Sup, guys! My name is,… yeah just take a look at it. Moving on this is my first fanfic as I was inspired to make one by various fanfics that I have read on this site. So if you find similarities, then I would like to inform you again, I was inspired by other's fanfics.
I'm also no confident in my grammar but if you can at least get the story, then I'm happy to hear that.
Well, I don't want to rant so just enjoy (?) the first chapter.
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Chapter 1
For as long as I can remember life been spitting at my face at every possible turn.
You see ever since I was little, I always tried my best in making friends but given my appearance I am easily misjudged as a delinquent. It also didn't help that my body was trained to be lean yet muscular so that further improves the image.
I had spiky dark grey hair, which I inherited from my father and amethyst eyes that I inherited from my mother. Sad to say that they cannot see me grow up because they died the same day I was born. Dad died rushing to the hospital due to a car accident and my mother died giving birth to me.
Ever since then, I had been staying with my uncle and aunt along with my cousin. And I really appreciate that they can easily accept me and treated me like their child.
Society, however, is a different case.
Like any other child, I tried my best to socialize during my childhood. But every time I tried, their parents always told their children to stay away from me.
I never understood it.
Besides my looks, I am just an ordinary boy who wants to have friends I can call my own.
It wasn't until the moment I reached high school that I finally understood the reasons for my earlier failures. They basically thought I was part of a secret hitman training program sponsored by the yakuza, and I started at an early age.
Upon knowing this, I asked my guardians for a possible solution for this. They simply told me to ignore the rumors. They also told me to excel in my studies and to also participate in extra-curricular activities, saying that it can help me find friends.
I followed their advice but sadly, the rumors got worse. Rumors stated that the reason for the rise in my grade is because I was threatening my teachers to give me good grades also that the reason for my active participation in extra-curricular activities is to keep my body in shape so as to sharpen my 'hitman' skills. I tried my best to ignore the rumors but every time I pass a group of students they either look away in fear or murmur aggressively behind my back.
Honestly, it hurts but I still held into that little hope. That one day, I'll finally get friends to call my own.
I wouldn't be an exaggeration if I said that otaku culture changed my life. Let's start from the beginning; I was busy lounging on my school desk when I heard the discussion of a group of students right beside me.
Curious on the topic of their discussion, I stealthily eavesdrop on them and it seems like they are discussing about anime shows and some manga.
The topic greatly interested me so I tried it myself.
And boy, did it bring a lot of changes. I found myself to be mesmerized by tales and legends of heroes with great power and their adventures for love, adventure, and peace.
And… Through these I saw stories of what I truly wanted from the very start.
Friends who would stay with each other for better or for worse. Friends who would brave anything and everything just to be by your side. Friends that fought for a common goal, to live each day with smiles on their faces.
Something that I deeply envied.
It didn't stop me from enjoying it though.
And through this, I was introduced to a brand new world. A world where I can truly be myself. A world where I can truly be happy.
I didn't realized the changes happening within me. But when I was busy lounging in my chair one day, I overheard whispers. Apparently, the reason I was all happy is because I have officially begun my hitman career. And that I was enjoying every second of it.
Normally, I would ignore it but feel the pain. But I suddenly noticed that it didn't hurt as much.
I now have something I can lean on. Something that made my life a little worth living.
And so… On one faithful day, I was busy perusing various game shelves when I saw a game that caught my interest.
Hyperdimension Neptunia
I don't know but the very moment I held the game in my hands I feel a deep sense of familiarity swell from within me. At the time, I attributed it to my excitement for the game matches my love for anime and manga combined with my love for games.
So, I bought it. Played it. And found myself falling in love with it.
The character's lovable personalities, the comical humor and mesmerizing plot… everything about it.
To the point that it is the very first thing I do after I went home and finish my homework. And when I heard that a second game was released, I purchased it with no hesitation. A few months later, I bought and finised Hyperdimension Neptunia: Victory.
It also drove me to take my athletics seriously.
I wanted to hone my body, like the heroes from the stories I read and loved. So yeah, you can add a minor (Really?) hero complex.
And then, I found myself undefeated. I was at the pinnacle of every single tournament I joined.
Sure, the gap made it harder to make friends but I don't care anymore. I have something to keep me going now. As a certain pair of siblings would say,
"Life here is just a shitty game"
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Currently, I am lying down on my bed playing on my handheld console, a PSVita, the remake of the first game, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1. I was currently wearing a black hoodie over a light grey shirt, black pants and black sneakers. My state of dress also happens to be inspired by certain black swordsman. So yeah, don't hate.
