Feedback: lhasdkfllh! I've reached 100 reviews and 300 favorites/alerts! That makes me so happy! Every single one of you is absolutely amazing! For the most part I've received so many positive things from you - and without your support I would have lost inspiration a long ass time ago!

Original name2: Ed definitely gets to outshine Al on more occasions (due to being the main protagonist obviously - NOT FAIR). But Al can be cunning. For instance, as Brick mentioned, Al was pretty cunning to come up with a trick to trap Pride. Unfortunately, he, as most of the other characters are, was pushed in the background and we don't really get to see the full extent of his - and their - abilities. Hope that helps you see where I'm coming from!

Brick: Definitely thought I'd let you know that you MIGHT (wink) get to see what's going down later on. xD

chesirecatgrin: For starters, thanks again for the feedback! I always appreciate it! Anyways, I'm not going to lie, what was said between Ed and Al wasn't all that important. xD It was just to pique Molly's and the others' curiosity. As for Al being in Ravenclaw, that's exactly why I put him there. While it would have been a lot easier to put him in Gryffindor, it's just overdone - and plus, dialogue is sort of a weak point for me, so him being off to himself will make writing his thoughts and such a little easier. And there will be plenty of bad-assness coming up! (I hope you like it!)

guest: I'm glad you like this so much! It means a lot to me! And I agree with you - Al is almost ALWAYS belittled in Ed-centric fics (and like you, he is my favorite while Ed is my second fav) and it just kills me. That's one of the main reasons I decided to give him such a big role in this. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me! I hope you stick around until the end! (:

The QAS: It's fine! Believe me, I've already had to write three papers and more! So I understand all about having homework! D: Ed is always the best comic relief! That's one of the reasons I love him! xD

As for Al's school year, it is definitely going to be interesting. I plan on differing from the original plot to make it more interesting. Which brings up another point: THANKS for mentioning those classes. I was wondering what to have him take - and those sound like amazing ideas! As for Transfiguration, you know shit is going to go down there! You know those Elric brothers. Hah.

I already have Rita Skeeter playing a part in this, because, like you, I thought it would be interesting. I won't reveal anymore than that on the matter (I got to leave you guessing after all)!

I'm glad you feel that way! I agree about Slytherin - that's somewhere I'd place Ed. Al definitely will be able to make friends easily. He's too sweet and friendly!

Ed's role right now is the self-proclaimed 'money maker'. He doesn't have a research fund to back him now and he knows that he and Al will need money to travel and live (of course Al's basic needs will be supplied by the school). He won't be taking classes, but he will get to sit in a few (running errands and helping teachers out when they need a hand). Anyways, I don't want to reveal too much. You'll find out more soon enough!

As always, I loved hearing from you! I always enjoy your insightful reviews!

- Thanks to all the others that reviewed, faved, and alerted! Sorry if I didn't get to reply to everyone! I think I got you all, but I might have missed one or two!

8. Uranium

Over the next few days, Alphonse learns that he has scored high enough on his evaluation to be placed in the year appropriate to his age at Hogwarts (fifth year), and travels to Diagon Alley with Molly and Edward. Dumbledore had given him a list of supplies he needs for the year the same day he learned of his test results and had insisted on giving him money to pay for everything, but Edward strongly objected, saying he would pay since he is Alphonse's older brother - so pay he did.

He, like Edward, can't seem to use a wand, which confuses both Molly and Ollivander (the owner of the wand shop), because both of them can see Hogwarts, despite the charms placed upon the school to prevent muggles' from being able to do as such. They plan on asking Dumbledore about the occurrence later.

As for Edward, that means his theory of the Gate being connected to magic just went out the window. He has a feeling that it has something to do with Amestris and the fact that isn't on the map or even mentioned in a geography book, encyclopedia, or any other source that would have information pertaining to the country. Though, he has realized that there are plenty of other countries that HE has never heard of. Something just doesn't add up.

A few questions come to mind: are he and Alphonse truly of another universe? Is their genetic makeup completely different of these people?

In the end, Alphonse purchases all his other supplies: books, robes, a cauldron, a cute, little male tabby kitten (after much begging), etc.. Edward also gets a few supplies - primarily a few new slacks, waistcoats, white button-ups, and ties to go under the black cloak he has been forced to wear as a teaching assistant. Not that he is too happy about it.

