Author's Note

Well, I watched a video called "TDAS Aleheather scenes", and it gave me another idea for a fanfiction, which is to write these two during their duration on TDAS, though it will contain a majority of their scenes from behind the scenes. There will be some scenes that were in the show, and it is extremely obvious what scenes they would be. The rights belong to the appropriate people, and I own nothing, so please do not sue me for copyright. Ain't nobody trynna go through all of that and claim stuff that ain't theirs. Well, this is an M fic because...why else would it be an M fic? THINK PEOPLE. JK.

Alejandro was in his first class room, and was shaving his mustache. He was glad to be back, and from the looks of the other's reactions, they were not as enthused. He bit his lip after seeing Heather tremble ever since he revealed himself, "Serves that sexy snake for crossing me like that, and doing this to me in the first place."

Soon enough, the irritated queen bee barged into his room, "What...How...Why are you here? I was told by the producers that you would NOT be here."

"I am here because like you and everyone else, to win a million dollars. It will be a lot harder because of my asleep legs, but I am a Burromeurto, and I will make it," he lowly stated, as it was obvious.

She rolled her eyes, "Your legs are not asleep. It has been like 2 and a half years, and..." before being interrupted her.

He corrected the snobbish beauty, "It has been a year and 3 months. Such a shame that you would not remember the day that you RUINED MY LIFE." He could no longer hold back his rage, as the traumatic event was fresh on his mind, "INSTEAD of yelling and arguing about the best villain on the show returning, how about you, I don't know... APOLOGIZE, or repay me for causing me to lose my legs by...I don't know...relieving me of...any frustrations in my..."

"Don't. You. Dare. I am NEVER doing that again. We did that once in TDWT, and there is NO way I am doing that again," she interjected, threateningly pointing her fingers at his chest. She looked at him for a few seconds, and could not help but study him with her eyes. The sexy stubble on him made him look more ruggish, dirty, manly, and her eyes shifted to his ripped up clothing that was showing off a lot more than usual.

He looked at her smoldering eyes watch him, and he remembered from their one night tenure 2 seasons ago what the expressions on her eyes were signifying, making him tingle slightly. The Spanish man soon broke the silence, "So, is that all you are going to do? Look at my sexy, ruffled up look? I know that I can pull off anything, but the stubble and these shattered clothes are going now, so if you don't mind, I need some privacy."

Heather soon forced herself to look at him in his eyes, making her final statement, "Whatever pretty boy. Just stay out of my way this season. But I am sure you will be out soon anyways, since everyone knows you are a huge snake, and this sympathy plot you have going on will blow up in your face," before walking out the room.

The Villainous Vultures are having a party, and rushed inside, as they had to attend the elimination ceremony. They plopped down on the couch in the living room, "Those Heroes are such idiots. They should have taken out Courtney when they had the chance. She is the biggest threat on their team."

"While Courtney is a threat, Lindsay is a pain in everyone's ass. She was whining all day about not being with Tyler or Beth. And when she wasn't doing that, she kept on bothering me about...that thing over there, that she referred to as honey bunny. It is a good thing she is gone." Heather complained, pointing to Alejandro, as she was referring to him.

Duncan and Gwen went and pulled out a bottle of rum that they snuck onto the set, "How about we spend our first victory with some nice rum? Party it up," the punk said.

Scott and Jo could not help but feel a bit of envy, and glaring at them as he pointed our to them, "Uh, hello? Jo and I are underage."

Heather could not help but giggle at them mockingly, "How unfortunate. I will get the drinks and some food."

"I will come and get them with you seniorita," Alejandro offered, getting up, and "trying to walk", but "fell because his legs were too weak", causing everyone to jolt up and look at him. "I am fine," he muttered before then decided to go on a handstand and walking using his hands to follow her.

They both entered the kitchen, and she grabbed 4 glasses, which she poured wine in, "That was such a pathetically lame fall Al, but I have to say, everyone bought it...ooh...what are you doing?" completely shocked by the thrill she was getting from Alejandro kissing her thighs.

"I. have. to. say...My. sleeping. legs. do. give. me. the. blessing. of. staring. at. your. muy. exquisito. legs," he muttered each word after kissing her thigh. Alejandro smirked as he could see her twitching legs from his kisses. "This will be a fun season for the both of us. Who can outlast the other.. Who can give in to the other first.. Who can get their revenge first.. Who will beg to bed the other first..." licking her thighs, and feeling the goosebumps forming on her skin.

