Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY
Well this idea was an idea from a friend I was not sure if I would do it but he wouldn't leave me alone about so in the end I decided I would do it. I was thinking of canceling this idea when my friend told me a certain fic came up that was a bit like this idea. I wanted to cancel the idea but he wouldn't let me since we had already planned a few things towards this fic so yeah here we are.
I wonder how this fic will do? anyway I hope you like this chapter since a few things will be shown and revealed already. If you like r and r and just asking my readers you think I should long or short chapters for this? note i am thinking of doing a persona 3 cross over since there are none that have jaune in it so it will be up soon along with my blaze blue cross over with RWBY and well hint on what kind of person Jaune will be. a fascinating specimen.
Chapter 1 the letter and the arrival
Jaune arc just read the letter over hoping he had read it wrong. But reading it again he eyes his widen with worry.
"No, no, no, no. I can't believe this happen. How did it happen?! I can't panic I'm sure mom and dad will find her, but what if they don't? I can't think of that I need to stay positive, yea that's it.. How the hell do they lose her!? Jaune yelled slamming his hands on the table causing everyone in the cafeteria to look at him. He only gave an awkward laugh sitting back down forgetting he was in a public place. Great I had to cause a scene not like I have enough problems fitting in. I need to ask the dean if I can have a couple of days off."
Jaune was about to get up and leave but heard a familiar voice.
"Jaune is something the matter? "
"Huh? Oh hey Nora what are you and the rest of the team doing here?" Jaune quickly hid the letter in his chest armor before she or any off his friends could see it.
"Eating lunch of course what else do you do in a cafeteria?" She told him taking a seat followed by Ren and Pyrrha who took a seat in front of Jaune much to his displeasure for once..
"Jaune are you ok? You look a bit under the weather? Pyrrha asked her crush/team leader with concern.
"Nothing, nothings wrong I just need to get a few days off from school to take care of some business with my family."
"I don't think anyone can be given permission to leave unless the dean is sure it's important to the hunter."
"Trust me it's important, well to me it is. I don't care of he tells me no I will go on the weekends if I have to. I need to make sure she is safe."
"She?" They all asked wondering what he meant.
Jaune quickly covered his mouth but it was too late as he had said she and couldn't take it back..
"Dammit! He cursed in his mind trying to figure what to say as he felt his teams eyes on him but for some odd reason he could have sworn that Pyrrha was glaring at him. I just had to go and open my mouth ok Jaune try and fix this I can fix it I'm their leader."
"Who is she? Is she a girlfriend or something Jaune?" Nora asked with excitement in her voice as Ren shook his head at her statement knowing she was going to make things worse.
Jaune was about to speak up to clear up anything Nora had said but at the moment Team Rwby had appeared and had heard Nora.
"Wait! Jaune has a girlfriend?! Who is she!?"
Jaune turned to meet Ruby's gaze. He didn't think it would be her to shout that out or believe Nora before hearing his side of the story.
"It's not what you think!? Beside Nora doesn't know what's she talking about. Ren lets go we need to go take care of that thing you asked me about!."
"Huh? What thing?"
Ren was only grabbed by Jaune as he ran out of the cafeteria dragging Ren along with him slamming the door behind him.
"Hey Jaune get back here and answer the question!?"
Before Ruby could give chase she was grabbed by her sister who pulled her up by her hood.
"Ruby what are you doing causing a scene and was that Jaune that ran out of here?"
"Let me go yang! I need to find out who Jaune's girlfriend is!"
"Wait Jaune has a girlfriend? " she asked her sister ins disbelief. As ruby tried to get free form her grasp.
"Yes, and I'm trying to find out who it is!"
Yang only sighed as she out her sister knowing why she was acting like this. she knew her sister liked Jaune but she never understood why.
"So where is vomit boy?"
Nora was about to answer Yang but was interrupted by a certain yell.
All the girls just looked at the closed door hearing Ren's voice yell that loud.
"Ok what the hell was that?" Yang asked as Weiss noticed something on the floor.
"That's the first time I have ever heard Ren yell that loud? I wonder if he is ok? I should go check on him."
"Weiss what are you reading?" Blake asked her as Weiss looked up from a piece of paper she was reading.
"I found this on the ground and I believe it belongs to that fool. what an idiot leaving a letter behind him not knowing who hey!"
Weiss felt the letter swiped form her hands by Nora who smile speaking out loud.
