Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD as it may be more commonly known to people is a mental disorder-
"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events."
That is a definition of what PTSD is from the NHS website and if you want more information the NHS website contains a large amount of information about the disorder and what the symptoms are.
PTSD is most notably known in Combat Veterans who have experienced a traumatic event however it is not only found in combat veterans but in people who have experienced a traumatic event.
If you are suffering from PTSD or any other form of PTSD or other problems like Depression or others mental health problems of a similar nature then there are forms of treatment and help you can get.
So please do not suffer alone and in silence, (about 1 in 3 people are effected by PTSD) there are people who are willing to help you if you can take the first step and talk to someone, doctors or there are some charities which help people with PTSD and other mental health problems and it is easy enough to look up and get into contact with them.
Also even if I do not know you, you can always message me on here if you need to talk while I may not be a trained doctor or anything but I am always willing to listen and help people with problems.
Now that that is said, the reason I have spoken about PTSD is because this story will contain someone suffering from PTSD and traumatic events that have taken place in her life, so a trigger warning for abuse and other traumatic events which may happen as I have not planned it out completely when I am writing this
That all being said this is my first attempt at a RWBY story and thanks to Arieko I have an idea and also been encouraged to actually write a RWBY story, and the story is a Ruby x Neo (Cookies and Cream) Anyway onto the story.
Suffering in Silence
Ruby Rose was wandering the city of Vale alone, the rest of her team were either in another area of the city or back at their dorm room in Beacon Academy.
Why was she wandering the city alone? Team RWBY had the day off from classes after they interrupted a White Fang rally and were chased through the streets by Roman Torchwick who was in a giant mecha suit.
How did he even get that? Its military grade hardware so how was he able to get his hand on it? Did he have someone in one of the Kingdom's military supplying him?
These were all questions running through Ruby's head as she walked through the city. She was heading towards the local park that was near the drop off point of the shuttle's that go between the city and Beacon.
As she walked she thought of her team, Weiss the heiress to the world's biggest dust company, she had quickly walked off once they landed, stating she was going to see to some business in the city.
Blake the cat Faunus in their team, although no one knew about her being a faunus other than the team itself she was tended to be the quiet one out of the four always reading a book and not interacting too much with the rest of the team.
Although recently has been more vocal mainly because of Roman and the White Fang causing trouble which had resulted in her health deteriorating because she was trying to find where and what Roman was up to.
Currently she was with Ruby's sister Yang who was Blake's partner and Yang had been able to get Blake to sleep today and to relax instead of worrying about what Roman was up to and what he was doing with the White Fang.
Ruby had arrived at her destination, the park she had walked to, was the same as any park really, had a large open space where people can play or kick around a football or something, it also held small walkways through gardens for those who just wanted to walk.
Ruby's feet were taking her towards one of those small walkways but this one had a small hidden pathway which led towards another hidden garden which all the times Ruby has gone to it, no one has ever been there.
Ruby's mind went back to the day before, or rather the night before when they fought and won against Roman.
Ruby was proud of herself and her team in the way they were able to handle the fight, using formations they came up with and trained with and they were successful in working together as a team to defeat him.
Although Roman escaped through a cute girls Semblance it seemed, she just shattered into pieces and they appeared inside a Bullhead (VTOL) and flew off into the night.
As Ruby was thinking this something stood out which made her stop walking, 'when did she think of the enemy as cute?'
Pushing the thought out of her mind Ruby carried on walking towards her destination, moving branches out of her way as she walked along the natural path.
Shortly after walking along the path it opened into a small open garden, all different types of roses filled the area in the small clearing.
Ruby would go here when she couldn't go to the cliff side where her mother's grave was, the roses reminded Ruby of her mother and the smell offered comfort to Ruby especially when she was confused or upset.
Not paying much attention to anything other than the flowers she almost missed the soft sound of crying coming from the clearing.
Ruby stopped as she looked around for the source of the sound, and her eyes quickly settled on a familiar looking girl.
