A/N: Yuj and Gadot had it coming, didn't they? They had to dig up their little treasure, huh? Well, I hope they learned their lesson. I feel bad for Maqui. He had to get a beating when he was against the whole thing. Final chapter of the story, where it all leads up to...the Fireworks Festival.

Lightning is pretty tricked off with the NORA group's little stunt in the Farron household. She pretty much give Yuj, Gadot and Maqui, even through he apologized and said he had nothing to do with this, a whole new world of pain. They pretty much a long bus ride to pain-sylvania. Ha, ha! Good one, Kataang9.

Lightning, Serah and Snow are now in the hospital where the NORA gang are in the hospital. They're entire bodies are in a cast. The only parts of their bodies are visible are their eyes and mouths. Serah is pretty shocked that they're still alive. She was sure that Lightning would have them dead. Being in pain by Lightning isn't the only thing that has the gang bumped, the hospital bill was so expensive that it cost them that entire treasure chest they dug up. SO it's like they pretty much did all that hunting and putting up with Lightning for nothing. What a shame...

Right now, Lightning and Snow and Serah are out in the hallway. Snow and Lightning are shouting in argument. Lightning is angrily mentioning to Snow what the boys were doing and all that damage they caused to the bedroom. Snow tells Lightning he knows nothing about their treasure hunt and if he ever did, he would have stopped them.

"Lightning! I know you're upset, but don't you think this is a little unreasonable?" Snow asks.

"Shut up, Snow! You and your childish gang are BANNED from ever setting foot in my house! That's final!" Lightning shouts.

Serah is speechless, she feels like a third wheel in this conversation. She's also shocked that she's never going to see her boyfriend ever again. Serah grabs Lightnings arm. "Uh, sis? Can I speak to you?"

Serah pulls Lightning away from Snow. Serah talks to Lightning calmly, trying to calm her down and be reasonable with her. Serah tells Lightning that she's also upset about what NORA did to her parents bedroom, she's mad at them even. Not Lightning mad, but really mad. But she thinks that being Snow into this is really unreasonable, not because that he's her boyfriend, but because he had nothing to do with it. Serah knows you can't bring the big boss into this when he's totally out of it.

As Lightning and Serah talks, Snow looks at his men in the room. He sighs and shook his head. He still cannot believe Gadot, Yuj and Maqui would do such a thing. He thought he'd warn them a thousand times not to ever enter the room.

Snow felt a tap on the back of his shoulder. He turns to see it's Lightning and Serah. Lightning still looks really mad at Snow. "Okay then. I've decided not to ban you from my house." Snow sighs in relief. "But whenever you are in my house, I'm keeping you under surveillance." Lightning turns and walks off, but then stops after teen feet and looks back at Snow. "And you will pay for the damages they caused." Lightning turns and continues to talk.

Serah sighs. "That was close." Serah turns to Snow. "You okay with that?"

"Yeah. I can handle it." Snow says. "Hopefully she'll warm up to me soon enough to let me off the hook."

"I'm sure she well, just give her some time to cool off." Serah says.

Serah and Lightning left the hospital. Snow decided to say to talk some sense into his air-headed friends about trespassing, even if it's for some silly treasure hunt. Serah and Lightning decided to met up with the others, who are right now in Winter Wonderland for some ice cream.

Fang and Lebreau are siting next to each other, while Hope and Vanille are together in front of Fang and Lebreau. Hope and Vanille are eating a sundae together, the way couples do. They even feed it to each other, giggling in pleasure. Fang on the other hand isn't too pleased with his.

Fang looks disgusted and looks at Lebreau. "Belch! Look at them. It's so disturbing...Now I get how Lightning feels about Serah and Snow together."

Lebreau gives Fang a shove on the shoulder. "Don't be like that. I think they look cute together."

Fang groans in silence. Serah and Lightning enters the parlor. Serah goes to the counter while Lightning sits on the table with the others. Lightning sits with her elbows on the table, her head resting in her hands, groaning. Hope can tell from her groaning she's still upset.

"Hey, Lightning. How are you doing?" Hope asks.

"Peachy." Lightning says in a cold tone. Lightning looks up at Lebreau, giving her a death glare. "You're next!"

Lebreau holds her hands in front of her. "Hey, I had nothing to do with that treasure hunt. I completely stayed out of it."

Serah returns with a strawberry-vanilla swirl cone for her and a mango shake for Lightning. Serah sits next to Lebreau at the table. The group sits down and chat a little. Serah finds it cute how Hope and Vanille are eating together.

