Charmed Brother

The characters and the situations within these fan fiction stories are not my property. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers, and others, and are used without permission; challenge to copyright is not intended and should not be construed. I do not own Harry Potter, Charmed, or anything you may find in my story that in any way resembles a character, story, or plot that is owned by another person.

Talking, "The Charmed Ones!"

Thinking, 'The Charmed Ones.'

Demon Powered Talking, "The Charmed Ones"

Demon Powered Thinking, 'The Charmed Ones'

Dreams/ Premonitions, The Charmed Ones

Beta Reader this chapter: smaster28

Chapter 1 Prologue

Somewhere and nowhere we see a young man about 19 years of age, about 5 feet 10" tall, he no longer needed glasses as he had gained a perfect vision, his eyes were a startling shade of emerald green never before seen in a human, they really stood out against his lightly tanned face and dark hair and while he looked young there was a sense of power about him that few could dream off let alone aspire to have, it tingled through the air around him. His name was Harry Potter.

Harry was floating in a world of swirling black and purple mist that didn't seem to have end. Sitting on Harry's chest was a wand threaded through a ring while it looked like he had no legs when in fact they were covered by the Cloak of Invisibility. As Harry floated around, dark bluish white wisps that looked like smoke started to form in the image of a skull. When the wisps were fully formed it became a tall man with brown long hair to his shoulders, blue eyes that looked to be ancient and powerful, he was light skinned and wearing all black turtle neck shirt with a black overcoat, pants, and shoes. When he spotted Harry he looked down to see the three items. Placing his hand on Harry's head to watch his memories

"Mmm so this is the Master of Death?" he asked.

"Yes he is, Angel of Death." a voiced spoke from behind him. When he turned he saw a woman of medium height in a deep purple robe, her brown hair was tired up in a high pony tail, while her brown eyes were locked onto Harry's form.

"So want do I owe a visit from one of The Angels of Destiny." Death asked with a flat voice.

"I was sent a vision from The All." she stated.

With a look of surprise on his face ask "Are you sure?" because he has never heard of it happening before.

"Yes." she replied with a nod. "It showed me that two of the Charmed Ones would be killed before they can fulfil their destiny, one would be seduced by a demon and become a dark witch, and the last would have a fate worse than death for a woman. Someone will try to bring their own ends forward and it's not a demon."

"Really what of the Twice-Blessed Child?" he asked, while checking his list to see the Charmed Ones death dates. He was surprised because they kept on changing between their old age and teenagers years.

"Yes, he would be born but out of potions induced rape. The whitelighter would not have known at the time but when he found out about it, he would fall and become a one of the strongest darklighters in history. He would become strong enough to then kill all of the Elders and even an Angel of Destiny." She said while walking forward and stood opposite to death with Harry between the two, than she placed her hand on Harry's head to see his memories.

"What would happen to the child?" he said.

In a grave voice answered back "He would try to destroy The All in his rage." After looking at his memories she could see that the Twice-Blessed Child would become worse than Voldemort.

"I take it you brought him here?" he question.

"No it was The All. While he would have survived breaking out of that ward, his magic would have be damage because of all the obliviations, compulsions, loyalty potions, and blocks that suppressed his sexual drive and magic. In the end he would be a danger to everyone as his magic would have lashed out at anyone and drove him mad in the end." She said while looking at the man floating in front of her.

"So what are we to do?" he asked

"We kill two birds with one stone as they say. We give him a new life and make him The Guardian for the Charmed Ones." She said with a smile on her face.

"Oh and how do we do that, and if that's the case why am I here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I will ensure he is born at the same time as the oldest sister, and you are here because of his connection to your powers." She said as if it was the easiest thing to do.

"Really, so what do my powers have to do with anything? Also how are you going to make it so he will want to protect them? Because if he is just dating one of them and their relationship turns sour he might not care what happens to the sisters?" asked death in a condescending tone.

With a small glare she said "Well to start we can decide what powers he is to have and with your Soul Absorption power we can use powers from the souls of witches that have died, then we can use your Power Granting ability to give them to him. Once that is done I will warp reality to send him where he is needed to go."

