Whitney: Alrighty, so when we last left our couple, they had been practically murdered by some kid apparently they knew from before. (Akino Ame and Princess Serenity, be quiet cuz the rest don't know who he is… though they should be smart enough to figure it out…) I'd like you to meet my new muse, Rin… she's a character in my other non-fanfiction story, and she's been bugging me to much, so I finally let her be a muse… She's much different in my story… not quite this insane…

Rin: *blinks one eye, then the other*

Whitney and Simon: o_O;;

Cloud: She's kinda cute…

Whitney: Get your hand away from her butt, Cloud! Trust me, you don't want her!

Simon: Ya know, he's right, Whit. She is kinda cute. *goes to pat Rin's head*

Rin: *tries to bite Simon's hand*

Simon: O_O

Cloud: *snickers*

Rin (to Cloud): *giggles* You're my hero!

Cloud: O_O *runs away from Rin*

Whitney: I have way to many muses… Anywho… I think the author notes are longer than the story… and, wait! I still have to put you back in the closet!

Simon: But I've been good! *puts hands in the air*

Whitney: Alright, even though I know you'll end up in the closet by the end of this chapter…

Rin: *blinks one eye, then the other* … Hey! Look at the cute little teddy bear!

Moogle: O_O Dammit! *comes out from behind desk* *whips out rocket launcher* Whitney told me to BURN YOU!

Whitney: I did...? Waaaaaaait! WHY IS THERE A MOOGLE HERE?! *ducks under desk*

Simon: I really don't see why you're afraid of those things… *pokes the Moogle* They're actually kinda cute…

Moogle: *attempts to bite off the finger that just poked him*

Simon: AHHH!!!! That thing is vicious!

An unknown voice: Furby hungreeeeeeeeeeeee

Cloud: W-what was that?

Whitney: I don't know… Hey! You're supposed to be the big brave warrior with the even bigger sword!

Cloud: *starts to whimper*

Whitney: -_-;;

UKV (Unknown Voice): Me want honeycomb! Er, I mean, Me love Furby!

Whitney: It couldn't be…

Simon: I think it is…

-We now interrupt this story for… another story… O_o;;-

•Chapter 6- All Humor Lost•

It had been several hours since Seiko Nonaka had opened her door and found her granddaughter lying comatose on the now crimson sidewalk with Ryo Akiyama under her, both in bloodstained clothing. The two had been taking to the hospital immediately.


Rika Nonaka's eyes fluttered open slightly, and she went to place a hand on her aching, sweaty forehead when she noticed her left arm felt like it weighed hundred pounds. Close, but not quite. Her left wrist was wrapped up in a hard dark blue cloth; she had a cast. She shook her head, and everything came rushing back to her. "Ryo!?"

"Rika!" Rumiko yelled happily as her daughter came to, using all of her self control to keep from hugging Rika in fear of hurting her.

"Whe-where's Ryo…?" Rika asked hesitantly, thinking the worst.

"He's in the room next door, honey. Your friends are waitng for him to wake up. I'll tell them you're conscious," Rumiko said, but was stopped by her daughter.

"No, mom, I want to go see him…" Rika said as she got up, feeling a bit lightheaded from the huge amount of blood loss. Shaking her head again, she began to walk towards the door, ignoring her mother's protests. ("No, Rika, you need your rest!" "Rika Nonaka, get back here!")

She walked, er, ran shakily to the next door, swinging it open as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast. She had lost a lot more strength than she thought. Jeri whirled around when she heard the door open, and squealed with delight when she saw her best friends standing in the doorway, looking a bit tired and dazed.

"Rika!" she shrieked, and the others turned around as well, happiness filling their faces. Behind them, Rika could barely make out the bed where Ryo laid, still comatose. Henry and Takato moved so she could get through, noticing the look on her face. She found him lying still, a strained look on his face, as if he was in pain even in his sleep. His bare torso was wrapped in bandages and his leg was in a cast.

"How long have I been out?" Rika asked, cupping his cheek with her hand.

"About four hours or so. Your Grandma found you and him on the sidewalk in front of your house. Hurt pretty badly. Rika, what happened?" Henry asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She shook her head. "Not now, Henry. Not now." Henry was satisfied with that answer, and left her be. "What did the doctors say about him…?"

"His body's still in a state of shock, maybe in a coma, and his heart was close to failure, one of the bullets barely grazed it, but that was enough to induce heart failure. Nobody thought he was going to make it, because of that and the amount of blood he lost. In fact, they still aren't sure if he will," Kazu explained, his voice soft and shaky. "But we know he will. He's a fighter, that Ryo," Kazu smiled a bit. "His knee cap is shattered. He'll be able to walk with crutches, though. Oh, and your wrist is broken, in case you're wondering. Neither of you are supposed to be out of your beds. Doc said both of you need rest, but we all know you won't listen to us, so I'm not going to even try to make you go back to bed."

