My What...

AN: I do not own Harry Potter. I plan on updating at least every 2 weeks. Thank you to my beta Pixies Between The Pages. Enjoy and please review.

Chapter 1
Harry Potter stumbled over a rock and cursed quietly. It was unbelievably hot out and still his so called relatives had kicked him out of the house. He only lived with the Dursley family off number 4 Privet Drive out of necessity. He frankly could care less if they acknowledged him. It only became an issue on days like this one where is was too hot to be outside, but still they had kicked him out to face the heat.

The house located at number 4 was not a home, it never had been and never would, Harry thought bitterly. He could not stand his relatives and they could not stand him. Harry slowly made his way through the local park cursing the fact that he had to continue to stay with his last remaining relatives even though they despised fact the only reason that he had not run away is because he had no where else to go. Sure Harry had friends, or at least thought that he did but he had not heard from anyone except for his godfather Sirius for the whole summer. Just thinking of the betrayal of Ron and Hermione caused Harry to once again quietly curse and kick a rock, which he instantly regretted as it only made his foot hurt and did nothing to relieve his anger.

The local park was devoid of all children, most probably because their parents had the common sense to keep them inside where is was cool. Harry sat on one of the few swings that had survived the beating placed on it by his delinquent cousin Dudley with a small sigh trying to drive away the depressive and persuasive thoughts from his head. All he wanted to do was to make it through these next few weeks and get back to school alive.

The sun was setting by the time that Harry's Aunt Petunia allowed him back into the house for the first time that day. He had been forced to spend his day wandering around a town where everyone hated him without food or water in the blazing sun and he had a small sunburn. Even though he had not eaten anything yet that day Harry's Aunt still screeched at him to go up to his room and to stay out of the way of her normal family.

When Harry heard his aunt say that her family was "normal" he couldn't help but have a small smile cross his lips. The Dursley family was no where close to normal in his view, as a normal family is not made up by a walrus, a giraffe, and their son. Upon reaching his room Harry immediately collapsed on his bed, passing out almost at once from the strain of his day weighing down on him.

The precious sleep did not last long though and within the hour Harry had woken up gasping for breath at the nightmares and thoughts that rushed into his mind. He could not stop them. The pain was overwhelming and threatened to take control over his life. He couldn't breath. Every time that he tried to he was brought to his knees with the pure agony that hit him.

The Tri-Wizard Tournament, Cedric, Voldemort, his parents. It was going to crush him and he wouldn't be able to stand a chance. He just wanted the pain to end. He couldn't fight it any more, to feel anything would be better than.

Harry sat with his knees pulled tight to his chest as he struggled to gain control of himself. He would fall, he was sure of it. The only question remaining was how long he would be be able to last before the darkness would overpower him and take control of his life.

Harry groped around on the floor of his room looking for anything that could take away his pain, anything that could stop stop the emotion that threatened to kill him. He felt something prick his finger and pulled out a tack. Without anything other thought Harry took the tack and dragged it roughly along his hip. There was pain, but it brought him back to the present, dragging him away from the nightmare of the third task. He knew that everyone said that Cedric's death was not his fault but he couldn't believe them. If it wasn't for him then the popular Hufflepuff would still be alive. Harry quickly cut himself again with the tack drawing blood and the thoughts away from him.

A soft tapping noise was heard at his and Harry looked up to see Hedwig, his owl, fly into the room. In her claws was clutched a thick letter. Harry pulled himself off the floor and went to retrieve the letter. It was addressed to a Lord Harrold James Alec Godric Potter IV. Harry looked at it in confusion and flipped it over, it was sealed with the Gringotts crest. He gently pried open the seal and pulled out the contents.

Inside was a letter and a book. The letter was from Gringotts addressed to him and read,

Lord Harold James Alec Godric Potter IV,
It has come to our attention that the monthly statements have not been received and you have not yet claimed your heir's ring. As you should know this must be claimed by your 15th birthday or you run the risk of forfeiting your inheritance. As this is of great importance we have taken the liberty to convert this letter into a portkey that will activate with the phrase magistare est stultum. We will expect your arrive to carry out these important ceremonies at the soonest possible occurrence.
May Your Gold Ever Flow,
Potter Account Manager

Harry looked up from the letter with shock, not knowing what to do. He did not know any of this or why this had happened now. With trembling hands Harry looked at the book that had by placed inside the envelope. Attached to it was a note.

