Chapter 3, The Conclusion

Over the next three days, Tommy and his parents start to get better. His parents were already starting to improve on the day of the trip to Cynthia Land. The spots from their faces, hands and feet were almost gone, and by the following day, their throats weren't hurting anymore, and fevers broke. But for pour Tommy, it took him a little bit longer, since he had the worst case of it in all of Yucaipa, CA. But he kept that stuffed blue kitty cat near him, that to his shocking surprise, his friends ventured out without him, to get for him and ride the scariest ride in all of the park. The following day, Tommy's throat started not to hurt as much anymore, but his feet, hands and face were still hurting a lot. But at least at this time, Tommy could talk above a whisper finally, and more so comfortably, drink some fluids and eat some warm soup without it hurting. The following day, the spots on his feet and hands started to go away, and it was such that Tommy could walk to the potty or to go play for a short time in his playpen, rather than having to resort to crawling, which is what it had been since he came down with this disease, if not just lying on the couch, crying in pain, with mommy and daddy waiting on him hand and foot. One would have thought Tommy had turned into Angelica the way things were going for a little bit there. Finally, on the third day, the dots from his face and ears disappeared, and when Tommy reached for his dad's bowl of Reptar cerial, this told his parents he was feeling better, and Tommy was back to normal. Dil was happy to see his brother all better again too, and his parents agreed to take them to the park later that day. As for pour grandpa Lou and grandma Lulu, they were exhausted by this time after taking care of three Foot in Mouth Disease patients, so they headed back to their retirement home, in need of some well deserved rest, thankful that neither one of them managed to not catch this dreadful virus.

On the morning three days after their big Cynthia Land adventure, the rest of the gang sat around a sandbox at the park, thinking how it had been a bazillion years since they went on that adventure, and they still didn't see Tommy.

"Hey, I wonder if we'll ever see Tommy again?" Chuckie asked.

"Me too Chuckie. I just hope my taking over as leader didn't upset him." Said Zack.

"Nah, I'm sure Tommy appreciates us getting him that stuffed kitty." Said Kimi.

"That is, if Dil gave it to him." Said Phil.

"And didn't drewl on it and keep it for himself." Said Lil.

"The only one who keeps things for themselves around here is Angelica." Said Zack.

The others laughed, as they continued to dig wholes in the sand.

"So Zack, what made you decide to take us on that adventure through Cynthia Land anyway?" Lil asked.

"Well, I've always had a nack for exploring, and after knowing you guys for a while, I've discovered that Tommy will go at any length to make everything right ways again, whether it was that trip we took with Peter to get Dil cured, or when we thought his mommy lost a carriage, Tommy, Dil and I went through the park looking for it, or even at fourth of July, when we were at that art museum, he overcame his fear of the water he had developed not long after being potty trained, and rescued his screwdriver and Chuckie's moon rock from the rejecting pools. Something told me that if Tommy can't be there to help us, and if he's in trouble, then we've gotta do everything in our power to help him, and some wise guy said it's not what you do that makes the difference, it's the thought that counts." Said Zack.

"You mean just wanting to help Tommy to feel better was enough?" Chuckie asked.

"Yeah, and maybe it's been a bazillion years, but I'm pretty sure we'll see him again." Said Zack with a smile.

Just then, Didi and Stu came up the path towards the sandbox with Tommy and Dil in their double stroller.

"Wow Zack, when you predict something, you're good!" Said Kimi excitedly.

"Are you a psycho Zack?" Lil asked.

Zack giggled.

"Look who's all better and come to play." Said Didi excitedly, as she got Tommy and Dil out of their double stroller and placed them into the sandbox.

"Now you kids play here, daddy and I will be right over there." Said Didi, pointing over to a picnic table where Stu had headed off to, setting up a deck of cards.

"Hey Tommy, how are you feeling?" Chuckie asked.

"Yeah we've missed you!" Said Kimi.

"I missed you too guys, but I'm all better now. And thanks for my present from Cynthia Land!" Said Tommy happily.

"You're welcome." Replied Zack.

"So, does this mean the adventure twins are back together again?" Dil asked.

"Adventure twins?" Tommy and Zack asked simultaneously.

"Well yeah! After my brother saving me from that disease, and then you stepping in to take his place when he got sick, both you Zack and my brother Tommy have proven themselves worthy of being adventure twins." Said Dil.

"Hey, I guess we are a lot a like aren't we." Said Zack.

"Well, we both do like to go exploring, and you did take our friends on the bestest adventure they ever had through Cynthia Land, so, I guess that makes us adventure twins, even if we're not real twins like Phil and Lil." Said Tommy.

"We couldn't be, we look nothing alike." Said Zack.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't be adventure twins, and like the same stuff." Said Tommy.

"I couldn't said it better myself." Said Zack.

"And next time we go to Cynthia Land, I'm gonna be right there with you guys, and you and I will go on an adventure together." Said Tommy.

"Who says we have to wait till the next time we go to Cynthia Land to have an adventure. Let's go on one now!" Said Kimi.

"Oh I don't know you guys." Said Chuckie.

"Awe come on Chuckie, let's go." Said Tommy and Zack simultaneously, as they headed out of the sandbox.

"Oh, all right." Said Chuckie with a sigh as he followed Tommy and Zack out of the sandbox.

Phil, Lil, Kimi and Dil followed behind them laughing, and the gang headed off through the park, on an adventure, happy that the Foot in Mouth Disease epidemic, was finally behind them forever and ever.

The End

Author's Note: So, maybe it took a while, but Tommy finally got over his Foot in Mouth Disease epidemic, allowing the gang to play and have adventures together again. If that's the case, does this mean I'll eventually, see my nephew again in reality, after not seeing him since June 28, 2014, cuz they were away on vacation, and then returned, only for him and his parents to get sick? I don't know when, but the answer, is yes, I will eventually, get some quality time with my nephew again someday. I hope everyone enjoyed this story, and, I hope this next week, to get back to some of the original ideas I had in the back of my mind last month that still have yet to get done, as we continue to venture through the rugrats childhood and teenage hood, from preschool, all the way to high school graduation, and who knows, maybe even into adulthood, and you never know, I may also write up a story with my interpretations revolving how the rugrats came to be, from their time in the woom, to their birth, to that first year of infancy development, leading up to that very first episode. Time will tell at this rate. For now though, I just hope you guys enjoyed this story, and, I'll be back, sometime soon, with more rugrats adventures for all of my fans out there! So stay tuned, and, have a wonderful day! And remember, if the Foot in Mouth Disease has plagued your family, even if it feels like it takes a bazillion years to pass, it will eventually pass, and as long as you don't eat or drink after them, or touch the victim of the virus, you're safe out of harm's way of catching this awful plague, which in my opinion, seems worse than the Gray Plague, but what do you all think?