A/N Hey, in the beginning i'd like to say a few things
1. I'm no native english speaker so I'm sorry for all the mistakes I make in vocabulary and grammar.
2. I appreaciate any kind of constructive critism.
3. I hope you enjoy this story :)
Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan
Chapter 1
Ekoda, Tokyo, Japan
He had that dream again. He hated that dream. Nevertheless it always returned as something really bad happened. The dream came as his father died and another time before that, but he couldn't remember why. And now the dream was back again. The darkness, the loneliness threaten to swallow him.
He woke up heavily breathing. He would have screamed, but he wasn't a person to do that. A look a his alarm clock told him that it was 5.30 am. Experience told him that he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.
Slowly he walked up to the bathroom. Sleepy eyed he looked into the mirror seeing a face which most people would call handsome. His eyes had an unusual indigo-violet colour. The face was framed by short brown hair that was looking as if a bird tried to build a nest in it which, in a way, was true. He looked almost as always. Almost. Something was wrong, something essential. His smile, it wasn't missing, no his pokerface was to good for that, but it didn't reach his eyes. He let out a small sigh. Slowly he started with his morning routine, brushing his teeth, washing his face. He didn't even try to comb his hair.
After changing into his school uniform he made his way down to his kitchen. Fast he made himself a bowl of chocolate chip cornflakes and a cup of hot chocolate. Sighting he sat down, slowly eating his breakfast waiting for the time he could get ready for school. The hand of the clock was moving dangerously slowly. As it reached 7 o'clock he stood up pulling his things together.
One moment later he stepped out of his house remembering Hakuba's' words from the day before: "Pull your self together Kuroba, if not for your own sake do it for Aoko-chan she wouldn't want you to be this down!"
Sighing he straightened. He would never admit it, but Hakuba was right. With a small frown he began walking towards Ekoda High School.
The same morning a couple of streets away
Another boy also woke up quiet early, but for fairly different reasons. Putting together some important papers, double checking his school back, straightening his school uniform he left his apartment even 15 Minutes earlier than one Kuroba Kaito. Walking towards the same destination as the young magician.
As he reached the school he went fast for the secretariat. Happily he registered that as of now no other students were present. With a small smile he took his new class schedule. He was going to be in class 2B. Well not that it really mattered, he was here to learn nothing else, but he wandered why the secretary was looking pitiful as she gave him his schedule. Well he'll find out sooner or later.
Now all he had to do was waiting for his teacher. Which meant he had approximately 30 minutes left. With a small sigh he sat down and pulled a book out of his back only minutes later he was completely immersed into the story. Half an hour later he got out of his reading trance as someone touched his shoulder. Looking up he saw a woman in her late twenties or early thirties.
"You are my new student,right?" she asked. He answered with a shorted nod. As the teacher realised that she wouldn't get any more of an answer she straightened her self and started walking out of the room not looking if her student-to-be would follow. As they reached the class room 2B she took a deep breath and opened the door.
Sometime earlier inside the same classroom
Kaito sat at his table at the window. Usually at this point of the day he would have flipped Aoko's skirt and started a crazy mop chase. "Aww!" he tore his hair. "Hadn't he decided to pull himself together?!"
Some people turned around to look at him. Anxious looks were send across the room. Since Aoko's accident everyone stood under high tension, waiting for Kaito to explode. His sudden mood swings this morning weren't really helping.
Hakuba started to think if he should talk to Kuroba as the school bell rang. Moments later he heard the food steps outside. Saguru could almost see the image of their teacher taking a deep breath in his head. A second later the door was opened.
As the teacher walked in a second person followed her. A boy about their age. "That is odd." Saguru thought "I didn't hear second person." But the thought was fast overshadowed as he realized what the boy looked like. Immediately he looked between the boy and Kuroba, the resemblance was stunning. But there was something else, he couldn't remember where but he had seen this boy on another occasion. Before he was able to remember the boy bowed deeply and said: "Good morning. From now on I'll attend this class. My name is Kudo Shinichi. It's nice to meet you."