Twig 'n' Frubbles

A Fennekin x Froakie One-shot Series

#17: The Showcase

About a week upon returning to Kalos from their Battle Resort vacation, Ash and friends arrived in Coumarine City for Serena's very first Pokemon showcase. They entered the showcase center where they met up with Serena's rival Shauna in the lobby. The two decided to head backstage and get ready.

Fennekin leapt out of Serena's arms to approach Froakie, who climbed off Ash's shoulder.

"Well, Fenney." Froakie smiled, "It's finally time."

"Y-yeah…" Fennekin winced.

"Oh, don't be nervous." Froakie stroked her cheek, "Who can resist a Pokemon as adorable as you? You'll do great on that stage!"

The little fox beamed brightly at the frog, touched by his encouragement.

"Time to go, Fennekin!" Serena urged.

"Yeah, Fennekin." Pancham said cooly beside Serena, "Move it."

"I'm coming, jeez." Fennekin rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Froakie."

Fennekin quickly kissed Froakie's cheek before catching up with Serena and Pancham.

"I'll be watching from the stands. Good luck!" Froakie waved as he watched his girlfriend disappear down the hallway.

"Let's get a move on as well!" Ash suggested, "It's getting packed in there and we'll need to get the best seats possible!"

"Agreed!" Clemont nodded.

Froakie climbed back onto Ash's shoulder alongside Pikachu and the group headed into the auditorium for the big show.

Monsieur Pierre and his Klefki took the stage and introduced the Appeals Round. Numerous beautiful young women throughout Kalos walked the stage's runway with their Pokemon dressed in flashy attire to a roaring audience.

Soon, it was Shauna's turn and she strutted onto the runway in her short pink and white dress with Bulbasaur by her side, who had several bright-colored hearts painted over its green spots, and a large bouquet of flowers burying the leafy bulb on its back.

Chespin, Bunnelby, and Froakie sat in the same seat together between Clemont and Ash.

"Wowza, Bulbasaur looks amazing!" Chespin gazed at the Grass-type with a slight blush on his face.

"I second that!" Bunnelby agreed.

"Yeah, but just wait until you see Fenney!" Froakie grinned at his friends.

With the most glow caster votes, Shauna and her Bulbasaur ultimately won out of the three contenders of that Appeals Round. Soon to come were three more Performers and their Pokemon, and Froakie knew one pair of them would be his girlfriend and Serena. He couldn't bear to wait and see them take home the Princess Key.

Meanwhile backstage, Serena (who is wearing the dress gifted by her mother) sat on a bench, awaiting her inevitable debut as a Pokemon Performer. She started to shake nervously.

Fennekin, who was resting on her lap took notice and sat up to lick Serena lightly on her chin. Serena gazed at Fennekin in surprise. The little fox was staring up at her with glistening orange eyes and a confident grin, all the while wagging her puffy tail. Serena fawned over her encouraging attitude. She needed to be confident, too, or they'd both fail.

"Thanks, Fennekin." Serena sighed, "I needed that. You're the sweetest little thing."

Fennekin smiled and rubbed her head affectionately on Serena's chest.

Just then, one of the showcase attendants entered the room.

"Blanche, Clarice, and Serena." The attendant read from her clipboard, "You're all up next. Please follow me."

"Ready for this, Fennekin?" Serena faced her Pokemon.

Fennekin gave Serena an optimistic nod, then the two followed Blanche, Clarice, and the attendant to the room with the rising platform that led to the stage.

"And here are the final three Performers for the Appeals Round!" Monsieur Pierre proclaimed to the audience in his thick, yet enthusiastic French accent.

The platform rose, revealing Serena, Fennekin, and their competition. The audience welcomed the three young ladies and their Pokemon with a lively applause.

"There they are!" Bunnelby said.

"You can do this, Fenney." Froakie whispered intently.

"Like the previous two rounds, our Performers will have exactly ten minutes to dress up their Pokemon, after which they will lead them down the runway." Monsieur Pierre explained, "Then everyone in the audience will use their glow casters to vote which Performer out of three will move on to the Performance Round. Performers, you may now enter your styling rooms."

Serena opened the door to her respective styling room, and placed Fennekin on the small table in the center. Minutes passed, and Serena dressed Fennekin with a pink plaid skirt, a large pink bow with a white bonnet on her chest, a small white hat with a pink ribbon between her large ears, and several light blue beaded necklaces wrapped around her tail.

"All done." Serena smiled then positioned a small mirror in front of her Pokemon, "What do you think, Fennekin?"

The Fire-type studied her reflection then yapped a hearty approval.

"Time is up!" Monsieur Pierre exclaimed.

With that, Serena's competition scaled the runway with their dressed up Pokemon, earning impressed reactions from the audience.