Nonetheless, Edward has been stuck being trained for the job under Snape's guidance. He concludes that he will mainly be running errands and fetching anything that the DADA professor may need (flasks, books, ingredients, etc.). Although Dumbledore said that he would like Edward to teach the students basic self-defense techniques like proper fighting stance and how to throw a right hook for "in case they're ever in a situation where using their wand is not an option, nor is escape" - makes sense in his opinion.

Alphonse, on the other hand, has been studying a map of the school to figure out how to get to and from his classes without getting lost. Like Edward, he sees the layout as a labyrinth - and overly complex. Hermione showed him a few shortcuts here and there that will prove useful, but he knows that it will be different in person than how it is on a map.

Other than that, he has taken to looking over Edward's notes. He has already moved into his dorm (Edward insisted and Dumbledore decided not to argue with him about it) and has found it to be quite spacious and accommodating. Initially he thought it to be a little too open and airy for his tastes, but has adjusted well. He now spends most of his time there studying and trying to figure out where they are.

He hasn't come up with anything yet, and with Edward being forced to train for his job, they haven't been able to put their heads together and get much accomplished. On the side, he has been trying to incorporate magical runes into an alchemic matrix. He has concluded that he, nor Edward, can use magic like Harry and the others because they draw from a different source: the energy of tectonic plates - a more physical energy, while magic is drawn from a more spiritual (and emotional) energy - something they're not used to.

Dumbledore told them, that they have the capability to use magic, but it's as if there is something blocking that ability. He said if it were not so, then Edward wouldn't be able to make a proper potion - "Instead of having to use his wand to make a potion have magical properties, Edward can merely use touch to achieve as such." - nor see Hogwarts.

So far, Alphonse has managed, with the aid of Edward's notes and books from the library, to create a transmutation circle that is something akin to a trap. First, the array must be activated, drawing energy from the tectonic plates, then when a target steps on the circle the magical runes incorporated into the matrix petrifies them. It's only a first step, but it solves Alphonse's issue with using magic (once he remembers the arrays, he should be able to just clap and use them). It doesn't solve Edward's however.

He has come up with an array that might work for his older sibling. It is composed of nothing but magical runes that wrap around to form a circle. It is simple, no inner matrix, but does have a magical symbol in the center - a flame. It's obviously a fire spell, much like the one that those 'Death Eaters' used during the Quidditch World Cup Final, except on a slightly smaller scale.

The problem is that Edward will have to learn how to draw energy from within, or in other words: draw from his own spiritual and emotional energy. Which, he speculates, will be a large hurdle for Edward. Not that his brother isn't an emotional individual, because he most certainly is, but he (and Alphonse himself) have both relied on logic and pulling from a physical source of energy from the tectonic plates beneath their feet for so long, that it will be a hard habit to break. He imagines that Edward will have as difficult of a time learning to rely on spiritual energy as he had trying to feel the Dragon's Pulse that Mei spoke of in alkahestry.

The thing is, Alphonse can't help him with that. He's asked Hermione about how she performs magic, but she said: "I just do. There's no thought to it. I say the incantation - and my wand does the rest." It hadn't been helpful.

Harry, though, had been much handier. He told Alphonse that the only time he has truly had to focus to use magic, is when he had to cast a particular spell: the Petronus. In order for the spell to work, Harry has to focus on a powerfully happy memory. Instantly, Alphonse started dissecting the mechanics behind the spell and why it required something as basic as a memory, but quickly came to a conclusion: the spell doesn't require a memory, but the emotions that occur when such a memory is called upon.

It seems simple enough - think of a strong memory that causes a powerful emotional response. That's not hard to understand, right? Right. The problem is, however, how does one draw energy from an emotion? When you're happy you do feel better - more energetic - but how can that be channeled to fuel something like a spell?

Scientifically speaking, one can't. Magically speaking, one can.

Alphonse runs his hands through his hair and flops down on his chosen bed, his black and blue (blue for Ravenclaw) robes pooling around him. Tomorrow is the first day of class, and according to Dumbledore, he and Edward will have to be present for the start-of-the-year Welcoming Ceremony. Apparently it's school tradition. Plus, Dumbledore said he has a big announcement to make, though Alphonse can't imagine what it might be.

He is snapped out of his thoughts when the door to the room opens. He sits up, not surprised to see his sibling walking towards him. "How was training?"

Edward shrugs. "Same boring shit as yesterday." he admits, plopping down on one of the other beds. "Did you find anything worthwhile in the library?"

