Warnings, notes and Disclaimers

1. This is a de-aging fic. If you don't like, don't read!

2. Set towards the end of Season 4 although the La Grenouille/Jeanne Benoit and Hollis Mann storylines do not exist

3. I do not own any of the characters - I just like to play with and torture them

4. While definitely not the focus, this story does contain the discussion of and occasional spanking of minors. Again, don't like, don't read.

5. This is my first fan fic - so please be patient with formatting and spacing while I get my head around what needs to be done.

6. All mistakes are my own - apologies ahead of time

Chapter 1 - The Call Out.

Jenny sighed as she put the folder on her desk and leaned back in her chair. Taking off her glasses she rubbed absentmindedly at her eyes before replacing her glasses and straightening up ready to continue reading. She really didn't know what was worse. Writing reports or having to read the damn things.

She'd just managed to finish the third page when her cell beeped signalling a message. Reaching over the neatly stacked files, she grabbed her phone hoping the message may be a distraction to her current mundane task. She certainly wasn't prepared for what she saw next. Printed boldly on the screen were three words; Gibbs Bethesda Dove. A cold shiver raced down her spine. Dove? She hadn't seen or used that word in this context for well over seven years. She hadn't however, forgotten its significance.

When she and Gibbs had worked together, Dove had been their own personal duress word. A word used only in an emergency, a word which meant 'I need you now'. It wasn't a work code, or something they had used undercover. It was personal. Just between the two of them. If Gibbs was using this word now, something very serious had happened and he wasn't calling her as the Director of NCIS or even as a former agent, but rather as his friend.

Grabbing her purse, keys and cell, Jenny left her office. After giving Cynthia some garbled message about forgotten appointments and being out of the office for the afternoon she headed to the car park, her mind racing and her heart thumping. What on earth could have happened?

Entering the E.R. Jenny scanned the crowd for a familiar face.

"McGee!" Heading over to where Tim stood, Jenny couldn't help but notice the paleness of his skin, the shocked, glazed look in his eyes. This wasn't good.

"Where's Gibbs?" she asked

"Director? Um…how…did….?" Tim stammered. Obviously Jenny was the last person he had expected to see.

"Where's Gibbs!" a little more forceful this time. She didn't have the time or the patience to deal with uncertainties.

"Jen" An all too familiar voice called out to her. Turning she saw his face. What was it? Fear? Confusion? Shock? Well at least he was standing and didn't seem to be injured.

Leaving Tim, she made her way over to him.

"Dove?" she questioned.

Their eyes locked, an all too familiar look that only passes between lovers. A look that asks everything and yet says it all. Gibbs broke away first. Turning, he headed through the door on his left and down the corridor. He didn't need to look back. He knew she would be following. Finding an empty room, he held open the door for her to pass through. Closing the door behind him, he sighed deeply.

"Jethro, you're scaring me. What's going on? We haven't used that word since Paris. I…"

"Jen," he cut her off. "Listen to me. Something happened today out in the field. Something I have no explanation for. I didn't call you here as the Director. I don't want you here as the Director, not until we know more about what's going on. Can you promise me that you can separate yourself from this? Be here only as Jenny Shepherd, no titles?

"I…but…what…?"Seeing the look in his eyes, she mentally pulled herself up and said more determinedly.

"Yes, yes of course. So, what happened?"

Before speaking, Gibbs looked down at her. He had to trust her on this, he had no choice. "Okay" was all he said.

Looking around the room for the first time since entering, he spotted two chairs. Taking hold of them, he brought them over to where they had been standing. Taking a seat, he indicated that Jenny do the same.

"As you already know, we were working on the Bradshaw case. We knew Trentwood was the killer. McGee had an address and we were checking it out. It was a rural property. When we arrived, DiNozzo and Ziva went around the back, McGee and I took the front. On my signal we entered the house. McGee and I were making our way up the hall when we heard DiNozzo shout. Shots were fired. When I got to the room, the suspect was down. Dead. DiNozzo and Ziva were also down. It appeared they'd been shot with some sort of dart which they were both removing by the time McGee and I arrived. They appeared fine but I wanted Ducky to check them out as soon as he arrived. I told them to sit and wait. McGee and I started preliminaries."

