A/N: So this may be a little under edited. I got behind on some stuff. This was my first attempt at writing smut, so I hope you guys like it!
"Ace," Sabo started, taking a sip of his coffee. He set it down on the kitchen table gently and continued. "Have you and Marco had sex yet?"
Hearing his brother's (his younger brother's) question, Ace spat his own drink out, dirtying the table and some of the floor. "What the hell? Why would you say that?!" he yelped, still choking on a bit of the hot drink.
"There was some... interesting research in your browser history," the blond replied bluntly. "You should really remember to clear it when you look that stuff up."
Ace scowled. "Hey. I'm the older one here!" He stopped, cheeks flushing. "And I didn't look up anything that bad."
"I'm just saying. You don't want Lu to see that stuff. Do you?"
"Hell no! Why would you ask that anyways? It's none of your business."
"You can never be too careful." He paused. "I'm your brother, Ace. Just tell me what's bothering you."
Taking a deep breath, Ace looked away, not wanting to meet his brother's eyes. "Well..."
Stretching his limbs, Ace lounged out on the couch with a thin blanket wrapped around his form. He grabbed the remote from the coffee table and flicked through the channels, trying to find something to watch. And then, he heard his name come from the TV. The teen jerked up from his position in interest.
"Marco Phoenix is one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. But as far as we know, he's never had a girlfriend!"
"That's 'cause he doesn't want a girlfriend," Ace laughed quietly.
"As one of the most handsome men in the city, he has women practically falling at his feet! I know I'd get on that if I had the chance! So why does this man choose to be single?"
The teen's smile changed immediately into a frown. "He isn't single, bitch."
"Is Marco Phoenix waiting for that special someone? Or is our superstar model a simmering storm of sexual frustration? All this and more."
Not wanting to hear more (the alliteration having made it so much worse), Ace forcefully jabbed the 'off' button and flung the remote across the room. 'Marco's not sexually frustrated,' he pouted, leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes.
'But now that I think about it, he's been acting a little strange lately. We haven't been spending much time together lately.' His eyes opened suddenly. 'Maybe he is sexually frustrated! What if he's been picking up prostitutes for sex? Nonononononono-' He stopped his thought, calming himself. 'Alright, Ace. If he needs sex, then you'll have to be the one.' He stood and scrambled off to his room. 'It's time to do some research!'
"So... You're worried that he'll leave you because of sex."
"Don't give me that look! This is serious!" Sabo currently had an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed.
"Look, Ace," he said. "Are you even ready for this? I mean, I'm no expert on sex, but-"
"Then what are all those noises that come from your room when Koala's over?"
"Anyways! I'm no expert, but have you at least tried talking to him about this?"
Ace blushed. "That's way too embarrassing! He's Marco Phoenix, and I-"
"That's your excuse? Even though it's been months since you started dating?" The blond sighed. "Whatever. Just don't do something stupid. Like, I don't know, seduce him."
And without warning, Ace hugged him, eyes sparkling. "That's a great idea! Thanks, Sabo!" He grabbed his keys and headed out, presumably going off to Marco's house to seduce him.
"Oi, Ace!" Sabo groaned in defeat. "I tell him not to do something and he goes off to do it! Typical, Ace. Typical." He reached his arms over his head, stretching. "I need a nap," he grumbled.
When Ace pulled up to Marco's house, he couldn't help but notice the lack of cars in the mansion's driveway. There was only one besides his own. He recognized it as Izo's from the car's classy, sleek look (cleaner than the rest of his sibling's cars) and its plate number including a '16'. 'Looks like Marco's not home, but hopefully Izo will let me in.'
He climbed out of his car, staring up at the house. Visiting the Whitebeard family never ceased to amaze him. Even after numerous visits, the sheer size of the mansion intimidated him. 'It is Whitebeard, after all,' he mused, ringing the doorbell. The sound was surprisingly deep, but it echoed loudly enough to be heard by the occupants of the enormous mansion.
The door opened, revealing a man wearing a lightly colored kimono. "Oh, Ace! Come in."
"Thanks, Izo," Ace said, stepping over the threshold of the double doors.
"So what brings you here?" the man questioned as Ace removed his shoes.
Thinking about what he was going to do made a thin layer of sweat form on his palms. "I'm here to see Marco," he replied, quickly calming his self down. "But if he isn't home I can leave."
