Based on 'Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep', a poem by Mary Elizabeth Frye. I own nothing.


Hiro saw Tadashi everywhere.

San Fransokyo was a beautiful city. Life was always rushing by. The trolley dinging as it went up and down the road. Cars beeping at one another. The bell at Aunt Cass's cafe ringing as each customer came in and out. Breathing in and out. It was as if the city was alive.

SFIT was the same. Students walking around all the time. Different people with different lives, but the same heartbeat each day. Hiro had gotten used to it.

He hadn't spent more than a summer there with Tadashi, but that was more than enough. He had every corner of Tadashi's office memorized as well as his garage at home. Where the screwdrivers and extra nails were kept, where Tadashi had hidden his energy bars and the extra chocolate in the back of his desk for when Fred decided to come in and watch him work.

There was a reason why Tadashi had gotten his own work room at SFIT, it was because he was the prodigal son. The rising force of SFIT's modern health improvements and the predicted star of the medical field.

When Hiro finally came to SFIT after Callaghan was arrested, he was greeted by the Board of Directors and welcomed with open arms. Hiro smiled as best he could and didn't say anything when they compared him to his brother, and Hamada Tadashi slipped out instead of Hamada Hiro during his classes.

He got used to people coming up and talking to him about his brother's research. How Baymax was helping so many people in hospitals and how Tadashi had inspired others to pursue the research field in medical technology. He couldn't say he didn't understand. Tadashi had done so much for SFIT and within a couple months after Hiro's remodeling of Baymax, the third design had gone out across the country to help hundreds of thousands of people.

But, Tadashi was there. He was in the beeping of the timer and the smell of donuts slightly burnt if he didn't run fast enough to the stove. He was the trolley bell ringing and the crackling announcement that was barely heard as, "next stop 3rd and 5th". He was the smell of leftover pizza in the garage and fresh laundry right out of the dryer. Aunt Cass never understood why he had taken to doing his own laundry out of the blue.

The graveyard was beautiful. There was no question to that. Flowers on stone and neatly trimmed grass. But that wasn't Tadashi. He wasn't the cold marble or the perfume of freshly cut roses. He was a warm hug that smelled of gasoline and left oil stains on your favorite shirt.

Hiro stood up and brushed off his jeans of the strands of grass that clung on with one hand, the other furiously wiping at his cheeks. He knew Tadashi wouldn't want him to cry, but it wasn't a conscious choice.

Hiro let himself smile as he walked out through the gates of the cemetery. From here he could see the sun setting behind the trees in the park. If he ran, he would just be able to make it. The Summer Festival started today and the fireworks went off at dusk.

Aunt Cass would be waiting for him there. And Tadashi- in the warm grass and the plaid blanket they always sat on, the smell of gunpowder and cold popcorn and leftover donuts, Tadashi would be there.

Hiro began to run as a laugh bubbled up in his chest. Yeah, Tadashi would be there. He would always be there.

Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there, I did not die.


This is the end of my Do Not Weep compilation, but I may do more Big Hero 6 stuff later.