Hey guys! I'm thinking of starting another story but I don't know if anyone is going to like it. I'm posting the start to it down below.

Daniel Berry stared at his brother Hiram in complete shock. Actually shock was too mild to name the feelings running through his veins. His wife Caroline seemed to have the same reaction.

Hiram watched the look on his older brother's face in anticipation. He honestly couldn't believe he was asking this himself but he and Leroy had no other option.

Hiram and Leroy Berry were the only two gay men in Lima Ohio, a hopeless town in the middle of nowhere. They had both recently decided they wanted a child and after taking tests had both realized they were infertile. Their surrogate, Shelby Corcoran, had already been payed the sum promised and the agreement had already been signed so it wasn't refundable. His brother was literally their only hope for a child that would be related to them in some way.

Daniel shook his head in an attempt to process the request. "You want me to be your sperm donor? Hiram have you gone mad?" The look the other man shot him gave the answer.

"You're our only hope. We can't have a child unless you help."

The older man shook his head. "That's the point! It would still be my child! You are asking me to get a woman pregnant and then pretend that the kid is my niece or nephew. I can't do that brother! Every single time I would look at him or her I would just keep looking for my features or personality. You are practically asking me to give you one of my sons!" Daniel said, gesturing up the stairs to the rooms his two boys were sleeping in.

Hiram sat there stunned. He never thought about it that way before. It was kind of like asking for Jackson or Tony. "What would you agree to?"

Daniel thought over the request looking at his wife. Cara looked at his brother. "Hiram can I talk to my husband for a moment?" she asked in a calming tone. A nod from the gay man sent her towing him in the dining room.

"I agree with you on this my dear. The kid would still be yours no matter what." She said, her hazel eyes staring at him.

He nodded. "I know babe. I'm not going to be able to let go of them like that."

The woman grabbed a piece of paper from a drawer in the kitchen and sat down at the table. "We need to make a list of things to ask for."

He nodded and sat down across from her. "One thing you can put on there is access. I need to know about any event in their life."

She nodded scribbling quickly across the paper. "I agree. Another thing you are going to need is a choice."

Daniel looked at his beautiful wife. "A choice?"

"Mhm hmm. You need to have an option. I mean what if at the hospital you decide you don't want to give him or her up? You need to have a first choice."

He bobbed his head up and down quickly in agreement.

They spent the next twenty minutes coming up with demands and requests before giving it to his brother who seemed nervous about the first choice. Hiram knew his brother and knew that if he fell in love with the kid, there would be no stopping him in getting custody.

~a little over 9 months later~

Daniel watched as his brother brought out a little pink bundle. It was a girl. The kid he helped father had turned out to be a daughter. He noticed how Hiram was keeping her away from him for a little bit, knowing that with a word, the little girl would be returned to her rightful father.

It took about ten minutes before he finally had her in his arms. She was so small and tiny, almost miniature. Dark brown curls covered her small head and her face was in a serene peacefulness that neither of his sons had been born with.

Hiram watched his brother in anticipation. He knew that with his words, the little girl would be just his niece. From the look on his face the second Daniel saw her that would probably happen. The little girl had his brother wrapped around her finger.

Caroline was hooked in along with her husband. Jackson and Tony were entranced as well when they met their sister. It was clear that she would be their weakness.

And that was the beginning of Rachel Barbra Berry.

Good or bad? I'm serious, I need to know. I have a really good story planned for this.