Disclaimer: I do not, and probably never will, own Harry Potter.

"So you're Potter?" The tall fifth year looked over him, critically. "A bit scrawny, sure you're strong enough to pull up from a dive?"

Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Harry replied. "On a Cleansweep 4 I can pull up from a forty foot dive, with my own broom, a Tinderblast, I can go even further. I can perform some of the most intricate moves on a broom, while pushing it to the top speed."

The boy stepped back and looked at him doubtfully. "Ok, I'll let the captain know and we'll see you at tryouts on Sunday."

"I don't have my broom." Harry pointed out.

"Everyone tries out on the same broom, so no one has unfair advantages, unlike Quidditch, if you get chosen you can bring your broom in at Christmas."

Harry nodded, still glaring at the boy. They were standing on the staircase, near the Transfiguration classroom. Tony's older brother was a Gryffindor, and a member of the Flight Skills.

"Do you know any kind of history?" The senior boy asked.

"I know that the need for being the best on a broom has existed ever since brooms were made. It eventually became a competition, existing in team and individual events. It has existed longer then Quidditch, but it less known. Quidditch players who are good at seeker tend to be good at fancy flying, but struggle with the teamwork. It has monthly competitions and there are zone, region, state, national and international levels. There are multiple moves players can make, ranging from beginner to extreme. Teams consist of up to 18 players, but can be as few as 11. The most famous team ever was the Brondue Bolts, who won the championship 37 times. There are different types of competitions, in some there is a set display, in others the team makes it up and some are mixed."

As Harry spoke his eyes lit up, after hearing about the team he'd researched-finding lots of information. He also found some descriptions of moves, which he intended on trying next time he flew. Thanking the boy he left, hurrying towards breakfast.


"Welcome to Magical Theory. I am Professor Riltak and I will be teaching and helping you with your theory. Some classes we will work as a group on a spell, in others you will work privately, either on spells you are struggling with in class or on an independent project. We will mainly be focusing on theory, unless we are working on a specific spell. If you cast a spell without permission you will be given detention and house points will be taken. Today we will be working on a simple, but fun charm that you will be learning later on. This charm is designed to provide light when you need it. The wand movement is a simple tap in midair. The incantation is lumos but don't cast it yet." She set the first years to work practicing the incantation and wand movement until she was satisfied. "For the rest of the session I'm going to allow you to try this spell. We only have ten minutes left so don't be surprised if you can't do it. You should be working on it in next Charms class anyway."

"Lumos" Jess screwed up her face in concentration, but her wand remained unlit. Glaring, she tried again, only to have the same result. Harry and Sebastian watched her, before trying themselves; neither was able to cast it. Professor Riltak swooped down on them and began to speak about visualizing the spell.

"For example, you're trying to cast a light spell, visualizing a soft yellow candle will make your wand glow that colour. A large white blaze will make it brighter. Many wizards believe that the louder you speak the stronger the spell, and for some that's true. But with most spells you have to visualize what you're trying to do. Keep trying, it'll take practice." Stepping away she began to help another group.

"Lumos" Sebastian said, grinning in satisfaction when his wand flickered before going out.

"Well done to those who performed the spell, remember your visualization. For homework I'd like you to write a page on the techniques of spell casting."


Harry looked across the classroom at Neville, grinning lazily. The bell was about to ring and it was their last proper class on a Thursday; double Astronomy. They had flying with the Hufflepuffs afterwards and Harry was looking forward to getting back on a broom, having not flown since Monday. Professor Sinistra assigned them half a foot of parchment on the position of the planets and the bell rang.

They left the classroom in a group, Tony, Neville and Sebastian chatting about the class. As Harry was about join in he saw a flash of blond hair and heard a snide voice.

"So Potter, degraded yourself even further, a halfblood to add to your group of misfits. What's the latest count? A mudblood, a foreigner, two traitor Slytherins and a halfblood. Pathetic."

"Well at least my friends have IQ levels higher then a chizpurfle. Did you know that the so called Lord Voldemort you and your father bow to is nothing more then a halfblood, and his mother a squib."

Malfoy paled. "How dare you tell such filthy lies, you halfblood," he spat. "You're not worthy to polish the boots of the Dark Lord, let alone say his name." With that he turned around and stormed off, silver tipped dragon boots stomping on the cold stones of the Astronomy tower.

Harry glared after him, before catching up to his friends and heading down to the Quidditch pitch.


"Place your hands above your brooms and say UP" Madam Hooch instructed, watching them carefully with her hawk-like eyes.

