Lost in limbo

Chapter 1

By lady Leanna

Stars twinkled brightly in the dark sky, the moon hid behind a stray cloud casting an eerie shadow on the landscape below all life on Thundera accept those who thrived in the dark, settled down for their nightly slumber. Even the ThunderCats were readying themselves for a night rest. Tygra sat in the control room waiting for one of the night guards to come so he could take his leave and go to bed.

The tiger checked the time and stretched his muscles; his shift would end in a few minutes. just as the doors to the control room opened the communication console beeped, "figures," the tiger grumbled and pushed the com, "Cat's Lair, Tygra here".

Mandora's face filled the screen "Tygra, sorry for calling at this late hour, but I have some information that Lord Lion-O should be aware of"

Tygra sat forward in his chair "relating to?" the tiger asked.

"One of our scouts came across a distress signal from a planet twenty parsecs away from Thundera" Mandora said.

"And?" the tiger asked

"This is where is becomes strange, the signal was sent 15 years ago" Mandora answered, "From one of the original Thunderian ships that left during your planets destruction"

Tygra's eyes widened a bit, it would make sense, but they had thought all surviving ships were accounted for and all survivors were now back home on Thundera. "but if it was sent that long ago, how do you know anyone is still alive?"

"The signal was a recording, I will send it through to you and a full report of what we discovered" Mandora said, "I leave this matter in your hands now ThunderCats and if you require further assistance do not hesitate to contact us, Mandora out"

"But" Tygra said but before he had the chance to speak further the connection went black. Tygra just shook his head and waited for the report to finish downloading to the lairs computer. Once done Tygra sat and started to read.

The more he read the more awake he became; "by thundera" he exclaimed and woke up the other ThunderCats.

Tygra ran past the guard that was taking his place, the guard didn't even get a chance to greet the tiger as he shot out the door in a orange and white blur.

Tygra was met in the hallway by a very sleepy lion "sorry to wake you but this couldn't wait until morning "Tygra apologized as they entered the council chamber.

The tiger walked over and pulled the report up on the main computer screen for everyone to see, "Mandora contacted me a few minutes ago, apparently one of their scouts picked up a signal that was sent little over 15 years ago from one of our convoy ship "

"Wait "Cheetara replied, "we lost all our convoy ships when the mutants attack trying to get to the flag ship"

"Or so we thought "Tygra said and click a button on the table, a vice recording started to play.

"this is Captain Brya of the Thunderian ship, cougra1, we lost contact with the flag ship, all the other ships in the convoy have all but been destroyed, our defense systems are down, weapons useless, we are drifting in space away from the flagship, may Jaga and the eye of thundera protect them and see them safe "Tygra paused the recording.

"Damn it." Panthro growled "we should have checked".

"You and I both know were didn't have time. We were surrounded and Jaga knew we had to get to safety" Tygra said.

"ok so if the signal was sent that long ago how do we know they even made it to a planet and are still alive? " Lion-O said.

"Because of this, "Tygra said and pressed the button again.

"Ships scans shows us a suitable planet we could land on and sustain ourselves until help arrives, only problem is only some of our suspension capsules are functioning and we don't want to take the chance of the ones that are left to malfunction and kill whoever is inside, if we are lucky and the eye of thundera is on our side we can make it to the planet in 6 years, we should have enough food and supplies for our crew of fifty"

"So is there more? " Cheetara asked,

"No that was it" Tygra answered "but we have the coordinates of the planet in question and we could go and check it out ourselves "

"Agreed "Lion-O nodded, "Panthro have the feline fueled and ready, we will leave at first light"

"On it" the panther said and got up from his seat and headed to the hanger.