'Mmm that could work but she never said where he was going and what type of connection would make him want to protect them so strongly?' he thought. He asked again "You still didn't say where he was going to be sent?"

"I will be sending him to become the oldest sister's twin brother. That way as any brother he will want to look after his sister's." She answered with a smug smirk.

Going over the memoires he had seen 'I wonder if this will come back to bite her in the ass later' as he remembered what he would do to protect his loved ones.

"Very well but what powers are we going to give him?" Death ask curiously.

"Well for starters we will begin with his core magic. I think we should use The Elder Wand and fuse it with him so he is able to use wandless magic?" she asked

"Mmm very well I will allow it and can we also get his phoenix feathered wand so that his magic will be balanced between life and death?" he questioned.

"Yes that will work." and with a snap of her fingers Harry's phoenix feathered wand appeared and was sitting with the Elder Wand. "But he will have to learn how to use his core magic all over again."

"I will take the ring so he doesn't start to absorb souls." while picking up the ring and crushing it. When he had finished the ring turned into the likeness of black sand and floated it Death chest.

"What about the cloak it is one of his most prized possession? We could give him the power of Invisibility but it will only activate later." Destiny said while looking at the cloak.

It took a minute for death to answer as he was asking himself 'If he has the power of the cloak I won't be able to find him. I could … Mmm yes that could work. If I tie its power with my own I will always be able to find him when he uses it but no one else will'. "Very well I will give the power of the cloak." with a hand movement the cloak folded itself into a triangle and sat on top of the two wands.

Just as Destiny was about to suggest a power she tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes as if she was listening to someone talk. Death seeing this waited for her to speak knowing who it was she was talking to. A minute later Destiny opened her eyes and looked at Death. "The All wants him to have two more powers granted to him the rest will be decided at birth like all Warren witches. She wants him to have the power to make Force Fields since he will be The Guardian and will need them to protect his sisters. And the last power will be Projection but this power won't activate straight away but when he feels a great amount of desire when his mind matures enough. It will also be linked with his magical core and wandless magic so he will have more control over it."

Death was surprised about the power of Projection but remembered that witches who developed this power are destined for very great things. Now that his powers were chosen he opened his hand and with a small flash of light two glowing glass balls were floating just above it; with a thought he moved them to sit on top of the cloak. Once in place he raised his hand and a bright light was admitted from his hand on to the two wands, cloak, and the two glass ball slowly dissolved and started to sink into his chest.

After they were gone Death lowered his hand and said "It's done."

Destiny nodded then stepped around to the top of Harry's head and placed her hands on both sides of his head then started to form of tiny electricity bolts in her hands.

"What are you doing now?" Death asked

"I am binding his memories so he will have a normal childhood, normal for him anyway. He will regain some of his memories when he is 11 years of age or when his life is in danger and needs a boost. But his memories might overwhelm him so he will slowly gain them back; the first thing that he will remember is his Occlumency lessons to help with the stress of information. He will learn only up to the first five years of his Hogwarts memories. The next year you will learn more about his life before Hogwarts that way he won't lose the person he will become and it will go on for the next three years till the day he was banished. It is going to occur every All Hallows Eve. He will feel like an outsider in the memories as he observes everything from a stranger's prospective and there were no emotions in the memories expect when they are particularly strong." She said as she finished the binding.

"There we are finished. Now all that is left to do is place him where he needs to go." Destiny said to Death. She turned to Death to see if he had anything to add when he shook his head she turned to Harry and waved her hand then his body started to vanish.

When Harry was gone Death turned to Destiny and said "You know he will be a wild card in your Grand Design."

"Yes I know that is why with the power of your cloak he will remain hidden from The Elders and the other Angles of Destiny as they might try to have him killed. I will be able to stop them but you need to watch over him as well but we can't interfere too much. Besides, The All will look after him." And with that Destiny disappears in swirling golden lights.

Taking one last look at where Harry was and said "Good luck Harry Potter." and The Angel of Death disappeared in wisps to resume his job.