Rolling his eyes, Harry did as she asked. The broom flew carefully into his hand and he sighed. After spending hours working on it with his own brooms he would have been surprised if anything else had happened. A few Hufflepuffs and even less Ravenclaws were holding their brooms. The remaining Hufflepuffs had continued to try while the Ravenclaws appeared to be puzzling over what they did differently to those who succeeded. After everyone had got their brooms, a few having to stoop down and pick them up, Madam Hooch instructed them on how to mount their brooms and began moulding them into the perfect shape.

"Mr Potter, where did you learn your position, it is immaculate, although not suitable for Quidditch."

"Madam Hooch, my position was taught to me by my father, Sirius Black. It is not suitable for Quidditch since that is not a sport I aim on pursuing. My interests lie in flying ability, and my position reflects that. My hands are loose on the ground but will grip tightly, yet freely once I'm in the air. I don't have to lean down to avoid flying Bludgers so I remain more upright."

The teacher narrowed her eyes before replying. "Why would you not be interested in Quidditch, your father was a Chaser, and a very valuable member of the Gryffindor Team."

"Madam, meaning no disrespect but I am not my father." Harry paused; about to continue when there was a shriek and one of the Hufflepuffs, a red haired girl named Susan Bones, rose rapidly into the air before falling hard on her arm. Madam Hooch led her away after warning to class against flying. Once she left Michael Corner approached Harry and Sebastian.

"What was that Potter, already chastising a teacher. No respect for authority. I suppose you live like a king at home. House Elves following you everywhere and whatever you want at your fingertips. You certainly have the money for it, unless your mudblood mother spent it on love potions." Sneering he stepped back, watching Harry attempt to control his temper.

Seeing Harry struggle Sebastian stepped forward. "No, I believe that was your mother, Corner. If Lily had bewitched James she was smart enough to use a charm, rather then having to rely on cheap potions." Michael glared, and was about to reply when Madam Hooch reappeared.

"Ok, prepare your grips again and on the count of three you are going to take off into the air."

Harry prepared himself, before helping Sebastian. When Madam Hooch came around she glared at him, then complimented Sebastian, leaving both boys in fits of laughter.

"On the count of three."

"One, two, three." There was a loud whistle and Harry pushed off, his grip loose on the broom. Banking to the side he watched Sebastian, still standing on the ground. His face was pale, and he gently pushed off, hovering less then a meter off the ground. He then landed, shaking violently. Harry dove down, getting more suspicious as he landed and Sebastian turned away.

"What's wrong?" He hadn't seen Sebastian like this; he'd always been the confident one.

"Nothing, don't worry." He answered automatically, face blank.

"No, seriously. What's wrong?" Harry stared at him, confused.

"Go away! You're always meddling. Just leave me alone." Sebastian snapped, throwing his broom down and stalking off to the castle.

"Don't you worry, there's always one." Madam Hooch said, from behind Harry. She seemed to have gotten over her earlier disappointment. "Now you best be going. We still have an hour left."

Promising himself that he'd think about Sebastian later he followed her advice and hurried over to join Anthony. Under Madam Hooch's instruction they split into groups, the more confident fliers, which was very few, gradually going down. She instructed the others to wait, before leading Harry, Anthony, Sue Li and two other Hufflepuff to the side. She set them up, circling with small dives in the air. After watching for a moment to make sure they were competent she began to organize the other groups. Harry saw her setting the middle group, which consisted of six Hufflepuffs, Michael Corner, Mandy Brocklehurst, Lisa Turpin and Terry Boot. They began to circle and she moved on to the final group, Kevin Entwhistle, Stephen Cornfoot, Padma Patil and four Hufflepuffs, who had flown very little, or in Padma and Kevin's case, not at all. She went over grips with them, before letting them fly one at a time. Looking over she saw Harry watching and waved at him to continue.

"Only fifteen minutes left." She called.

Harry threw himself back into his flying, enjoying the feeling of wind rushing through his hair as he dove under his classmates, spinning around. All too soon Madam Hooch called for them to stop. She gave Harry a smile of compliment as he handed back the broom.

"I guess I was wrong about you after all. A pity you're not interested in Quidditch, but may I suggest Flight Skills."

"Thank you, I've already arranged to attend the tryouts." Grinning he left, feeling relaxed after the flight. Anthony was waiting and as he walked back up to the castle he forgot entirely about Sebastian.


As they entered the dorm Sebastian's bed was curtained off and Harry rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Sebastian come out," he called, pulling out his wand.