Jenny listened intently to his short, clipped sentences. Never one to use more words than necessary, she could always count on Gibbs to get to the point.

"Ducky arrived about 20 mins later and checked them both. Again, they appeared fine although both were now complaining of headaches and nausea. Ducky wanted them brought here for a full examination. The darts were bagged, body was loaded and they left with Ducky. Once McGee and I had finished at the scene, we took the evidence to Abby and then headed over here." Gibbs paused. Jenny's focus had not shifted. Her green eyes remained fixed on his blue.

"And?" she prompted.

Gibbs sighed deeply as he rubbed his hand across his face and rested it over his mouth, never once taking his eyes away from hers. Fear leapt at Jenny. In all the years she had known him, she had never seen this much hesitation. Were Ziva and Tony dead? Was that what he was trying to convey? No, he would have come straight out with that. Gibbs was not one to shy away from reality. So what was it? Obviously something so out of the ordinary that he was completely lost for words.

Taking a deep breath, Gibbs continued.

"By the time Tim and I got back here, there had been a..." he searched for the word. "…a change in their conditions." Again he paused.

"What sort of change?" This was definitely unfamiliar territory.

"A… physical change. Oh Geez, I hear myself forming the words but I can't believe what I'm saying. It's ridiculous."

Gathering resolve he continued.

"It would appear that when they were hit with the darts, they were injected with some sort of serum. I don't understand how or why but neither of them are the same people they were 4 hours ago."

Gibbs knew he was making things worse, but how on earth could he explain what he had just seen. That was it. He couldn't explain. Jenny had to see this for herself.

"Come with me," was all he said as he got up and left the room.

Knowing there was no point in arguing, Jenny followed. The return of his usual abruptness was actually reassuring. This was familiar. This she could cope with. Gibbs led her through another door and into a similar corridor. Without speaking he stopped in front of a closed door. Looking at her, he placed his fingers on the handle and opened the door.

Jenny stepped in. Sitting on the single bed were two teenagers. The girl, who appeared to be around 14 or 15, was sitting cross legged. Her dark hair fell in a mass of curls around her face and shoulders. But there was no mistaking those soft, brown eyes. Although, Jenny had to admit, the fear she could see in those eyes was definitely unfamiliar.

"Ziva?" she whispered.

The figure next to her moved slightly, forcing Jenny to shift her gaze. Like his companion, this young man was also very familiar, late teens, thick dark hair and green eyes. With a smirk that could only belong to one person, Tony DiNozzo proclaimed "Hey Honey, looks like someone shrunk the kids!"


Not taking her eyes off the two teenagers on the bed, Jenny reached for the nearby chair and practically fell into it. This had to be a joke. Didn't it?

"Director, are you ok?" Her eyes shifted to find McGee's. She hadn't even noticed he was in the room until now. His look of concern forced a laugh from her and sarcastically she replied. "Sure McGee, I'm just peachy!"

Finding Gibbs' face she asked "Is this for real?"



Looking to the room in general Jenny asked, "Ok, so what do we know."

"Not a lot" replied Gibbs. "Whatever these two were hit with it seems to be some sort of de-aging serum. Abby's working on it now. All I know is four hours ago, these two," he nodded towards Tony and Ziva, "were adult NCIS agents. Somehow, during that past 4 hours, it would appear that they have 'lost' about 15 years."

"Pretty amazing huh?" piped up Tony from the bed

"Not the word I was thinking, DiNozzo" replied Jenny.

"Come on Director, Ya gotta give the guy some credit. I mean this stuff is pretty incredible. It'd be worth millions! The guy was a genius!" Seeing the incredulous look on Jenny's face he added, "If ya looked past the fact that he was a psychopathic killer of course. But, I reckon, once we find out what the stuff is, and how it's used, we could develop it. Women would pay a fortune for this. Ya know, take a year or two off here and there…"

"Shut up Tony," Ziva spoke for the first time. "Do you not see what has happened? What is still happening? This is not some miracle cure to old age. Look at us!" Fear was escalating in her voice. "We're getting younger by the hour. What if this doesn't stop?"