She grabbed his thighs and dug her nails into them, as she threatened him, "Listen up Alejandro. I am not in the mood for games this season, alright? I do not want you, and I only want you to go home. And I will let you know this. I will not hesitate to decapitate you in this competition, and make sure you have the most brutal elimination to ever surface Total Drama. Leave. Me. Alone," only to cause him to topple over and want to scream from the agony of her nails scratching his leg.

Heather entered the room, and handed Gwen and Duncan their glasses, before sitting down beside them and poured down half of her glass full of rum, and drank it all, causing her teammates to look at her weirdly from drinking that much so soon, "What? I can use all the drinks I can get if I am going to put up with you pests."

Alejandro managed to bring a chip bag, and threw it to them before he hand walked back to them, and he could feel Heather's glare as he attempted to sit beside her, only for her to block the seat. He got up, only so he can "fall" on the couch, and on top of her, "No need to be so hostile, especially when I have a bigger reason to be mad than you do. Hand the King of Alcohol a drink," demanding a drink, and Duncan poured him a drink.

Gwen looked around awkwardly, as there was some clear tension, so she decided to start a toast, "to Villainy?"

"To Villainy," they all cheered, with all but Jo and Scott have the first round of many drinks. Soon enough, the 4 of them started to have blurred up visions, and felt the alcohol flow through their systems, not stopping for a moment.

It is the next morning, and it is clear that the four were completely hung over. Gwen and Duncan awoke on completely different couches, looking paler than usual, and Alejandro woke up on top of Heather, feeling like a complete slob. Something in him almost immediately made him regurgitate; throwing up on the floor, "UUGH, I have a hangover."

Gwen got up, and was still wobbly and weak, causing her to fall, "Too...much to drink," and after she smelt the vomit reek the room, she threw up as well. Duncan immediately ran to the washroom, and threw up, thanks to his throbbing hangover.

Heather immediately awoke with a pulsating headache, and the smell of vomit entering her nose did not make her feel better, "Ugh, it reeks up in here." A heavy, muscular, defined, Latin weight was on her, causing her to push him over, "Get. Off. Ugh, did you try to rape me last night?" getting up and walked over go a plant to throw up.

The four of them would not stop throwing up, and soon enough, a message was heard through the bullhorn, with Chris speaking with annoyance, "Thanks to 4 specific individuals... Alejandro, Gwen, Duncan, and Heather, who drank like a bunch of sailors, the challenge will have to be postponed until tomorrow. Since the ROTI cast is underage, and there is alcohol in the premises, it is not possible to compete a challenge, where not only 4 out of 13 are dying over, but I can get sued by potential underage drinking. Have fun recovering you 4."

Alejandro rolled over on the floor, and was still confused, "What the hell happened last night? All I remember was that we were drinking, and drinking, and more drinking?"

"Well from the position we woke up in, it is clear that you were trying to get some. Ugh, my head fucking hurts. I am going up to my bed. The rum was good though," spoke the Queen bee before she wobbled to the stairs.

Both of them were in the massage room the next day, and both have sobered up. Alejandro was on the massage stool, looking at the nail and scratch marks she made on him, "Ugh, did you really has to dig your nails in me when I was turning you on 2 nights ago? You are lucky that I could not feel my legs, but it is a peeve of mine to have marks on me."

She got up as he lent on the massage table, and grabbed his leg to look at the mark she left. Heather knew this was all a gameplay after his performance in WT, and exposing him is becoming a bit of an obsession of hers, and knew the perfect way to do it, as she trailed over it, "It is not that bad. You wouldn't be complaining out it if you did not feel anything on your legs Al. Unless you are finally going to admit that this is all a plot for the game," continuing to caress his legs.

Alejandro could not deny that she was making him feel great; her soft hands rubbing all over his muscular, tanned calves, legs, and thighs, and soon realized what she was trying to do, "I get your plan. You think that rubbing me up and attempting to turn me on is going to expose my legs being "fake asleep"? The masseuse is supposed to be here at any moment. I am the master of using lust, touch and seduction to find things out. You cannot outplay the player." He tried hard not to to flinch his legs from her tantalizing touches, but it is a task that is proving to be harder and harder as she went higher.