"No." A sullen reply echoed from behind the curtains.

"Sebastian, I will jinx you."

"With what, are you going to lumos me?" His voice sounded slightly better, bordering on sarcastic."

Harry put his wand away and stormed over to the bed, ripping the curtains open. "No, but I will research hexes until I can find one to stick you to the ceiling-and set you on fire."

Glaring back, Sebastian got up. "Fine, what do you want?"

Anthony cut in, knowing better then to speak about flying. "We were going to go to the library to finish the potions work and practice charms, you coming?"

"Yeah, okay. Just let me get my books."

As they left the common room the other Ravenclaw boys came in. Stephen and Terry grinned, although Kevin brushed past them, his face dark. Michael was boasting to Lisa Turpin about his flying, and about how he should have been in the top group-despite nearly crashing at least a dozen times. He opened his mouth to sneer at Harry, but one of the older students flicked their wand, muting him halfway through an insult.

"And you can keep it shut." A sixth year growled, bent over her potions book.

Laughing, the trio left for the library-being one of the first places they visited they were able to dodge Peeves and the trick staircases with ease. The library was mostly empty, students taking advantage of the good weather and limited homework-Snape being the only professor to give them anything substantial.

The smiles soon stopped as they began a difficult, albeit short, essay on the use of animal parts in potions.


Cursing Snape, and rubbing his head Harry left the library, alone. Sebastian and Anthony had left earlier, knowing they would have the weekend to work on it. Harry, being aware that the tryouts would take up most of Sunday, had stayed, determined to finish. His freshly dried essay was rolled up in his bag, Cascadia had charmed a few pouches so he could place essays and other homework in them without them being squashed.

Yawning he walked through the dimly lit corridors, it was close to curfew and most students were back in the common rooms. He passed a particularly dim corridor before stopping, as the torches near him went out. Flicking his wrist he pulled out his wand, mouth dry.

"Lumos" his wand tip flickered, before going out. "Damn it, lumos" Staying lit for a moment before a sudden impact jarred him, knocking him over, his wand rolled away, before going out. Blind in the darkness, Harry heard several voices, his heart racing he scrambled to his feet, just in time to be hit in the head. There was a loud scuffle and he felt arms grab him, pinning him down. He struggled, lashing out and feeling his fist hit someone's face.

"Hold him, damn you!"

He didn't recognise the voice, but felt more arms grab him, pulling him up. He kicked again, fighting against the hands before he heard someone cast a spell. The corridor was lit up and he saw his attackers. They were older students, in fourth and fifth year, but he couldn't identify them beyond that. Their faces were blurred, spell work preventing him from identifying them.

They grabbed him again, immobilizing him as an older student pointed his wand.


Thin ropes hit him, as the student cast a silencing ward on the corridor.


The hex hit Harry on the arm, causing him to fall in pain as a red burn appeared, the other students joined in, hexing him. He yelled in pain, as his arms grew red from stinging and burning hexes. His face was soon swollen and he curled up, trying to protect himself.

"Teach him to attack the Dark Lord, filthy halfblood."

There was a sound down the corridor and they paused, cursing angrily. The original student took down the wards, as another kicked Harry viciously in the ribs, pushing him into the shadows.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll leave." He threatened, throwing one last hex that left Harry bent double in pain.

They left quickly, as Harry lay there. His face was slowly coming down, suggesting that the puffiness had been the result of a jinx, but his arms were raw and his nose bled profusely. His ribs were bruised, if not broken, from the kick and he lay in agony, struggling to breath. His vision began to dim, before he faded into unconscious.

Some time had gone by, before anyone came. Penelope Clearwater, the Ravenclaw prefect walked down the corridor, on patrol. She staggered as she saw Harry, swearing angrily. Hurrying over the cut the ropes, casting charms to assess the damage. Swearing again she levitated him up and sprinted towards the hospital wing.


Albus Dumbledore sat back, his face grave. Madam Pomfrey had sent Penelope to fetch him as soon as she delivered Harry, this was more then a school rivalry. Harry's ribs and nose had been broken, and he had had several borderline dark hexes placed on him. He was currently in an enchanted sleep, after Madam Pomfrey had healed what she could she knew the best result would come from rest. Hopefully it would help him mentally as well.