"I know Ziva," Tony replied quietly.

This was so typical of DiNozzo Jenny thought. If you can't face reality, use humour to deflect it. Suddenly what Ziva had said penetrated her thought process.

"What do you mean 'is still happening'?" she asked looking at the young girl in front of her.

It was Gibbs who answered. "That's just it. We don't know. From what these two have told me, they seemed to lose years quite rapidly at first, but in the last hour or so, it's slowed down. The problem is, we don't know if it's finished."

Right on cue, Ziva clutched at her stomach and grimaced. Her face etched with pain, she balled up and collapsed on the bed writhing silently. Gibbs rushed to her. But even as he reached out his hand to offer comfort, Tony did the same thing. Both agents were now curled up in the foetal position, rocking in agony.

"What's happening?" asked Jenny fearfully.

"They're losing years," Gibbs replied matter-of-factly. "This is how it happens"

Standing dumbstruck, Jenny and McGee watched as, slowly, both Tony and Ziva seemed to regain control again. Panting slightly, they cautiously sat up. Looking at them closely, nothing seemed to have changed although…was that a zit on Tony's forehead and yes, Ziva's hair was slightly shorter.

"This is really happening," Jenny said, more to herself than anyone in the room.

"Right!" Gibbs' sudden abruptness brought them all back to reality. "I don't want these two becoming some medical freak show. We have no idea what has happened here but one thing I do know, Abby is the only one I trust to figure out what the hell these two were injected with. I want them outta here. The last doctor that came in was about 45 minutes ago. With some make up we could still pass these two off as young adults. Ziva," he barked, "tie your hair back. And DiNozzo?" he paused looking at young man before him. "Try to pretend you're an adult."

"Hey!" interjected Tony indignantly.

"I'm finding a doctor that will sign these two out." And, with that, Gibbs was gone leaving a ringing silence in his wake.

Gibbs never really knew how they'd managed to pull it off, but within 20 minutes, he had Ziva and Tony in the backseat of his car and was heading home. He'd called Abby to let her know what was happening and to tell her to be at his place at 1800 sharp for a team meeting. Ducky would be there too. Jenny, of course, was following behind him, with McGee sitting stunned in the passenger seat.

Gibbs had to admit, he really had no idea how Jenny would react to all this. He'd hesitated before using the word 'dove'. Did he still have the right? Or had he lost that right the minute she walked out of his life seven years ago. But she had responded immediately to his call. He had to give her credit. He wasn't sure he would have reacted so calmly to what had transpired over the last hour or so. Hell, he'd be blaming the bourbon and calling everyone crazy. A part of him still was! But, it had happened, was still happening and he was at a total loss as to what to do next. Had he done the right thing leaving the hospital? Yes, of that he was certain. Who knows what the medical staff would have done. Probably put the pair of them in a sterile room and banned all contact with the public. That was not going to happen. For better or worse he was going to make damn sure he was with them to see this through. And Abby? Geez, she could work miracles. If there was one person who'd be able to figure this out and fix it, it was Abs. He hated to think how many Caff-Pows it'd take though!

He was suddenly startled from his musings by a low moan and gasp from the back seat. Looking through the review mirror, he saw both Tony and Ziva huddled over, clutching their stomachs.

"Ya want me to stop?" he called from the front seat still watching the pair closely. Although no answer was given, both managed to shake their heads. Gibbs planted his foot on the gas in response.

