You rub your hands together on your lap as you try to warm them up, cursing winter as a whole. You can't remember a time in which winter has been specifically rough in this place, or at least as intense as it is behaving right now. It's as if it's making up for its lateness seeing as this time last year you were already used to wearing ridiculously thick jackets and hats to everywhere you went.
You close your eyes as sigh deeply, feeling the chilly air start to fill your lungs to then escape your parted lips slowly in a white cloud.
You look to your side to see Gamzee attempt to swing yet again, his long legs making the task nearly impossible. You chuckle at his struggle and adjust your butt on your own swing, feeling the edges of it start to dig into your chubby hips. You know your ass is too big for these things since they are mostly intended for kids, but you ignore the pain for the sake of fun as you begin to swing your legs back and forth, mainly to make Gamzee jealous. You know he's rather disappointed at his inability to get any enjoyment out of this children's playground thanks to his size.
You see him give up and stand on his feet with a grunt to then grab his unicycle from the ground where he had left it a while ago. He holds it in place and gets on it carefully, and you bite your bottom lip worriedly. He already fell from the thing before he had decided on swinging, but the man can be really stubborn, just like you. He probably won't stop fucking around with the thing until he gets the hang of it, or breaks an arm.
"Shit shit shit." He mutters as he tries to keep his balance, but then he starts to ride the thing properly with a huge, proud grin on his face. You smile and giggle before giving him a thumbs up, and then you just watch him as he keeps on riding around the small playground.
You use your foot to stop your own swinging movement and just sit on the swing again, thinking.
Thinking about Gamzee.
You wonder if he's feeling alright. It's already been a few days since you rejected him, but you still can't shake away the feeling of pity that's eating you inside. He has been quieter than ever before since then, and you know he's probably hurting to some degree, but if he's feeling unhappy he's doing a damn good job at hiding it.
You look at your thighs, for a moment thinking about how unnerving it all is. You have been thinking so much about this issue that it's beginning to annoy you, but you really can't help it. You constantly think about how amazing it had felt to feel him against you, and about how it didn't gross you out like it honestly should have. You think you kind of want to do it again. The thought makes your stomach tighten. This is so weird. This is your best friend you're thinking about, and a guy on top of it all. That goddamn kiss you had the brilliant idea of giving him has flipped a switch inside of you that has confirmed your worst nightmare.
A long time ago you had brushed it off as a phase, a misunderstanding.
Turns out the feelings towards your same gender that you started experiencing when you had also discovered girls were rather pretty were always a real thing. Turns out that it doesn't matter how certain you are that it is wrong, how certain you are that it isn't normal, how certain you are that it simply can't be happening, that attraction towards your same gender that you had refused to accept for the sake of normality is still a real thing that you're capable of feeling. And you feel broken. Defective, and like you just have let your father down in the worst way imaginable.
This shouldn't be happening. You really should go back to ignoring that ridiculous issue. But you have already tried. Every time you meet Gamzee's eyes it becomes incredibly obvious that you feel a certain attraction to him that is beginning to mortify you. You shouldn't have touched him. You really want to do it again. You really are disgusting. You really don't know if you're starting to like him or just want to feel that excitement again, that exhilarating sensation of doing something you shouldn't be doing but that feels partially right anyways.
You try to push every one of those thoughts away. Feel frustrated for having to ignore it, and you make a disgusted face. Just what are you going to do?
"You alright bro?" You lift your gaze and he looks concerned. "You done and look like you just went and tasted something nasty."
"Oh, yeah, I'm okay." You force a grin, which earns you one of his pretty smiles in return. You notice he's about to run over a rock while he's smiling like an absolute moron so you open your mouth to warn him. "Watch-!" The wheel gets caught and he falls forwards, hitting his forehead on the ground. "out..." You finish, and you stand up from the swing immediately. "Holy shit."
"Fucking ouch." He closes his eyes tightly and rolls to lie on his back. "Fuuuuuck."
"Are you okay?" You kneel beside him and try to hold his head in your hands to slowly help him stand up.