"This is all my fault," Rika said with held back tears.

"What are you talking about, Rika?" Jeri asked.

"It was… him, Jer," Rika said, letting a single tear make its way down her cheek.

Jeri placed a hand over her mouth and gasped, "Rika, you-you're kidding, right?" Rika shook her head. "Oh, my God. But… why?"

"I don't know. Must've been jealous or something. Who knows?" Rika said, totally breaking down and falling into Kazu's, who had been standing beside her with a hand on her shoulder and the closest person to her, arms. He blinked a few times in shock, then wrapped his arms around her and patting her back. (A/N: No! This is not going to be a… um… Kazika or Rizu or whatever! He's just being… caring! Wow, that's very uncharacteristic. Back to the story [BTTS]) Jeri looked sympathetically at her.

"Ri," Jeri started, and corrected herself, "-Ka, it's not your fault! You didn't make him attack you two, did you?" Rika shook her head in Kazu's, who was still a bit bewildered by her sudden action, chest. "Then it's not your fault."

"I *sniff* guess your-your r-right, *sniff* Jeri…" Rika said as she stepped away from Kazu and wiped away her tears. He looked a bit… relieved.

"Um, Jeri, what are you talking about?" Kazu said in a barely audible whisper.

"I'll tell you later," Jeri mouthed. Kazu nodded.

"Go ahead and tell them, Jer," Rika said. She didn't hear Kazu's whisper, she just knew someone had asked.

"Um… alright. I'll go down to the café," Jeri said as she starting walking to the door. "It's would be a bit awkward if you were there." Rika nodded, and the rest of the group left, leaving only Rika and a cataleptic Ryo.

"You know," Rika started as she turned back around to Ryo, "Kazu better be right about you. You'd better make it, cuz I don't think I can live without you and your arrogance, your ability to annoy the hell out of me with just a few words, and that cocky grin that makes 99% of the female population weak at the knees… even me," Rika said softly as she took his limp hand into hers. There was something about talking to someone or couldn't talk back, couldn't argue or correct her, that she liked. "Ya know, I think I might be falling for you… hard. I've always had a crush on you, I mean, who wouldn't? I didn't show it very well, with all my rude remarks or my disregard of you… Maybe I even love you… And maybe someday I'll be able to tell you that… when you're awake, I mean. Hey, you know what I just thought about? Your father… he's not here…"

Rika jumped when his hand lightly squeezed hers. "He-he's out of town," Ryo muttered in a hoarse whisper.

"R-Ryo!" Rika shrieked, blushing furiously. "Why didn't you tell me you were awake? And how long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to here you lovely little speech. And if I told you I was awake, I wouldn't have gotten to hear it…" Ryo's eyes were still closed, but his mouth curved into a grin.  

"Oh.. um, right… j-just don't tell anyone, al-alright? Not yet, 'k?" Rika asked nervously.

"Alright, I won't tell anyone, Pumpkin," Ryo assured her. 'Hey, might as well have a little fun while I can,' he thought impishly.

"Ryo!" He could feel the glare Rika was giving him, and, opening his eyes, he confirmed it.

"You know, you're really cute when you're mad…" Ryo said, grinning wider.

"Brat…" Rika muttered.

"Yeah, but you love me for it, dontcha? I mean, that's what you're little confession told me…" Ryo trailed off with a wink.


•Back at the studio•

Whitney: I thought that'd be a good place to leave off. And the next chapter's author notes will not but longer than the actual chapter, promise. We still have a handful of chapters left in this part of the 'LCA Trilogy', so don't you worry! Lol. *looks behind her* My dog… is… humping his bed… O_o

Simon: Oh,

Cloud: My,

Moogle: God…

Whitney: Okay, now this is the last straw! I am going to ask you one more time, and you are going to answer me! WHY IS THERE A MOOGLE IS THIS HOUSEHOLD?!

Simon: Well… technically… there isn't 'a Moogle'…

Whitney: Whadaya mean, there's not 'a Moogle'?

Cloud: …There's a lot of Moogles…

Whitney: WHAT!?

UKV: Taste the rainbow!

Another Unknown Voice: That's not your line!

UKV: Oh, yeah! Me want play!

Whitney: I forgot about that voice…

Simon: Me too…

Whitney: Where were we?

Simon: I think it is…

Whitney: Oh, yeah! It, just can't be!

Simon: I didn't think so either… but all the tests show…

Whitney: Oh, no, are you serious?

Simon: Yes, Sculley (X-Files, dimwad), er, I mean, Whitney, it's… it's… Furby. *dun dun dun*

Whitney: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *dives under desk and starts whimpering* I THOUGHT I KILLED THAT THING!?