"Nonsense! Marco will be home soon. You can wait for him here." Izo's phone rang suddenly, interrupting the conversation. "Hello?... Okay. I'll be there soon."
"What was that?" Ace asked.
The man was now rushing around, gathering his things. "Looks like I'll have to stop by my work," he answered. "I'm sorry about leaving you here alone."
"No, it's fine!" the teen insisted. 'It's probably better that way.'
"You can wait in Marco's room, if you'd like. You remember the way. Yes?"
Ace nodded.
"Well then, I'll be seeing you."
"Bye, Izo," he said as the man exited the house. He turned towards the grand staircase that led up to the next floor. "Furthest on the left..."
When he arrived at Marco's room, he entered quickly, rushing to start his plan. The bed had been made and the desk had been organized, as to be expected of his boyfriend.
Walking over to the closet, he thrust its door open. Immediately, he saw what he was looking for and he took it in his hands. The shirt was a purple button up. It was Marco's favorite, and considering how much he wore it, it was Ace's favorite as well. Holding it to his face, he breathed in the man's scent: a combination of his cologne and the flowers that grew on the hill they liked to go to.
"Alright," he whispered to himself, closing the closet door. "Are you ready, Marco?"
The house was supposed to be empty when Marco got home, so he was curious as to why Ace's car was parked in the driveway. It wasn't that he was unhappy that his boyfriend was here. After all, he had been working so much lately that the two of them had less time to go out together. 'Why is he picking now of all times to stop by?' he wondered, unlocking the door and stepping inside.
The foyer was silent and empty, but the tell-tale sign of Ace's shoes indicated that, sure enough, the boy was here. 'Izo probably let him in before he left.' Assuming that Ace decided to wait in his room, he removed his own shoes and moved to climb the elegant staircase.
There was no noise coming from the room when he stopped in front of his door. It was strange. Ace was usually full of energy. 'He probably just fell asleep,' the blond told himself, turning the knob.
How wrong he was.
Ace was on the bed, but he was not sleeping. He knelt seductively on the mattress as if he were waiting for Marco. He wore Marco's favorite shirt, and judging by the pair of black boxers that sat on the floor in a manner that was anything but innocent, Ace was only wearing the shirt. "A-Ace?!" Marco exclaimed, face igniting with a blush and unable to take his eyes off of his boyfriend.
The teen's cheeks were flushed as well, but he was refusing to make eye contact with Marco. He expected the man to stare, but he didn't imagine that it would be this intense. "Marco..." he started quietly, heart pounding in his chest so hard that he was afraid the other would hear."Let's have sex!" he blurted.
Marco couldn't believe what was in front of him, much less the words that left Ace's mouth. The sight was definitely arousing and almost irresistible, but he held his feelings back and approached Ace, sitting on the bed. "What is this about, Ace?"
"What do you mean?" the younger asked slowly, still refusing to meet his eyes.
"It's sudden," he said. "You never showed signs of wanting this beforehand."
Ace didn't respond right away, leaving the two to sit in silence. He finally answered, albeit quietly and hesitantly. "Are you... sexually frustrated?"
Ace's question struck Marco with genuine surprise (and a bit of embarrassment). His sex life had never been mentioned in their relationship before, so Marco had no idea where the assumption came from. "Why would you ever think that?"
"There was this lady on TV, and she-"
"And you listened?"
No response.
"Listen, Ace," he sighed. "I don't need a relationship for sex and I don't need sex for a relationship. The two don't have to go hand-in-hand. I'm speaking from experience here."
It was now that Ace turned to him, eyes wide. "But doesn't that mean..."
"Yes. I've had sex before. What you're telling me by doing this is that you just think I just need a good fuck to be satisfied." He paused, sighing. "And I don't want to fuck you."
The reality of those words hit Ace, crushing his heart. 'Does Marco not love me enough? Does he love me at all?' There was unbelievable pain pounding in his chest. Suddenly, he became hyperaware of the air cooling his bare skin. He stood with slightly shaking legs and reached for his boxers, which he had earlier tossed on the ground carelessly when stripping. "Sorry," he choked out, holding back a sob. "I'll leave now."
Ace didn't know how it happened, but moments later he was back on the bed again, looking up at Marco. He had pinned Ace down and was refusing to let him move. "Don't misunderstand me, Ace," the man whispered, bringing his face close enough for Ace to feel his warm breath on his lips. "I don't want to fuck you. I want to make love to you."
And with that, Marco closed the gap between their lips, bringing them together in a passionate kiss. Ace responded eagerly, kissing back with enthusiasm. He felt the man's tongue running along his lips, and he answered his lover's silent request by parting them. That tongue dove into his mouth, hardly surprising him. He stuck his own out, tangling it with Marco's and running over the man's teeth. A tiny groan escaped him and he could feel his lover smile.
When they finally broke for much needed air, Ace asked, "But aren't those the same thing?"
"You can tell me that when we're done," Marco smirked, turning Ace on even more. He lowered his head and began administering kisses along Ace's neck and jaw. He sucked and bit, leaving a few marks here and there. Ace shivered under his touch and began panting when he felt the man's knee between his legs, nudging his now hardened erection.
The blond didn't say anything. Instead, he continued to kiss all over his lover's body, fumbling with the buttons of the shirt covering his chest. Once Ace's muscular torso was exposed, Marco stopped. He sat up, staring at Ace with a lustful gaze. "You look so sexy like this, Ace," he purred, licking his lips. Ace's cheeks flushed even harder at that for the words had been too arousing.
Before the raven-haired could say anything back, Marco's head dove down again, taking one of Ace's nipples in his mouth and the other between his fingers. "Nhaaaa," Ace gasped, feeling small sparks of pleasure travel through his body as Marco worked his tongue and fingers. The blond intensified those sparks by sucking hard on the bud and roaming his hands over all that was Ace.
Suddenly, Marco moved away. He walked towards his desk, stripping down to his boxers as he went.
"What are you doing?" Ace asked, sitting up and admiring the blond's body. Even after seeing it in magazines countless times, it never ceased to amaze him.
Rummaging around in the desk drawers for a few seconds, Marco pulled out a small bottle. "Lube," he answered.
When he got back to the bed, he was more than ready to dive onto his lover, but he was pushed back much to his surprise. Ace crawled between his legs, lowering his head to Marco's crotch. "I want to make you feel good too, Marco." He grabbed the bands of the boxers and pulled them down, exposing Marco's length. Finally seeing it, his heart skipped a beat. The reality of coming to this stage with Marco was finally hitting him. Nonetheless, he reached out with his tongue, trailing it up the side of his lover's cock. Hearing a short grunt of satisfaction come from the man, he felt encouraged. He sucked on the tip, swirled his tongue around it and moving his hand where his mouth could not reach.
After a while and a few more sucks, the teen felt the man's cock twitch and he could taste precum on his tongue. Raven hair was suddenly grabbed by a firm, yet gentle hand and his lips were on Marco's yet again. "How are you so damn good at that?" the blond almost growled, lowering Ace's now fully naked body back onto the mattress.
"I was worried about the sex thing, so I did a little research," Ace admitted, chest swelling from the man's praise.
Marco resumed placing kisses all over his lover's toned body. "You should have asked me to teach you hands-on, yoi." He poured the lube over his fingers. "Spread your legs," he commanded. Ace complied, but was unable to hide his nervous look.
"Are you okay, Ace?" The blond asked, looking back up into Ace's eyes.
He nodded shakily. "Y-yeah. It's just that," his cheeks flushed, "you're my first."
Marco smiled at him lovingly. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
A finger entered the teen without any warning and he gave a gasp of pain, a slight whimper following. "Relax, Ace," Marco said. "I'm going to make you feel good." Ace calmed his self with some deep breaths and obeyed. The blond started to move the finger inside him and eventually, the pain faded, soon vanishing completely. He added another finger, and then another.
He began parting the three digits, searching. Ace may have been panting heavily from the pleasure, but Marco knew he could get more out of him. Finally, the boy arched his back and moaned loudly. "Ah! Marco!" Ace screamed as the blond continued to rub against that spot with his fingers.
Getting impatient, Marco pulled his fingers out, leaving Ace to whine about the loss. But immediately after, coated his own length with the cool liquid and lined himself up with his lover's entrance. "You ready, Ace?" He asked, looking Ace straight in the eyes.
Ace nodded, biting his lip nervously. He wasn't sure if he would ever be ready, but because it was Marco, he knew everything would be fine. "Do it," he begged, too aroused to stay silent anymore. He reached his arms up towards his lover. "Make love to me."
The man pushed in slowly, the tightness around his erection almost too much. "It's alright, Ace," he reassured, rubbing the boy's hips to soothe him. Ace's eyes had begun to tear up, presumably from the pain of being stretched open. "The pain will go away soon," Marco continued, leaning down to lick away the salty tears to comfort him.
Ace's crying only stopped once he felt Marco's hips against his own. Realizing that the man was fully inside him made him breathe out, "Marco... You're... really big. I can feel you... so deep."
"You okay?"
"Uh-huh. It's good."
The blond smirked at his lover's compliment. "Just tell me when you want me to move, yoi," he responded, waiting.
"You're not going to now? But when I-"
The blond shook his head, cutting Ace off. "I told you, Ace. You don't need any research. I'll be the one teaching you and I want to teach you how to feel good. "
The statement was embarrassing, but it made Ace smile at his lover's concern."Thank you, Marco."
The two stayed like that for awhile, bodies pressed tightly against each other. The sensation of being connected was almost unbelievable. And then Ace uttered out, "Move."
Leaning down and capturing his lover's lips, Marco began to move. The kiss did not last long, for Ace pulled away almost immediately to gasp in pleasure. The thrusts started slow and deep. Marco had wanted his lover to feel all of him. He moved his lips towards Ace's ear; nibbling on the end and making the teen gasp and pant louder.
"You're beautiful," he said with one thrust.
"I only need you," he whispered with another.
In response to the man's loving words, Ace began moving his hips too. The blond increased his pace, moving faster and harder.
Suddenly, Marco changed his angle and thrusted hard, making his lover scream. Marco smirked. He had found Ace's prostate. Locking into that spot, he continued to thrust, Ace's moans growing louder and louder from the pleasure shooting through his body.
The teen clasped a hand over his mouth in a desperate attempt to stop cries of pleasure from escaping. Marco frowned, for he was not hearing the deliciously rewarding sounds spilling from his lover's mouth. Instantly, he reached for the hand and pulled it away, intertwining their fingers. "Go ahead. No one's home." Ace let out a loud moan, but his eyes were closed tightly. "Look at me, Ace," the blond coaxed, placing feather light kisses on his eyelids.
Ace did so only to meet Marco's intense gaze. "M-Marco! Don't- gah! - look at me like- nghhh- that! It's- ahhh- This is too embarrassing! Nhaaa!" he cried, interrupting himself with his own moans of pleasure. Marco loved the sight very much: his lover panting uncontrollably under him, cheeks flushed. The teen was now barely able to form a coherent sentence, reduced to a whimpering mess beneath his lover. It made his cock twitch and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. Judging by the noises Ace was making, he wouldn't last either. "Marco, I can't-"
The blond cut him off by taking hold of and stroking Ace's own erection. He moved his head down near the teen's ear. "Ace," he breathed, "I love you."
And the magnitude of these words hit Ace, making him come over his stomach and Marco's hand with a scream. Feeling his lover tighten around him, Marco climaxed inside, coating his lover's walls and intensifying the raven haired teen's orgasm. Ace squirmed from the warmth of Marco filling him and moaned from the sensation.
When the two came down from their high, Marco was still inside Ace, holding their bodies close and staring straight into his lover's eyes. "Marco," Ace said suddenly, "I love you too." The blond smiled back at him and pulled out, Ace's breath hitching from the sudden loss.
Marco rolled over, pulling Ace to his chest. "What do you think?"
"That was amazing," Ace answered, still breathing heavily. "Perfect."
"I'm glad. Now neither of us have to be sexually frustrated, yoi," the man smiled. "Because now I can make love to you whenever I want." He placed a kiss on Ace's cheek. "And if you'd like, we could try some other things..."
"Now?" Ace giggled. "My ass still hurts. But yeah. I want to do this a lot with you, Marco."
"Thought so," he laughed back. He stood, lifting Ace up with him. "C'mon. Let's get cleaned up."
"Together? You pervert."
So I'll be taking a break for a couple of weeks since I have an English essay I need to work on soon. I will publish a follow up to "Stories" in a few days (No MarcoAce, but it will give some more back story), so make sure to watch out for that. I'll be back on October 5th for Marco's birthday, which is also conveniently my update day.
Please review! There probably won't be a poll since I'm publishing a birthday special, but there'll be one after that!