"No, don't!" He exclaims, and you let go of him too quickly. The back of his head hits the ground, but luckily he really wasn't too far from it. He stills emits a grunt before chuckling.
"It's alright." You just look down at him and sigh. Glance at his unicycle to see if it's in one piece. "Lemme just… rest here a little."
"Okay." You chuckle. You bring a hand to his head and poke softly at the area around the small bleeding wound on his forehead. It's more of a scratch. "I wish I had some band aids…"
"Am I fucking bleeding?" He sounds alarmed. He touches his own forehead blindly, spreading some of his blood once he finally finds the sore spot. "Goddamn." He stares at his red stained fingers before licking them clean. You think that's a little gross since he probably also rubbed some face paint on them, and, well, he had touched the ground a second ago.
"Hold on." You pull the sleeve of your hoodie over your hand and wipe the area carefully to get rid of the dirt and blood, and then press the cloth against it to put some pressure on it to stop it from bleeding any more.
"Motherfucking hell, I ain't ever gonna get that shit to cooperate, will I?" He closes his eyes and groans, and you pull your hand away to discover that it actually did stop bleeding. You decide to put a hand on his head and start to pet him softly as you wait for him to feel better. "Fucking piece of shit." You laugh at him because you really can't help it. He sounds pretty pissed off. He opens his eyes slightly to look at you with a frown. "Yeah, real motherfucking funny."
"Dude, you just have to keep practicing. It's like learning to ride a bike. You always, fall at first, before actually learning to ride it. Well, it technically really is a bike, just with one wheel missing."
"Never learned to ride a bike either." You raise your eyebrows in surprise.
"No? How come?" You say and he begins to laugh softly.
"Kept on falling so I gave up." He says. "… It just keeps happening." You snort at the irony in that. You know damn well what reference he's trying to make.
"I warned you, bro. I warned you about-" He pushes you away before you can finish and you fall back on your ass, but it's fine because he's laughing despite his frown and you're laughing at his reaction.
"Fuck that joke."
"You started it."
"Fuck me then." He breathes in to calm down his chuckles, and he begins to stand up slowly. "Aight." He stretches with a grunt before beginning to pat his clothes to get rid of the dirt, and you help him dust off his back and butt. "You ready to go do your motherfucking late Christmas shopping and shit?" He picks up his unicycle and begins to walk towards the street and away from the playground, finally switching the rough dirt for the soft grass, and the grass for the cold concrete of the sidewalk. You don't answer as you wait for the traffic light to change and let you cross the street. Your mind goes over the presents you need to buy. You always end up buying gifts at the last minute. You really should have gotten to this ages ago because everything's probably going to be twice as expensive since Christmas Eve is around the corner, and the mall will be crowded with moody people in a hurry.
Your train of thought is interrupted as you cross the street, and after a well two blocks of walking, the shopping mall finally comes to sight. You go through the parking lot where Gamzee had left the car an hour earlier right before he decided that checking out the park he had seen the other day would be a great idea before going inside the shopping mall. He leaves his unicycle inside the car before locking it again, and you soon go through the automatic large glass doors, the heat and an odd sweet smell of vanilla all but slapping you across the face. You see Christmas themed decorations everywhere you look, but the first thing that catches your attention is the ridiculously large Christmas tree that's standing several meters from the entrance.
"Dude." Gamzee chuckles as he makes his way towards the tree as if it is calling to him, and you trail after him, noticing as you get closer that there is an empty red chair with golden decorations that is surely meant for Santa to sit at. But the fat and jolly man is nowhere to be seen. He might be taking a lunch break or something.
You glance at Gamzee as he looks up at the giant sparkling star at the very top of the plastic tree that's currently flashing a mixture of red, yellow, green and blue lights intermittently, and you catch him smiling.
"… How did they fucking get that shit up there?" He wonders out loud, and you glance towards a large nativity display right next to the tree made of clay with life sized characters and a tiny baby Jesus resting on a bed made of hay and fabric. "There's no fucking way people managed to do that. That's a pure and plain motherfucking miracle taking place right at the top of this huge ass motherfucker of a tree." He looks at you with a fascinated grin and you just chuckle softy.
