I jump up and earth bend the ground beneath me, knocking Zuko to the ground.
"Aang stop this! We are friends, I can't control how Katara feels about me." Zuko fire bends fire to block my air attack.
"No you can't, but you turned her on, how can we be friends if you took away the one person I love?" I scream at him, trying to hit him when every time I feel my heart breaking bit by bit.
I send an air swipe his way but Zuko dodges and sends a fire swipe back, I dodge it barely, my clothes being singed slightly. Zuko forms a massive fire blast, pushing me back and hitting the wall behind me.
"Aang are you ok?" Zuko runs over and kneels beside me checking for any wounds. Before he knows it he's flying to the other side of the island and bangs his head hard. I sprint to him with my fist covered in rock. But before I can reach Zuko I find myself on the floor, frozen in place.
"Zuko!" Katara rushes to him and takes him in her arms, hugging him close and healing the cut on his head. "Aang how could you? I feel like I don't know you anymore!"
"K…K…K…Katara I didn't mean to… it just got all out of hand … I… I." I stumble upon my words, suddenly ashamed, what am I doing?
"You monster how can you do such a thing? I trusted you as my friend and this is how you act?" Katara unfreezes the water, and I shakily get to my feet, I'm so cold. She gently props Zuko on the wall and is up in seconds and stalks towards me. Uh oh this can't be good. She is right up in my face and one hand grabs my collar and her other hand on her water pouch.
"You are a jealous and selfish kid. Why can't you just be happy for me?" Silence I can't answer that, because I wanted her to be happy with me not Zuko, my tears threatening to fall. She tightens her grip on my collar.
"If you EVER touch let alone hurt Zuko ever again, you will have to deal with me personally!" Her hand tightens even more with every word, even for an air bender I start to feel kind of choked.
"But …But Katara we are friends, you won't fight you friend."
"You are no friend of mine, not anymore, not if you can't be happy for me. And … And … If you EVER harm Zuko or anyone else than … than I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Katara screeches out the last bit, her body trembling, trying to keep it together. Her eyes are cold and hard challenging me to say something back. She let's go of me and I fall to the floor, too shocked to prevent myself from hitting the ground with a thud. She turns around and goes back to Zuko. I get to my knees and finally the tears come down like a stream.
"K…Katara I feel like you have just chosen him over me. Don't you care that you hurt my feelings, wait do even care about me, did you ever care about me?" Katara ignores me and turns her head away from me, unable to meet my teary gaze.
"Fine then if … if that's how it's going to be, then you don't need me here, I'm leaving, I've practised water bending, earth bending and fire bending enough, I'll take out the Firelord by myself." I get up and grab my glider from the side that I left when I started fighting Zuko.
"Aang you don't have to leave. You haven't mastered fire yet, I've only taught you the basics! Katara was being too harsh." Katara looks at Zuko in shock which quickly changes to anger.
"I've been harsh! Well then next time you want my help to defend you, don't bother asking!" When she turns back to Aang she sees nothing, but a few leaves stirring.
"Katara look what you did! You shouldn't have yelled at him, he was just upset." Zuko yells in frustration.
"Just because you are upset doesn't mean you have to attack someone!" Katara turns her back to him, and stalks off, not wanting to deal with this anymore.