Italics indicate thinking

Bold is for attacks

Steve's POV

We gained one major advantage from saving Sanji's family, they were going to leave the protection of Bege's body in order to buy us time to escape from Big Mom. I really wasn't sure what would happen to them, but I appreciated the help though it's not like Luffy was gonna just let that happen since he jumped out with them.

"Might as well lend a hand." I stepped out as well "Hellfire Fist!"

I blasted a few of Big Mom's kids back and glared at them.

"Great, just keeps getting better." I said "Luffy we can't keep fighting we have to run."

"You said on Fishman island you would beat me up, didn't you?" Big Mom yelled "Now you're running away? Spineless!"

"Who are you calling spineless!" Luffy yelled "Let me just get one punch in! I'll be a Pirate King, not you!"

Luffy shifted into Gear 4 and threw a punch at the giant woman but she managed to block him like it was nothing.

"After I take down Kaido." Luffy glared "You're next."

"Luffy we gotta go now." I said catching him as he deflated.

"You take down a monster like Kaido, ridiculous, you won't even get out of my territory!"

Big Mom went to attack us but Judge blocked her attack though she quickly returned the blow to him.

"Cross Slice!"

"Iron Body!" I tried to block and got knocked back into Luffy and Sanji, more of the Charlotte children surrounding us.

"It's over, you can't escape!" Smoothie lifted her sword and pointed it at me.

I can't block her attacks…

"Time to execute all of you." Big Mom said, with all our chances extinguished this seemed like the end.

*BOOM! *

Suddenly there was a massive explosion that rocked the whole building, sending us sliding away.

Holy crap what was that?

"The building is falling!" I yelled looking down "We're crashing down towards the ocean! Time to get out of here!"

I spread my wings to try and reorient myself in midair, I grabbed Luffy and Sanji and flew off to land nearby as the top of the castle crashed into the land below. Thankfully we all landed and survived.

"This is where we part ways." Bege told us dumping Nami and the others out of his body.

"Thanks for the help getting out of there." Wyper said.

"I don't need thanks." He said "It's gross and makes me think I did something good."

"I did all the work carrying you here!" Caesar yelled.

"Shut up you're still a bad guy." Nami pouted "We have no more use for you go die or something."

"Here have your heart." Bege tossed it to him.

"Get lost Caesar." I told him "And never cross our path again got it."

"All that's left is to run, right?" Luffy asked "Okay let's do it."

"It'll take a day to get outta here after finding your ship." Bege said "So you might wanna hurry."

He quickly rode off on his tank treads and left us in the dust.

"We'll go get the Sub." Wyper pointed to himself, Brook and Chopper.

"We have to get back to where you guys left the ship, we don't have time to waste." I told the others.

We started making a break for the ship, right now getting out of here alive was probably the only chance we had.

"The forest will be the shortest route back." Monet said.

"Okay but what about the illusions?" Nami asked.

We headed back to the forest and even found that big tree guy that we could use to get through the forest quickly.

"They're still coming." I growled a bit.

There was a loud crash and Big Mom landed behind us, but unlike before when she seemed determined to kill us this time, she looked like she was in a frenzy, like a rabid animal more than a person.


"Oh, this is bad." I hissed "She recovered and caught up so quickly."

"Spear of Elbaf!"

The air rippled as the blast tore through half the tree.

That's the same attack we used to escape Little Garden…

"I've got an idea." Nami said spraying out her electric cloud balls and pulled Big Mom's riding cloud to the side making her second attack miss.

"If Big Mom isn't riding Zeus we can get away." Jinbei explained.

"Zeus huh?" Nami tilted her head.

"Yep that's me!" the big cloud appeared.


"You made those clouds you made, gimme more." He drooled.

"Let me ride you!" Luffy cheered.

"Sorry only Mama can do that cause of her soul." He explained.

"You want more Black Balls huh?" Nami tapped her chin "Okay fine if you become my servant, I'll give you some."

"On no what should I do?" the cloud pouted.

"He's considering it?" I laughed.

"Get back here!" Big Mom yelled.

"She's still coming." I hissed.

"Mama's really mad." Zeus told us.

"The forest is moving back into it's maze like arrangement." Monet warned "We're going to end up lost."

"None of you are getting away." A blazing hot sun floated above us.


Suddenly the roots of the tree grabbed us and hurled us forward and the sun slammed down on it.

"Tree!" Luffy yelled.

"Just keep moving!" I grabbed him.

I have to think of something before we all end up roasted or sliced in half…

"We won't be able to handle Big Mom when she's in a Fit like this." Jinbei said "When she sets her mind to a certain dish nothing will stop her till she eats it. She probably got set off by the fact she wasn't able to eat the Wedding Cake."

"That was good cake." Luffy smiled.

"Stop talking with your stomach." I growled blasting out fire "We need to get to the ship."

"You can run all you want it won't matter." The sun appeared behind us.

"Flaming Finger Pistol Machine Gun!"

I held both my hands out and pointed forward before rapidly snapping my fingers and sending out burst after burst of flaming bullets through the sun.

"HMHP!" he quickly reformed.

"He's living flame, try this!" Jinbei pulled up some of the nearby river and blasted Prometheus with it, filling the area with steam.

"Thanks for the help." I said catching up.

"Don't waste strength fighting them." Jinbei warned me.

"You're right, our attacks are just wasting time and energy, put everything into fleeing this army chasing us!" I commanded.

"I can do something." Nami pulled her staff back out "Zeus ate all those thunder balls so Zeus Tempo!"

The massive cloud dropped a crackling bolt of lightning down on the army coming after us, once more buying us a little wiggle room but even a direct hit from that Mega Bolt didn't stop Big Mom from clawing her way out of the pit after us.

"She's indestructible." I said as we kept moving.

"Strawhats!" Pudding flew over on her carpet.

"It's her again." Monet said.

"Are you here to fight!" Luffy yelled.

"What I haven't even said anything." Pudding sighed.

"You're safe!" Sanji smiled.

"GAH!" the girl shivered suddenly "No focus, Mama is gonna break out soon and catch up, you bastards it's not like I would save you or something, you won't be able to escape even if you get to your ship."

"She did that 180 with her personality." I noted.

"I didn't mean that!" she yelled "This is so frustrating!"

"Look Mama's got it in her head that you stole her cake." Chiffon explained "she'll chase you across the world for it in that state."

"Sanji get over here now!" Pudding snapped "you'll watch your friends die and live in hell; wait I didn't mean that!"

"We're here cause Sanji is a good chef, that's what Pudding told me." Chiffon said "Help us make the cake, it's the only way to stop Mama, after that you'll be free."

"I'm just here getting ingredients for the cake." Pudding said "It's not like I came to make sure you idiots don't die or something."

"Pick a personality!" I yelled.

"Alright where are we gonna make this thing?" Sanji asked.

"The ingredients are on the Chocolate Island so we'll make it there then bring it here to Mama." Chiffon said.

"Alright move and I'll get on." Sanji told them "I'll meet up with you at the sea."

"Right." Luffy and I nodded.

"I'll form you a path to the sea." Pudding said moving her arms as strands came out of her hand "Flashback!"

With a path opened we could see the ship, but it was still heavily guarded.

"It never lets up." I growled.


Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

Pick Up- Chapter 877

Till Next Time!