he feared for the boy. He knew that getting Harry out of the country might be the thing to do until the start of his sixth year at Hogwarts.
Dumbledore gave the fifth-year Gryffindors his permission, and had even written to their parents, explaining the situation. He had only a three conditions. Each student must get permission from their legal guardian, they must be chaperoned by several parents and teachers and the students wouldn't be allowed to leave the coast for the duration of the trip.
The only catch was that the trip could not be funded by the school. Dumbledore feared it would show favoritism toward the Gryffindor house.
When the students had heard this, Ron's face had fallen. Ron's family were nicest people Harry had met, but they were extremely poor. There was no way they could afford to send Ron to Florida.
The problem was soon remedied when Fred and George, Ron's twin brothers, had offered to pay for the trip.
Ron was suspicious. "And where do you plan on getting the money?" he asked.
Fred had merely smiled and put a hand on Ron's shoulder. "Don't you worry your pretty, little head, Ronnie-kins. It's all been arranged." he said with a wink to Harry.
Harry had understood immediately. He had given Fred and George a sack of galleons and the end of his fourth year. They obviously still had plenty of the money left.
Hermione had no trouble getting the money, as both her parents were dentists. They had given her permission with a sense of relief. They were both very supportive of Hermione's choice to become a witch, but they felt they were obligated to entertain her during the holidays. And seeing that they were both very busy people, the trip provided them a reason to continue their day to day routine.
Harry, who would never dream of asking the Dursley's for permission, asked his godfather. Sirius had agreed immediately, but insisted that he go along as well. Sirius was very protective of Harry, and saw the trip as an opportunity for Voldemort to attack him.
It wasn't long before the entire Gryffindor, third-year student population had permission to go. They were all very excited and it was all they could talk about until the end of school.
School ended in June and at the July, the day rolled around. They were going to be using the muggle airplanes to get over the ocean. And so Harry found himself in an airport, looking for his friends. The Dursleys had driven him there, and had left without saying a word.
Harry searched the huge masses of people, looking for any familiar faces. It wasn't long before he saw Ron. His friends fiery, red hair was easy to pick out, especially since he was taller than anyone around him. Ron had grown steadily over the past few years, and was now a full head taller than Harry. But as he had once been a gangling, skinny boy, he was now beginning to fill out his clothing. Quidditch had made him bigger since fifth-year, and his old, hand-me-down, muggle clothing was much too small for him. It made him look slightly comical, but no one had teased Ron about his clothing since Vincent Crabbe in the fifth year. Ron had calmly pounded the squat boy into the ground. He had gotten in to a lot of trouble, but no one teased him again.
Ron was staring out a large window at an airplane landing. Harry had remind himself that no matter how much the wizarding world shocked him on a day to day basis, there were many things that pure-blood wizards like Ron, were not used to.
"Ron!" Harry yelled as he ran over.
"Harry! So good to se you, mate. You've gotta look at this!" he said motioning out to the approaching plane. "How do muggles do it? It's pretty amazing what they could do without magic."
Harry was much more used to the world of muggles because he had been raised as one. He was about to answer Ron when a voice interrupted.
"Hey guys!"
Harry and Ron turned to see Hermione running over to them. Harry could see her parents jogging to keep up with her. Her bushy, brown hair bobbed up and down with each step. She was wearing a tight T-shirt and short khaki shorts. Even Harry, who never thought of Hermione in any way other than friendly, had to admit she look really good.
Ron hadn't been the only one to develop over the years. Hermione had grown into one of the most beautiful girls at school. She had been getting more attention from boys at school, but she always turned them down. Harry reckoned she didn't even know why she turned them down. Harry knew that she liked Ron even if she didn't.
Harry glanced over at Ron and saw the wide-eyed expression planted on his face. He obviously thought Hermione looked good too.
Hermione threw herself into Ron, who spun her around with a laugh. After he put her down, she turned to Harry and hugged him too. Her parents had just caught up and were breathing very loudly. Hermione's mother's reaction to the way that her daughter hugged Ron and Harry was a wide smile. She obviously approved of her daughter having male companions. The look on her father's face, however, was anything but happy. He scowled openly at Ron, who of course didn't see it. He was too busy staring at Hermione.
Once again Harry almost laughed out loud at the situation between his two best friends. He just wished they would admit their feelings and get it over with. But there was no way he was going to talk to them about it. It would be too weird.
Hermione said goodbye to her parents and she Harry and Ron were about to continue on to their gate when Hermione's father stopped them.
"Hold on, you three. I would like to talk to you. No, not you, honey." he said to Hermione. "Just these two." he said motioning to Harry and Ron.
"But dad-" Hermione began with a worried look on her face.
"Don't worry, honey. Just keep walking. They'll catch up." he said with a smile.
Once Hermione and her mother had moved a little away from them, Mr. Granger sighed and took off his glasses. "Women. Living with two of them is hard, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my girls." After rubbing the bridge of his nose for a while, he put his glasses back on.
Harry knew what was coming. He had seen the look Mr. Granger had given Ron earlier. He resigned himself for a long talk.
"And it's because I love them, that I want to protect them. I don't know what I would do if one of them was hurt in any way." He said this all staring straight at Ron. Ron was several inches taller than him, but he seemed like a child under that stare.
"The point is, boys, this trip is going to be trying on Hermione. She is going to experience a place that she has never been to, see things she has never seen. There will be plenty of opportunities for her to get hurt. I don't want that to happen. Do you se where I'm going with this?" he asked.
Harry knew that Ron might say something to make the situation worse, so he quickly said, "Don't worry, sir. We'll look out for her."
"Yeah, don't worry. We love her too." Ron answered.
Harry winced and waited for the long, fatherly lecture. It didn't come. Mr. Granger actually smiled and said, "Well, that's good. Keep an eye on her. Don't let her come to any harm."
"Yes, sir." Ron said
Mr. Granger stuck out his hand, and both boys flinched. When they realized he wanted to shake their hands, they complied. Ron's handshake was much longer, almost as id Mr. Granger was testing him. Ron stared back, unblinking.
When Mr. Granger release him, he smiled even wider. Ron had pleased him somehow. When they began to walk away, Mr. Granger whispered, "It starts now."
Neither boy knew what that meant, but they were only too happy to leave his penetrating stare. They jogged up until they caught up with Hermione and her mother. They were talking and Hermione was blushing horribly. When Harry and Ron came over, Hermione quickly glanced at Ron and blushed even brighter. Mrs. Granger laughed out loud. Harry didn't know what was going on, but didn't ask.
Hermione said goodbye to her mother who kissed her in return. Then, strangely, Mrs. Grnager walked over to Ron and shook his hand in the same way Mr. Granger had. Ron seemed as confused as Harry felt. When Mrs. Granger left, Hermione tool out her plane ticket.
"Gate 18. We better hurry. I'll bet the class is already there." With that, she took off at a quick pace.
Ron and Harry exchanged confused glances and then took off after her. One thing was for sure, Harry thought, this was going to be an interesting summer.