"Yeah," Alphonse says with a nod, "I managed to take your notes and what I found to create a transmutation circle incorporating magical runes. It worked - I petrified a fly." He grabs his notebook and walks over to Edward. He points to the circle composed of nothing but magical runes. "I also made this. I know it looks like alchemy -"

"But it's obviously not." Edward finishes for him, snatching the notebook out of Alphonse's palms. "This doesn't have any alchemic properties - no matrix or sharp lines. Based on this," he points to the flame, "it's safe to assume this a fire spell - or at least an elemental spell."

The younger Elric bobs his head. "Exactly. I don't think there's anything wrong with the circle itself, the problem will be learning how to draw from the spiritual energy within yourself. I have a theory that it's linked to emotions, but I don't know how to control energy your body creates from emotions."

"I wish there was a way for us to test this out . . ."

"Me too, brother." Alphonse takes back his notebook and shuts it, taking a seat beside his sibling. They remain in silence for a moment, both contemplating their situation, when: "Do you think there is a way home from here?"

Edward heaves a heavy sigh. "I'm not even sure where here is, Al." He meets his brother's questioning gaze with a weak smile. "I can only guess that this is the equivalent exchange for Father sacrificing his life to send me to the Gate. Instead of killing me - or us - Truth sent us here."

"That makes sense." Alphonse agrees, scratching his head. "It's just hard to swallow."

"Yeah," Edward agrees, "which means the only way back is to pass through the Gate again. Magic bypasses equivalent exchange . . . maybe we can use that to our advantage so that we don't have to make a sacrifice. Obviously, we can't use your Gate as the tow - we wouldn't have a way out."

Alphonse rubs his face, frustrated. "I guess that means another trip to the library for me - actually . . ." he trails off, sending Edward an innocent look that makes the elder Elric slightly nervous (the look is never truly innocent). "Aren't you allowed access to the books in the restricted section?"

A light bulb seems to go off in Edward's head and he stands up. "I'll be back later, alright?"

The blond blinks and nods. "Um, okay."

"I'm going to need my notes - and yours." he adds, holding out a hand expectantly. Alphonse shrugs and hands over what is requested. "Thanks."

Hermione buries her fingers clear up to the knuckle in her unruly tresses, the muscles of her face pinched taut, and an irritated huff slipping past her lips. Despite the notes on alchemy that Alphonse gave to her (that she requested but didn't expect to receive anytime soon) she still can't seem to grasp how to transmute an object.

She knows all the components contained within the block of wood she purchased from a muggle shop and she is certain that the circle she has drawn is right, however when she attempts the transmutation nothing happens. It's embarrassing! It wounds her pride and makes her question her status as being at the top of her class, really!

The fourteen-year-old mumbles something under her breath and slams her notebook (she had given it to Alphonse to write down the notes) shut. She gets up with the intentions of heading to bed for the night, when the door to the study opens and in steps Ron and Harry, the former with a bowl of popcorn. She raises her eyebrows.

"What are you two up to?" She places her hands on the rounds of her hips. "I highly doubt you're here to get ahead in your studies."

Ron makes a sour face. "You've got that right. Only idiots would spend the last few days of their summer vacation studying."

The female of the trio rolls her eyes. "If only you could hear yourself."

"Nu-nu-nuh," Ron mocks with a teasing snarl. Harry groans.

"You two really need to pull yourselves together," he says, shaking his head. He shoots Ron a look. "Besides, we didn't take this chance to insult each other, but to talk about something important."

Hermione blinks, her curiosity piqued. It's true that the three of them haven't necessarily had any privacy since Alphonse went to Hogwarts. She has been helping Ginny get over her insecurity when around Harry, Ron has been doing God only knows what, and Harry has been - well, she's not too certain. She's literally has been too wrapped up with giving Ginny advice to notice. (Has she really been that self-absorbed?)

"Alright, what is it?" she inquires, crossing her arms.

Ron takes a deep breath. "We've," he glances at Harry as if to indicate that it was he they he has been talking to, "talked and we're worried about Alphonse's alchemy and the possibilities it may present in the future."

Hermione raises her eyebrows. "Slow down, Ron, you actually sounded sophisticated just then." she chuckles. The redhead gives her a dry expression before continuing onward:

"We're serious! Those Death Eaters saw what he is capable of. They might kidnap him and force him to teach them!" Ron visibly shivers, clearly distraught by the notion (not that she's not, because she is). "Imagine what all they'd be able to do then! They could bring down Hogwarts easy enough! I mean, Alphonse demonstrated what he can do with just a clap of his hands."