As I play I can't help but sigh and say,
"Why can't I just live game worlds like Gameindustri? At least, this way I can escape from the real."
'So, do you want to go there then?'
"It's you again, huh?"
Perhaps you're wondering who I'm currently talking to right now. Well, apparently my life just got a lot shittier when I discovered that I have a person in my head.
It started as a normal day: go to school, ignore the rumors, go home then replay the first game of the HDN series. When suddenly, I heard a small female voice speak in the back of my mind saying, 'Do you want to go there?'
It started there then eventually every time I play a game from the HDN franchise, I would hear that same voice at the back of my head. Normally, I would ignore it but today I just feel more irritable than ever so I answered her sarcastically, "Yeah, sure, whatever. Not like I've got anything to lose. I have no friends and I barely talk to my relatives these days so I don't really care."
Although it seems like she didn't notice the sarcasm in my voice as she answered me back with an enthusiastic, "Great, I'll send you there right now.'
After she said those words, I saw my PSVita screen glow bright blue and I feel my body get sucked in the console. 'What the actual fuck is happening?' was my only thought as I tried to hold the headrest of my bed to avoid getting sucked in the screen. Keyword 'tried' because I eventually got sucked to the portal anyway. I swiftly closed my eyes to avoid being blinded by the brightness but my eyes snapped open when I heard her voice once again,
'Thank you for finally deciding to go to Gameindustri, you don't know how long I've waited for this day you know?'
I can't see a fucking thing, dammit.
"Wait, wait, wait, I was answering you sarcastically earlier so could you please kindly bring me back?"
'But why would you go back to the, as you call it, 'shitty real', you don't have any close relations that is hindering you anyway so why bother?'
"But my relatives will be worried si-." 'You and I both know that they stopped caring so much about you reached high school. So once again, why bother?'
…I really can't say anything to counter that. So with a sigh I just asked her,
"What did you do to me anyway?"
'Oh I simply used the last of my power to send you to the world where I used to rule. Don't worry, since our souls seem to be in sync, you will have access to my powers …I think?' the voice said happily.
"Wait powers? Your world? Souls? Can you please explain what you just said?"
'Everything will be explained in due time, but would you be so kind to listen to my last wish'
'Last, huh?' *Sigh*"I may not know who you are but seeing as you are giving me no other choice regarding the matter, I'm more than willing to hear you out" As I said those words I can feel the happiness whoever I'm talking to warm me up inside.
'Oh, thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me. I want you to watch over my daughters for me, please take care of them, young hero. Don't worry you'll recognize them the moment you see them'
'And don't worry, it's not like I would leave you to fend for yourself. I'll be helping you adjust to Gameindustri in no time. So, just trust me.'
'Well, I think that is all I can say, good luck and farewell my reincarnation, Kuragari Eiji-kun'
What? How did she know my name when I haven't told her my name at least once? More importantly, did she say I'm her reincarnation?!
"Hey,wa-!" As I said those words I was suddenly engulfed by a bright light and I heard her voice one last time,
'Show them the power of a true god'
With that said I felt my body falling from a very high place. As I shifted my body so that I can get a view of where I am going to land, I saw a small figure right next to me. As I shifted my body so that I can get a closer look on the figure right next to me, my eyes widened in shock as I recognized the figure. It was none other than Hyperdimension Neptunia's main character, Neptune or in HDD mode, Purple Heart, the CPU of Planeptune. Although, I can't help but sweatdrop when I saw her making a peaceful sleeping face with a drop of drool hanging on the side of her cute lips.
I let out a sigh, great, I just got sent to the HDN universe and now I'm falling to my own death with a person who I thought is only a video game character. Oh well, guess I just have to find a way to survive… or at the very least save Neptune. God (or should I say goddesses now?) knows what happens when main characters reach a dead end so early in the game. I once again shifted my body so as to hug Neptune's petite form as I brace myself for impact. Seeing that the ground looks like it's getting closer and closer, I don't think I have to wait so long.
I let out a sigh and thought, 'This is gonna hurt'.
With that I once again felt darkness.
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So how was it?
Good? Horrible?
Anyways, your opinions are much appreciated and flames are ignored.
so R&R.