Reviews for The New NXT Diva
Guest chapter 10 . 4/2/2015
This one of the best stories I've ever read
AriesBalorPrincess chapter 28 . 3/21/2015
Love, love, love her heel turn. Dean needs to grow up! Tho I can't wait to see how that goes. Totally looking forward to the sequel. This story was a fun little ride :)
fearlesszuko chapter 28 . 3/20/2015
I'm speechless! I somewhat knew that Amber was going to side with Seth, but I did not expect her to turn heel in the process! Whoa! My mind is blown because of this final chapter! It left me wanting so much more. Poor Adrian though, but it was going to come someday. lol

Also, I wonder how things are going to work out between her and Dean. I feel like he still cares for her and he just does not want to see her get hurt. I do no blame him. I just hope Amber knows what she is doing by siding with him. It could end up being one of the biggest mistakes that she has ever made in her career.

Overall, brilliant and fantastic story and I cannot wait for NXT Diva: Fighting For Everything! :)
Seth rollins babe chapter 28 . 3/17/2015
I l
Wolfgirl2013 chapter 28 . 3/17/2015
Wow,I Am Speechless And nice
fearlesszuko chapter 27 . 3/15/2015
Well, Dean took that quite well...NOT! I knew that he would get pissed about the news and I was upset that he found out the way that he did, but Amber did want him to find out about her and Seth's relationship on his own. However, he found out and there was nothing that she could do about it. I did not see him ending their friendship because of it and I hope that Amber does not regret her decision to being with Seth.

I wonder how this angle between Seth and Amber will work out and I hope that Amber is able to pull off a huge upset against Nikki and prove that she is the better wrestler. I wonder how Dean will react to the new storyline ? Will this interfere with the relationship angle that she has with Adrian or not? Can't wait for the next update! :)
fearlesszuko chapter 26 . 3/15/2015
I'm kind of worried about how Dean will find out about Seth and Amber's relationship. But, what worries me the most is how he will respond to it. I was glad that Tyler was forgiving and responded so well to it. However, I can bet that Dean will not be that way at all. I think that Seth and Amber are kind of cute and I hope he does not try to pull any funny business with her.

I also cannot wait for the rematch. I feel like submissions are more of Charlotte's thing though. So, I wonder what Amber has under her sleeve when it comes to the rematch. I know that she does not plan to drop the title anytime soon; so, she needs to pull out all of the tricks for this match!
fearlesszuko chapter 25 . 3/15/2015
I got to admit: when Amber said that her's and Charlotte's match at Rivals was going to be a laddet match, I was quite concerned that these two women will not be able to deliver. I was wrong! They did deliver and I was glad that Amber was able to win the title! She's been dominate ever since day one!

One thing that I did not expect was Seth kissing her! That came as a shock, but I could tell that he had feelings for her, but I do think that she is falling for him. She can't deny those feelings, but I wonder how Dean and Tyler will respond to it if they ever found out about the kiss.
AriesBalorPrincess chapter 27 . 3/6/2015
Stupid Dean, though I do still love him, but he really needs to calm down and just be happy for her. So happy for Amber and Seth, and that was very shocking of Seth to stand up and not have her join the Authority after trying so hard to do so in the past. I have no doubt that Amber will show Nikki up, as long as Nikki doesn't cheat.
Seth rollins babe chapter 27 . 3/5/2015
I love it. Wow them in a story line together can't wait to see where that goes
Wolfgirl2013 chapter 27 . 3/5/2015
Nice Job And Oh,Man Dean And Nikki Is A Witch
guest chapter 26 . 2/27/2015
I don't trust Seth. I hope Dean and Roman find out and let Amber see the light. Great chapter btw! :)
AriesBalorPrincess chapter 26 . 2/25/2015
Awe aren't they just cute. Happy to see that Breeze is okay with it. But we both know I'm waiting for Deans reaction to this. But I love it!
Wolfgirl2013 chapter 26 . 2/25/2015
Nice Chapter Wow,Amber And Seth Dating,AW
Seth rollins babe chapter 26 . 2/24/2015
I likeit
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