Disclaimer: I DO NOT own How to Train Your Dragon in any way, shape, or form. Please enjoy.

Just over two weeks had passed since the incident at the plaza and Dragon 1-5 was already on patrol in the town, minus Donaldson of course. Luckily for them, Hiccup and Thuggory didn't suffer any severe trauma from the explosion. Just a few cuts and bruises. Hiccup adjusted his helmet to scratch an itch at his hairline and looked back to see Dunn looking at the map with Ramirez. They were more than likely plotting the route they wanted to take on the patrol so they could get this day done and over with. Hiccup yawned as he rolled his shoulders and walked over to the wall that Thuggory was leaning on. "How's it going man?" Hiccup asked as he leaned up against the wall with his friend.

Thuggory let out a sigh and ran a hand over his face before replying. "Shit man. Just tired."

Hiccup turned his head to look at him. "Didn't sleep well last night?"

"Nah man," Thuggory began before letting out another sigh. "Just tired of everything. All the patrols that lead to nothing. All the combat leads to one of us getting fucked up. I mean I was almost blown up last time."

Hiccup looked down and his feet and kicked a small rock. "Yeah I guess I know what you mean."

"Yeah." Thuggory then turned to look at Hiccup. "So how's it going with you and that girl?" Thuggory asked, his voice returning to his normal cheery tone.

Hiccup smiled at the thought of Astrid. Her bright blond hair. Her ocean blue eyes. "It's going good. Haven't talked to her in almost two weeks though," he said as he relaxed further into the wall.

"Don't get too comfortable Haddock. Command has ordered us to clear buildings," Dunn said walking over to pair. "Were spread pretty thin, so I want you, Eret, Ramirez, and Thug to clear the indoor market just up the street." Dunn adjusted his sunglasses before pointing towards the market. "There's been a lot of activity around here lately so I need you guys on your best guard." He turned to walk back towards the rest of the group before turning back around. "Be careful. We don't need anyone else injured."

With that Hiccup and the others began to walk down towards the market. "So. Uh... do you think there will actually be anything?" Eret said with a slight hint of nervousness in his voice.

Hiccup just shrugged. "Most likely not."

When they reached the market entrance they stacked up on the door. Two on each side. Hiccup turned the handle, opening the door and Ramirez was the first in. Followed by Hiccup, then Thug, and finally Eret. As expected the area of the market was empty. As they advanced further in the found it was more like a back alley market but empty nonetheless.

When the finally reached the end of the market they lowered their weapons. "Clear," Hiccup said as he turned around the face the rest of the group. "Now what?" He asked no one in particular.

"Now we hold here until Dunn calls us back to the Humvee," Ramirez said as he leaned up against a stall.

After about five minutes of waiting around Hiccup and Thuggory went walking around the area engaging in small talk about random things. Hiccup went walking around a corner as he said something about this one time when he was playing a game when a gunshot was heard. Hiccup felt himself get lifted off his feet and then find himself on the floor. It felt like somebody punched him square in the chest.

"Hiccup!" Thuggory yelled as he sprung to attention. He ran over to his fallen friends to grab him off the floor when another shot rang through the air. A sharp pain shot through Thuggory's neck and he fell to floor immediately clutching his neck in pain.

Hiccup rolled over and saw Thuggory hit the floor. He quickly got up and grabbed the drag handle on the back of Thuggory's vest. He drug his friend out of the line of fire and called for help. He finally took a good look at Thuggory and saw the blood. He was shot in the throat. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Ramirez! Get your ads over here. Thuggory was hit in the neck!"

Ramirez ran over and crouched over Thuggory. "Go secure the door Haddock. I'll take care of him," he said as he opened his medical pouch and pulled out some gauze.

When Hiccup got to the door he took a quick look at his chest. There was a hole in his vest where a bullet hit also hitting his radio but luckily it didn't go through the Kevlar plate. He then heard what sounded like a vehicle skidding to a stop and he looked it the door. He saw an old beat up truck with several men with AK-47s getting out. "Ramirez. We have an issue!" Hiccup yelled.

"Then deal with it. You have a gun. Fucking use it!" Ramirez yelled as he began to pull Thuggory further away.

Hiccup raised his SCAR and pointed it out the door pulling the trigger. He saw blood fly out of one of them as his body hit the floor. He pulled the trigger a few more time before they could comprehend what was happening and managed to kill two more. They raised their rifles and fired in through the door. Hiccup slipped back into cover behind the door frame.

Eret finally reached Hiccup taking cover on the other side of the room. "Cover me. I'm going to move to the other side of that door."

Hiccup looked back to see Ramirez had Thuggory on the other side of the market by this time. "No. We're going to fall back with Ramirez and Thuggory. Provide security while we get him out of here." Eret nodded in understanding. "Now!" Hiccup yelled and the both of them made a break for the other side of the market. Hiccup stopped and took cover behind one of the stalls and peeked over the top to see the enemies advancing into the market. One of them pointed and yelled something Hiccup couldn't understand. A guy with an RPG came walking into the room and pointed it towards them. "RPG!" He yelled to Eret. The rocket launched towards them flying over Hiccup's head and hitting a support column about fifteen feet away sending dust and debris everywhere. Hiccup peeked back up to see him loading another rocket. He popped up and fired a few shots down at them hitting one guy with an AK-47. The enemy with the RPG fired a second rocket. It flew overhead and hit another column. "Move now! Hiccup yelled. And the two made a dash for the door. Making it just before a third rocket hit the wall near the door sending more dust into the air.

