A Time for New Beginnings Chapter 10



"I need to know, Gene..." I whisper.

"Okay Mai." He replied opening the book to a picture of the King and Queen and their daughter princess Mayuki. I frown. The little girl does look a lot like me. "Princess Mayuki or Mai as her parents called her disappeared shortly after her parents brutal murder..."

"Brutal murder?" I ask myself in shock when Gene paused in reading.

"Yea and there is more. Want me to go on?"

I nod in reply.

Chapter 10

"Apparently a servant of the King was angry at him for not treating the Princess right when in all actuality it was the Princess' handmaiden that treated her harshly. So the servant of the King decided to brutally murder the King and Queen in cold blood as well as the other servants of the castle. The Princess and her Butler Sachiko disappeared after the murder. Scotland Yard initially thought Sachiko killed them so Scotland Yard arrested and charged him with treason against the kingdom so they killed him shortly after that. The Princess was still missing and was never found." Gene finished closing the book.

"So...I'm a lost princess?" I whisper. It seems so unreal.

"Yes, apparently you are."

I sigh. After seeing all the evidence, I know it's true. To be honest I was kinda hoping it wouldn't have been.

I feel tears fall from my eyes and fall onto the small sleeping child's head that I had forgotten that I was holding.

"Hey, Mai... It's okay..." Gene tries to reassure me.

"It's not okay..." I sob. "I find out who I really am only to find out that my parents aren't even alive to see me or anything and this Sachiko guy was my protector but he ended up dying too. I have no one from my past that is alive. No one. This is all making my head hurt so much."

"Noll and I are still here with you..." Gene cups my cheeks, getting me to look him. "And we're sure not going anywhere."

"But I want my family too. My mom and dad." I sniffle wiping my eyes with a free hand. I couldn't ever remember my parents...but now to know that they're truly gone.

"Want to visit their grave after this case?" He ask with a small smile. "My father is on good terms with the Queen of England so I'm sure you can get in to see the royal family graves. Is that okay?"

I look up at him in surprise. "Really?" I ask, my face lighting up. Though that is if Martin even agrees to ask the Queen... However, he doesn't seem to hate me as much as Luella does.

"Of course Mai. Now you have to tell Naru. Everything."

"I know." I say, nodding. Then I absent-mindedly look down at the child on my lap. "I need to go find him... I don't want him to be mad at me, Gene." I look up at him with tears forming in my eyes.

"I know Mai." Gene carefully picks up the sleeping child.

"Alright, I'm going." I state, standing up.

"Alright I'll stay with the sleeping kid." He grimaced as I left.

Letting out a silent breath, I begin to walk towards base, where I figured Naru would most likely be.

I walk into the room and find him passed out on the couch snoring lightly.

I smile slightly as I came closer and saw his face. Then, however, it drops and I become worried when I realize something. Naru would never sleep on the job. All of a sudden the air is cold and Naru opens his eyes which are a dull blue color.

"Princess Mayuki..." He said in a voice I remember from the visions.

"Sachiko?" Naru's body starts to stand up.

"I thought you already moved on." I back away scared.

Why did he possess Naru? What is he even still doing here?

"You are alive. I knew you would come back one day. My princess you will now be with me forever..." He replied lifting his hands to my throat.

"No! Nooooo!" I scream, trying to get away from him. Naru, please get back in control of your body!

"Mai?!" Gene comes running in. "Naru. What are you doing?!" He tries to get Naru's possessed body away from me.

"Gene be careful...he's possessed." I gasp out as Sachiko grips my throat.

Using all of his strength, Gene tries to pry Naru's hands away from my throat.

My vision blurs when Gene finally gets the hands off my throat.

I fall to the ground, gasping for air.

Gene calls out for someone but I am too busy trying to breathe again to notice who he called until the other stoic male of our group ran in.

"What happened?" I vaguely hear Lin demand.

"I don't know!" Gene yelled standing between me and Sachiko. "Can you subdue him?!"

Lin's eyes widen at the sight of Naru before giving a nod.

He looks at Lin and laughs then looks back at me. "I will come back and get you Princess Mayuki." Naru's possessed body grins before collapsing indicating that Sachiko left on his own accord. Though I was still having a hard trouble catching my breath and my legs felt like they would collapse beneath me, I hurry over to Naru in panic to check on him.

Gene tugs me back not knowing if he was still possessed or not.

"He's fine, Gene!" I try to swat his hands away from me.

"No! We need to make sure first!" He yelled gripping me tighter.

Lin walks passed us and kneels down beside Naru to check his vitals.

"He is fine."

Gene's grip on me loosens some so I take that chance to shrug his hands off me. Then I hurry back to my boyfriend.

"Naru!" I call.

"Nn... Mai?" He mumbles opening his eyes.

I smile at him before throwing my arms around his neck. "Naru!"

"M-Mai? What's wrong?" He asks in confusion and in concern. I guess he doesn't remember anything while under the possession.

"You were possessed..." I mumble.

He blinks in shock, pausing in trying to sit up.

"What?" Naru looks from me to Lin and Gene. "How?" He demands.

"I don't know. I just came in here to tell you something and you were already possessed."

Naru looks at my tear-stained face and the forming bruise on my neck. "What did I do?" He asks, his voice strained.

"You...uhm...choked me..."

"What?" His eyes widen in horror. He sits up so we were level with each other and gently cups my cheek. "Mai... I'm so sorry, I didn't..."

"Naru it's alright. I know you didn't mean to do it. You didn't have control over your body."

He gives a small reluctant nod, but his eyes shift down to my neck with guilt in them and he gently brushes his fingers against my neck.

I grab his cheeks making him look at me. "Enough of the guilt. I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm a...um...princess..." I mumble.

He slowly blinks at me, as if trying to process what I said, before looking at Gene then back at me.

"It's true Noll that's what we didn't want to tell you until we were sure ourselves." Gene says.

"Why didn't you want to tell me before?" Naru asks me. "I mean why didn't you tell me about your assumptions?"

"You would have passed it off as nothing more than an apparition trying to get in touch with me or something so I needed to do my own investigation...just to find out on my own..."

Naru let out a sigh and I feel him relax some from beneath my touch. "I understand..."

I kiss him. "Thank you for understanding honey." I smile and get up. "Okay. So I apparently know the spirit and it apparently knows me. So now how the hell do we stop it?"

Naru stands up beside me and takes my hand before speaking.

"He wants you right? Well let's give him what he wants." He replied holding up a hitogata.

I blink. "When did you get a chance to make that...? We haven't even been here but a few hours..."

He starts to laugh. "It's called being prepared Mai."

I gape. "B-but you had no idea the spirit was after me when we first came here..."

Naru shrugs.

I look at Gene for help clear this up for me.

"Bro that isn't going to work." Gene sighs while Naru looks at him with a glare.

"He's right Naru." I place a hand on his arm.

"Sachiko knows who I am...so he's not going to be fooled by this..." I continue to tell him.

"You're right. But we need to try." He pleaded.

Couldn't completely disagree with that...we could at least try...

"Fine. Whatever we'll try it your way. If it doesn't work then we need to figure something else out."

Naru grabs my hand and squeezes it slightly.

"I love you honey." He kisses my hand.

I smile. "I love you too."

"Let's go and try this."

I nod and all of us leave the base.

We head into a room that has its furniture pushed against the wall for our excitement. I take a deep sigh, honestly hoping that this would really work. Naru knows what to do...


Naruisawesome: Your fault not mine...

Me: Anyway R&R please and thank you.