"Oh yeah, definitely." You say, not wanting to shit on his strange conviction. He seems to be pretty happy with his own deduction.
You begin to walk away and Gamzee unglues himself from the impressive display to follow you quietly. You walk past a store that seems to be determined on selling only Christmas themed merchandise, and you stroll inside curiously.
"We should get some candies." You say, stretching out a hand to grab a large bag of candy canes that are begging to be eaten.
"Fuck yes." He says as he pats your shoulder, but he walks past you towards a variety of invitingly soft Santa hats. He chuckles as he picks one up and looks it over, and he turns to look at you before putting it on your own head. It's a bit tight around your ears, but it's bearable. "Tits." He says before grabbing another one, and he puts it on to see if it fits.
"Nice." You nod approvingly as you look him over. "Do you want it, maybe?" He looks taken aback for a second.
"Uh… If you don't up and mind it, brother."
"Not at all really. They're not that expensive anyways, so I don't really see why not, if you like them. Which you seem to do." You shrug. He grins and takes off the hat to hand it to you, and you hold on to it as well as to your own to browse through the store for a while more, and you end up buying the hats, a plastic mistletoe and the candy.
You walk slowly by the many stores that are lined up one next to the other, featuring clothes, toys, CD's, shoe wear, electronics and jewelry among other things, distractedly sucking on a candy cane as Gamzee does the same. He's swinging the shopping bag back and forth as he walks along and almost hits an older lady that gets too close. He doesn't even notice.
"What's first on your fucking list anyway?" He says with some trouble, talking with the thing still in his mouth.
"Um, I don't know…" You say, thinking. "Maybe I should, get my mom something, like, perfume?" You bite your bottom lip, shrugging. Maybe you should have thought this through a bit more. What does she even like besides that? You can't come up with anything, and it's been a while since the last time you've seen her like to remember if she is into some new hobby or something. "What do you think?" You ask Gamzee. You look at him and see him frown slightly.
"I dunno… What do moms usually dig? Makeup? Um… clothes? Shit motherfucker, I really wouldn't fucking know." He laughs and shakes his head, and you feel pretty damn stupid for asking him even though it seemed like a harmless enough question when you had opened your mouth. He has never mentioned his mother, and you're beginning to think that he simply doesn't have one. You aren't sure if you were rude or if he took offense in it. You're probably overthinking.
"You know what, perfume is a good idea, I think. Now we just need, to find a store that sells that specific kind of thing." You walk a little slower to look around with slightly squinted eyes, but Gamzee walks off to what seems to be a large and complicated map several feet away that you hadn't noticed at first, and you go after him to get your answer. He lifts a hand and presses a finger against the plastic after only a moment.
"Here." He says with a smile, and you don't really check to see if he's right before nodding and starting to walk towards the electric escalator to reach the second floor. You look around for a second before he points at the store you're looking for, which is a large store with classy looking dim, yellowish lighting and pleasant modern decorations. You cover your nose with a frown as you get near the entrance of the place, your eyes going over the abundant sets of bottles neatly sitting inside a large display case out of reach as you walk by them. You see Gamzee go off to a tall display that holds used, half-filled bottles for the people to try them by themselves, and you follow him to get down to business. He grabs a light green bottle and brings the spray nozzle to his face carefully to smell it directly, which you think is just a little dangerous. You hope he doesn't apply pressure on it by accident. You're sure that would be a tragedy.
"Wow." He mutters softly, putting the perfume down with a wrinkled nose and a deep frown. You guess it smells nasty. "White Fantasy" He reads the label of another transparent bottle with swirls on the glass and a lace around the nozzle to top off the attractive look. "Pretty." He says with a smile before smelling it while looking at you. "I meant shitty." He puts it down with a faked shiver and you chuckle.
"How about this one?" You pick up a dark blue bottle from the other side of the vertical display, which is intended for men. You sniff it, thinking that it isn't all that great before he snatches it from you just as you're putting it down. He sniffs it thoughtfully before doing it again for good measure, and he suddenly tilts his head to the side before spraying his neck. "Uh…" He looks at the bottle again and giggles.
