


Journal entry #29, December 29th, 2019

The thing nobody tells you about earning your happily ever after is that it's never a sure thing. It's never a static thing. It's most definitely not a destination, but a constant journey you work for day after day after day.

Some days are filled with anxiety or fear about the government finding out Max is well and alive. Some days are filled with dark clouds over our heads over some fight. Some days are dull, waiting for Max to come back from some trip, or for my conferences to be over so I can go back to him.

Some days are filled with firsts, like a picnic out in the park, or watching a movie in our new home. Some days are filled with sunshine and birds chirping and wedding vows.

Some days I still wonder why I looked into that microscope and didn't run away. Days when I still wonder why he picked me, Liz Parker, the smallest girl from the smallest town.

Yet every day I know I made the right decision. Every day I get to wake up and feel him next to me, sleeping peacefully, out of the invisible chains that once tied him down to a miserable life of tests and missions.

Our happily ever after is full of little details, of memories both great and dark. A reminder that we should never take it for granted.

As I read through the pages of this journal of mine, as I picture the long days and years of what Max endured, of the immense risk we both took, I'm delighted to reach the end knowing we made it. We were able to start over, get to know each other. What started in such a dark place has blossomed into the most precious flower.

This journey that started so unpredictable changed us both for the best, and the amazing thing is that I can tell you, with all confidence, that I'm Liz Parker, and I'm happy.


The End


AN: Well, it only took me 5 years to finish the story, roughly the same amount of time Max spent trying to get out of that base XD

Thank you to all of you who stuck with the story despite my own disappearing acts, and for nudging me back into it time and time again. For all your kind words and awesome reviews through the years, which are the best payment all fanfic writers can ever hope for. Keeping Roswell alive, even through alternative universe stories, can only happen if there are both readers and writers :)

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!

Now let's see if I can finish that other story of mine...