"Maybe it's a love letter from her? He did say she was worried about her, maybe something happen to her and she wrote to him. maybe she broke up with him and is worried about how it will go?"
"Just Read it! Ruby and Pyrrha yelled as Nora nodded and began to read aloud so the group could hear.
Dear Jaune
"How are you doing? Everything has been fine since you left our home. Me and your father have been well since you left for beacon we hope everything has gone well for you."
Yang saw her sister and Pyrrha both let out a sigh of relief finding out the letter was from his mother. Nora only continued reading the letter.
"I know it's odd for me be to writing you so earlier than usual but it's an emergency! I'm so sorry I don't know how it happen or how she got away when she was with us one second and gone the other. Me and your father have looked everywhere for her and can't seem to find her. What kind mother loses her own child!? Your sisters are worried sick and have begun looking for her. Jaune I understand if you worried after reading this I won't see why not, but you need to make sure you don't anything rash since you care about her the most. I sent you a picture though I think I sent the wrong one since I was in a hurry. When you can please write me back and take care."
Love your Mom Samantha Arc
Nora looked over the letter wondering what it all meant. she looked on the back of the letter and found a picture.
"Is this the picture his mother was talking about?"
"Before she could see it she found it snatched from her hand by Ruby."
"Now lets see what kind of picture of Jaune we have here? Whoa, that's a lot of blondes and I think some have better then you Yang."
"What? Let me see that picture!"
Yang stole the picture from her sister and looked at it not believing the site in front of her. In the picture she saw Jaune smiling at the camera. She saw an older women and man standing next to him, but what shocked her was she saw eight girls standing around him and the whole group had blond hair! she saw some had long others had short blond hair. They were all standing around Jaune smiling as Yang saw three older blondes standing behind Jaune as one punched his arm with a grin. But what got her was that their hair was almost or just as good as hers. She put the picture on the table and just stared at it as her friends just looked over her shoulder and saw the picture.
"That's a lot of blondes." They all replied agreeing with Yang who continued looking at the picture trying to find something to say.
"How does a fool like him know so many girls? They look way out of his league yet he seems to be getting along with them?!"
"Hmmmm, Weiss I don't think you should be getting so worked up over nothing."
"What do you mean?" Weiss asked Blake who just sighed and reread the letter.
"These girls are probably his sisters that his mother mentioned. The older women and man are probably his mother and father. So that would make these girls in the picture his siblings. But I must say I didn't think he would have so many sisters, and by the looks of it he seems to be the second youngest since all the girls look older then him."
"Your right, now that I look more closely these women seem to be older then him but, this small girl around his arm."
The group looked at the small blond girl hanging from his arm. They saw she looked happy and that she belonged with the family seeing as they were all happy.
"Wait? The letter said she was missing you think she has something to do with it?" Pyrrha asked the group as ruby understood.
"That must be it! His little sister is missing! That must be why Nora and Pyrrha heard him say he was worried about her! She must have ran away from home or she was kidnapped! Or"
"Ruby, your just over thinking things. if it was something that important I think his mom and dad and not to mention his sisters would have called the cops if it was something like that. But maybe she is missing."
"Whatever the case we should get the details form him before we do anything I don't want to go on a meaningless search when the time could be used doing something of use."
"Weiss this is someone's family member we are talking about can you at least act worried Jaune is our friend after all." Pyrrha told Weiss as she was about to counter back but heard the bell go off.
They all agreed to talk to Jaune after class and to ask Ren if he knew anything seeing as he was dragged away by Jaune. On a certain airplane a small girl was looking down at the passing ground stunned by the site,
"Wow! I have never been this high before! With he was here seeing this with me. But knowing him he would probably get air sick….. again. I hope my sisters aren't mad that I left home to come visit Jaune. I haven't seen him in so long, I wonder if he missed me?"
The small girl only blinked as she looked at her refection in the window and brushed her hair cleaning any dirt from it and her sun dress. She continued to try and clean herself and smiled when she heard the speaker.
"We will arrive at beacon academy soon."
"Wonder if I should have brought him a gift? Well I did pack a few of the things our sisters wanted to give him. heheheh I bet he will be happy! The small girl walked over to the wall and took a seat removing the small back pack. Letting out a sigh of relief. Almost there.."
