Key West

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A/N: So, yeah, not entirely sure where this came from. I had a dream about a specific moment you will read in this story, heard a song on the radio the next day which matched the tone perfectly, then I started writing and here we are several thousand words later. . .

Disclaimer: I don't own Austin and Ally or anything else mentioned in this story. This is simply a fun and creative exercise meant for entertainment only.

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Ally's relationship with her best friend and song writing partner is complicated. It always has been.

No one could deny that Austin and Ally were an unstoppable force when it came to music and creating chart topping hits together. And it was obvious to anyone who spent even a little bit of time with them that they were the best of friends. The complicated part was trying to define anything more personal than that.

Here are some truths: When Austin discovered Ally's crush on him shortly after they met as fifteen year olds she was able to play it off as being interested in another guy named Dallas. Over the years since they met no one else has affected her the way the confident blonde did from the very first moment they met.

Truth: Austin was Ally's first kiss. And yes, that was a huge deal for her even though she didn't want anyone else to know just how much at the time.

Truth: Austin liked girls. Like, he really liked girls, of all types and personalities and appearances. Ally understood this and thought if she was just patient that she could outlast all of the Cassidy's and Kira's and Piper's. And for the most part she did. Although she didn't exactly enjoy seeing him with other girls, she knew they wouldn't last.

Truth: Thus far Austin and Ally had failed at any and all attempts at dating - and there had been several over the years. Working together, separate tours, competing record labels, and just plain awkwardness had gotten in their way every single time.

Truth: Ally was about to turn 23 and wanted nothing more than to know what it was like to actually have a guy be attracted and into her enough that her career and other friendships couldn't get in the way. As a life-long fan of love, and hopeful romantic, she wanted to be loved in return.

She had spent years working on hers and Austin's careers, experiencing a few very short relationships along the way, silently hoping for Austin to get it together and put her first romantically for once. She had also juggled online courses over the years and had just completed her bachelor's degree in music education, graduating with honors at the top of her class. She was ready to make some big changes in her life: trading in packed stadiums of fans for classrooms of students she could nurture and teach and with whom she could share her love for music. She was at the perfect point in her career to take a step back having just finished a tour promoting her latest and, for now, last record. She had even convinced Ronnie Ramone that this was for the best when she didn't renew her contract, and at the moment he was happy because her record sales were through the roof.

During the production of his last two records, Austin had worked with two other songwriters as well as Ally so he was branching out already and she wasn't worried about him being able to continue making music while she took her career in a different direction.

As she thought about making these changes to her life she felt more and more free. The one lingering pull she felt was to Austin personally since they had generally avoided labeling their relationship outside of friendship. She hoped she could change that. She was ready.

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Here we go on another ride with Austin and Ally. Tell me what you think!

