hello everyone! Happy 413 the borthdau of homstucka and its amazing artist ANDERW HUSSIE thnak you so much also for reading my fanfictions and stuff i lov you guys like for serious, if you guys like wanna talk or fistfite or something like pm me no sweet



also to celebr8 413 and also my story having so many chapter s I have decide to do a comtest

I have a blog you can check out my bio and you'll fimd the blog there it on tumblr. anyway if you want to see YOUR OC in MY FANFIC then you can send and ask to my describing your oc and maybe you'll win! more deats at the end of the charpet

-end of AN-


John was in the hills with his knew daghter Sakura Vantas the smell grey/pinkish babby cooed in johnnys arms.

his tears had eyes in them and he looked down at the small human that just a few hour prior had came out of his wife.

"WHO could i be so FOOLISH! john yelled to the sky

"I took this babby from its mother :(" john momologued as he realised his past actions,

"I need to stop running from my propros" john realised, the baby in shades nodded to the thruths spouting from its fathers rightcious mouth

john took a deep breath and he walked back to the hospital and looked down at Sakura who had fallen aslepp. he can DO this

john opens the door and steps into the hospitral room and Dave is sitting and crying and Karkat is just sad but was also playing candy crush on his iphone cause he got kinda bored waiting for jogn to get back already

"I'm sorry for running away babe." john says looking and making eye contacto with his beaudtiful waif. "sorry also that I stoal ur babu"

"I'll fogive you" Dave jokingly growled

"OH MY GOD DAVE" JOHN ran over there and placed his babby down gently then he grabbed Dave and he smashed hisself RIGHT out the FriCKING window.

SMASH the window is ded and dave fell out the window and he hit the grownd outside and he understood that he wasnt wanted so he walked off a little mad.

"dont worry he cant get between anymore karkat. I am in CHARGE" John understands his feelings and is in harmony with himself now and cannot be swayed by things that are not true love.

Karkat then held her beaudtuiful babby and kissed john and they were the perfect family

but where dave is :

Dave is walking with his hands in his pockets feeling sad. he wishes someone would love him already :'(

suddenly he sees someone walking and he pauses lovestruck and it is… YOUR OC maybe


hey everyone about the contest. I'll make a tumblr post about it. saying the rules so yea. thanks so much 4 reading and get excited! the rules are simple, send me an ask describing your OC you can also send fanmail but you have to follow me first for that, basic stuff is like blood and horns and stuff but you can add more, time limit is until the 27th of April. I love you, thanks 4 considering