Heather could only chuckle, as she saw his cock increasingly grow in his speedo, and the tip of his shaft starting to peek out of it, " don't feel anything, but you are hard," with her hands only gliding up his thighs.

He wanted to clench his toes and legs, as she was rubbing his upper thighs, but he was saved by the bell when the masseuse showed up, and put her bag down, "Sorry I was late. Had to wax Chris McLean's back and anus. I will put the oil all over you before we get into the heavy massage."

Heather went to sit at the single couch that was in front of the massage chair and something about the oil being rubbed all over that deliciously tanned, detailed, chiseled back was making her grow fuzzy, and her nipples harden teasingly against her shirt. She crossed her legs, as her pussy soon started throbbing from the probing, poking, rubbing, and kneading of the Adonis body that he had. She just sat there for countless minutes in silence, growing more and more frustrated because her hormones were unbearing, "Quit hogging the masseuse."

He signed, "I'm sure her hands are magical, if only I could feel them," ignoring the feeling of the masseuse karate chopping his calves.

"Seriously, your legs are still asleep?" she questioned, with it being a few days since he was out if the robot suit, and frankly not believing him.

He huffed his head up to look at her right in the eye, wanting her to feel more guilty with him looking directly into her eyes, "I don't know if they'll ever wake up. I was squashed into that robot suit for an entire year, WHICH you would have known if you had ever texted me," expressing his anger, though playing it up, causing her to leave her seat and point at him.

"It's not like you ever texted me," she rebutted, before she noticed that the masseuse put on an eyebrow wax on him. Must have missed the masseuse doing than when she was too busy clenching her legs to contain herself, "Are you getting your eyebrows waxed? Wow!"

"They call it man-scaping because it is very...manly," he elaborated defensively, before changing the topic back to what they were discussing beforehand, "and I didn't text you BECAUSE I WAS TRAPPED IN A ROBOT SUIT!"

For some reason, she could not come up with a proper response, "Well...uh, whatever," before ripping off his eyebrow wax, delighted in the pain she caused him.

Soon after that, Chris spoke through the bullhorn, "ATTENTION CAMPERS, IT'S CHALLENGE TIME. Get your heinies on the beach PRONTO."

"Shall I fetch the baby carriage," she teased, only for Alejandro to go on his hands and walk off, "Show off."

Today was really not going well for Heather. Jo was irritating the ever loving crap out of her with trying to take her leadership position, and trying to pick fights with her. This challenge was not going as planned, and there is no way that she is going to let a...second generation person disrespect her. All she needed to do was find another piece. Soon enough, her eyes came across from Alejandro digging with his arms, and saw his lower leg twitch, alerting her, "Aha. I knew he was faking it," only to see a crab crawl from under his leg, "Oh."

The crab soon snapped his claws on the spaniard's foot, causing immense pain through him, but he knew that the cameras (and the entire cast) was all around him, so he put out an incredibly forced yawn, which was a desperate cry of pain.

Jo soon approached them, annoying them both with her ridiculously bossy and overall unappealing presence, "Hey! Leggy McLatin. Nice accessory," she taunted. He could not help but widen his eyes from her stating the obvious, before slamming the crab with his shovel.

"Thanks Joanna," he thanked, knowing that referring to her by her real name would bother her, to be proven corrected when she rolled her eyes in annoyance before walking off.

The aftermath of the claw bite was definitely seeping through his feet, with the pain and sensitivity lingering through his nerves,wanting to clench his body, and shout his pain out, but he could see that Heather was still there, causing him to force a smile, "Are you that lust struck over my hotness that you cannot complete the challenge?"

She was not even looking at him, but was frozen from the guilt really creeping up to her, realizing that her allegation of him faking is appearing to be more and more false, that she really could have permanently damaged his body and his life from that volcano, though that was not fully her intention, "No, not at all. really aren't faking, are you? If...if that is the case, than I'm..."

"It's fine...Just please let me be," he quickly cut off, not because he did not want to hear her, but he really needed to scream from this lingering claw bite. She gave him an eye roll before walking off. When no one was in a close enough proximity of him, he put his head in the deep hole that he dug, he screamed his ass off in pain.

