
His plan was a failure. The plan of keeping himself existing through the means of keeping alive a decade long massacre of children, and the grand savior who would rewind the timeline for the damsel in distress had been ruined. Day after day, after day, after day, he'd slaughter the kids with the grand power hidden deep in their eyes through the snakes inhabiting their bodies, feeling no remorse. After all, he was a monster by the textbook definition, was he not? A cold blooded reptile who simply killed to meet his own desires wouldn't be labeled as much of anything else.

The snake's grand decline was caused by his cockiness. He honestly believed that the time loop would last forever. He expected that the pathetic little whelp, the descendant of his former Master, would constantly reset and reset in the tragic loop to save her equally useless friends. Friendship, what a blatantly fragile and laughable concept that humans valued. They were a meaningless bond that always fell apart in the end, with a decaying, painful ending. But, through a series of unfortunate events, that meaningless bond ended his reign of devastation.

"An ironic twist of fate, isn't it?" He thought as he aimlessly drifted downwards into his watery prison, realizing his mistakes. "But, like the stories always end, the good guys win, and the bad guys meet a gruesome demise. I should have monitored the timeline closely. I got carried away in the blood bath of ages. I had the plot safely secured and controlled in the palm of my hand, and I let it slip carelessly. So, this is how it ends?" The light was fading away, and the Snake of the Clearing Eyes descended into a pure, blissful black. Perhaps this is what starting the time line over felt from the gorgon's perspective, the thought ironically played into his mind. Realizing the burning sensation below him, he saw another brightly, illuminating light below him that he was approaching.

"No! I refuse to be eliminated from this putrid, worthless planet! I'll slither back, no matter hard I have to try in order to regain my being! I have to live!" He yelled out mentally, and was engulfed into the bright light. Rising up, he entered through another watery surface, and gasped for the sweet enriches of air. He was alive. He made it. He didn't know how, but the snake was alive. Realizing that he was in a small pond of some sort, he crawled out. Yes, crawled. The snake looked down and gazed upon his mud covered, pale hands from the silt layered bottom. He was still in the body of the amnesiac boy he had possessed moments before in his 'last' moments. The snake had no reasoning behind this reason, but it had to be the fact that somehow, this became his body once he was vanquished.

The boy, he recalled his name being Konoha vaguely from possessing his beloved teacher and turned the boy into what he was as of now, wished for the return of his body in order to take it back as the snake frantically asked for someone to make a wish so he could preserve his existence. The wish must have somehow expelled him, and the form he obtained while in his body with it. He would explore this thesis later, but for now, that didn't really matter much to his situation. He gripped his fist into the dirt besides him. "Ah, well, that saves me the trouble of locating a new host. This indestructible body lasts much longer than human ones, after all."

The snake was too relieved to revel in his miniature joke. He had been granted a second chance at live, after all. Well, almost. He still felt rather hazy and clouded in his thoughts, and a feeling of numbness was starting to over take him. Placing his hand over his face and wiping the moisture away from his eyes, the situation struck him.


He realized once again that he couldn't survive out for long without granting someone one of their deepest desires. After all, that is what he was created to do. The snake managed to survive as long as he did through Kenjiro Takayama, the elderly fool who wished to once again be reunited with his wife. He was practically dead in the long run, so he got a free run with being the part of the teacher and beloved father for the majority of the time loops. But, now that he really was dead and he was stranded out in an unknown area without a Master to serve under, he simply would summarize his situation as screwed.

"I need to locate my own life source if I'm going to preserve this miracle!" He chided to himself as he stood clumsily. Thank the Gods that Kenjiro had mentally prepared him for walking under these strange conditions. Stepping forward, the snake darted his head to find any signs of human life. Surely, in this rotten dump, there would be one sapless soul who desperately wants their idiotic dreams and desires to be granted. He began walking up the hill, discovering that his pistol was still in his pocket. The snake smiled mischievously, checking the load. At least 4 bullets were located. Well, while it was a disappointment, this motivated him to certainly strike with a greater accuracy than usual.

Nearing the top of the small hill, he was ecstatic to see that he was located near a small playground area. Well, while it would certainly be a let down, a child for a Master would suffice for now. He slid the gun into his pocket once again to be sure not to frighten the little ones, and was fully prepared to walk towards them, until he spotted a certain human female that passed him by. She wasn't outstanding or stunning in anyway, but she certainly looked older than the children at the playground. She looked to be around a teenage age, if he had to assume. And an anime fan, no less. Well, that's what he gathered from an anime character being on her shirt. Her interests with the media didn't concern him, though.

"This should pose as an interesting young Master! Suppose they'll just wish for a lifetime supply of manga, or for a character to come out and embrace them! AH! What a STUPID world!" He cackled to himself, then stopped. "You moronic snake! Calm yourself! The show hasn't even begun yet." He watched as she stopped near a set of trees planted to keep the area shady and cool. Taking his chance, he walked up with his usual sadistic smile, holding onto his gun tightly in his pocket. As she took a deep sigh, she turned her head a little too late, and her eyes widened in horror as he pinned her up against the tree with a frightening force(He was still very pleased that this body gave him the strength he desired to get the job done.) Coughing, she screamed in terror, wriggling to get free until he pointed his gun up at her head. He tried not to showcase the fact that he was shaking from his time quickly running out.

He smiled down at her reassuringly. "Please, Mistress, I would prefer if you wouldn't scream. It would attract attention." With his finger on the trigger, he pushed the nose of the gun harder into her head. "We wouldn't want your scrambled brains splattered all over the scenery, now, would we?" With her eyes wide with fear, she didn't respond. He felt her shaking with terror, and the familiar rush of sadism ran through his system. He hardly felt any emotion outside of the satisfaction of his job, considering the fact that he was a lowly snake possessing a humaniod form. This was a new feeling to him, and it was bizarre. Was this body affecting him?

He shook away the thought. "Today's your lucky day, my Queen. For you see, today is a great day for you! I, a humble servant, have come to grant you any wish you desire! In case you need for me to repeat that, I'll grant any wish!" The snake paused and gazed at this unfortunate human's face. She seemed to be heavily confused and fearful, but nonetheless, took a quick breath of air.

"G-Good one! Ahah! Y-You really got me! You're a really good Kuroha cosplayer, like, y-you're almost in character. But you don't really look like the actual Kuroha, y'know? You should put more effort into your cosplay." She laughed, patting him on the shoulder. The snake was perplexed, to be truthful. Who was this Kuroha person? Was she referring to him? He had no name, other than the Snake of the Clearing Eyes. She had to be mistaking him for a similar anime character, or Konoha at best. He narrowed his eyebrows down.

"I'm not joking, I'm afraid." He said.

"No, no, really. You got me! Can I go now? I have things to do, places to be, people to kill." She tried to push past him, but the snake persisted his stance. "I said that you can let go, God!"

He spotted an older man jogging his way down a path not too far off from where they were at, and he raised his gun swiftly and shot him in the stomach without blinking an eye. Since he and the female were hidden from sight, no one spotted the perpetrator, and the man fell down with an anguished cry of pain. The snake slid the gun away from view, but jabbed it into the female's chest as surrounding citizens screaming in hysterics. Several other adults ran up to help the injured man as the female screamed as well, devastated with a mixture of disbelief and despair in her face. Tears streamed down her face from her shock as he pushed her up against the tree nary more.

"I warned you, didn't I! I'm the real thing! Now stop wasting my time and make a wish!" He shouted at her. The female's knees trembled as she slunk down to the ground. The snake stood back some, but kept his gun on his prey.

"Y-You're r-real... T-this can't b-be happening..." She whispered roughly in between her sobs.

"Make a WISH, DAMMIT!" He yelled once more, loosing his temper. He could feel his conscious flicker towards drowsiness. He couldn't afford to waste anymore time. He didn't have time to spare to find a decent Master who would provide him with an interesting wish, anything to save his life would please him greatly.

"I've seen t-the PV's... I-I'm screwed n-no matter what I..." She trailed off, seeming to form an idea. She kept up her crying, and lowered her head in her thinking.

"NOW! D-Dammit!" He clicked the safety off and aimed it at her head. "I won't mind splattering your brains against the bark you lay against!" She raised her head up, looking determined, and shakily stood up. In the sea of chaos happening around them, nothing seemed to matter anymore, like time paused it's frame and kept their animations going. He was nearly faint. The snake's body had become completely numb by now, and the feeling was engulfing him.


"You w-want a wish? W-Well, I wish for you to be my everlasting companion and partner! That way no one else can die!" The female yelled. A bright red light shone between the two of them as Kuroha's eyes widened in horror, his knees shaking.

"What?! No!" He yelled. His body couldn't take much more of this, and he collapsed in front of the female. He gazed up at her scornfully as she looked terrified again, and fell down on her knees, sobbing up a storm again.

"This isn't happening, this isn't happening!" She kept screaming to herself, as the red light suddenly engulfed the two, having them disappear without another word.

You opened your eyes, turning over in your bed. You blinked several times to observe your location. This happened to be your room, and you were lying on your mattress, gazing up at the ceiling. Your body certainly did not want to cooperate with you as you rose up slowly, rubbing your eyes. Your body, to you, stunk of sleep, and you groaned in distaste. Your mind was still fuzzy from your blackout. Recalling the vivid imagery of the events you had just witnessed,
you took a heavy breath in dismay.

"That... that was awful. I mean..." You trailed off. Your throat was parched, and you swallowed some saliva to try and hydrate it again. "What was that?"

You concluded that it was all a dream, and that's where you left that issue. You gazed over at the calendar across the room and observed the date: August 15th. How ironic.

"August 15th, 12:30 noon. The time loop begins again." You murmured, thinking back to the famous Kagerou Days song. You were a fan of the project, you had to admit. It had good music, a decent storyline, and nice characters. You recently had a thing going for the character, Kano, and not going to lie, you had something for Kuroha, too, but that was a secret fetish of yours. But after that dream, you wanted nothing to do with the damned snake. For now, at the very least. You laid back down and got comfortable, basking in the glory of a Saturday afternoon rest, when you swore that you could make out the slightest noise of footsteps approaching your bed. You listened close in as suddenly, the covers were ripped, literally ripped, off of you and you were pulled to the ground.

You screamed in terror as the person held you down and cocked a pistol to your throat. Looking up, your heart rate increased in speed as you saw none other than the snake psychopath himself, Kuroha. Yes, the Kuroha. He looked absolutely livid, and you couldn't make any sound because you lost the comprehension of the English vocabulary.

"You have no idea the amount of anger I would have harnesses if I had the ability to express such an emotion, but I'll simply explain the issue, Master." He spat out your title disdainfully.

"This is a dream, you're not real! You're an anime character! This is all a hallucination!" Your mind ushered you. You couldn't speak just yet, and remained as still as you could, making small, whimpering noises. Kuroha seemed uplifted with your suffering.

"After you made that wish, we were thrown into a small time gap because I couldn't possess your body like I'm supposed to. I'm trapped in this damn body, so we were spat back out to the time of this morning. You know, Master, I'm not really in a pleasant mood right now? The same goes for you? Hm? You can't speak anyways, since you're still trying to comprehend what happened." He summarized, pulling his gun away slowly. He grabbed your pajama collar and held up up to make you look directly into his narrowed, yellow eyes. "Master."

"Y-You're n-"

"Not real, you keep saying? Not real?! What persists you to keep believing in such a deluded fantasy? Not real?! This is the reality, my new Master! A horrible, pitiful, fictional, reality that we both currently inhabit! This is all happening as the clocks of time speed forward, the fate of reality never unwavering, never changing! Absorb that fact into your thoughts! I. Am. REAL!

Dropping you down, you scooted into the corner of your room, away from him, and hugged yourself, shivering in shock.

He was real. The psychopath from Outer Science, the slaughterhouse of the song series, the indifferent creature who looked down on everyone- stood in front of you. And he had killed someone just to get ahold of you. You gasped as you thought back to the memory of the passing man getting shot in the womb, and you gagged and covered your mouth. Kuroha looked indifferent as he turned towards the calendar.

"August 15th. How quaint." He muttered, tapping his fingers on his arm. For a minute, you noticed a look of depression cross his face, but he quickly returned it with an indifferent expression. "I'm now stuck here with your begotten existence, so it doesn't matter anymore."

He sat down on the floor in the opposing corner, staring back at you with his head resting upon his hand, his fingers covering his lips as he sat cross-legged. "A fine situation this is, isn't it, Master?"

"_." You stuttered. Kuroha chuckled darkly.

"A foreign name, of course. I hadn't realized that I've been speaking in an alternate language until now. I couldn't care less about your name anyways. You're the same as all my other past Masters. Worthless beings." His eyes flickered out to the window. "They were all after love. Love. What a distant concept. A laughable concept. Love is a useless thing for the weak."

He paused mid-speech and looked back at you. "Interesting. You're the first human who hasn't wished for something that pertains to love. You wished for me to be an obeying servant to tend to your deeds. And that wish prevented me from dying, I have to thank you on that."

"I made a deal with Kuroha in my dream... I'm insane for sure..." You muttered.

"How many times must I repeat? We went through a small time loop of our own because through some flawed reason, I couldn't perform my normal duties of taking over your body, and time freaked out once that wish was granted, spitting us both back at least an hour or two before hand. If you don't realize by now, time has a unique way of repairing what has been altered or damaged that shouldn't have. I should know... but granting a wish under normal circumstances that wasn't as powerful as the Queen's wish, nonetheless, reversed the clock to earlier in the day..." Kuroha rose and paced back and forth, thinking over what he just said.

"Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong. Time isn't supposed to react like this! What is wrong with this timeline! It's like I've entered some alternate reality where the rules of time reject me! If that's the case, then..." He trailed off. He stomped on the floorboards, smashing them in half. "DAMMIT. DAMMIT! This isn't happening! This isn't! I refuse to accept that time rejected me!" He ran his hands through his hair as you watched in silence. Kuroha slumped against the walls, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Thinking to yourself, you concluded that what Kuroha was trying to get across is that time wouldn't accept him granting wishes, so it tried to reverse itself to make sure it didn't happen, and here he was now. He took a deep breath. "I can fix this. I can fix this mess. This is simply a fluke. Yes, a fluke on my behalf. I'm overreacting."

A knock on your bedroom interrupted Kuroha's lament. Your heart froze as you both turned to face it. "Keep your anime bullshit down, _! I can't process my thoughts with your damned husbando or whatever screaming." Your face flushed as your eyes quickly darted towards Kuroha, who looked at you with an amused expression. That was your adopted brother, Andrew, yelling at you. This was a normal occurrence between the two of you. You would watch anime on full blast to drown out the obnoxious orchestra music that came from next door. You considered it a rivalry between you two to see who could defeat the other, but today, you weren't really up for a competition on this day in particular.

"Ah-hah, o-okay, Andrew. I understand." You responded. Andrew grunted.

"Just keep it down, alright? Sheesh! I have band in about two hours!" Two hours. Two hours later, that's when you met the disgraceful bastard across from yourself who was now smirking with delight. Andrew walked down the hallway, muttering.

"I'm leading my thoughts to believe that the male outside the door recently was your older brother, is he not?" He chided.

"What if he is, Kuroha?" You shot back, annoyed. You finally lost your fear against him once you reveled in the fact that you technically now had control of him due to your wish. You didn't even recall remembering why you screamed out what you did, but what mattered now was that Kuroha was under YOUR control. Your control. Yes, you still couldn't believe it yourself.

"Who is this Kuroha you keep speaking of?" Kuroha asked. It took moments before it sunk in: Kuroha had no official name, well, other than Snake Of The Clearing Eyes. It was a fan given name that he received when he had possessed Konoha's body, hence "Black Konoha."

"W-Well, you?" You said it like it was a question. Kuroha looked confused for a few moments.

"A monster like me has no name. Hebi, snake, that is what I am. A monster that survives through tricking humans into making wishes with the snake." Kuroha went on, swinging his pistol in the air as he made various hand gestures. You honestly felt a little relaxed now that he seemed calm down, but you kept in mind that this is the indifferent creature that kept a slaughter running for a half century.

"Well, that's what I want to call you. Your name hence forth is now Kuroha." You ordered. He seemed surprised, then smirked at the command.

"Kuroha. Kuroha. I like it. Kuroha." He repeated, standing back up and stepping the wooden floorboard back into place. "I guess it's a name befitting of a being like myself. But, I digress. So, Master, implore me. Have you calmed down?" You nodded, and he walked over to you slowly. You still were frightened of his scary feeling that he gave off, but when he held out his hand for you to take, you slowly placed your hand in his and noticed that his hands were huge compared to yours. He hoisted you up roughly and slung you onto the bed, dusting his hands off.

"What was that about?!" You yelled at him. He looked at you disdainfully.

"You expect a certain kind of royal treatment just because you have the reigns in this contract? I think not." He responded sharply. You noticed that he was covered in mud now that you calmed down. You frowned.

"You got dirt all over my floor!" You exclaimed.

"You think I care?" He retorted.

"Okay, okay. Look, you see that little door right there? That's a bathroom. Get in it and clean yourself, no questions asked. Leave your clothes outside the door. Got it?" You said, trying your best to sound assertive and in control. Kuroha appeared to be enraged for a second, but grunted and walked into the small room and slammed the door shut. You collapsed back on your bed and tried to calm your heavily pulsating heart. You had an anime character in your room, a psychopathic snake monster demon thing, one that could kill you at any moment. But through a time relapse, you managed to wish him to become your servant, in practical terms. That was an easy concept to understand, correct? Then why did you feel so lost? Maybe it was the simple fact that, you don't know, a fictional character without the capacity to understand mercy or love was now roaming the Earth and claimed hold of you?

But, whatever the case, you definitely knew that this was no virtual enemy in a video game to overcome, this was serious. This was a being from an Outer Science.