Now that Albus knew Harry would be alright he had to contact Sirius. Sirius was not a good person to cross, and he would be livid at how Harry had been attacked. The hexes suggested a student from older years, and the number suggested multiple. Albus had a suspicion that it was related to Lord Voldermort's defeat, ten years ago. No school rivalry could develop that far in only a week. Berating himself for not paying closer attention to Harry he picked up a letter and began to write:

Dear Sirius and Cascadia Black,

I regret to inform you that your son, Harrison Potter, has been attacked…


Harry groaned, his head pounding as he opened his eyes. Reaching around, he fumbled for his glasses before putting them on and slowly sitting up. He was in the Hospital Wing, still at Hogwarts. The room was empty, he was the first serious case that year, although with Quidditch Trials coming up Madam Pomfrey had prepared several beds.

His head ached, and his chest throbbed as he breathed. His arms were bandaged, and he could feel a salve soothing the burns.

Noticing his movement, Madam Pomfrey came bustling over, her wand ready.

"Good you're awake, I've fixed your nose and ribs and put salve on the hexes I couldn't undo, is there anything I've missed?"

Harry shook his head, he was sore, but he knew it was just an aftereffect.

"D-do you know where my wand is?" His voice cracked, his throat sore after yelling so much.

"I believe Penelope took it, she was worried about whoever attacked you returning. You may be protected, but your belongings are not and anyone who can attack an first year like that is not above jinxing or breaking things to hurt you."

"What day is it?"

"Saturday, I put you in a sleep to mend."

Harry nodded, still trying to process everything. His brain was numb, still in shock. It had been dark, so he hadn't seen his attackers faces, due to a concealment charm, although he knew they were above fourth year-the heights and voices, along with spells used. They'd attacked him, because as a baby he had stopped a kleptomaniac who had killed his parents, either in a show of accidental magic or from a protection runes ritual from his mother, which Sirius said she was always researching.

Professor Dumbledore entered the Hospital Wing, his face grave.

"Harry, I'm sorry I have to ask you, do you remember what happened."

Harry nodded, his face blank. Numbly he recounted the events from the night before, Professor Dumbledore listened until the end, before asking questions.

"Did you recognise them?

"No, they used a charm, there were eight or nine, they were in the upper years and said they attacked me because I defeated Voldemort."

Dumbledore nodded, before speaking to Madam Pomfrey.

"Harry, I've checked over you, and Madam Pomfrey wants to keep you another night, but if you wish you are free to go, as long as you return tonight for a check up then remain in the Ravenclaw Tower. I believe you wished to attend the Flying Trials?" After Harry nodded on conformation he smiled, eyes twinkling. "Very well, depending on your condition you may be able to. We were lucky, and you have no lasting damage."

He then strode out of the Hospital Wing, stopping to let Anthony and Sebastian in.

Presumably they'd already been spoken to, since neither of them asked questions, just waited as Madam Pomfrey finished an exam and told him strictly to be back straight after dinner.

"Don't leave him alone." She warned the boys as they left.

"What have I missed?" Harry asked, as they headed towards the Great Hall.

"Nothing much, just everyone panicking as we were ordered to stay in our common rooms because of an attack. There have been all sorts of rumours, a Gryffindor had to be given a calming draught because she thought you-know-who had broken in."

"You can find out now though, it's lunch." Sebastian added, clearly over their fight.

They entered the Great Hall and everyone stopped to stare. Blushing, Harry slipped over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down, surrounded by his year mates. Penelope and a few older years, including the other prefect Robert, came over, offering support and threatening to hex whoever attacked him to hell and back.

After a few hours everyone stopped staring and Harry finally relaxed in the common room. The first year Ravenclaws, except Michael, Lisa and Kevin, had all offered support, clustering around him in protection. Penelope had convinced the older years to give them the seats by the fire and they waited, playing card games and reading. When dinner came they sat near him, glaring at everyone who tried to ask what happened. His other friends, Jess, Neville, Daphne and Hermione had come to sit with them and they all accompanied him to the Hospital Wing, afraid of another attack.

After madam Pomfrey check over him they returned to the tower, bidding their other friends good night. Their year group retired to bed, missing Penelope threaten the rest of the house with dire consequences if she ever found out that any of them had a part in the attack. Ravenclaws weren't known for being protective, but they were a force to be reckoned with if one of their own was in danger.

Hey guys,

I'm back! I'm sorry it's been so long, but I started year 9, and year 10 maths is a big step up from 8.
I will try to update more regularly, but I'm sorry if I can't.

Points to anyone who got my Supernatural reference!

As usual, read and review with what you liked and didn't like. I have a basic plan on where this story is going, but let me know if you want to see any characters more often or any particular events and I'll fit them in.

Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck by me! You have no idea about how amazed I feel when I see that each chapter has over 1000 views!