A/N: Arguing! My favorite except not really. Yeah, that's what this prompt is about. It was fun to write, but also kind of heartstring plucking. I hope it does the same to you! Enjoy, my humblest audience.

Labrys enthusiastically skipped down the street on her way to Makoto's apartment, the blue sky reflecting her good mood. It was a Sunday, which meant no work for Makoto and a whole day for them to spend together. She'd planned this day to the T; she'd show up, and they'd play a couple rounds of Blazblue, which she was confident she'd win this time. Then, he'd put on his jacket, open the door, and they'd go out on the town and eat a magnificent dinner, then go to the arcade, play some games, maybe do the Test of Courage together, and then go home and snuggle in bed while they watched some crappy movies on television and talked about the week to come. That was how she wanted it to be every Sunday, but it didn't always work out. Makoto, being the adorable little procrastinator he was, usually skipped out on a little work over the week and Mitsuru made him make it up on Sundays.

Well, he promised that wasn't the case today, so it should be fine! She smiled gleefully as she walked in, greeted the attendant in the lobby and started ascending the stairs. In a couple more seconds, it'll just be me and Makoto, all day! She could hardly contain her excitement.


She heard a groan come from inside from a voice she distinctly recognized as Makoto. That . . . can't be good. She felt her expectations and hopes lowering as she called inside. "C-Can I come in?" she asked, clearly dejected.

Makoto immediately corrected his tone when he noticed it was Labrys. "Yeah, sure," he said, in the most nonchalant tone he could muster through his current aggravation. He stood and walked to the door, opening it. She flashed a somewhat nervous smile, to which he responded with a relatively genuine one, even if he was pissed off. He just couldn't bring himself to be that mad when Labrys was in the room.

He was still mad though.

Makoto quickly walked back over to his desk chair, immediately beginning to thump on the keys rapidly. Labrys awkwardly walked in behind him, clearing her throat. Well gee, this is awkward. . .

"So, uh, y-you wanna . . . play somethin'?" she asked, gesturing towards the PlayStation, even though he wasn't looking. His focus on the screen was like a laser beam. "You seem kinda' off today. Somethin' wrong?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose, doing his best to fight off the passive aggressiveness that was leaking into his voice. "I got some work sprung on me last minute and I've got to have it done by 8." He spun in his chair to face her, partially enjoying the action. He was too busy to fully enjoy it, though. "One of the higher ups demanded we get a report done, and Mitsuru wanted me to do it."

"Oh. . ." She tried to hide the disappointment leaking into her tone, instead replacing it with compassion. "C-Can't anyone else do it, though? I'll help, and I'm sure Junpei-kun or Yukari-san would help. . ."

Makoto raised an eyebrow. It wasn't a horrible idea to try to get someone else to help him out; when it came to work, he always just assumed that he had to get it done by himself. Very rarely did he ask for help. It had something to do with his pride, or whatnot. "You don't have to."

"Nah, it's no problem. I wanna' help!" She smiled a little. Even if it wasn't going to be as fun as she intended, she did want to spend the day with Makoto. The fact that they'd be working the whole time aside, a day with him was never poorly spent. "Let me borrow your laptop. I can file a report. I'm sure I've got somethin' on it in the old memory banks."

Makoto let his face curl into a wry smile for the second time that day. "I'm almost positive you don't," he let out with a chuckle. "Besides, this is my job to do." In the end, his pride won out over convenience; he still had several more hours to work, so it's not like he couldn't get it done.

Labrys was not particularly happy with this development. "W-Well, I guess I'll just . . . go, then. . ." Her disappointment, while overplayed, was still very evident. And, of course, Makoto, being her boyfriend, was practically forced to take pity on her.

"You can hang out, just . . . try not to distract me too much, okay?"

She beamed. "Alright, I won't!" She rushed towards him and gave him a huge hug, to which he responded with a very slight laugh. Maybe today won't be so bad.

"Just . . . mess around on the laptop and the PlayStation until I'm done. We can do something afterwards. It should only take me 'till about 5. . ." He checked his phone, nodding as if to confirm his own statement.

6:58 PM.

The report was not yet done.

Makoto was practically digging his fingers into his scalp as he stared at the clock on his computer's task bar, not even sure what to type anymore. He could hardly think what with what was going on in the background. He hadn't gotten so little as a few minutes of focus since Labrys got to his apartment. As much as he loved Labrys, she hadn't left him alone all day.

"Hey, Makoto, check this out!" was a statement she was particularly fond of that evening. She wouldn't leave him alone until he dropped everything and paid attention to her, watching whatever was on the screen or pulled up on her phone. She was also particularly fond of asking what he was doing, and even then, if she wasn't trying to show him something or asking questions, she was distracting him in some other way.

During his internal contemplation, he felt arms wrapping around his neck and a familiarly shaped head cradled into his neck. "Everythin' going alright?"

He wanted to say no, it isn't, but he cleared his throat and did his best to stay calm. "Y-Yeah. Everything's great."

"Oh, awesome! You almost done?" she asked, leaning even further onto his back. The embrace was warm, but it was the last thing he needed.