Finally pulling into his driveway, he shut off the engine and turned to look at the two sitting in the back seat. That last 'episode' had certainly made a difference. He noted, with shocked realisation, that he'd only just whisked them out of the hospital in time. There was no way he could have passed them off as young adults now. The make-up that had been applied to Ziva's face, now made her look more like a little girl trying out mommy's supplies. Her face was rounder and plumper, the childlike softness unmistakeable. Her clothes weren't sitting too well either. Pre-pubescent Ziva, was going to need a change of outfit and soon. Tony hadn't fared much better. Gone was the toned physique, only to be replaced with gangly limbs and a spotty face.

Looking at her companion, Ziva couldn't help but giggle.

"What are you laughing at shrimp?" Tony retorted. "I don't think you'll be needing the Victoria Secret catalogue for quite some time"

Glaring at him, Ziva raised her fist in response.

"Hey!" called Gibbs, "Cut it out"

They both slumped back in their seats, looking every bit their new ages. Gibbs stared at the two of them. If this wasn't so frightening it could almost be comical. But reality hit him once again. They had just experienced another transformation. How many were they going to endure? And what happened if they ran out of years?

"Come on you two, let's get inside".

Watching the pair of them exit the car, Gibbs couldn't help but repress a smirk as both Ziva and Tony clung to various parts of their clothing to preserve what dignity they had left. He followed them into the house and told them both to wait on the couch. Taking the stairs two at a time, Gibbs went into his bedroom to find something the pair of them could wear for now. Not knowing how young they were going to become, there was really no point in buying any clothes for them. Grabbing two T-Shirts he headed back down the stairs.

"Here," he said tossing the shirts to the two sitting awkwardly on the couch. "Put these on. Both of you pass me your belts. I'll go and put some extra holes in them."

Heading down to the basement, it didn't take long to knock a couple of extra notches into the leather. By the time Gibbs had returned to the lounge both Ziva and Tony had replaced their clothes with the T-shirts he had given them. Now looking only about ten years old, Ziva had dispersed with the jeans she had been wearing. Even with the adjusted belt, the material would bunch uncomfortably around her waist. Besides, the shirt fitted her like a dress. She wrapped the belt around herself, fastening it as best she could. Gibbs smiled as he watched her thread the overhang all the way around her waist again. Tony, now looking about fifteen, was not giving up his pants that easily. Despite having lost height and muscle tone, he was happy to put up with the bunching around his middle as he too threaded the belt and made use of the extra holes. The t-shirt wasn't a bad fit. Although it hung loosely off his shoulders, the length was still reasonably acceptable.

Just as the two of them were settling on the couch again, the front door opened and in walked Jenny and McGee. Neither one could hide their shock when they saw the changes in Tony and Ziva.

"Wow!" said Tim, "that last transformation was drastic. How old do you think they are?"

"Well seeing as they seem to be losing a year or two every hour, I'd say Ziva's about 10 and DiNozzo's about 15, " Gibbs replied.

"But Boss," continued Tim without thinking, "if they're losing a year every hour by tomorrow morning they could…"

"McGee!" barked Gibbs, silencing the agent with both his voice and the infamous Gibbs' glare.

The silence was broken by a sob. All eyes turned to Ziva. Tears streamed down her face and, as she felt everyone's eyes on her, she couldn't contain herself any longer. Ziva erupted into heavy sobs.

"Oh Sweetie" cooed Jenny as she rushed to the couch. She put her arms around Ziva and was surprised when the girl did not pull back but rather nestled into her chest, covering her face with her hands.

Tony stared at Ziva. Was the normally self-composed, 'show-no-weakness' Mossad Officer actually crying? Despite everything that had happened that day, despite the shooting, the darts, the painful transformations, the uncertainty, the unknowing, it was this one action from Ziva that frightened Tony most of all. Suddenly he too felt a prickling behind his eyes and blinked angrily at the unshed tears. He was not going to cry, damn it! Regardless of how his body may look, less than five hours ago he'd been a competent 33 year old NCIS agent. But, like Ziva, Tim's unfinished sentence had evoked a fear that had lain dormant for over 4 hours. What would happen if the transformations didn't stop?

Please review - thanks.

I know it's the old 'serum in the dart' scenario but seriously, it's the only thing that really makes sense for this kind of storyline.