Disclaimer: I, Jmoneybags, do not own Evangelion, I do not profit from this, I do not want to get sued. The rights to Evangelion and its wide variety of fucked up characters and settings belong to Gainax, that being said, let's begin our tale.
For the reader's sake: Do not read this steaming pile of shit, I am fucking insane, I will fuck up your dreams and hopes with the keys under my fingertips, that being said, I hope you enjoy the story.
I should also note that this is actually rated MA for very descriptive sexual and violent content. I'm sure that'll just impulse more people to read it, I mean c'mon let's be honest; people mildly enjoy these themes.
[Present time, somewhere near Noda]
Some things are meant to happen and despite the fact that he didn't truly believe in such things as the likes of destiny, he knew there were things people, being the mortals they are, couldn't run away from or hopefully ever control, death being one of these.
It was all the same to him however, he understood that while he possessed life at the moment, word that signifies the continued existence of his conscious mind, the day would very well come when he would be robbed of it, however, today was not that day.
"I'll ask one more time. Where's the stash?" a man one could categorize as a bandit dressed in torn and filthy clothes said menacingly as he waved his knife around in front of his captive.
This however just made the man bound by rope to the wooden chair chuckle before returning a deadly grin.
"You might want to put that away before someone gets hurt" the calm demeanor prisoner stated.
"Heh!" the bandit laughed at his tenacity "You've got some balls kid, most would've caved by now" he finished and drew the knife to the man's cheek to then slice it open making the tied up man wince at the pain.
"Not so tough now eh!?" the bandit said cheerfully as he pulled his knife back from the wound and wiped it clean of blood.
"When I get loose you'll be the first to die" the prisoner stated as his previous grin returned.
"Get loose?! Ha!" the man snorted out "I'm gonna' enjoy cutting you up boy" he finally managed to say as drew the distance between the knife and the prisoner's right hand.
"Ey!" a voice intervened from the top of the staircase that led out of the basement and into the first floor of the residence they currently occupied.
"What is it now!? I'm busy!" the bandit who was about to sever one of the prisoner's fingers said as he turned to face the stairway.
'Now's my only chance' the prisoner though as he prepared his strike on what had been one of his captors for the past few days.
"We need him alive!" the voice remarked.
"I know that! I ain't stupid!" he shouted back as he began to turn around.
He only got one quick glance at the prisoner before the unexpected head-butt sent him crashing backwards into a table covered in tools.
Having both his wrists tied up securely to the armrest's of the chair, and his heels properly secured as well to both the frontal legs of said chair, the prisoner scooted forward on the chair towards the endless supply of tools scattered on the floor with pace as the bandit continued to lay motionless on his backside.
Once there, in one swift motion he made the chair he was bound to flip on to one of its sides and tried grabbing one of the many sharp objects with the full extension of his fingers.
"What the hell is going on down there?!" the second voice blurted out again having heard the second loud crash coming from the basement.
'Shit! I need to move fast' the prisoner said internally as he finally managed to get ahold of a small pocket knife and began working on letting his left wrist finally loose from the tight rope that restrained it.
"Ey! I'm talking to you!" the voice said annoyingly as the wooden floor above the prisoner began to creak with every step the man approaching him made.
'Come on.. Come on..' he frantically thought as he kept cutting at the rope 'come on.. almost.. there!' he thought in relief as he proceeded to undo the rest of his restrains.
"What the hell happened!?" the second bandit who'd partaken in his torture said in disbelief as he found the prisoner desperately cutting the last of the ropes around his ankles.
"Ah shit!" the prisoner managed to hiss shortly before he rolled behind the unconscious bandit as the man at the edge of the staircase reached to his side for a revolver and began to fire mercilessly.
The sound of flesh being impacted by a barrage of bullets went on for a full 7 seconds before the sixth and final bullet left the chamber and the prisoner rolled out of his cover with a small glistening pocket knife.
He gave one quick glance at the former captive that had previously just lent his body as a meat shield and smirked.
'I told you, you'd be the first' he said haughtily in his mind before dashing forward in a blur of motion to confront the second bandit.
"You son of.. arghh-" were the last words the second bandit managed to say before his neck became a faucet of blood that he desperately tried closing.
The former prisoner took seat next to the collapsed man that was currently bleeding out and stared him down.
The life was slipping from the bandit's eyes, with each passing second he the color from his skin dissuaded while his movement became more and more sluggish.
"You know.." the prisoner began "there was a point in my life where I thought violence wasn't the answer" he stated as he reminisced of the old days.
"I can see now that I was right…" he looked down briefly to the knife in his hand "you see.." he now returned his gaze to the bandit and moved the knife over his torso "it's not the answer, but it's a hell of a lot easier, isn't it?" he finished as the knife he held pierced the man's chest which heaved up and down uncontrollably and then came to a stop.
"Now, where'd you idiots leave my equipment?" the man wondered audibly as he stood up and began to look for his belongings.
It took the former captive several minutes to gather his belongings along with some other things he could scavenge before was ready to leave the house he'd been held in as a prisoner for the last few days.
'Next stop, Tokyo-3 settlement' he said inwardly as he stepped out.
"Heh, I'll bet those fuckers will be thrilled to see me" he said sarcastically to himself as he began his journey.
[Present time, Outlands]
The night was setting over the barren dunes covered in red soil and the man decided to make tent near a busted down automobile near the road.
He lit up a fire and began to warm up one of the many canned food goods he'd taken from the bandits, it wasn't his preference but it would have to do for now, still, it hadn't always been like this.
He originally supposed that after all they'd been through, after the unifying experience that was instrumentality, people would've been glad to be back alive, as individuals, no more war, no more discrimination, it could finally be a fresh start for humanity, he'd been wrong, dead wrong.
People didn't enjoy the new world they'd been returned to, a world filled with sterile land and seas, where food was scarce and there was no order, where everything the human race had worked so hard on building was undone in a matter of seconds, it was second impact all over again, and in turn, most people chose an scapegoat, him, Shinji Ikari.
'Best not to dwell on the past' he reminded himself before he grabbed a spoon and commenced eating his dinner.
Once he was done eating his low class dinner he picked up a handful of dirt and threw it on the fire, as much as he would love to have the warmth it offered during the particularly cold nights, it could also attract more bandits or worse, U.N. troops, the latter being one of his prime pursuers for the past years.
He lied back on the side of the car and stared at the heavens, an infinite number of stars gazed down on him, all pulsating and for the most part bright, a reminder of how insignificant humans really were.
With an M16–Carbine in arms, a blanket over his torso and legs, and a starry sky blinking him to sleep, he felt for a brief second he wasn't in the outlands and his mind drifted off.
Author's notes: Well, I present the pilot chapter for the outlands. While I was planning to get more content into chapter 1, I figured best not as this chapter is more of a taste of what this series is about. I really like this after third impact concept so tell me what you guys think, I appreciate constructive criticism.