Me: First Star Wars Rebel's story, but I've been reading a lot of them, fanfictions, recently. Hopefully it will be a good one.

Ezra: I've been kidnapped.

Me: At least it's not by the Empire.

Ezra: Yeah yeah, but couldn't you have kidnapped Zeb too?
Me: Well, who's to say I didn't?

Disclaimer Here- I wish I owned Star Wars Rebels

3rd Person POV

Ezra felt that his problem could be a lot worse. At least he wasn't shackled to the wall, and was free to move around. He still had his backpack, even if they got rid of everything that could be used as a weapon. But he did wish, that he wasn't alone. Even if it was a stranger, he would have had at least someone to talk to. It was possible that they were doing this to get under his skin, but Ezra wasn't going to let them.

Since it looked like they weren't going to show up anytime soon, Ezra decided to think on how he had ended up here.

A few hours earlier

Ezra was meditating on top of the Ghost with Kanan watching him carefully. A few random pieces of things not secured down were floating around him, and in the back of his mind he could hear Kanan coaching his breathing. This was something that Kanan had taught Ezra to do, in order to control the Force. He could sense Kanan standing in front of him, his aura was gold. Hera was beneath him, with Sabine. Sabine was blue, while Hera was green. Somewhere in the ship, judging by the position their room, Zeb was glowing silver. Chopper was brown. They were all light colors, even Choppers which was the lightest shade of brown he had ever seen. Ezra couldn't sense his aura color.

"Ezra," Kanan said snapping Ezra out of his meditation state.

"What now?" Ezra questioned.

Around Ezra, all the floating objects fell to the ground. He winced as one of the boxes, which used to be holding milk cartons, landed real close to his side. Looking up, to see Kanan's eyebrows raised at him, Ezra grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.


Kanan sighed and helped Ezra up before pushing him ahead of him. The two males went downstairs to the dining room, where Chopper was. Zeb was glaring at Chopper, and Ezra brushed past the two. He didn't want to know what Chopper did this time. Last time, when Ezra had actually asked, had scarred him. After that, Ezra had vowed never to ask again.

"Sit Zeb," Kanan ordered ignoring Chopper.

Chopper made a laughing noise and left the room. Sabine came in, with Hera behind her. Sabine sat down on the other side of Zeb and glanced up at Kanan.

"There's an Imperial Ship that has Jai and his mother on it," Kanan announces, "We promised to help them, and we will."
Kanan seemed to realize what Ezra was thinking, and soothed his fears without making them known.

"We will always help Jai and his mother," Hera added.

"How do we know this?" Sabine asked, "I mean… last time we heard something like this it was a trap."

Ezra silently agreed.

"We have no choice, if it turns out that Jai and his mother were captured and we didn't do anything we would have broken our promise to keep them safe," Hera reminded Sabine.

Sabine sighed, "When do we get there?"

"Any minute now."

Kanan made eye contact with Ezra, and the young Padawan nodded. They could communicate without words, something to do with their Padawan and Master bond.

"Zeb, Sabine; you two stick together. Don't get in trouble," Kanan ordered, "Hera, you stay here. We will need a way out."

Everyone agreed silently.

"Ezra, stay here," Kanan ordered as he jumped out of the Ghost.

"But-" Ezra started before shutting up as Zeb pushed him out, "Hey!"

"Sorry kid!" Zeb called.

Ezra rolled and managed to land without hitting anywhere. Scowling upwards, Ezra watched Zeb snicker into his hand. Zeb jumped out with Sabine not far behind. Kanan, who had just finished knocking out the Stormtroopers, helped Ezra up. Ezra grinned sheepishly at the Jedi.

"It wasn't my fault, Zeb pushed me," Ezra told him.

Zeb glared at the young boy, but didn't deny it. The two groups split up, with Ezra and Kanan going to the holding cells and Zeb and Sabine going to the control room. Only half-way there did everything go wrong. At first, they just dodged the few Stormtroopers they nearly ran into and hid from the newer Cadets. Ezra thinks he might have saw Zare, but wasn't sure.

"Kanan, something's wrong," Ezra whispered looking around.

Kanan turned to look at Ezra, before reaching out with the Force. Despite the fact that his mental shield's were up, Kanan could feel the fear and concern coming from him. Even though Ezra didn't know it, he was very strong with Empathy. That meant he could sense other's feelings and emotions, but it also meant that when he felt a strong emotion others could sense it too; mostly those with the Force.

"It might be a trap," Ezra continued.

"There's a good chance," Kanan agreed looking around the corner.

Before Ezra could say anything, a hand wrapped around his head and covered his mouth. Ezra struggled but they inserted something into his neck and he passed out.

Present Time

And now he was here, in this cell, with no one to talk to. He started to shift, but soon stopped as it pulled at his wounds. They had tortured him, sent in an interrogation droid. And now, he was trying to figure out what was true and what wasn't. The Inquisitor had visited him, Ezra shuddered, and changed his memories. At times he felt he couldn't trust the crew on the Ghost but other times he felt he could. He managed to figure out a good number of those that were fake, but he wasn't sure about the others.

There was one with Zeb shouting at him that he was a waste of space, and didn't deserve to be on the team. He wasn't sure if it was a real memory or not, and they were using something to suppress the Force in him. Without it, he couldn't use it to help him separate (and possibly destroy) the fake memories. Until he got it back, he had to go through the psychological torture of not knowing what was true and what wasn't.