The girl's hair was half brown and half pink with white highlights in the pink half of the hair, she also wore the same outfit from the night before, the brown pants, white jacket and brown corset however her clothes were dishevelled.
Her hair was messed up slightly, looking a little like bed hair after waking up, her jacket was open and her corset was loosely tied around her stomach and her necklaces were all thrown around her neck and her eyes were white and not brown or pink like they were the other night.
It looked like she had been thrown around and beaten up by the way she looked to Ruby.
Ruby was unsure what to do, here was her enemy although they hadn't fought the girl in front of her, she did help Torchwick to escape so that made her the enemy right?
Ruby was confused as to what she was supposed to do, a rational part of her brain said to call for help and to capture her but the other part of her brain was telling her to comfort the crying girl.
She thought over both options for a minute before deciding to comfort the girl, as she didn't have it in her to hurt someone who was clearly already hurt.
So Ruby quietly walked towards the crying girl, and gently placed her hand onto the girl's shoulder trying to comfort the girl how Yang would for her.
The girl stopped crying for a minute as she felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up at the owner of the hand.
Seeing the girl from the night before in front of her and her hand on her own shoulder caused a look of fear to appear on the girls face as she backed away from the girl in red.
Ruby seeing the look that crossed the multi-haired girls face and the reaction where the girl was backing away from her.
In reaction Ruby raised her hands in a surrender pose and spoke quickly, "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise you just look so sad and upset I wanted to help."
The girl on the floor in front of Ruby looked up at the red and black haired girl in confusion, they were on opposite sides of this conflict yet she wanted to help her, why would she do that?
Ruby looking awkward slowly lowered her hands, as she crouched down a little to look the girl in the eyes, speaking softly again "Um my names Ruby, what's your name?"
The other girl just looked at her strangely almost as if she'd grown another head, why was her enemy trying to be friendly with her she couldn't understand what was going on.
Looking at Ruby and meeting her eyes the girl saw something weird in silver eyes, they seemed comforting and….kind? Was that kindness in her eyes? The girl didn't know what kindness would look like.
The girl calmed down a little as she dried her eyes but still looking at the girls not speaking but curling up into a ball.
Ruby seeing the reaction smiled softly at the other girl, her brain was thinking why she didn't respond to her so speaking once again, "Um what is your name?"
The girl in front of Ruby didn't respond again but looked curiously to Ruby, not speaking but Ruby noticed something in the eyes of the girl.
Fear, for whatever reason the girl in front of Ruby was fearful of something she wasn't sure what but Ruby wanted to find out and help her.
Speaking softly again Ruby asked, "Can you not talk?"
The girl in front of her shock her head in response, stating that she could talk but wouldn't talk.
Ruby thought curiously for a minute, before reaching into one of her many pockets and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil, offering them to the girl in front of her.
The girl looked at the offered items, and slowly moved one hand to take them, her knee's still drawn up to her chin as she took the items and slowly wrote an answer before holding it up to Ruby.
'Why are you doing this?'
Ruby looked at the neat handwriting and read what was written, "You were upset and looked sad, I couldn't not help you or at least talk to you and maybe try to help."
The girl looked sceptical about Ruby's answer and quickly wrote a response and showing it to Ruby.
'But I'm your enemy.'
Ruby rubbed the back of her head in response replying awkwardly, "I know, but uh you never did really fight us just helped someone get away, if it was maybe Torchwick then it might be different,"
The girl shivered when she heard Roman's name, this didn't go unnoticed by Ruby which she gave a curious look to the girl but didn't say anything about what she saw and wanted to ask of the girl.
Once the girl had recovered she wrote down a response and showed it to Ruby.
'But I still got in your way.'
Ruby just shrugged, "I guess it doesn't bother me as much, I can't say the same for the rest of my team though." Thinking already what the other three members of her team would say if they were here.
The girl noticed the faraway look Ruby had developed when thinking about her team, looking at her curiously she waited to see what Ruby would do next.