"N-Not quite. . . I might have to ask for an extension. . ."

"Well, what's takin' so long?" she said, with an unintentional bluntness.

"I just kind of need to focus. . ." He let out a quick sigh, trying to get his point across. The best thing she could do for him was just stay quiet, although it didn't look like that was going to happen.

"Oh, well I'll leave you to it then." She gave him a quick peck on the forehead before standing up to go back to what she was doing a while ago, leaving Makoto to work. I can get this done, he thought, cracking his knuckles. Still got an hour. . .

7:47 PM.

The report was not yet even close to done.

This time, his emotions were less frustration and more pure sadness. I am going to get fired, he thought. Even Mitsuru, one of his best friends, wouldn't keep him around after he failed like this, would she? He cringed at the thought of trying to find a new job, let alone living until he got another one. I'm over. I survived Shadows, and Nyx, but girlfriends and work at the same time are truly too much for me. . .

"Makoto, aren't you done yet?" asked Labrys in her adorable accent he had grown accustomed to. Even if right now he dreaded the sound of it.

"Not quite. . ."

"Well, you better hurry up!" she said with a slight laugh.

Something in him snapped a little bit. Whether it was the best course of action, he barked, "I'd be done already if you'd just be quiet for a little bit!"

Labrys just kind of stared at him for a bit, with pure shock in her eyes and a partially agape mouth. She'd never, ever seen Makoto lose his cool like that. It wasn't something that happened often. He would get stressed, but he was too quiet for that kind of thing. Yet here he was, yelling at her. Makoto just sort of stared back with a blank expression on his face, almost as if he didn't even comprehend what he had just said. A minute or two passed, but Makoto was too scared to say anything.

"O-Oh." She sniffled slightly, trying to hide how upset she was. "I-I'm sorry that I've been distracting you so much." Her eyes looked puffy, if that was even possible for her. It plucked at Makoto's heartstrings.

He started to apologize. "Sorry, it's ju-"

"But . . . if you'd just get your work done on time, this wouldn't be a problem!" Her sad expression was replaced by a grumpy sad expression. It was her turn to vent her frustrations. "We always have plans on Sundays, and you're always busy!"

Makoto was a bit taken aback. This was, quite possibly, the first time Labrys had ever yelled at him, or anyone she wasn't fighting, in a serious fashion. Things were escalating just a bit too quickly. "That's not my fault-"

"It is!" she yelled, the sobs leaking into her tone. "We never get to spend any time together and I'm. . . I try to deal with it, but I hate it! You're always either working or tired, you never have any time to do anything. . ." She broke down, collapsing onto her knees. It had always been a pent-up frustration; to say she'd never been incredibly aggravated by a date getting cancelled or getting shrugged off because of Makoto's work life was a blatant lie. It bothered her, and for the first time, she wanted to make it clear. "I don't care what work Mitsuru gives you or whatever, I'm your girlfriend! You should at least try to make time for me!"

"I just never thought it was that important to y-"

He stepped on a landmine.

"It's not important to me? It's one of the only things that's important to me! I can't believe you don't take our relationship seriously!"

The situation was escalating rapidly. "I do take it seriously, it's just not always the first thing on my-"


Labrys was practically fuming at this point. "W-Well, if it's not important to you then why are we even in a relationship!?"


Makoto wasn't really sure what to say. Obviously, he wanted to comfort her, but he was never that good with words. He was normally pretty cool under pressure, but this was the first time he was under relationship pressure. As hard as he tried to think of something, nothing came out.

"I-Is it because I'm not a human?" she asked, wiping tears out of her eyes. "I-I thought you said you loved me!"

Makoto felt his heart get ripped out of his chest, turned upside down, and stapled back in with that one. "Th-That's not it! If you'd just listen, you-"

"I don't wanna' listen!" she yelled, standing up. This was the most frustrated she'd ever been in her life; the last time she was this angry was when she ran amok at the facility on the island, or when she first met her Shadow. "I never ever wanna' see you again! I hope you do get fired so I never have to look at your stupid face!"

That was the last thing she said before storming out the door, slamming it with force that probably broke more than just its hinges.

Makoto sat and stared at the now-cracked door with an empty expression, as if he couldn't comprehend what happened. Everything escalated so quickly, and he still couldn't wrap his head around everything changing so fast. She was so happy to be here an hour ago, and now. . .

He let out quite possibly the deepest sigh he'd let out in quite some time, and easily the most depressed. The last time he felt this empty was before he transferred to Gekkoukan High. The feelings of losing something important to him were coming back with a strength he hadn't even remembered. He stood up, walked over, and face-planted in the bed, unable to sleep and come to rest, but also unwilling to find the motivation to do anything else.

8:01 PM.

The report never got done.

A/N: Oh gosh, man, that was painful to write. I've never written something super ANGSTY and ARGUEY before, so that was a special experience! Thank you for being there with me for the experience! I really do enjoy writing these things, even when they're super not-happy.

Anyways, next prompt is making up! This is part 1 of a 2 parter, after all, so hopefully part 2 clears up all this ANGST. I hope you'll join me there!

Until next time.