Hello I'm back and I'm ready for my new story. :) I've decided to delete all my non finished stories and start anew. Thanks to everyone who supported me and my other stories even though they never got finished. Anyway, I receny started watching NXT and simply love it so I decided to write my first NXT story. So here's about my character:

Name: Amber Storm

Age: 21

Hometown: Jacksonville, FL

Hair: Originally black but dyed it dark blue

Eyes: brown

Personality: A rebel at heart. She fights for what she believes in. She can also be a little crazy. She's kinda like a female Dean.

Appearance: She mostly wears black. She wears a black sleeveless midriff top. She also wears a fishnet top with one long sleeve with the other side just going around chest. Her top also has the letters RG in blue which stands for Rebel Girl. She also wears black short jeans (like AJ) with a belt with a blue skull. And finally she wears black boots with Rebel going down the side. She also wears part of her as a ponytail (I don't know what they call that style).CBackground: She came from nothing. She was abused as a child and was disowned when she was 16. They threw her out and she lived with friends and on the streets. She had resorted to shop lifting just to survive. She happened to run into Lita and Lita took her under her wing and trained her to be a wrestler. She then spent 4 years in the independent circuits.

Finisher: Twist of Fate Signature: Top-Rope Moonsault

Disclaimer: I don't own WWE or any of its amazing talent, although I wish I owned Dean, Roman, and Seth. Lol

I was nervous has all heck. I had gotten a call from Triple H and Mr. McMahon. They had wanted to offer me a job for the WWE. I was psyched because I had wanted to get in the WWE for so long and make my mentor proud. I guess I should introduce myself.

My name is Amber Rogers, ringame, Amber Storm. I was born in Cameron, North Carolina but I'm not proud of it. My childhood wasn't rainbows and unicorns. But let's forget about that. I was eventually taken in by Hall of Famer Lita and she trained me. I was now a 4 year veteran and damn proud of it.

I eventually moved to Jacksonville, Florida and I love it there. Especially since my pass isn't here. I had to book a flight to Connecticut to negotiate my contract. I sure hoped that I could manage to stay calm. I soon arrived in Greenwich and I found my ride to the office. While heading there, I fixed my dark blue hair and put it into a ponytail. I definitely wanted to look presentable but if they told me to change my hair, we were gonna have some problems. There was no way I was changing it. I liked it as it was.

I soon arrived at the office and headed in. I walked up to the desk and the receptionist gave me a weird look. I ignored it. I was used to getting weird looks because of my looks.

"Can I help you?" She eventually asked.

"Yes. I'm here to see Mr. Helmsley." I said politely.

"Okay. Can I have your name?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's Amber Rogers." I answered.

"All right. One moment." She said as she picked up the phone and talked through for a while. She eventually hung it up and said, "You'll be called in a moment." I nodded and took a seat in the chairs provided and waited for a while before I heard my name being called. I got up and followed the office worker to an office in the back.

We eventually arrived and we went inside. "Here is Ms. Rogers."

"Thanks. Take a seat, Amber." Triple H said. I nodded and sat down. "So, Lita has told me a lot about you. She's very proud of you."

"Uh, thanks. I try to make her proud." I answered honestly. It was true. I always wanted to be proud and prove that she wasn't wasting her time with her.

"So, we've been watching your career in the indies and all your championship reigns and making history at your age. So, now we want you to debut in NXT." Triple H explained. I was shocked and happy. I had been a fan for a long time.

"Wow, I would love to accept your offer." I said while smiling.

"Good. So, to be on the safeside, would you be willing to change your hair color?" He asked. I knew that would happen.

"No, my hair color represents my personality. If you asked me to change then I wouldn't accept your offer. Triple H nodded. He definitely looked impressed hopefully.

"All right. Let's get started." Triple H said we negotiated my contract and we agreed. I soon had my name signed and I was officially an NXT Diva. "You'll debut tomorrow for your first match. Good luck and try to make a name for yourself." He finished and I smirked before nodding. Things were gonna get interesting now.

And that's the end of Chapter 1. Sorry it's so short. Anyway, just to let you know, if you see any mistakes, it's because I'm using a tablet and it doesn't agree with me sometimes. But please review and let know what you think. See you next Chapter. :)