Sword Art Online and WC crossover

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and what if Bloom was one of the one thousand beta testers? What if Griselda and DuFour entered the game dares from one of their colleagues? Now the three are stuck in the game trying to survive without magic and while trying to remain sane as they save every and anyone they can…but their magic helps them a bit. AU OOC femslash)

"Bloom!" Griselda called as she chased after the familiar flash of red hair that was unique only to one person. The girl the hair belonged to spun around far too elegantly for her not to have some footwork skills as she looked at Griselda with blue eyes that while not completely like her original ones, were still far too familiar to be a coincidence.

"No way…Ms. G? What are you…Never mind. Quick come with me!" Bloom said grabbing Griselda by the hand after shaking herself for a minute, dragging the brown haired woman to a small ally way not far away but far enough no one else would notice the two.

"Okay first things first. What's your avatar name?" Bloom asked as she released Griselda's hand and leaned back against the alley wall.

"What?" Griselda asked confused causing Bloom to sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"The name you put in when you started the game, what is it?" Bloom clarified causing Griselda to blink slightly.

"Griselda was already taken so I went with Ms. DuFour's first name, Iris." Griselda said causing Bloom to nod.

"Alright then that's what I and everyone else in the game are going to refer to you as, so you might want to get used to responding to that name." Bloom said causing Griselda to nod slightly, that made sense.

"What's your name in here then?" Griselda asked causing Bloom to smirk.

"No way was I going to enter my real name so I used a…unique one instead. I'm known as Mia-Fiamma, it's Latin for dancing flame. Considering my powers in the real world and my skill set…I thought it was fitting." Bloom said with a smirk and shrug of her shoulders, causing Griselda to look at her in confusion. That was a strange name indeed.

"Call me Flame or Mia for short though. So what do you know about the game?" Bloom asked causing Griselda to shake herself out of her confused stupor.

"I know that I and one other teacher from Alfea were dared to play the game after Palladium had heard you talk about it so much. DuFour is probably wondering around looking for me. I know that I have this outfit, some coal, and a weapon. Other than that…" Griselda, otherwise known as Iris, trailed off, she had tried to research how to play the game earlier before she entered it but it seemed that this was the game's first official run, the only ones allowed in it earlier than today were the one thousand randomly chosen Beta Testers.

"Alright so you don't know much. Good thing you found me when you did then." Bloom or, as she will now be called, Mia said sighing as she pushed off of the wall and headed towards the mouth of the alley.

"Why's that?" Iris asked confused, causing Mia to smirk at her over her shoulder.

"Lucky for you I'm one of the lucky few to Beta Test the game, so I know my way around fairly well and can show you a few tricks. For now let's go find Ms. DuFour and keep her from stumbling into a dungeon by accident. She's fine as long as she's in the safe zone but outside of it…" Mia trailed off as she turned back around and continued walking, Iris falling in step behind her almost immediately.

"What's this?" Iris asked confused when a small button like thing popped up in front of her after about five minutes of her and Mia looking around for DuFour.

"It's a message. Press the button to see the message. Like this." Mia said poking the flashing signal, causing a small screen to pop up.

"It's from DuFour! Let's see…she's over by the fountain wearing a red dress with some armor on top of it." Iris read smiling slightly before Mia nodded once, turning around to look at the fountain and looking at it for a minute before turning back to Iris.

"I see her. I'll go get her and be right back. You wait here and don't talk to anyone. You never know who likes to play the villains." Mia warned causing Iris to nod as she stood by the weapon shop while Mia vanished into the crowd, much to Iris's disbelief. Mia returned two minutes later with a woman following her. The woman had pale grey eyes and grey hair…but there was something familiar about her.

"Good. That means we're all together. Iris…this is Athanatos or, as we know her, Madam DuFour. Madam DuFour this is Iris…otherwise known as Ms. Griselda and you both already know that I'm Mia-Fiamma AKA Bloom." Mia said clapping her hands as she grinned at the two.

"Now that introductions are done let's get in the weapon shop and buy you two some higher level gear so you both don't go and die on me." Mia said as she ushered the two into the shop, raising a hand in greeting to the owner.

"Well if it isn't my favorite customer! What's on your agenda for today Red?" The guy behind the counter asked causing the two teachers to look at their student who grinned.

"Well I'm taking these two under my wing and need to teach them a few things about the game. I figured the best way to do so was with giving them the experience so I need to get them both some new equipment, they only have the standard crap that won't last a day with my training." Mia said causing the man to nod slightly.

"Alright. Skills and preferred weapons?" The guy asked causing the two teachers to blink while Mia answered without pause.

"Iris here is a close combater, knife skills especially good so she'd need things like light weight but good quality armor and some daggers. Athanatos is a long range, bows, crossbows, maybe throwing needles and all too. Her precision and reflexes are good. I'm looking for level five or six equipment for them both." Mia said easily while the two were inwardly wondering how she knew that when they didn't know it.

"Alright. Anything for you then?" The man asked looking at Mia who shook her head.

"Nah I'm good for a few more levels." Mia said causing the man to nod while the two teachers looked at their student curiously.

"What are your skills and weapons Blo-er…Mia?" Athanatos asked causing Mia to smile at her. Her answer shocked the hell outta them.

"Well I try to upgrade my skills evenly, or as evenly as I can, but I prefer upgrading my sword or staff skills more than anything else. I have a bunch of weapons I've collected during my time as a Beta tester, but I prefer using a glaive over anything else."