"So, how'd it go in the hospital?" Vanille asks.

Lightning grunts in annoyance, she clearly doesn't want to talk about it. "Uh..." Serah moves her eyes constantly at Lightning then back at Vanille. "I'm not sure if this is the right time and place to talk about it."

Everyone turns their eyes to Lightning. The girl is just looking down, taking a strip from her shake. Fang gives a soft chuckle. "I take it grumpy pants here blew her top?"

Lightning shot her eyes up, glaring at Fang. She stands, slaming her hands on the table. "Grumpy?!" All the other costumers and the employees are eyeballing Lightning from her shouting.

Serah stands, grabs Lightning by the arm and slowly pulls her down. "Lightning...people are staring."

Lightning sits back down, calming down even. Fang finishes her ice cream and then stands up, making her leave. She's not exactly leaving, just going outside. She can't stand to be with the silly couple, Hope and Vanille, for another second.

"I hope you'll be in a good mood for tonight, Light." Hope says.

"He's right. The festival is no place for moody people." Lebreau says.

Lightning glares at Lebreau, growling. "Lightning, just calm down. Please be in a good mood for tonight."

Lightning takes a deep breath, then she turns her attention to Serah. "I'll try, but I make no promises."

Serah smiles, that's enough to convince her.

Nighttime falls. The festival begins very soon. Everyone's pretty excited for tonight, expect for Hope. Well, he's kind of excited, but it's barely noticeable. I guess the kid might still be a bit bumped about going to it without his mother.

It's six o'clock PM. Everyone is getting ready for the festival. When they're done, they leave their houses and make their way to the festival. Serah, Hope and Lightning had to wait for Snow. When he arrives, they all make their leave together.

The Fireworks festival takes place in the heart of the city. A large globe stands in the very center of the city. Many roads are closed so that people can walk and gather for the fireworks.

Lebreau is currently working at the NORA cafe. She is having her hands completely full since her friends are at the hospital.

Right now, Lightning, Serah, Snow and Fang are at the cafe, waiting for their drinks. "I can't believe it's finally here." Serah says.

"Well, almost." Snow says. "The fireworks aren't up just yet."

Serah nods. "I hear when you grant a wish on the fireworks, it'll come true."

"In that case, I don't need to make one." Snow wraps an arm around Serah. "Cause all my wishes have already come true.

Serah smiles and gives Snow a gentle shove. "Oh, you!"

Lighthing gives a low growl at seeing those two. She's still a bit ticked off about the events that happened in her house earlier today, though she still tries her best to be in a good mood. But it is hard to do so when seeing her sister dating some doofus she can't stand.

Lebreau arrives at their table delivering their drinks.

Meanwhile, Hope and Vanille are going for a walk together, holding pinkies. Vanille is as cheerful as always, while Hope seems a little blue.

They take a walk by the shores, now they sit at the pier, watching the sunset ocean. Vanille notice looking down at the water in front of them, with a sadden expression.

"What's wrong?" Hope faces up then turns his head to look at Vanille. "You seem a little blue."

"I'm fine." Hope turns his attention back at the ocean. "It's nothing." Vanille just tilts her head, as she wonders what it is that's bothering the kid. Hope doesn't really say anything from the start, then speaks. "It's just...I'm beginning to think this was a mistake."

Vanille seems surprised and shocked to her that. "You mean...that we're not meant to be together?"

Hope shots his head up and eyes wide happening hearing Vanille say that with a sorrow tone. "What? No, no no no no. I don't mean us." Vanille smiles, she's relieved to hear that. "It's just...I think coming to the festival might be a mistake."

Vanille pulls her legs up in front of her, knees standing and wrapping her arms around them. "It's about her, isn't it...your mom?"

Hope nods. "Yeah. The reason we came to Bodhum in the first place...was because of the festival...Here I am now..." Hope looks back ahead at the ocean then faces down. "But she's not."

Vanille feels sad for Hope. The girl reaches for him, and wraps her arms around him. Hugging him. "It'll be all right."

Hope sighs as he rests his head on her shoulder. "I don't know Vanille...I just don't know..." At the same time, Hope stands up and Vanille ends her hug. Hope turns around and makes his leave. "I just need some time alone."

Vanille just sits back, watching the young Esithem leaving.