Ruby noticed the look she was getting, blushing and giving a small smile to the girl in front of her, "Don't worry about them for now, so uh why was you crying?" Asking slightly worried that the girl might run away or close up again.
The girl looked scared for a minute as her thoughts went to the reason she was crying when Ruby found her.
Writing on the paper, the girl showed what she wrote to Ruby.
'It's nothing you shouldn't worry about it.'
Ruby frowned as she read what the girl had written, clearly the girl didn't want to say anything so instead, "Ok then if you say, so uh then." Ruby was interrupted by her scroll going off, notifying her that she had a phone call.
Smiling weakly Ruby said, "I'm sorry I need to answer this." Seeing that it was Weiss meant something was wrong.
Answering the scroll Ruby said weakly, "Uh hey Weiss how's it going?"
The face of her teammate on the other end of the phone showed she was annoyed, "Where are you? You were supposed to be at the airship five minutes ago you dunce." Weiss practically shouted at Ruby.
Ruby just rubbed the back of her head, embarrassed slightly, "Um sorry Weiss I guess I lost track of time, I will be there soon I promise."
"You'd better be here quick." With that Weiss cut the call, leaving Ruby alone again with the girl, luckily Ruby had the scroll pointed away from the girl.
Looking over at the girl again Ruby asked, "So um do you have a scroll or something I can contact you on?"
The girl shook her head in response showing that she didn't have one.
"Ah ok then, how would I meet you again?" Ruby asked being hopeful.
The girl quickly wrote down an answer and holding it up to show Ruby.
'I will know how to contact you, and I'm sure I will be seeing you shortly.'
Ruby looked confused about the answer, happy that she would be able to see the girl again but confused why she wrote that.
"Um what do you mean?"
The girl quickly wrote down an answer.
'I can't tell you, but keep an eye out for the transfer students.'
Ruby heard her scroll go off again, indicating another message, realising she needed to leave she turned to the girl.
"I've got to go I'm really sorry, but why are you telling me this?"
The girl wrote the answer handing it to Ruby to read.
'Not all who work with them agree with what they are doing.'
Ruby read the cryptic message, confused at what it meant and before she could ask her scroll went off again.
"Sorry I've got to go." With that Ruby ran off heading out of the park and towards the airship using her semblance to get there faster.
As she got halfway to the airship she realised she didn't know the girls name, upset that she forgot to get the girls name she got to the docks and boarded the airship with Weiss, who moaned about her being late and told her off for making her wait around.
Ruby didn't say anything as her thoughts were on the girl she was speaking to, and as she checked her pockets to make sure she had her weapon on her back and checked her pockets for her money making sure she didn't lose it she felt something else in her pocket.
Pulling it out she saw it was a piece of paper with a few words on it.
'My name is Neo.'
'What a cute name.' Wait where did that come from?
Ruby blushing, confused as to where her thoughts were taking and about what she was feeling, shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts Weiss interrupted her before she could finish her thoughts, asking what she was thinking about to which Ruby just replied she was thinking about her walk.
Back at the park.
Neo watched with a little amusement as Ruby ran off to meet her friend, smiling for what seemed the first time in a very, very long time.
She was confused as to why she let the girl in and spoke to her and even told her a little of Cinder's plan for what was going to happen, it wasn't like the girl could do anything to stop Cinder so why did she tell her?
Shaking the thought away, Neo tried to stop the small feeling of hope she was feeling that the girl could do something and maybe just maybe help Neo as well.
So with a small glimmer of hope, Neo fixed her outfit to at least look presentable and headed back towards the hideout.
So yeah first chapter, this hasn't been beta'ed so any mistakes I am sorry for and no excuse for it.
I have a rough idea of what I want to do, I will be covering most of the episodes or at least those I feel are important, and might mess around with Coco as well in this story, I have some idea's but please review and tell me what you think it's my first time writing for the RWBY Fandom though I have read a lot of stories in it.
How do you think I showed the characters?
Anyway thank you.
Oh and I own nothing its all Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum.