Soft snores echo about the flat, not a noise was heard. Not car, nor animal, nor voice broke the silent stare off. Amber bores into azure and words are spoken with a glance. Emotions flicker across the respective gazes, resistance, disapproval, desperation. Tension is heavy in the air, bodies wound up and ready to strike at the slightest anomaly. Finally, thin peach lips move, breaking the eerie silence is a quiet whisper.

"I am going Percy and you can't stop me."

Pale lips purse, his reply muttered, heard only because of the deafening silence.

"Why can't I go? The twins need you, they can survive without a father."

A steely gaze sent, as amber eyes narrow. Azure eyes glare back in defiance.

"Because I am a trained, fully qualified Auror and the longer you keep me here the less of a chance we have of winning this war! So I am telling you, Percy Ignatius Weasley, I am going to apparate to Hogsmeade and you are going to stay here and look after our children!" The whispers are teetering on the edge of a normal talking voice, filled with malice.

The silence is tangible, dark as the night shrouding their flat. He relents, because she is right and he can't help but trust her, because that's all she's ever asked of him. Every action becomes deliberated, the emotion behind it deeper. Lanky limbs move forward, a hair breath between the duo.

"Fine, just come back, please." He pleads, wrapping her in a lingering embrace.

"I'll try Perce..." She says into his chest, smelling his cologne, feeling his intimacy once more, before she leaves to the war that ruined them.

A war that is shattering lives so effortlessly.

Not another word is spoke. A crack sounds and she is travelling miles away, no longer in his loving embrace. He anxiously hopes for her safety, sitting down rigidly. He holds his head in shaking fingers, feeling helpless. She imagines one last kiss with him, before preparing for the worst. In that moment Percy Weasley is his most vulnerable and not that he knows this, but so is Audrey Weasley née Smyth.