. . . She hasn't thought of it like that before.

"You've got a point, Ron." she agrees with a bob of her head. Harry steps forward.

"We should tell Dumbledore. He might be able to do something."

"How does your body feel?" Edward questions, looking up from a book clasped firmly in his right hand (he's been working on his grip lately). He frowns. "And how the hell did you recover so quickly? It took a whole month to get my right arm even near the strength to my left - and I still struggle with small actions like griping." He shakes his head. "I guess I'm permanently a leftie now."

Alphonse raises up from his bed, laying down a book about house elves that Hermione had gave him near the pillow behind him, a confused expression etched upon his visage. Edward cocks an eyebrow; had he said something wrong?

"Molly used magic and potions on me. If she hadn't I probably couldn't even walk without a cane yet."

Edward feels his jaw drop. He should have known! "Fuck. Madam Pomfrey has been holding out on me . . ."

"Well, all that matters is that you can use your arm again."

"Yeah, that's true," Edward agrees. "Anyways, answer my question. Does anything with your body feel off? Weird?"

Alphonse cocks an eyebrow at him. Edward keeps their gazes locked. What he really wants to ask is if being in the Gate for so long messed up his body in someway, shape, or form. If so, he would never forgive himself, not that he can to begin with.

"No," Alphonse says, flipping his palms upward and staring at them. He flexes his fingers and moves his eyes upward while smiling, meeting Edward's curious gaze. "It's as if I was never even separated from it. Though it has been weird adjusting to certain sensations again. Like pain, skin-on-skin contact, and the way clothes feel - especially wool. It's like my skin is more sensitive."

Edward nods, a look of relief upon his visage. "It's probably just where you hadn't felt anything for a little over five years, you know?"

"I figured as much." the younger Elric agrees. There's a moment of silence then: "Have you added anything to our notes?"

"No, the library doesn't have anything on the Gate or alchemy. But I did try to use that array you developed."

Alphonse blinks. "And?"

"It didn't work. I tried focusing on multiple memories that incur different emotions, but . . . it just wouldn't work." Edward answers, a frustrated expression twisting its way onto his face. He's never had to struggle before like this, he's always been able to figure things out easily. But he should know, without his Gate, things are going to be more difficult. There might not even be a way to bypass that.

He's snapped from his thoughts when he feels a warm hand on his shoulder. He glances at the owner of the hand, not surprised to see it is Alphonse. "It probably will take longer than an hour to figure out, brother. So, don't beat yourself up, okay?"

Edward pulls away and stands up, stretching his arms above his head. "Yeah, yeah," he mutters in disinterest, "I'm going to go get some shut-eye. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight, brother."

Harry isn't surprised to run into Alphonse out in the Great Hall.

He, Ron, and Hermione were well on their way there, when they spotted him just outside in the Entrance Hall. He had been waiting on them, seeing as how he didn't really know anyone. Harry had wondered where the boy's older sibling had went off to, but never got the chance to ask. The moment they see him, Hermione is practically on him, tackling him into a tight embrace. It doesn't help that he can see Ron quietly seething from the corner of his eye.

When the two separate Alphonse waves at him and Ron. "Hey guys," he greets cheerily, "I thought I'd wait on you all to get here before I have to go sit with the other Ravenclaw students."

Harry hears Ron mutter 'you shouldn't have' under his breath, and it almost grates on Harry's nerves. Ron is being a bit ridiculous, but he decides not to comment for multiple reasons. Instead, he gives Alphonse a smile and nods. "I take it you're nervous?"

Alphonse gives a sheepish laugh and rubs at the back of his head. "You can say that," he admits, "I went to a school that only had a handful of students. This is kind of overwhelming."

Hermione places a comforting hand on the boy's shoulders, offering an encouraging look. "You'll be fine, Al," she chimes, "with a personality like yours, you're guaranteed to get along with just about anyone!"

"Besides those sneaky Slytherin," Ron grumbles, "they're all rude and disgusting. They think they're better than the rest of us."

"I guess I'll just steer clear of them, then."

Hermione and Harry both nod in approval. "It'd be in your best interest," Hermione comments. "Especially if you're not a full-blooded wizard. They don't take too kindly to muggle-born."

"But we better get going," Ron interjects, tugging on one of Harry and Hermione's sleeves. "We don't want to get the crappy seats." He starts pulling them inside the Great Hall.

"Um, okay, I'll see you later!" Alphonse calls after them before they disappear into the crowd of cloak-clad students. It is rather rude and after a few more seconds of the poor treatment, Harry and Hermione both jerk their sleeves out of Ron's tight grasp. Harry never realized how uncomfortable Alphonse makes Ron feel. It only confirms what he already knew: Ron has deeply rooted feelings for Hermione but refuses to admit as such.

Hermione, frazzled, places her hands on her hips and glares at Ron (thank the Maker that Harry isn't on the receiving end). "What in the world is wrong with you, Ronald?! That was completely unnecessary and rude!"

Ron rolls his eyes at his friend's dramatic behavior and takes a seat at Gryffindor's assigned table. Harry, deciding it'd be best to seat down, too, follows suit and turns away from his friends' bickering - or lovers' spat. He sighs. They're both neck deep in denial.

Edward is fully aware of the other members on the staff and the curious glances they keep sending his way (besides Snape and Hagrid, of course), almost begging that he explain his reason for being there. Too bad he doesn't necessarily feel like appeasing them at the moment and simply snatches food off the table and stuffs his face to his heart's content.

Unfortunately it doesn't long for his peace to be shattered.

"Excuse me, young man," a thin woman with slightly sunken eyes inquires, pecking him on the shoulder with a slender digit. He looks at her with raised eyebrows, his jaws still chomping on a particularly tough piece of meat.


"I think you're at the wrong table, you're supposed to be sitting amongst the other students." she says in a sweet voice while sweeping her hand out in front of her, motioning towards the students. He rolls his eyes and swallows down the shredded meat, waving around the bone which the meat came from.

"You've got it all wrong, lady," he retorts, jabbing the bone in her face, pleased when she leans back uncomfortably. "The old man hired me to be a Teacher's Assistant - you know, for the new DADA Professor."

"But you're so young!" she cries out, shocked and horrified. "Surely the Headmaster wouldn't resort to hiring children?!"

If there's one thing that gets on Edward's nerves faster than being called 'short' or 'midget', is being called a 'child'. He, nor his little brother, have been children for a long time and people tend to forget that (never mind the fact that this woman isn't even remotely aware of his difficult past) - even his superiors in the military back home in Amestris.

Therefore -

"Ah, blow it out your ass." Edward says casually before putting the bone back on his plate and scooping up another biscuit. The other professors gasp and begin whispering to one another as if he doesn't know they're talking about him (not that he exactly cares). The woman beside him remains silent, a look of pure shock on her face.

He raises the biscuit to his mouth and smirks. And that's how you make a stunning first impression.

"What are you going to do about this? The boy could pose a threat to the Wizarding World . . ."

There's an exasperated sigh that follows and heavy footsteps approaching a large window. The man tucks his arms against the small of his back and says: "I haven't decided yet. There's a possibility that he may not be a threat - and if I go ahead and take action, then the peace we've worked so hard to achieve might be shattered."

"Just like you're worried about you-know-who's second coming?"

The man snorts. "That's highly unlikely. I just think we need to take a passive approach to this - at least for now." He pauses to shift his weight from one foot to the other. "Besides, I don't want to accidentally causes a mass hysteria within Hogwarts and in turn, the rest of the Wizarding World. It's best just to keep an eye on the boy - see what his intentions are."

"Sir, if I may make a suggestion . . . ?"

He arches an eyebrow. "Go on."

"As you know, the Triwizard Tournament has just been announced at Hogwarts and will be the subject of much media attention."

"You're point?"

"Well, there's always the possibility of enlisting the help of a . . . certain someone that can spy on him for us. He won't even know she's there."

The man contemplates the proposition and nods approvingly. "Very well. Hire this certain someone and tell them to be quiet about it. I'd hate for it to leak out that the Minister of Magic is spying on students. That wouldn't do me any good now."




As you know, I'm back in school and have been smothered in homework (and I just took an exam yesterday that I've been studying for rigorously). Like right now I really should be writing my summary and evaluation of the Declaration of Independence and or studying for both my Visual Arts and Geology exams coming up next week, but I thought with how awesome you all have been, I should get this out (most of it has been complete for awhile, I just couldn't push through the last bit).

Anyways, the plot intensifies!

Please share your thoughts!