"Run away, Wally! Batman's pissed!" Both Raquel and Robin screamed as the Dark Knight himself somehow managed to drag himself out of the pink goop we had laid out for Jason.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Jason was supposed to have been the one to enter the Bat Cave tonight, not Batman. No, Batman shouldn't have been even close to Gotham. He had a mission in outer space with the rest of the League. Just what was he doing here?

"Where to? The Bat locked down the Cave! I can't escape!" I screamed as I ran around in circles, trying to find an open space in the closed down Cave.

Every single entrance and exit had been blocked by either reinforced doors; that were specially made for metas like me; or giant Bat Robots that would tear me to pieces before Batman could stop them. Not like he would, though.

"I don't know!" Robin yelled over me, and I looked up to find him and Raquel floating right above me, Raquel holding on to the younger's wrists.

"Hey, isn't that someplace we can hide?" Raquel asked, then pointed to an unprotected doorway.

I stopped running and looked at it, wondering if it was safe, but decided it was when I heard Batman's roar of rage. "Good enough for me!" I squeaked, then took off running to hide inside.

I heard Robin try to tell me something before I hid, but I didn't quite catch it. I entered the room, found it to be filled with a bunch of high-tech gadgets that I shouldn't touch, and smiled brightly. If I'm going to die today, I'm going out with a bang.

There were a lot of things in there, but there was one thing that caught my eye the most. It was a giant circle with nothing inside, with beeping lights all around the outer rim and a staircase leading into the nothing. I was immediately intrigued.

"And what do you do?" I asked softly, walking towards the contraption.

That's when I noticed a control panel attached to its right side, and my smile grew. Time to figure out what it did.

Just as I touched the giant red button that I guessed was the 'on' button, Batman, Raquel, and Robin all appeared in the doorway of the hidden room, making me squeak in terror.

"Get away from that!" Batman and Robin both yelled, all the while Raquel screamed, "Coollio!"

At her words I turned around, only to find what was once empty now had a swirling purple vortex, seemingly trying to pull me in.

"Wally!" Robin screamed, running to grab me.

"Kid Idiot!" Batman's eyes were wide as he tried to catch me.

But I didn't understand why they were so worried. It was just a purple vortex. And that's when I felt my left arm being pulled into it. And my leg. And my whole body, holy shit!

"What in the world!?" I screamed as I tried to run away from it, but ended up being sucked in completely. "Help me!"

Batman, Raquel, and Robin all tried to grab me, but it proved to be too late and I was completely taken by the vortex.

"Hey, kid! Wake up and give me back my chimichanga!"

I groaned in pain as something hard hit my ribs all the while a bright light shone in my face. From the rough feeling beneath me and the smell of death and garbage, I guessed I was in some kind of alleyway. The bright light either meant it was an alleyway in the middle of the day in Texas, or there was some creep trying to wake me up.

I was guessing it was the latter.

"Come on! You destroyed my food when you fell from the sky so I want your money so I can buy some more! Don't make me shoot you!"

Those last words made my eyes instantly open and my feet start to work, and I moved so fast that I was now standing behind the man that had threatened me and he was looking from side to side, "Where did the ginger go?"

I allowed myself a small moment of celebration because of how fast I had run, but that celebration was cut short when a very dangerous looking handgun was pointed straight at my face.

"There he is!" The man gasped, eyes wide behind the white slits of his mask. "I told you he was behind me! Now go buy me a chimichanga!"

Now this confused me. Who was he talking to?

Then the hand that was holding the gun to my face lowered as his shoulders slumped. "What do you mean I didn't bet on it?! Are you trying to cheat me out of my food again?!"

This man was certainly odd. Not Joker odd, but odd enough. He was wearing a full body suit that was red with black parts, red and black boots and gloves, and a complete mask. It was red, with black circles around the eyes, and white slits.

But that didn't worry me. He just looked like a wannabe hero or mercenary with that costume. What really bothered me was the fact that he was covered in weapons. Including two freaking swords on his back. Who uses swords anymore?