"It's pretty dope." He smiles. "How do I smell?" He leans down a bit and it takes you a moment to realize that he wants you to smell his neck.
"Oh, um." You get closer to him hesitantly, and he keeps his head tilted to the side before you let your nose linger over his skin. You can feel his body heat radiating from his flesh. It definitely smells way better on his skin, and you remember what your mother had told you about fragrances smelling different depending on the person's skin. "Hey, that's nice." You step back with a nod, and he grins brightly before going through the bottles again curiously. You spot a dark brown squared bottle that looks emptier than the rest, a perfume that is only for men as well. You smell it once and come to the conclusion that it is absolutely great. You look at Gamzee before he takes that one from you as well, and he lifts his eyebrows before looking at you surprised when his nose touches the nozzle.
"Fucking hell, it smells fucking legit." He says in awe. He goes to spray his neck again but you stop him.
"You're going to, mix those scents. It's going to become a weird clusterfuck of classy and manly fragrances, which is something that I'm sure, won't be pleasant at all." You laugh, and he gets closer to you instead.
"Show me your neck then."
"Come on, show me your fucking neck." You don't want to be sprayed with that thing no matter how good it smells. He's biting his lips like he's going to do it anyways even if you refuse to let him, so you decide to do as asked before he goes and sprays your face.
"Okay…" You tilt your head and you soon feel the cold moisture cover your tender skin. The smell lifts to your nose almost right away.
"Lemme see." He says, bending down and holding on to your shoulder before barely pressing his nose against your skin. It tickles like hell and his breathing feels way too warm, and you squirm with a nervous laugh because it also feels really, really good.
"Oooooh shit that's nice." He speaks still close to your skin. It causes a distinct shiver to go down your spine. You wonder if he felt that too when you smelled his neck, and the thought makes you anxious and forces you to push him away as gently as you can manage.
"Okay, time to find my mom's present." You chuckle, beginning to walk away and towards the register area, popping your neglected candy cane right back into your mouth.
There's a young girl of about your age standing just a few feet away from you in the store's navy blue uniform that catches your eye. She quickly approaches you with a light pink bottle in her hand as soon as you make eye contact, a forced smile painted across her dark face.
"Can I help you?" She says, her finger dangerously lingering over the perfume's spray nozzle as if she is ready to spray anyone with the thing if they get close enough and are spacing out. It makes you nervous.
"Motherfucker here is all up and getting to look for something nice for his momma." Gamzee speaks for you, and you see the girl widen her eyes before giggling and clearing her throat.
"I see. Well, today is your lucky day, since 'Shinning Spring' by Marcos Dubó is on sale, and there is nothing like it. Here, you can test it out and prove it yourself." She gently grabs Gamzee's free hand instead of yours, and she sprays his wrist before he can even protest.
"Um…" You say.
"Go on." She moves the bottle around in her hands, nodding at Gamzee with a face that is unmistakably suggesting that he should smell it right away. He does so after a brief moment, lifting his wrist to breathe in the fragrance, and drops his hand back down immediately. You see him try to suppress a laugh before shoving his wrist to your own face. You look up at him, then at the lady, and you take a careful sniff before gently pushing his hand away.
"Oh." Is all you say, nodding. The girl looks to her sides and then over her shoulder, and she leans in just a bit before speaking through her teeth in a low tone.
"Smells like shit, doesn't it?" You cover your mouth before you break out laughing, nodding in agreement. There is no denying that.
"Mother fuck sister, why you did you all and do that shit? Imma smell like a motherfucking grandma the rest of the fucking day." Gamzee whines halfheartedly, probably not really caring all that much.
"Just doing my job. Boss says we need to get rid of these before Christmas Eve." She says simply. "Can I offer you something else? 'Black Passion' isn't all that bad, and it's actually way cheaper than this crap." She provides, slightly leaning in again to make sure she doesn't speak too loud. You look up at Gamzee and you see him shrug with a smile.
"Okay…" You look back at her, and she goes behind the long display case to look through it and find the desired bottle, having to push past an older woman that is doing the same exact thing but with a much more sour expression on her face.