Simon: How the heck do you kill something that was never living…?

Whitney: By throwing it into a wall!

Simon: So if I threw that vacuum *points to the vacuum against the wall behind Whitney* against the wall, it would die? *raises eyebrows*

Whitney: …No, but… WELL, I TOOK FURBY'S BATTERIES OUT! *continues to whimper*

Simon: Why are you so afraid that thing anyway? It's kinda cute.

Whitney: DON'T TOUCH IT! It's got a mind of its own! One day, it just started opening and closing its eyes and making this weird sound that sounded a little too much like a growl!

Simon: Right… *goes to pet Furby*

Furby: *Attempts to bite off Simon's finger*

Simon: O_O AHHH!!!! (A lot of people have been trying to bite Simon! XD)

Whitney: Told ya! The only way to get rid of it is to wrap it up in pantyhose and stick it on a shelf! It's the only way! (At least that's what me and Ashley did! XD)

Rin: LOOK AT THE CUTE LITTLE… THING!!! *runs towards Furby*

Furby: O_O *runs away… very quickly (Though I don't know how it runs… it doesn't have legs! Just feet!)*

Whitney: Or… you could sic Rin on him… o_O;;

Rin: Oh, the cute little thing ran away… *sniff sniff*

Whitney: Right… Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter! 

Simon: Not to mention more torturing for Whitney!

Whitney: What!?

Simon: Er… nothing! *sweatdrop*

Thanks for the Reviews!!!!!!!!!

Pika and Sillymoo:

Wow… what an odd name! ^_^;; Er.. yeah! Anyway, back to my thanks, Cloud is cute?? No, I don't think so, Cloud is hott!! XD Thanks for the review!


-Review for Chapter 3-

Um… Riiight… That confused me a bit… o_O

-Review for Chapter 6-

O_O Someone's getting a little impatient! Lol. Your present is up, if you didn't already read it. It's called My Only Wish This Year. The title doesn't really make much sense, but it's the name of the song in it.  Woah! Relax, there girl! I don't like to use the term 'killed'. I prefer 'fatally injured'. Lol, j/k. I didn't kill Ryo… or did I? MWAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm evil… =^) Oh, wait, you already know whether or not I've killed Ryo… Blast. Well, maybe all of a sudden… um… his heart will stop…? ^_^;;

Akino Ame:

-Review for Chapter 4-

Alright, then. No rating change is going to happen. I'll just add a warning on chapter… whatever it was. Or, better yet, I'll just censor it! ^_^

-Review for Chapter 5-

^_^ You're my most loyal reviewer! God, that makes you sound like a dog or something… Sit! Stay! Good girl! XD, j/p. You've helped me a lot and I don't think I've thank you for that,


*Ahem* Anyway…

-Review for Chapter 6-

You just love having your muses bug you, and me for that matter, don't you? Lol. Gotta love 'em though. And where the heck are you getting those songs? What are they from?

-Review for Chapter 7- (Wait, there was a chapter 7?? Oh, duh… Leave me alone!)

Ooo! Draco (and Harry…)! Yummy! ^_^;; Er… anyway… o_O;; I got a burner for Christmas, but its being stupid… my family is computer stupid. My dad came over (The 'Rents are divorced, if you're wondering) and installed it, but something wrong. *sigh* I really wanted to get Kazza, too…

Princess Serenity:

Aww, you aren't going to let Kazu sing Slim Shady? You're so mean! XD lol. BTW, I read your Frontier story! It's really good! ^_^

Dark wulf:

I think I'll just post the URL here, cuz I'm too lazy to e-mail it! The URL for DigiRoyalty is http://digiroyalty.b0x.com, but it doesn't work. I think TSAngel took it down. I contacted one of the people who had a fic on that site, but it was just today, so I don't know if they got it yet or not.


Thanks for the URL, even if it doesn't work. Bloody hell, that was my favorite Ryuki site, too. What's happening to the world? Lol. Don't worry, I talk about random things, too. I enjoy naming things baka. Heck, I just enjoy naming things. Like the pillow named Matt. Oh, that reminds me, I got a new pillow, it's one of those body pillows and I named it MJ. (Matt Jr.) I'm so weird… ^_^;;

 Levy4Eva and Pancakes! too:

Whitney and her muses: Simon, Snowbell, Baka, Matt (the Pillow), Rin, Cloud, the deranged Furby, not too mention that annoying (and absolutely terrifying) Moogle that won't leave! Oh, and the stars of her original story: Aurora, Toth, Neo, Mah'iimoa, Maya, Aero, Lei, and Cyprus. Oh, and of course, can't forget the new pillow, MJ! Oh, can't forget that other unknown voice, either! XD