To gain your trust here is the Potter Family Grimolio that should have been given to you at birth.

None of this note helped to clarify anything but with trepidation Harry opened the book. As soon as the cover had been opened Hedwig swooped down and with her talons rapidly flipped through the book.

"Hedwig, what are you doing?" Harry asked his owl. Hedwig in turn pushed the book back towards Harry and tapped her beak to a specific spot on the page. In confusion Harry looked down. It appeared to be a counter spell.

antianimargus frezeos minimos
This is the counter cuse for the animagus form freezing curse.

If you chant the spell over a human under an animagus form freezing curse

It will release the person from the otherwise permanent curse.

The counter curse allow the animagus to change naturally back to their human form.

Like most of the spells in this book it is only possible for a full, blood member of the Potter Clan to cast.

"This is an interesting spell Hedwig" Harry said softly. Hedwig swooped down and began to gently pick at the counter curse that Harry had just read. "wait..." Harry said slowly as a thought struck him " do you mean that you are an animagus that was frozen." Hedwig nodded in reply.

"Hedwig, I would cast this but I don't have any way to use magic without being discovered by the ministry." At this this Hedwig looked down but quickly tapped on the letter that Harry had received from the Wizarding bank. Harry was not sure what his owl...or whatever it is now, meant but he still asked ,"Do you want me to take the portkey to the bank?" The result was an obvious nod of the head by the snowy white owl.

Harry was terrified of porkeys, especially after the fiasco with the third task but the thought of being able to help someone over powered his fear and he began to prepare himself for a trip to the wizarding bank.

Nymphadora Tonks was on guard duty. There had been no sign of the 5th year Gryffindor since he had entered the house several hours previously. She did not worry though as this was a common occurrence. If she had known what was to come though she would have not been so optimistic during her shift.

After he had gathered everything that he needed and changed into robes Harry had Hedwig grip his shoulder and with his wand in one hand and the porkey in the other Harry called out the activation phrase, felt a strong pull behind his navel and disappeared from number 4.

Harry landed with a crash in a small, but nicely decorated room. Moments after he arrived a Goblin entered through a side door.

"Greetings Lord Potter of the Clan Potter it is good to see that you made it here safely. I am Clawtooth and I am the Account Manager of the Potter Clan."

"It is good to meet you Clawtooth" said Harry, "But I am confused, why am I here, who is Lord Potter, and why am I just finding this out now?"

"Lord Potter if I were to be permitted to answer your questions, the truth is that you should have found this out years ago. The Potter Clan has held a Lordship for hundreds of years ever since the battle of Hastings in 1066. You are here because you are the last of the Potters and you must claim control or else it would mean the end of the family line."

"Clawtooth, I guess I understand."

"Good, if you are satisfied with that, Lord Potter, we have some paper work that needs to be filled out. Now I was planing on going over all of your assets today but with your lack of previous knowledge I feel that it would be better if I gave you the paperwork and you came back in to discuss the results."

At these words Harry sighed with relief, this was already too much beyond what he could handle and if he had time to look thing though it would be much easier. He told Clawtooth that he agreed with the suggestion and Clawtooth handed over a thick file which he said contained all of the information about his family's assets.

Clawtooth then told Harry that the only thing he must today was claim the heir's ring and that once that was done he was free to leave. The Goblin then lead Harry down the path to the boarding place for the carts and whistled for a cart. The two of them and Hedwig boarded the cart and and they took off. Harry was going deeper and faster than he had ever been before and he did not think they were stopping soon. He had to remind himself several times that it was not an option to throw himself out of the card to escape everything as he couldn't let down his family.

When they began to slow down and then stop Harry was able to see the bottom of the vaults. The vault that Clawtooth was leading him too was number 6, something that shocked Harry as Ron had told him that the first 5 vaults were the Hogwarts Founders and the Peverell Family and that the older the family was the lower their vault number was.

The vault doors were huge scarlet and gold and was decorated which was something Harry had never seen before. The had large gold lions and one gold and scarlet Phoenix on the rich earth brown doors.

Clawtooth had Harry place his hand in the center of the door. Once he did Harry found that he was unable to move. After several minutes though he was able to draw his hand away and the doors opened.

The vault was huge. There was piles of gold on the floor and closer to the walls there was piles of jewelry on elaborate furniture in different kinds of boxes. There was also mounds of armor and other weapons and more furniture then Harry had ever seen in his life.