The girl is soon back in front of you both, and she grabs Gamzee's other hand, making him switch the candy's position to avoid it getting wet with perfume. You press your lips into a tight line, waiting. She sprays his wrist but doesn't let go of his hand just yet.
"This one is my favorite." She says and presses her nose against his wrist for a moment. She then let's go of him, and Gamzee sniffs his own skin a few times before letting you do it. You hold his hand in place as you get your own nose close to the warm scent, and you hum approvingly before sniffing a few more times, barely letting your nose touch his skin. You look up at Gamzee with a smile, and you catch him biting his lips before looking away and focusing on the girl. You let go of him. "So?" She asks, smiling.
"It's really nice. I think I'll take it… I can't be sure, if she will like it really, but she does like perfumes a lot so I guess she might like it, probably." She nods with a grin and walks behind the counter once again, and she pulls out a new box from the glass shelf behind her before stuffing it inside a burgundy bag with the store's logo and asking for your money. You pay her, and you soon have both the receipt and the bag in hand, and are ready to leave the obnoxiously sweet smelling place.
"Thank you." You say, waving at her.
"Come back any time!" She replies, smiling at you and winking at Gamzee. You hear him chuckle as you walk away, and soon you're free from the haunting cluster of scents.
"She's nice." Gamzee says, and you nod as you begin to walk towards another shop that catches your eye.
You stand in front of the shop's large window of your desired store, and you look over all the newest PS3 game titles with wide, attentive eyes. "Hey there's the blue motherfucker we had been all and playing the other day." Gamzee points at a brand new copy of Sonic the Hedgehog. You snort and make a face, nodding.
"Yep. There he is." You look right over that one, focusing on the games that are actually worth your time. "Oh, man!" You bend down just a little, pointing at a 'Fiduspawn 2' copy for the PS3. "I've wanted this game for ages. The first one was so cool!" You say, and you see him shift his feet to see what you're pointing at from the corner of your eye, getting closer. You can smell the abundance of fragrances emanating from him and it almost makes you gag.
"Looks motherfucking sicknasty, bro." He says, and peeks inside the shop through the door to look at some plushies that are hanging from one of the walls. There's Sonic once again, all blue and deformed and fat. You straighten yourself up and sigh.
"I'll buy it after Christmas, I think. I need to see if I have enough money left for such a thing, after getting the rest of the presents I need to buy, I mean." You give the title one last longing look before beginning the hunt for a shop that might hold your father's perfect gift.
"What a fucking shame, dude."
You end up buying your father a few shirts of his favorite rock bands, since he is always trying to get you to listen to them and you know he's really passionate about them. The shirts will surely go well with one of the only presents you had actually thought of buying in advance: A limited edition DVD of his favorite anime. You think it's really cute that he still likes that stuff, and it also makes it way easier to buy him presents. You already know what he likes.
You find yourselves walking by the food court, and you take a look around to see where you could buy some decent coffee now that your candy is gone and your feet are getting sore from walking.
"Don't you wanna go to the fucking restroom before that shit, bro? It's right over there." He points to an area not far from the food court, right by a sign that tells you the men's restroom is to the left, and the ladies' is to the right. You look at the sign for a moment before glancing back at him with a frown.
"… Why?"
"I dunno bro, just thought maybe you'd wanna go." He licks his lips and shifts his weight, a hand darting up to rub the back of his neck. You look at him over with a confused and unsure smile.
"Well, yeah, I kind of do want to go, now that you mention it…" You really aren't lying but you're still weirded out.
"Aight. I'll get my wait on for you right here." He grins. You stare at him for a few seconds more before you hand him your bags and turn around to go inside the restroom, only looking back once to look at him. He waves at you for some reason, and you just mumble an "okay" to yourself while you find a urinal. You take your time. You wash your hands and check your reflection to fix your hair and make sure you look nice. Pull down your shirt a bit and straighten the thick jacket you're wearing over it. Check your face for any new pimples you should be aware of asides from the one on your chin, look at yourself over again and sigh. You kind of wish you were just a little bit more attractive. You don't consider yourself to be specifically ugly, but you don't consider yourself to be specifically attractive either. You don't know why you care. Last time you felt even remotely worried about your appearance you had just started dating Vriska.
