This story has finally been adopted. It is now being run by Talonsen, with my greatest blessing. I am still involved as I will be betaing and guiding story decisions, so for those of you who liked where I was going, we are still going there, there will just be a few twists and turns while we get back into the groove of things. Look for this story to be up on his page within the next day or so.

As a side note, for any of you Harry Potter fans out there, I wrote a one shot about Harry telling the Tri-Wizard tournament to f off. I think it's a fairly decent scene. I am also working on a new secret project that should be out by the end of the year. I am going to stockpile a couple chapters before I start posting though, so that I can have a more regular update schedule.

Thank you all for the support you have given this story, and I hope you will continue to support it at its new home.