Ramirez watched as Hiccup and Eret emerged from the dust cloud of the exploding wall. "It's far from over guys. I got word from Dunn. They're also in a firefight."

Hiccup jogged over to Ramirez coughing front he dust. "Well we still have a group,of them in there and they aren't happy so we gotta go.

A guy came running out the door only to get shot down by Eret who was faster at the trigger. "And their here so let's move!"

Ramirez grabbed Thuggory's drag handle and began to pull him. "We have to take back alleys. Main road is filled with guys." He said as he drug Thuggory across the street and into an alleyway.

Hiccup,was watching the door intently as he watched another enemy come running out and he pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through the man's leg, dropping him the the ground.

When they,made it far enough into the alley Hiccup took a second to take a breather but ended up vomiting onto the ground. He clutched his stomach as he dropped to his knees.

Eret looked at Hiccup with concern. "Hey. Are you okay?" He asked as he put a hand on his teammates shoulder.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Just..." Hiccup paused. "Just still not used to the whole killing thing." Hiccup got back to his feet and looked over to Ramirez to see him calling in a medical evacuation. He then looked at Thuggory to see him holding his neck. He was covered in his own blood and was looking pale. He looked bad.

"What happened to your helmet?" Thuggory forced out. He sounded like he was choking.

"Wha..?" Hiccup said with a confused look as he put his hand to his head. He didn't feel his helmet. It wasn't there. In all the commotion it must have gotten knocked off without hiccup noticing it. Hiccup,ran his hand through his sweaty hair and looked back over to Thuggory letting out a chuckle. "I lost it." Thuggory tried to laugh too but ended up coughing. Hiccup could hardly look at him. He was in bad shape.

"Alright. On the other side of this alley is a parking lot. A Blackhawk will be there to get us out of here. ETA fifteen minutes." Ramirez said as he grabbed Thuggory. "Haddock. You're in front. Breck, you're in back. Let's move." With that the group began to move out.

When entering the next part of the alley they were instantly forced into cover by gunfire. Hiccup peeked over and shot killing a guy hiding behind a burned out car. After a few more minutes the managed to clear out the other few enemies and continued to move. They then came to a wooded door and stacked up on it. Eret gave Hiccup a nod saying he was ready and Hiccup kicked it in. It was a small house. Hiccup and Eret quickly cleared the ground floor and made their way to the front door with Ramirez and Thuggory in tow. They opened the door and walked out just as the helicopter was arriving. Hiccup let out a sigh of relief as the helicopter touched down. Two other soldiers hopped and and help,bring Thuggory aboard. Hiccup climbed on then looked back to see Ramirez and Eret staying back along,with the other two soldiers. "Get on!" He yelled over the sound of the propellers.

"No. You go with Thuggory. Were going to link back up with the others." Ramirez said as he looked back towards the alley.

Hiccup began to stand back up. "Then I'm coming with."

"No." Ramirez began shaking his head, pointing the Thuggory "Stay with him. Plus, you're down you head gear." He then twirled his hand above his head telling the chopper pilot to take of.

Hiccup knew couldn't argue with him. Gritting his teeth, Hiccup took a seat in the helicopter. He looked,down to his friend who was looking back up at him. "you look like shit," Hiccup said with a hollow chuckle.

Thuggory gave a smile back up as he held his hand against his neck. Tried to,say something back but just coughed more blood up. He lifted his hand up and Hiccup took it in his own. Thuggory knew what was going to happen. He was losing to much blood and was barely able to breathe. He began to,accept his fate silently. He,couldn't even talk if he tried. There was to much blood blocking his airways.

Hiccup just squeezed Thuggory's hand. He was squeezing it back. That was good. He didn't want to accept what he was seeing. His best friend was lying on the floor of this helicopter, bleeding out of a hole in his neck and Hiccup could,do,nothing to stop it. Hiccup cursed under his breath. Why didn't Ramirez come? Did he already know Thuggory's fate? Hiccup could feel Thuggory's grip,begin to loosen. "Come on man, stay with me!" Hiccup yelled as he began to,feel a lump form in his throat. The gripped slightly tightened again but immediately began to loosen back up. "Damn it Thug, stay with me!"

There was no force coming from Thuggory. Hiccup was left holding Thuggory's limp hand in his own. His eyes were glazed over filling their original color to grey. Hiccup found himself staring off into nothing. He just lost his best friend. Hiccup closed his eyes tightly and let out a loud wail of desperation. Filled with sadness and anger. He didn't know how to handle this. Thuggory was dead.

Authors Note: Sorry it's been so long. Had several problems with this. It didn't feel up to my new level of par. Hell, it still doesn't. But I figured it's been almost a year. Might as well get this out. If you want to know,more just ask. But thank you,for,reading this chapter. I'm sure to start on the next chapter soon. Please review, favorite, and follow. Dueces