Alejandro made sure that he made it to the showers in the time that no one would be there; the last hour before the elimination ceremony, and came off his arms to stand up properly, soon starting to strip off his clothes, "Ugh, standing on my arms is becoming more and more of a pain. At least it will give me more muscle mass." He put how clothes on the counter, and soon began to look at his nude self, caressing all of the scars and marks all over that remained from the TDWT finale, "I will never be as beautiful as I was before, though I guess that these...small imperfections give me some roughish-sexiness. Still better than all of the other men here," and quickly went into the shower.

He grabbed his rag before turning the shower on, letting the warm water lather his chiseled body, "Ahhhhh, nothing better than a hot shower." He soaped up his rag, and clothed his eyes before he soaped up his body with Old Spice. His mind soon went to the touches that Heather left on him, and the radiant beauty that he cannot kill off the burning, spicy passion for Heather, with his hand finding his growing cock to stroke.

He did not realize that his self proclaimed queen entered the communal washrooms, and she saw his clothes on the counter. "Hmmm, he is here," she spoke quietly to herself before she quickly removed her clothes, and looked at her nude self in the mirror, fondling her breasts playfully, and appreciating the voluptuous figure she has, before entering the shower with her rag and soap bar.

Heather turned on the water, and quickly started to soap herself up. Today was such a stressful day for her, and she knew that Jo was going to give her hell for as long as she was here, and her campaign against Lightning was grating her nerves, and she is considering ridding of Jo. She could not even think for much life before she heard a manly moan, instantly causing her legs to clench and her vagina to throb.

"Uuugghhh...ooooohhhh...aaaahhhh...Heather, baby..." Alejandro moaned out, as he stroked his long penis, relieved that some of his sexual frustration is being released. A soap bar dropped onto his shower stall, but he did not notice, as the stimulating bliss of the bit shower and the self love was too distracting and pleasurable.

He felt a hand touch his feet, causing him to open his eyes and frantically flinched realizing that his ice queen was underneath the stall walls, clearly seeing him on his two feet and legs with no struggle, with his hand still wrapped around his penis. Heather could not help but open her mouth, with so many things going through her head. It is clear that his body is perfectly fine...more than fine, but a deliciously sculpted, warming, and woman wetting body, "Oh my gosh, so sex...wait, you ARE faking about your legs. You are SO screwed now."

The woman got up, and grabbed her soap, before making her way out of the showers, "You are SO going home tonight after I tell everyone that your PATHETIC sympathy plot is all a sham. Pack your bags, cause you are getting FLUSHED," only for him to grab her, and force her soft and curvy body against his hard, for body.

"You are NOT going anywhere, and you clearly don't want me to go," he darkly assured...more so threatened her, slipping his hands between her wet and sexually sensitive cunt, biting his lips from her blissful face as he stroked her, and watched her moan.

"Aaahhhh...Sssss...stop it," she tried to demand, but it came off as a desperate groan, as she tried to push him off her, only to grasp and feel his tight abdominal muscles, and to not leave it out of instinct, and her hand managed to touch his penis. " made me...feel bad for...hurting the point that your legs are...still asleep. You...jerk. Pa...pathetic move," her body starting to succumb to the sexy touches.

He felt her hand force his sick to flap against her vaginal walls, causing him to desperately shiver and grunt, "PLEASE do not Seriously, I will...fuck. I will do ANYTHING if you just kept this to yourself," as he started to pinch her nipples.

"And...why would I do that?" She asked, as her hardened nipples were in the delicious care of the Latin man's finger, "It would be so easy convince everyone to vote you off...instead of Lightning."

He whispered into her ear tantalizingly, "Because... No one will believe you, the target on Lightning is too big for them to change last minute, and want me around, want me, and that one time we had sex had you mesmerized. And plus, when we did it, we still had all of our clothes on and after seeing one another completely nude for the first time, neither of us are going to sexually handle it of the other is gone too soon," though it does not mean he wants to take her the end.

He all of a sudden let go, causing her to stumble on the floor, and to put her clothes back on, though her body ached as the touches ended, "I...I do not need to take a shower right now," and instantly left in a frantic mess.

Author's Note

Well, this chapter takes place from the very end of Heroes vs Villains through most of Evil Dread. There will be some chapters that won't be contained in an episode like it was this episode. Well, I don't know how people will react to this. If there is any other story out there like this, I did no copy it, nor did I intend to copy anything from anyone else. This will be 16 chapters at the maximum.