You go back outside to stand where Gamzee should be at, and you look around to see if you can spot him. You don't see him anywhere. He's not against the wall near the bathroom, he's not seating in any of the benches nearby, he is seriously nowhere to be seen. You frown slightly and begin to search for the clown with squinted eyes. He really shouldn't be too hard to find since, for fuck's sake, he most likely towers over everybody and has white and grey paint caked all over his face. He stands out more than the guy dressed like Santa that's just making his way towards the electric escalator.
You turn around when you feel a light tap on your shoulder and you see Gamzee giving you a toothy smile, his breathing slightly heavier than before and a suspicious additional bag dangling from his right hand. You lift your eyebrows as you look at the bag.
"… What's that?" You say, and he puts his hand behind his back to hide it from your sight.
"Nothin'." He giggles.
"What is it?" You ask again, this time chuckling and trying to reach for it just to fuck around with him.
"Nothin'!" He repeats, his giggles becoming louder. You stop and bite your lips.
"Is it for me?" You take another look at the bag. It doesn't really give away any information of what it might be since he apparently stuffed the Christmas hats inside the neon green bag as well.
"Nah, this shit's for Kurloz." He says as he rubs his nose for a second with the back of his hand, risking ruining his paint. You nod skeptically.
"Alright then." You take half of the bags from him and walk towards another map of the entire shopping mall to see if there's anything fun you both could do before eating something. He stands beside you as you scan the map calmly, your index finger gliding over the cold plastic as you murmur the names of the stores, and he pulls your sleeve softly to get your attention after a while.
"Check that out, brother." He says, his stare is fixed on a photo booth not far from where you're standing. "Wanna get some pics and shit? Always kinda wanted to get one of those thingies. They look fucking legit and shit." He chuckles softly, but starts walking towards it before you can reply.
You stand near the large photo booth as you wait for the people that are inside it to get out, hearing some laughter filtering through the red curtain that's separating them from you. Once the cute couple take their pictures and leave with silly grins and loud giggles, you get closer to the machine to inspect the interior curiously for a second. You've never been near one of these things before. Gamzee gets inside the crowded space first, and you go in right after him after popping a few dollars in the slot. You scoot as close as you can to make sure you both appear on the pictures, and you look at the bright screen right in front of you that asks you to choose a frame, which is really only a mere tiny decoration right above the actual string of pictures on a blank space as far as you can tell. You choose a corny "best friends" themed frame since there really isn't really much to choose from, and Gamzee giggles as he waits for you to start the thing.
A timer lets you know the number of seconds you have to make a ridiculous face, so you grin as wide as you can and wrinkle your nose, noticing Gamzee doing the same exact thing to match. You laugh at how dumb that will probably turn out looking, and he looks at you with a stupid grin.
He flips off the camera for the next creative pose, pouting his lips a bit to make a silly duck face. You put on the most badass looking face you can muster before flipping off the camera as well, and the shutter goes off with a click. You stick your tongue out and cross your eyes, and you really can't see whatever Gamzee is doing before the flash lights up your face. You're out of ideas for the last picture, but Gamzee wraps an arm around your shoulders and presses your cheeks together with the tightness of his hug, and then grins naturally at the camera while you start to chuckle. He smells like manliness and grandmas, added to his now faint natural scent that you honestly prefer.
The screen lets you know that you have to get out to get your pictures, and you wait impatiently outside for them to come out. You snatch the first strip that slides out of the slot, and you look at the pictures while Gamzee grabs his own.
"Oh God, I look terrible in this one." You say as you shake your head, mostly just kidding. You had intended to look terrible.
"You really fucking do." He agrees, but winks at you when you give him a fake angry glare. "I really dig the last one." He says before stuffing the picture strip inside the mysterious bag he's still holding onto. You put it away safely as well after nodding slowly.