At beacon Academy Team Rwby and the female members of JNPR only looked at Jaune who had both hands on his hair looking like he wanted to pull it out. Nora had tried to ask Ren what he knew on the subject but he only replied.
"I can't say, it's between Jaune and me. what he told me it's too, well I can't say. It's between us guys, but I will need to talk to Blake later if you don't mind."
"Wait you need to talk to Blake why?" Nora asked Ren but again she didn't get an answer he just went to his seat leaving her wanting to know more about what was going on.
The rest of class was spent going over the lecture but Jaune friends saw him paying attention to the lesson. They all thought he was trying to distract himself from what was bothering him but they saw it in his actions. He would never really pay much attention in class before but.
Blake was writing down some notes and felt a small tap on her shoulder. she turned and saw a female student handing her a small note saying it was from Jaune. She quickly took it and opened the small paper reading the few words on it.
"We need to talk after class tell no one."
Blake closed the note and hid it looking over to Jaune who was looking at her wanting an answer. She nodded earning a smile from him. They both returned back to the lesson. Unknown to them Yang had seen the whole thing.
"Ok, what's going on with them? she asked herself thinking there was something going on between them."
Outside of Beacon
Outside of beacon the plane had landed and students were getting off. But a small girl with backpack followed them. as she stepped on beacon ground she took in the site of Beacon academy and was stunned by its size it.
"I didn't think it would be so big. I wonder if I will be able to find him? Maybe I should start asking for help?"
The small girl looked around trying to get a few people attention but was ignored. She felt kind of hurt but she understood maybe they were in a hurry for class or going back to their rooms. She began searching the campus looking for anything that would her find Jaune. She spent some time searching but got nowhere as she sat on a small bench tired from the search.
"Sigh, I can't find anything on him no one will help me. What am I going to do?"
" "
"Is someone sleeping?"
She looked behind her and saw something hanging from branch. She walked over to it and saw it was a tale.
"Is this a tale? She stepped a few feet back and saw someone asleep In the tree. Hey! Wake up can you help me?!"
"Looks like I have to wake him up same way he was woken up when he slept in a tree. She looked on the ground and found a rock and just smiled as she threw it in the air a few times. Heheheh, ok here goes! Hey wake up!" she threw the rock with all her strength hitting her target earning a yell.
"Ahhhhhh! Whoa whoa ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
She saw the person fall out of the tree landing on his head as the leafs fell with him.
"And that's what happen last time to, still I didn't even throw it that hard maybe he was just that weak. Hey are you ok?"
"Uhhhh, what the heck hit me?"
"A rock."
"Oh… wait where you the one who threw it?"
"Nooooo, but now that you're up can you help mr…?" the small asked trying to change the subject before getting caught.
"Don't call me mister my name is Sun Wukong."
"Nice to meet you sun I have a favor to ask of you."
"You want to ask a favor from the man you just knocked out of tree? What kind evil girl are you, who are you anyway?" Sun asked the small girl in front of him as he took a good look at her.
"My name Lingyin Arc and,"
"Wait arc? Are you related to Jaune arc?"
Lingyin smiled as she nodded getting suns attention at last.
"Yes, I'm looking for him do you mind telling me where he is?"
"Uhhhh, I don't know, do I know where he is? My head is a little sore from the fall. Maybe if you give me something I will recall where he is? Sun replied with a lazy smile seeing Lingyin put and drop her small backpack and seeing her begin to look through it. What are you doing?"
"I have something in here that will make you take me to him. I just have to find it, so don't move!"
Sun was at a lost as he saw the young arc begin to search her bag. He stared at her trying to figure out her connection to Jaune. But something stood out about her but he couldn't figure it out as he was still dizzy from the fall.
Jaune didn't know why but he suddenly felt a bit happy for an unknown reason maybe it had to do with that yell it did sound very familiar to him but he shrugged it off. Class had ended and all the students where leaving. He sighed as he got up and walked over to Ren who was talking to Nora who didn't look to happy with him. he caught ear of the situation.
"I'm sorry Nora but I promised to help Jaune with something it's very important and I'm sorry I can't tell you but I cant."
"But I already know what going on his little sister is missing right? Let me help you look for her, I'm sure with the three of us looking we will find her in no time!"
Ren looked at Nora and back to Jaune who shrugged giving him a look of confusion.
"Nora I don't know what your talking about. Nothing like that has happened it's just, Jaune made me promise or more like ordered me not to."