In the center of the vault was a huge ring stand, where dozens of rings were placed in the base and with one larger ring centered on the top. Clawtooth did not say anything, but Harry could tell that this was the heir's ring he had been told about and without any prompting he stepped forward and placed the ring on his left hand. In that moment that the ring on his finger was a symbol of power and peace, and it swept over Harry as he felt the energy of the Potter Clan.

Clawtooth then asked, "Lord Potter would you like to know the portkey password for the family estate? As the heir of Clan Potter you are exempt from underage magic rules and are free to live at the family estate, even if you are by your self and under aged."

At Harry's positive response the Goblin told him, "The phrase to activate the portkey is mihi familia villa. " Clawthooth said "It will take you back and forth to the manor whenever you want and to leave the manor you say relinquo villa and focus on the place where you want to go."

Harry turned towards Hedwig and said quietly, "That is where I will cast the spell...You really did plan everything out you clever thing."

Clawtooth lead Harry back to the cart and up to the surface level of the bank. Here he told Harry that Portkeys did not work within the confines of Diagon Alley and that to leave he would have to walk into muggle London.

Upon leaving the bank Harry left the magical alley from there he started down a side alley close to the muggle side of the Leaky Cauldron and walked towards the end where no one could see him. "Mihi familia villa" he whispered and with Hedwig gripping tight to his arm Harry felt the portkey activated and send them on their way.

Nymphadora Tonks was getting nervous. Harry Potter, the boy she was supposed to be keeping an eye on for the order of the Phoenix was missing. He had not been seen in the past two watches and now it was her turn again and if did not turn up by the end of the day Dumbledore would have to tell Sirius .She did not want to be near her cousin when he found out.

No, she thought grimly, All Blacks had scarily big tempers. She knew that for a fact her mother Andromeda had put at last count 14 Aurors in 's for being the bringer of bad news.

Let us just hope that Harry turns up before we have to tell Sirius. If we believe strongly enough then it would happen, she thought desperately.

Harry appeared in the atrium of what he could see a extremely large manor. He turned to Hedwig who in turn lead him up the grand staircase in the center of the room and slowly flew up to a hall that took up most of the second floor. The room that Harry opened at the urging of Hedwig was a long hall with what seemed to be hundreds of portraits ,and under each portrait was a wand -or in many cases- wands on small display cases.

Hedwig flew with a purpose ,as Harry stood in shock at the size of the hall, to a case near their end. She grabbed the two wands that were in the case and quickly flew back to where Harry stood and dropped them in his hands.

Harry saw out of the corner of his eye that Hedwig dropped the two wands and with his seeker reflects he quickly caught them in his hand. Then, Hedwig seeing that Harry caught them flew out the door to the hall and down the stairs to the entrance.

When Harry caught up to his owl she was waiting by the doors to go outside. "So girl I guess you want to do this outside?" Harry questioned and after Hedwig nodded ,he opened the doors and stepped out on to the grounds.

The grounds of the manor were bigger than any Harry had ever seen before and as Hedwig lead him to a huge stone patio Harry could not help taking a look around at the magnificent grounds.

" Hedwig." Harry said to the owl animagus as she stopped on a wall near the woods bordering the manor. " Is this where you want me to do the spell?' And as the soon not to be bird nodded Harry pulled out his wand and said in a loud and clear voice over the owl, " Antianimargus frezeos minimos. "

A flash of gold light made Harry closed his eyes and when he opened then he saw a women with hazel eyes and long red hair just starting to gray standing in front of him. "Hello Harry it is nice to see you again." The women said.

Harry stuttered back "Y-you k-know m-m-m-me?"

"Yes Harry when you were a baby. I'll explain how I know you in a minute." Taking one of the wands from Harry's hands she walked to the edge of the woods.

" Charles. Charles! Come here, you flee bitten lion!" At those words a large golden lion jump out of the trees and the women stopped her calling and the sonorous charm.

A quick flick of the women's wand was all that was neede for the lion to become engulfed in golden light too and when the light cleared this time a blue eyed man with hair starting to gray like his wife's appeared. But the grey was not caught Harry's attention. It was that the man's hair it was the same messy hair that Harry had.

" Hello Harry." The man started off. " Well you already freed Dorea so it is my responsibility to tell you who we are. We are Lord Charles and Lady Dorea Potter and we are your grandparents."