Darkness takes the skies. The fireworks are all going off right in the globe. All of Bodhum citizens are gathering around the glode, gazing up at the exploding colors inside. Lightning, Serah, Snow and Fang are gathered in the front row.

"Has anyone seen Vanille?" Fang asks.

No one really knows. They haven't seen Vanille. Just then, the girl arrives, walking instead of skipping, looking just plain. That's strange even for Vanille. To Fang, that usually means she's upset.

"Where were you?" Fang asks.

Vanille walks next to Fang and sits. "Oh...no where."

"Wasn't Hope with you?" Serah asks.

Vanille looks pass Fang and Snow to see Serah. "He was, but then he left. He was pretty sad."

Lightning becomes concern hearing that. "Why's that?" Snow asks.

"It's cause of his mom." Lightning's not surprised. "He thinks it's a mistake coming here without her."

"Aww, the poor kid." Serah says. "Let's go find him."

Lightning stands up. "I'll look for him. I know what to do." Lightning makes her leave, in search for Hope.

Hope is right now standing over a street bridge, watching the fireworks from a distance. He just looks at it sadly, thinking about his mother. He lays his arms and head on the railing as he views the fireworks. Hope was told that these are wish granting fireworks, and he has only one wish that he wishes would come true: That his mother would return.

Lightning finds Hope and she approaches at the young kid. She doesn't say anything, for she knows what it is he's thinking. Instead, she walks up and stands next to him in front of the railing. Hope is aware that Lightning is standing right there next to him.

"You doing okay?" Lightning asks. Hope was silent, he doesn't answer Lightning's question. Lightning turns to look at Hope, who's just the same as he was when she arrived. Doesn't bother to speak or even look at her. Lightning sighs, she puts a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay to be sad."

"I miss her..." Hope says in a quiet tone. "I miss her so much."

"I know." Lightning says.

"Coming here was a mistake." Hope stands straight, straightening his arms and his hands grabbing onto the railing. "We both came here for the festival. It was suppose to be a magical night for the both of us. But then on the way, the accident happen and she's now gone. I just feel so alone...it hurts."

Hope turns away and he walks to the bench behind him, then sits down his arms resting on his lap, looking down in despair. Lightning just looks like at the kid, as if he really is hurting. Lightning walks towards Hope, sitting on to him on the bench.

"I know it feels that way, but that doesn't mean it's true." Lightning puts a hand on Hopes thigh. "Do you remember what I told you when we first met?" Hope looks up at Lightning, noticing a small smile on her face. "I told you that I would keep you save." Lightning grabs hold of Hopes hand. "You are not alone. You never were and you never will be. Just because your mom's gone doesn't mean your family is. You have a new family now. Me, Serah, Vanille and Fang...and I suppose Snow too."

Hope doesn't say anything, he's taking in everything Lightning said. He knows it's true. Lightning continues. "I know I can never replace your mother...but I am here for you, and I always will be. You don't have to be afraid."

Hope smiles a little. He leans in, resting his head on Lightning's shoulder has she wraps an arm around him, pulling him close. "Thanks Light."

"Hope..." Hope looks up at Lightning, then she looks down at him. "Call me Claire."

Hope smiles a little. "Okay."

"Do you want to go back with the others?" Lightning asks.

"In a little. I just wanna stay here." Hope looks back at the fireworks. "This moment...it's perfect."

Lightning smiles, she agrees and she looks back at the fireworks. "Do you want to make a wish?"

Hope thinks carefully. He does wish for his mother to return, but that was then when he was drowning in his own despair. He decided to make another wish.

"I wish my mom could meet you." Lightning looks down at Hope, surprised to hear that. "I mean...other then seeing and talking to you for the last ten seconds of her life."

Lightning chuckles a little the ruffles the boys head. "You're adorable, Hope. That's what I love about you."

Hope blushes, but also surprised. He would never expect a compliment like that from Lightning. Hope looks past Lightning, surprised at what he's seeing. "Claire, look."

Lightning looks behind her. What they're seeing is Nora, just standing there smiling. She just stands there in silence as the wind gentle blows her hair and black cloak. Lightning and Hope are surprised to find Nora there. They both looked at each other, exchanging looks, then they returned to Nora, who's already gone.

Nora's ghost. Lightning and Hope wonders what that was, as if it really was her. A minute later, they don't bother with it anymore, and they return their attention to the fireworks.

Hope is now happy with his new life, with his new family. It was the perfect night for him, just like he wanted it to be from the very beginning of his trip.