Nora looked over to Jaune who looked away avoiding her gaze but he felt a sudden weight on his back.
"Come one Jaune you have to let us help you look for her! We can even break into teams you and me can start looking where you want."
"Ruby I really don't have any idea what you're talking about, and why do you want to split into teams? Would you mind getting off me? Don't you have something to do? I need to do something so please get off?"
"Would that something have something to do with Blake? Yang said aloud as all eyes went from him to Blake who had her eyes on her book.
"Uhhh, of course not why would you say something like that yang?" Jaune asked her as he felt Ruby's grip tighten around his neck.
"Jaune? What is Yang talking about? You could be honest with me."
"Ruby I don't know what she is talking about honest, and can you please stop tightening your grip around my neck it feels as your trying to strangle me."
"Oh, sorry about that don't know what came over me.
Jaune gave a sigh of relief as ruby loosened her grip but stayed on him. Things where not going well for him he needed a way out of this whole thing, things couldn't get worst right?"
He was wrong.
"We might as well tell them, that you wanted to see me after class."
"Blake I said it was private matter! Uh!"
He quickly covered his mouth earning stares from Ruby,Weiss,Nora and from Pyrrha. He could have sworn was glaring at him again which kind of scared him.
"Jaune what is Blake talking about, and please don't leave out any details. We need to understand the situation. Or maybe Blake can tell us what's going on?"
"To be honest I don't even know why he wanted to talk to me, but seeing as Ren said he had something to do with Jaune so it's safe to assume he was going to talk to me as well. Well Ren am I wrong?"
All the girls stared at Ren he began to sweat and only ran for the door yelling
"Jaune there on to us! You're on your own my friend!"
Ren ran out the door in panic only to be followed by an angry Nora yelling what was he hiding form her causing the door to shut behind them leaving them all alone. Jaune started to panic as he managed to free himself from ruby's grip and tried to run but tripped over someone's foot.
"You're not going anywhere arc! You have answers to questions I have and I need you to answer them."
Weiss stood up and looked at the fallen Arc who had tripped over her foot seeing him turn around and backed away from her.
"I'm sorry my snow angel but not even for you. What I mean is that I have nothing to say and that's the truth… wait what are you going to do that?!"
Weiss pulled out MADR and pointed it at Jaune's crouch causing him to stiffen as she smiled.
"Now unless you want to lose it tell me what has you troubled or else."
"I told you I don't know what any of you are talking about. I just needed help with something so I asked that traitor Ren for help but now I know it was the wrong thing to do. I knew I should have asked Blake first but I had to go with Ren. What was I thinking trusting a guy who barley even says anything to anyone beside Nora."
Jaune mumbled as he looked up to see Weiss still pointing her rapier at his private area making him wonder why go there first.
"But do you mind telling me what that thing easy at this range I'm sure I wont miss.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa calm down my snow angel no need to do something I'm sure you'll regret."
"Then you better start talking."
"Weiss don't you think you're taking it too far? Yang stop her!"
"I don't know sis, Jaune has been acting weird all day and seems to not want us to know something even though we have his picture?" Yang said pulling out Jaune's picture and letter causing him to curse.
"How the hell did you get that? Dam, it must have fell out! Please tell me you didn't read it not that I would have a problem with it but please tell me you didn't read it!?"
"We read it and we know your little sister is missing and"
"For the last time I don't know what any of you talking about, I am the youngest in my family!"
"What?" They all asked him as Ruby helped him up him dust off as he just walked passed Weiss and walking up to yang who had the letter and picture. Taking the letter and putting it back into his pocket. He turned his back to Yang before returning to his seat.
No one said anything as they saw Jaune take a breath.
"Why are all of you interested in my all of a sudden? None of you have asked about me before? So why the sudden interest, and don't tell me cause it was cause I was acting strange."
Yang,Blake,and Weiss didn't know how to answer him but two other girls did.
"What do you mean? I'm worried because I'm your friend and also your teammate, we have to look out for each other, beside I'm also your partner and I don't think you should be keeping secrets from each other."
"So am I! Beside you are my first friend at this school so it's my job to worry about since you worry a lot for me when I'm not on your team."
Jaune just looked at Ruby and Pyrrha and sighed thinking about what to say.
"Fine, fine, I asked Blake to meet me after class cause well I need her help since the thing I need help is with someone in my family."
"Your Family? Did something happen?" Weiss asked him getting looks from everyone seeing as she was the one who asked the question.
