This just popped into my head, randomly. Hope you enjoy my craziness!

Sauron the red-eyed Maia

Had a very big, red eye,

And if you ever saw it,

You'd think it was cherry pie.

All of the other Maia,

Used to laugh and call him names,

They never let poor Sauron,

Join in any Maia games.

Then one foggy Mordor eve,

Gandalf came to say,

Sauron with your eye so bright,

Won't you light Middle-Earth tonight?

Then all the Maia loved him,

And they whooped and hollered with glee,

Sauron the red-eyed Maia,

You'll go down in history!

The End.

Thanks soooo much to the people who reviewed my other stories! You made my day!😂 THANKS! (And please review this-whether you like it our not)😦😧😁