"They were okay." Chespin crossed his arms, "But Fennekin will steal the show."

"Got that right." Froakie agreed with Chespin on a rare occasion, "She's up next."

"Last, but not least: Here is Serena and her Fennekin!" Monsieur Pierre declared.

The door to Serena's styling room opened, revealing the runway and the cheering audience.

"Let's go." Serena nodded.

"Here goes nothing." Fennekin sighed.

Serena and Fennekin confidently entered the runway. Serena waved at the audience, while Fennekin put on an endearing smile and waddled next to her trainer, showing off her luxurious outfit to the audience.

"Awwwww, that's the cutest thing!" Bonnie cheered.

"Awesome!" Ash watched intently, "Great, you two!"

"They're both so pretty!" A dazzled Chespin said.

"They've gotta win this, come on!" Bunnelby nodded.

Froakie gazed at Fennekin in awe. She looked so cute in her outfit and he could easily tell she was having a joyous time on the stage. Kalo Queen Aria's Fennekin made her jealous in the past, and now it was her time to shine.

"That's my girl." Froakie sniffled.

As Serena and Fennekin reached the end of the runway, Serena gazed down at her companion.

"Fennekin, I think I'm having the most fun I've ever had!" Serena admitted with utmost enthusiasm.

Likewise, Fennekin grinned at her trainer, but loosening her focus was perhaps the worst move she could've made.

One of the long, flowing ribbons of Fennekin's bow waved under her body and she stepped on right on it with her right paw, causing the ribbon to stiffen and snag her left paw. Everything went slow and silent for Fennekin as she suddenly lost her balance.


The fox helplessly fell face flat onto the runway. Blue beads exploded from her tail and scattered across the runway and into the nearby audience members, then her hat slid off her head, and spun like a coin before flopping over next to her.

The entire audience went gravely quiet. Ash, Pikachu, Clemont, Bonnie, Chespin, Bunnelby, and Froakie looked on in absolute shock.

"Fennekin, no!" Serena gasped and kneeled down to gently lift the fox from the runway.

Fennekin cooed and stared up at Serena with the most dispirited look on her face. It was over, and they both knew it. Serena comforted her Pokemon with a tender hug before exiting the stage, refusing to look back.

"I…I don't believe it." Chespin shook his head.

"W-what happened?" Bunnelby frowned.

Froakie remained silent, watching sadly as Serena and Fennekin exited the stage.

Shauna went on to win the Performance Round, thus winning showcase entirely and earning her first Princess Key. After congratulating Shauna and bidding her goodbye, Ash and friends had dinner at a local restaurant before renting a hotel room in the Coumarine Pokemon Center to turn in. Fennekin didn't say a word and distanced herself from everyone (including Froakie) for the remainder of that night. Froakie knew his girlfriend needed space after such an embarrassing happenstance at the showcase, and went to sleep alone for the first time in months.

Early in the morning, Froakie heard some rustling and opened his eyes. He saw Serena, already dressed for the day, along with Fennekin and Pancham preparing to leave the hotel room.

"W-wait." Froakie called, "Fenney!"

Froakie approached Serena, Fennekin, and Pancham at the door.

"Oh, hey Froakie…" Fennekin greeted. She had hoped to leave with her trainer and Pancham unnoticed.

"Where are you going at this hour?" Froakie asked.

"It's alright, Froakie." Serena intervened, "We couldn't sleep well. We're just going for a walk…to clear our heads after yesterday."

"You looked super cute in your outfit, Fenney." Froakie commented.

"Awww, Froakie, that's so sweet." Fennekin felt flattered, "But you saw what happened."

"Y-yeah. Should I-" Froakie began to suggest if he could join on their walk but was cut off by Fennekin.

"No, Froakie." Fennekin declined, "This is just between us three. We need some time alone…if that's fine with you?"

Froakie gazed at all three of them individually, then vivid images of the incident on the runway ran through his head.

"Y-yeah, I get it…but you're okay, right?" Froakie wondered specifically if Fennekin was truly upset by her loss.

"Of course, I'm okay." Fennekin smiled, "Sure, it was humiliating, but I can't let one failure drag me down, right?"

"Yeah." Froakie beamed at his girlfriend.

Fennekin leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips, which Froakie happily returned. "Thanks for understanding, Froakie. We'll be back soon, I promise."

"O-okay." Froakie nodded with a blush.

"And don't tell the others we've left." Pancham added.

Froakie mimicked a zipper closing in front of his mouth. Pancham smiled, getting the message.

"Alright, let's go, you two." Serena said. She and Pancham left the hotel room, followed by Fennekin, who gazed back at Froakie one last time before exiting.

Froakie climbed onto the window sill and watched the three walk toward the Coumarine City docks as the sun began to rise over the sea.

"I'm so proud of you, Fenney."