Jaune paid her no mind as he just looked at the picture in front of him. he felt two people sit near him. He looked to his left and right side seeing ruby and Pyrrha. He took a breath and just spoke.
"I am the youngest of my family the other girls are my older sisters well you saw them form the picture. The older man and women are my father and mother."
"Wait you're the youngest? But? What about that little girl in the picture?"
"Yang can you please let me finish? That way you can get your answers. Yang bit her tongue as he continued. Yes I'm the youngest in the family, since I was born last. So all these claims you keeping making about my little sister is missing are false since I don't have one."
"Then who is the little girl in the picture?" Blake asked looking at Jaune as he scratched the back of his head at the question.
"Well, she's my daughter."
All the girls looked at Jaune thinking they hadn't heard him. Ruby and Pyrrha just had their mouths open as he had an awkward smile. He felt a pair arms grab and pull him toward them.
"You have a kid!? With who!? Ruby yelled him as he felt himself grabbed and pulled towards Pyrrha."
"You're married!? Why didn't you tell me? No! How long have been married? Was it an arranged married or maybe you were forced into it!?"
"What the hell are you talking about? No one forced me into marriage? Why assume that I can't get a wife, and what's with that reaction? I knew you girls would be shocked but not like this, does anyone hear something?"
"Blake's ears twitched as she looked at the class window and saw someone break through it. She noticed the person that had broken through the window had blond hair.
"Ok! He should be in this classroom if he wasn't in his room."
"Didn't you say that when you broke into the last two class rooms?"
"Hey thirds times the charm! You where the one telling me where to go?"
"What do you want from me? I'm new here!"
"Sun what's the meaning of breaking into class?"
"Huh? Oh, hey Weiss don't get angry at me I'm just dropping off someone. She sort of made me or more like bribed me to do it."
"Bribed you? Wait your dropping someone off? Who would that be?" She asked him getting surprised when she saw a small red head girl look over suns shoulder and smile.
"That someone would be me! Lingyin arc! At your service!" Lingyin yelled out loud as she was let down form sun's back an dusting herself off dusting off any glass from her hair.
"Lingyin ARC!?" All the girls yelled as she nodded ignoring their yells as the room was filled with another yell.
"Rin! You're in big trouble for making me worry! Now get over here!"
The girls looked at Jaune as he jumped over the table running towards sun and the small girl who only jumped from behind suns back towards Jaune. They all wanted to say something but again where speechless when she yelled.
Jaune managed to catch Lingyin in his arms and spin her around causing her to smile as he smiled back.
"Rin you had me so worried where have you been? Do you know how worried my mother and sisters where? They were so worried about you, we need to call and let them know you're ok. You know what my sisters did last time they thought you where kidnapped!"
"I know, but I wanted to see you! you were gone for so long!"
"I was gone for a couple months that's it."
The girls saw Jaune spin the Lingyin Around again not knowing what to say but Weiss and Blake noticed something.
"Is that?!"
"Are those?!"
"Jaune!?" Blake and Weiss yelled in union causing him to look at them as his daughter sat on his shoulders.
"What?" He asked them as Ruby,yang and Pyrrha saw what Blake and Weiss saw.
"Your daughter has a tale!"
"She has fox ears!?"
"Yea, I know that's because she a fox Fanus what about it?."
"Again they didn't know what to say but Pyrrha was speechless as ruby just fainted form everything she heard. Yang just stared at the small girl on Jaune's shoulders not knowing what to say. Blake just wondered if this was why he wanted her help. Weiss just stared at Jaune looking at him trying to find a rational reason behind everything that was happening but she kept drawing blanks. But all the girls had the same thought.
"Who was the mother!?"
Well here is chapter one I hope I did allright. This fic will be different and will have lots of elements. Now I have somethings to say. I am working on 3 more jaune fics each different from the last. 2 of them will be with cross overs, one with persona 3 and the oother with blazblue. The persona 3 is because I have seen a few cross over but none with jaune making me think why not do it myself but I wonder if I should make it a none cross over fic with persona 3 elements or just a cross over ideas?
The blaze blue one will be a bit dark and might not be a cross over it will just have elements from it what will it be? Wait and find out but the hint. The puppeteer's altar. Maybe you figured it out already maybe not stay tune stay tune for the next chapters and i hope you enjoyed ideas are also welcomed.