"You know what, Voice in my Head?! Screw you! I'm going to adopt this little ginger guy, train him to be my partner, then we could be Cinnamon and Ginger! Like Salt and Pepper, but awesomer!" He screamed, now pointing the gun to his head. "And I'll be Cinnamon because I'm just the right amount of spicy!"

I gasped in shock at this so I started speaking before he could hurt himself. "Mister, please don't do this! You've got so much to live for!"

My words seemed to snap him out of his... Whatever that was, and he turned to me with a broad smile on his face. Or, I at least I guessed it was a smile. While I had been around masks for some time, it still wasn't easy to tell emotions.

"Don't worry about me, kiddo! I've got a healing rate that makes even Wolverine jealous!" With that he placed the gun back in its holster and placed both his hands on his hips. "You seem like a nice enough kid, what's your name?"

I took a step back as he did so, but shook my head softly while muttering to myself, "He's no Joker... Can't nobody be a Joker..." Then, after having reminded myself of the fact that this guy wouldn't even be able to touch me to hurt me, I smiled broadly up at him. "Name's Kid Flash, Mister! And you are?"

The man stuck his hand out while pointing at his chest with the thumb of his left hand. "I am the ever Chimichanga-ing Deadpool! It's nice to finally meet someone that isn't trying to kill me or send me off to an asylum after hearing one of my conversations!" He laughed loudly, which made me scratch at my neck with my hand.

I cautiously shook his hand while shrugging, though. "When you've been in the game for as long as I have, and have done the crazy things I've done you learn to not judge people by the people they talk to. Even if it is themselves."

The man- Deadpool now- laughed at my words, then turned around rather rapidly while pushing me behind him. He took out both his swords while he slightly crouched before me, surveying the area.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly after a few seconds of nothing happening, making him shush me.

"I may- maybe- owe a pretty important man some money. And this very important man may just- and that's a big may- try to put an arrow through my knee and anyone he sees around me."

I shook my head at the man's answer but still managed to smile. I liked this guy's style.

Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow and heard a pretty distinct sound I wouldn't know if I wasn't such good friends with Green Arrow and Roy and such a great enemy to Artemis.

"Duck!" I yelled as I lunged at Deadpool, pushing him down to the ground as an arrow sailed past our heads.

Deadpool yelped like a girl as we made contact with the floor, but just as I was about to jump up to attack the unknown enemy, someone's heavy foot on my back stopped me completely.

"Look at that guys, Deadpool found himself a sidekick." A robotic yet somehow mocking voice spoke from above me.

I craned my neck to see who was pining me to the floor, only to find a red and yellow robot aiming his hand at me, a blue glow emanating from his palm.

"The poor kid. You think we can help him?"

I looked to my right to find a tall, white, and blonde man walking towards my fallen form, all the while placing a bow in his quiver. I cocked an eyebrow at the man- slightly reminded of a cross between Ollie and Robin- but he spoke before I could say anything.

"Hey, what are you doing with this psycho in the middle of the night?"

I moved my head to look at Deadpool, only to find him trying to tiptoe his way out of the alleyway. "Deadpool!" I barked, feeling slightly hurt by his betrayal.

The man jumped and threw his hands up in the air, "I did nothing! The voices in my head told me to!"

The man with the arrows chuckled as he shook his head, all the while the robot above me leaned down place some pretty futuristic looking handcuffs on me. They were like the ones used in Belle Reve.

"Come here and let me handcuff you, Deadpool." The man with the sunglasses spoke, sadistic smirk in place.

"B-b-but... I wanted a chimichanga!"

The robot hoisted me up and patted my shoulder, as if silently apologizing for being so rough. "You'll get one once we go back to the Avengers Tower, Deadpool. Both you and your sidekick are coming with us."

Deadpool turned to me now, chin in hand as he thought, then shrugged and stuck his arms out. "A chimichanga is a chimichanga. Besides, I want to get to know this new sidekick you say I have."

I didn't even try to explain the situation to the clearly insane man as the robot started to fly.

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