Reviews for Re-learning Affection
Catharina2003 chapter 19 . 6/3
Commenting because I absolutely love this entire premise.
I honestly can't wait for the reunion part, it's going to be great.
Robstar21 chapter 11 . 9/13/2019
not trying to be rude but isn't the n word an American thing
SmLiMaLOVE chapter 19 . 12/28/2018
Waited over a year for an update now! Are you planning on updating, or do I have to give up on one of the best ff that I have ever come across?

Love love love love LOVE this story sooo much
Robstar21 chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
loving it
HappyReader chapter 18 . 12/24/2017
Amazing ! Man, I finally found this story after a long time. I honestly can’t wait for the next update. Please oh please update. Like the best Christmas present ever. Cheers.
Phoenixx Rising chapter 19 . 9/19/2017
Oy. Had to be weird meeting your neice after not seeing your family for so long.
Can’t wait for reunions!
Son of Whitebeard chapter 19 . 9/19/2017
good seeing the weasleys extended family and great grandparents are molly and arthur
pottermind chapter 17 . 8/10/2017
love this chapter! I'm really looking forward to the next update!
Phoenixx Rising chapter 17 . 7/15/2017
Aww...I like. I love that they are still friends even though they are separate. I love that Victoire's personality is similar to Percy's. I wonder if Bill notices that.
I love that you made Percy an unspoken enigma and a inside mustery/joke among the kids. I love that the cousins like each other and that Joy is doing for Victoire what the intire Weasley family failed to do for Percy. Making her feel appreciated.
I hope that we do read a bit about Cecilia.
Anyway, love it!
Nanettez chapter 17 . 7/14/2017
Are Jay and Joy the same person?
indanthrene-gecko chapter 16 . 6/23/2017
I like this story. I like how you tackle mental issues and societal ones as well. It's deep, and refreshing.
persephonella chapter 15 . 3/19/2017
oh my god I'm so tired and i have so much work to do but I felt like I can take a bit of a break :)))

2001? Ah, 3-4 years after the war? i believe.

go Ginny. that was powerful... not that i'd expect any less from that fiery girl!

god, i really want Percy to see his family again soon. want them to reconcile - and Molly scold him for how much he smokes, bad Percy.

you'll be her baby even if you're 70, Charlie.

Charlie and his dangerous life. he better not die, author.

i'm dying with a Percy moment with them. so much.

honestly, i will be the first to stay it. i /hate/ Hermione but i love your portrayal of her. it's so realistic and fresh and different.

i am supposed to be talking more but i can't. what is there to say? the content is brilliant. in fact, it's always been brilliant.

why is your writing so good how dare you

- persephonella
Phoenixx Rising chapter 16 . 3/18/2017
So, Cee is going to a different school. Interesting. How does that work with rules of magic. Is she just not allowed to use magic. Hmmm...
Phoenixx Rising chapter 15 . 1/9/2017
Interesting back stories for Molly and Arthur. And interesting effects on them all from the war. Very realistic, I think.
persephonella chapter 14 . 12/9/2016
i believe that this chapter has been up for a while but i have just gotten around to having a good look at it! the examination season is looming but i believe i can spare a bit of time to read this marvellous piece. plus it's been up for so long and i just couldn't resist!

RON! that's a pleasant surprise.

Ron with OCD tendencies? that's more than a bit of a surprise.

Ron is so unlike himself. and August. Percy disappeared on his birthday month that's so sad.

seeing Ron like this should be a crime.

Victoire? Bill? oooh. very intrigued. Victoire is such a darling. i don't really like her much but you've made her so likeable.

please tell me you didn't make an angsty moment with the TWINS.

is nothing sacred anymore?


100kg weights. lad i'm not even going to attempt to imagine this.

love these so much. they are so nice to read and-and funny you mention exams.

good luck with your examinations love and hope you have a lovely week

- persephonella
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