
"Oh look, dear, we have a request," Milori, Lord of the Winter Fairies pointed out to his beloved.

"Hmm…, where?" Clarion, Queen of the Never Fairies asked of her consort and one true love.

"Right there in the reviews," he explained. "It's from a guest, see."

It's been so long since a milarion one, can you do one of them? They're my absolute favourite!

Clarion looked out over the page. "Oh yes, I see it now. It is quite the honor to be admired by so many. But why 'Milarion?'"

Milori grinned, "It's their nickname for us. A portmanteau of Milori and Clarion, dear."

"I know what it is, what I meant is why 'Milarion.' Why is your name first? Why not mine? I am the queen, am I not?"

"Of course you are, my precious," Milori replied, gently kissing her on the cheek to console her beleaguered ego. "However, if I were to take a guess it's that Milarion flows better than Clalori."

"Yes, I suppose you are correct."

"Indeed. And besides, I am the man."

"You're what?"

"I am the man."

"You are …the man…?" Clarion repeated, her pupils glaring out of the corners of her narrowed eyelids. "So that means your name must come first because you are the man in the relationship?"

"Well, no, that's not what I meant," Milori answered, looking a bit distressed.

"Then what did you mean…, dear?"

"Well, I mean that uh…, well…, uh…, my name should naturally…, no that's not what I mean."

"What do you mean, Milori?"

"Yes, ahem… what I mean is… ahh…"

"Tell you what, when you have figured it out you can find me in the Pixie Dust Tree. And you will not be received an instant before. Understood?"

Milori smirked.

"What are smiling about?"

"It was all in jest," Lord Milori told her, "because I knew how annoying you would find it."

"Oh, I see. It was all just a joke."


"So you could see me become unhinged?"

"Ye-, no. No. Not at all."

"So you think I'm neurotic?"

"I said no such thing."

"You said I would be annoyed."

"Yes, annoyed, not neurotic."

"Thank you for clearing that up, dear." POW! She sucker punched him right in the jaw. "It was a most entertaining witticism."

I normally don't do requests, but this was too good to pass up. Thank you for the suggestion.