"It's nice." You say, and you suddenly realize that getting pictures like those dangerously resembles 'date activities'. You clear your throat and feel your face heat up a little. What else would you be doing if you were to go on a date with him? You glance at him and notice that he has been staring at you, and he immediately looks away as if he wanted to pretend that that's not what he had been actually doing. "Do you want to maybe, get some coffee now or something?" You ask to break the short silence, talking over a pair of loud girls that are excitedly getting inside the photo booth. He presses his lips into a tight line.
"Chocolate for me 'cause I don't all and really dig coffee all that much. Sorta tastes like motherfucking cigarette ashes or somethin', don't know why Karkat drinks so much of the shit."
"Because it's actually good?" You say, beginning the walk back to the food court.
"Chocolate's still way better." He argues back with a chuckle, and you feel like he actually has a point. Nothing can beat chocolate, or at least that's what everyone says.
"Whatever you say." You reply distractedly as you spot a rather crowded Starbucks and step inside.
You get in line to get your much awaited treats, hoping for the best. The queue doesn't seem to be getting shorter at a quick enough speed and you can feel the growing irritation in some of the costumers.
"What did you buy for your brother anways?" You try to make small talk as you wait with Gamzee, and he focuses on your face after apparently having snapped out of a spacing out session. "I mean, asides from whatever is inside that bag you're now carrying around." You point at it for good measure.
"Just some stuff." He says. "I went and bought him some motherfucking weed and a fuckton of candies. I also bought Meulin a cute as fuck stuffed kittycat that she told me she really fucking wanted, and a purple dildo." If you had been drinking anything you would have thrown the contents of your mouth at the lady waiting right in front of you. You look at her anyways to see her start to turn her face around towards you with an expression that is a mixture of horror and embarrassment.
"Nice Christmas present…" You huff out a nervous laugh, glancing at the lady. The older guy in front of her shifts his weight and tries to look back as well, apparently trying to not be so obvious about it.
"Yeah. Getting Meulin's was a pain in the motherfucking ass though, the chick took nearly half an hour deciding what she wanted me to buy her. Plus the cashier almost kicked out our asses from the store for having a dildo fight, man, you should have seen those motherfuckers, they were huge as they can motherfucking get. I honestly all and doubt any dude has a dick that huge. How can people even fit those monstrous motherfuckers up their asses?" He squints his eyes in thought and you feel the urge to tell him to seriously lower his voice because it really is crowded, and you can hear a pair of girls trying to not burst out laughing.
"Wow, okay."
"There were some hilariously ugly ass sex dolls all propped up against the wall for people to look at, bitches all and looked like they belonged in the most mirthful of freak shows. I ain't never been to that kinda shop before so I don't fucking know what I was expecting, but there was some really motherfucking fucked up shit in there." He mock shivers.
"Oh my God." You begin to chuckle but it turns into full blown laughter almost immediately. "Gamzee, what the fuck?"
"What?" He begins to laugh too, apparently not getting that the topic is weird to say the least.
"Did she really tell you, that that's what she wanted for Christmas?"
"Uh, yeah." He shrugs. "She was scared as fuck to go in there by herself anyways but I didn't all and see why the fuck she would be asides from the fact that the dude that works there is freaky as shit." He says.
"I see." You nod, taking a few steps forwards as the line advances. He looks over the names of the drinks and sighs lightly. You keep a smile on your face as you just stare at him, and the thought that he is probably the weirdest friend you have ever had crosses your mind. You think that that's probably one of the reasons why you like him. For being weird and funny and sweet and a bunch of other things you find yourself really appreciating. You feel lucky for getting the chance to be his friend. You feel lucky that your friendship hasn't suffered nearly as much as you had honestly expected after learning that he feels a certain way about you. Last time you had been in this sort of situation it had been too awkward like to continue being their friend. You bite your lip and continue watching him lust after the various desserts Starbucks has to offer.
You would feel really, really sad if he were to stop being your friend, and it's not only because he is really great at this friendship thing. You would be sad about losing him because he's one of the greatest things that has ever happened to you and you don't want him to be anywhere else that isn't by your side, even if it means having to endure sporadic uncomfortable situations.