Margaret put the last box of supplies in the Jeep as Klinger tied them down.

"That's all we can spare, Major."

"It should help."

"Klinger, can you do me a favour?" Hawkeye said, emerging fro the swamp, combat helmet in hand.

"Sure thing, Sir." Hawkeye had pulled out some notes and stuffed a few in Klinger's hand. "Get Charles and BJ a drink on me."

"A surprise?" Klinger queried.

"No, tell BJ to have a good night and I'll see him later, okay?"

"Sure thing.."

"But don't let him leave. Make sure he stays there for a bit."

"Okay, Captain"

"Pierce, where's your bunkmate, we're supposed to be leaving." Margaret asked, annoyance creeping into her tone.

"Change of plan," he said as he out his bag and helmet in the Jeep. "I just need to see Radar and I'm good to go."

"Oh, hurry up!" she called after him, sitting I the passenger seat of the Jeep, arms folded as she waited for him.

Radar was in the office when Hawkeye came in. "Radar,..."

"Oh hey Hawkeye, Colonel Potter was just telling me about how you were going to the Aid Station so BJ doesn't have too..."

"Listen Radar..."

"I think that's swell of you, sir..."

"Radar, I have to get going, Margaret's waiting already. Look, I need you to do me a favour."

"Oh, sure thing."

"Peg sent a package for BJ to me, so that she would be able to surprise him with it on Christmas Day. Chances are, I'm not gonna be back here by then."

"Oh," Radar said, the thought that Hawkeye and Margaret wouldn't be with them for Christmas suddenly dawning on him.

"Father Mulcahy was looking after the gift for me. I need you to speak to him, make sure that he gets it to BJ for Peg, okay?"

"Oh sure thing, Hawk. I'll make sure of it, don't you worry."

"Thanks Radar."

"Hey Hawk? Will you two be okay up there?"

Hawkeye saw the worry in Radar's eyes. "Everything will be fine, don't worry."

"Okay everybody out and over to the mess tent. There's enough food there for everyone." Father Mulcahy said, helping the orphans out of the truck.

Klinger and Radar came out hearing the truck pull up and helped the kids out, Radar showing them the way to the mess tent.

"Oh Klinger, you and Major Houlihan have done a wonderful job with the mess tent so far. It's very festive."

"Thanks Father, but there's still more to do and the Major's had to head to Battalion Aid with Captain Pierce to help out."

"Oh my. Well if you need any help Klinger I'll certainly do my best to assist you."

"Thanks Father."

"Radar?" Potter called as he exited the office. "Oh Parde, good to see you back."

"Hello Colonel." Mulcahy greeted.

"You need me, Sir?"

"See if you can get a call through to Mildred will you, Son? I'd really appreciate talking to her and wishing her a Merry Christmas."

"That'd be swell, Sir. I'll get right on it."

Radar rushed off to carry out the task while Klinger entertained the kids in the mess tent. "I hear there's trouble at Battalion Aid." Mulcahy mentioned.

"Some of their people got injured by a shell. They need some temporary relief until some replacements get to them"

"Oh, that's such a shame. Margaret worked so hard on this Christmas party and she has to miss it."

"Not to mention how dangerous it is up there. You know, back here you almost get a sense of safety but it's so much worse there. And I barely even think about it until we send our people down there."

Mulcahy put a supportive hand on Colonel Potter's arm. "Our hearts bleed enough for the wounded we get here, Colonel. We all only have so much we can give."

Potter gave Mulcahy a knowing look and nodded slightly. "Looks like we're going to have out hands full with this lot anyway."

"Right. Once they've eaten we're going to have story time by the fire in the mess tent before telling them all about what will happen tomorrow and tucking them up for the night."

Potter smiled. "I can't wait to don the Santa suit, Father."

"Pierce, if you sing one more line of Jingle Bells..." Margaret warned.

"Oh come on, Major, I'm just trying to get in the Christmas spirit."

"We're driving towards the frontline in a War zone. Nothing about this says of Christmas spirit."

"Gee, if I'd known you were going to be like this I never would have voluteered."

"You never volunteer for anything." Margaret said suddenly, the fact just coming to her. "Why now?"

Hawkeye shrugged, "Well, Korea is so lovely this time of year and I thought I may not get another chance to see the front line in Winter."

"Pierce..." Margaret warned, her patients running out.

He shot her a quick glance and sighed. "All I've done is switch with BJ. He's missing his family and I didn't think his mind was in the right place to be here."

"That's very thoughtful," Margaret said after a pause. "You know, sometimes you're not such a jerk."

He looked at her, a little taken back for a moment until he saw the quirk of her lip. He smiled. "Now, are you going to sing Jingle Bells with me or what?"

BJ headed back to camp.

His mood had improved since Klinger came over and gave both him and Charles a drink , paid for by Hawkeye. A message of understanding with it and BJ felt his resolve begin to crumble. It was no one here's fault at his situation. He knew they were here and most didn't want to be, just like him. Taking his mood out of them wasn't going to help.

He could hear the commotion at the mess tent as he passed but headed to the swamp, wanting to see if Hawkeye was there first. He found the Swamp empty so headed to the mess tent where he could hear the noise from the orphans. He quickly scanned the room for Hawkeye. As the room was still mostly filled with kids, the adults stuck out easily. Not to mention that Hawk wasn't the quietest man either and he could usually be heard a mile off. BJ made his way through the mess tent over to Klinger and Mulcahy. "Quite the party you got here."

"Everything should be set for tomorrow," Mulcahy said.

"Have either of you two seen Hawkeye?"

The pair met eyes quickly. "You don't know?" Mulcahy queried.

"Know what?" BJ asked.

"He's gone to Battalion Aid with Major Houlihan." Klinger filled in.

"He..." BJ stopped for a moment "He's gone already?"

"Yes Sir," Klinger filled in. "He didn't want you to know he'd gone." Klinger added, guilt plainly written on his face.

"That's why he sent you with drinks?" Klinger merely nodded.

Wasn't it bad enough BJ had Christmas without his family? Now he had to go through it without Hawkeye.

"Are you okay, BJ?" Mulcahy asked. BJ nodded a little. "We could use some help with all these orphans. We can make sure they have a wonderful day. Could you help?"

BJ smiled sadly looking at the sad and unsure faces of the children around him. "Sure thing Father."


A/N: This story was planned to be a bit ore in depth but I'm getting so many prompts and my own ideas I'm kinda just doing what I can to get through it. Plus the very tepid response to it hasn't been overwhelming so hopefully I'll get it finished before Christmas. Maybe I'll just blow the camp up. ;)