The door opened and Ezra had to resist the urge to flinch as the interrogation droid rolled in. He wouldn't speak, and they knew that, so know they just sent it in to torture him. Maybe they were still hoping that he would join them, Ezra didn't know. The interrogation droid made a series of noises, which Ezra still hadn't managed to decode, and the next thing he knew Ezra was in pain.

It continued for what seemed like hours, before it stopped. Ezra spat out blood from his mouth, where he had bit his tongue to keep from screaming, and he rolled onto his back. It was less painful. He could feel the comforting hum of the Force return to him. The bond between him and Kanan opened up again and Ezra breathed out in relief.

Help me Ezra thought desperately and sent Kanan his fear, despair, and pain.

That was the last thing he remembered before passing out.


Months had passed since they last saw Ezra. Kanan couldn't feel him with the Force. Until a few minutes ago, when he got a message from Ezra. He traced back the feeling of fear, pain, and despair. All he saw was a holding cell, and blood. There was a lot of blood. But that was all he needed. Kanan hooked onto the fear of his Padawan and gave Hera the coordinates.

Zeb was the one who found him, lying unconscious in his own blood. The Lasat was overwhelmed with the feeling of despair and then the blood and torture. Kanan came into the room after Zeb and knelt down next to the young boy. His body was mangled and his limbs were at awkward angles. There was a nasty bump on the back of his head and there was a metal necklace around his neck, but Kanan ignored it for now.

"Ezra," Kanan whispered, "You need to wake up. Wake up Padawan."

Ezra didn't stir, but Kanan could feel Ezra's Force signature reach out to him hesitantly. Kanan reached out to Ezra with the Force and let his brush up against it and sent him a wave of peace and comfort. The young Padawan opened his electric blue eyes and met Kanan's blue-green ones.

"Sector Five to sector one, he's not over here."

"We've got 'im Sector Five, Sector Four out."

Zeb picked up Ezra, ignoring the whimper the best he could before leaving the room with Kanan behind him.

"I've found his things."

"Grab them and go Sector Five."

"You've got it Sector One."

Ezra had passed out in Zeb's arms before he they reached the Ghost. Hera had taken off the minute that Sabine had gotten on. Sabine set off an explosion, which looked a bit different then normal. The explosion was more colorful.

"Where's Ezra?" Sabine demanded upon seeing Kanan.

"In the med wing," Kanan replied, "He won't let Chopper anywhere near him to help him heal so I'm getting Hera. I've never been good at healing."

"Why won't he let Chopper near him? They used to be close," Sabine said walking to the bridge with Kanan, "What happened to him?"
"That's what I'm trying to find out."

Hera looked up when the door opened.

"How's Ezra?" Hera questioned putting the Ghost on autopilot.

"He won't let Chopper near him to help heal," Sabine said moving to the left in order to let Kanan in.

"We need you to heal him," Kanan added.

Hera got up and left the bridge. The others followed her to the med bay. Ezra was sitting up, which could be considered a bad thing with all the injuries he had, and was watching Chopper with something akin to fear. Zeb was standing between the two, keeping Chopper from coming close to Ezra. When the door opened Ezra's eyes flickered to the entrance before flickering back to Chopper.

"Out Chopper," Hera ordered.

The droid left, noisly, and the door closed behind him. Ezra noticeably relaxed once Chopper's presence had left, but he was still tense; as though he was waiting for an attack. Kanan reached out with the Force, to calm him down. Ezra reached out with his mind, seeking reassurance. When he got it, Ezra relaxed completely. Hera came forward and began to heal the young Padawan. Every now and then Ezra began to tense up, before Kanan started to calm him down through the Force.

"Rest now Ezra," Hera told him once she finished tying the last bandage, "And you better let him Zeb."

Zeb put his hands up, "I wasn't gonna keep 'im up."

"Out," Hera ordered, "Out."

She pushed everyone, but Kanan, out of the room; with one last look at Kanan, warning him to let Ezra sleep, she left too. Once Hera was gone, Kanan sat down next to Ezra. The young Padawan was still laying down, but his electric blue eyes were staring at the ceiling.

"Rest Ezra," Kanan ordered.

Ezra shook his head, not speaking at all. Kanan, who was pretty uncomfortable on the chair, shifted closer to Ezra. He dragged the chair with him.

"Staying awake will not help you," Kanan said, "All you will do is dwell on memories that you don't want to think about."

Ezra turned his electric blue eyes to Kanan, as though telling the Jedi too continue talking.

"Why don't you want to sleep?" Kanan questioned, knowing that if he got to the root of the issue he could help him.

Fear and worry came through their bond.

"You're scared that when you wake up you'll be back in the cell," he guessed.

Ezra nodded his head slowly, his electric blue eyes wet with unshed tears. The youngling truly was terrified, Kanan could see that.

"Would you feel better if one of us stayed with you?" Kanan asked.

The Padawan hesitated before nodding. After making sure that Kanan wouldn't move anytime soon, Ezra finally shut his eyes. Sleep overcame him quickly and Kanan grabbed a blanket from the cupboard and draped it over him. Settling back down in the chair, Kanan grabbed a datapad and began to read. Who knew how long he was going to be here?

Me: This was hard for me to right, I'll admit it.

Ezra: Why must you torture us so?

Me: What are you talking about, so far you're the only one here. I might bring Sabine in the next oneshot.

Ezra: *sighs* See ya!

*Ezra crawls into a ventilation shaft and escapes*

Me: *shrugs* Kanan wanted him back anyways. Please review.