Reviews for The Man Who Would Be King
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17
Nice, zoro’s first bit of action , beheading Morgan ,me like dat shit
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17
Hate Alvida , she’s a cunt , just because she became less ugly , she’s not even in nami or robins league, people want luffy to have something to do with her , you should have just killed her
Guest chapter 1 . 1/17
It sounds like you hate Usopp as much as I hate sanji ,and boy do I hate sanji
The Critic chapter 3 . 11/8/2018
It's way too rush, making the story garbage. The idea is good though. Though your skills as a writer obviously need work, you grammar was good, something many fanfiction writers lack.
Ilireanwri chapter 2 . 6/27/2016
...Luffy has the 'Grandpa-Garp' and the 'Fist-of-Love' phobia...
NiebieskiLis chapter 1 . 6/20/2016
Instead of Conis I would like to vote for Rebecca
Guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
You're taking all of the part of themselves that make them THEM, along with Luffy's best friend (Usopp) out of the story. Usopp has the most character development (other than maybe Luffy) of all of them. I'm not trying to flame, but already this story freaking sucks.
biob1 chapter 5 . 11/14/2015
Good work
Maru33 chapter 9 . 9/12/2015
Great story please update soon
david.teague.3950 chapter 9 . 9/9/2015
While I'm sad that this story has been adopted there's nothing that can be done except for awaiting Talonsen to begin his posting of it. Although I do have a suggestion for a story, while I'm sure it's been done before quite a few "Dark" stories wind up making the main character Evil. Well I'm wondering if you'd be willing to do a Dark Harry Potter story, it takes place during the TWT(Tri-Wizard Tournament). Harry has effectively had enough when Ron doesn't believe him when he says he didn't put his name into the GoF, he starts to show his true self in his anger, that is he stops holding back and messing him-self up. For example he's put too little of his magic into his spells, or deliberately forgets to add an ingredient or chops it wrong, another thing is that he'd been secretly studying the class(es) for Ancient Runes and or Arithmancy ever since he saw Hermione's books for the subjects the year before. If you wish to bash Ronald you or someone you suggest this to can be my guest, I just love to read and supply ideas.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/31/2015
U seriously have to make these chapters longer at least 5k a chapter like I do or even 2.5k will do
NIGHT OF DEVIL chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Hey! I want Ussop join the crew too. I mean, he's one of the funniest guy on the ship.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
Why do you hate usopp so much, he's a pretty cool character with some interesting depth
Xerzo LotCN chapter 8 . 5/25/2015
well it sad you've given up so when you get someone to continue can you do an update and change the description to have a lnk to the new one
Gamelover41592 chapter 8 . 5/22/2015
let me know who adopts this
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