So here is the ending chapter (sob). Thanks so much to all you awesome readers and reviewers! special thanks to a few really witty and faithful reviewers who kept me laughing and motivated-you know who you are ;) I hope that this ending lives up to your expectations! LEave me a review and let me know!
Epilogue: Living in the red
I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves."
― Steve Maraboli
July, 2058
Forks, Washington
As was perfectly understandable for anyone discovering their first grey hair, Jacob Black was sitting on the back porch with a glass of lemonade staring down at the notepad in his lap. It was obviously time to start writing his memoir; after all, it was all downhill from here. Tess would say that he was being melodramatic but then again she said that about most things he did, sometimes he wondered why he loved that woman.
He shook his head and once again picked up his pen (which was one of those annoying hotel brand ones that only worked about half the time before exploding all over you in an inky bomb—and no, it wasn't because he got frustrated and gripped the stupid thing too tight). Just as he got down an introduction—because according to his grade ten teacher back in the day, intro's were the most important part of the story—which in all honesty never made any sense to Jacob, wouldn't the conclusion or the ending be more important? Anyhow…getting off track AGAIN. As he was saying, he had just picked up his pen when he was interrupted by the sound of a car engine.
Sighing he tossed the pad of paper away for the moment and slowly stood up to stretch his crinked back (he was almost seventy after all…one's joints stop working so smoothly when you reached a certain age!) before moving through the tiny (and Tess would tell him it was quaint not tiny) house to get to the door.
Now, when he was back in high school had you told him that he would be glad to have a blood sucker standing on his front porch waiting to come in and watch the upcoming game, he would have torn you limb from limb…yet here he was opening the front door and welcoming Edward Cullen-Clearwater into his house to do just that. Yes things had changed.
Perhaps he should back up a little….things started to change, and really change after Sam Uley was convicted and sent to prison for life for the murder of Bella; and wasn't that a shocker? Somehow Jacob had never been truly convinced over Sam's guilt (well at least in that crime anyway) but in the end the evidence was pretty clear…so who was he to protest?
Not to mention he wasn't the only one in the pack who was relieved that Sam was no longer around to make their lives difficult. Given that he was the beta of the pack and really the rightful leader to begin with, he had taken over as pack alpha and had remained so for thirty some odd years. Not to pat himself on the back or anything but he made a fairly rocking leader in his oh-so-humble opinion. Of course anyone can get tired of being in a position of authority—especially if they never really wanted to be in that position to begin with—so it was with no hard feelings that he had 'retired' and handed the leader position over to his grandson Henry when the time came.
Of course once he was no longer the leader of the pack, and had stopped shifting quite as often, his until then frozen in time body had started to age like it was supposed to—hence his discovery of grey hair. But if you let him truly think about it (and didn't just catch him in the moment of a mid-life crisis) he would tell you that he was okay with this.
The last several decades had seen some drastic changes for the reserve and the Quileute tribe, while many were still leery and suspicious of their fanged counterparts on a whole, seeing how happy Edward and Leah were together had won over many to at least guarded acceptance. It probably helped that it was clear to anyone who saw the couple that Leah clearly wore the pants in the relationship—it helped silence all those who said that she would lose herself to the vampire's infamous possessive need to control their mates. In this case at least, it definitely didn't happen.
So, maybe that was how he should start his story…start not when he was born and through his rather ordinary childhood but begin when it all started to change. And while the most noticeable point would be after Sam's arrest; that was not when things truly started to shift.
No….when Jacob thought of change he could think of only one thing, or rather person….
It all began with a certain green eyed boy.
Thousands of miles away in a walled off city, a certain green eyed boy who was currently dressed in all black and holding a macabre looking scythe, waited patiently for his mate to come around the corner (he never grew tired of watching Jasper jump in surprise). It was safe to say that here at least….things hadn't changed in at all.
And if Hayden had anything to say about it…they never would.
*Evil smirk*