"Peace reigns as I reign, I would not expect you to understand. You are a little man with little dreams."
A wait not endured for very long. In all things considered.
But to some, time dragged on at a snail's pace for those still keeping watch in the span it took for a message of text to arrive on Dr. Geppetto's screens. More curiosity and simple pragmatism won out in the end. From the north, a single word of question.
And a handful of breaths later another message came in from Haven and Lionheart.
"The council is willing to hear you out,"
Kad told them both to be ready in two hours.
And for the Doctor to repeat his communique to Vacuo.
After Doctor Poledina did as instructed he began setting up scroll cameras making ready to send the scene of their own little council and projector screens to display whatever the world chose to show them. Once the other Kingdoms they had reached chose to return. But Kad and the Marshal agreed that the image they portrayed had to be a respectable one.
A theory Nora Valkyrie took to heart as she kept telling Kad to add on stone after stone to the single one that he had selected and moved to be his seat.
"You're legs are too low," She argued, "You look like a three year old on a timeout stool, and you need room to place your arms down, clapping them in your lap just makes you look like a beggar,"
"Nora…" Kad tried to interject and argue, even as his hands followed the girl's suggestions. Agreeing but more anxious to just sit down and prepare himself while the stone pile slowly took the shape of a throne. A high-backed and black scorched pile fit for a being of his stature. Flanked by other choice blocks for those chosen to be at his side when the time came.
On his right Marshal Wilde, Doctor Geppetto with the two friends Penny and Ruby behind him. Empty spaces left for others should anymore wish or be required to sit in the spotlight which was looking unlikely. And on his left was Professor Goodwitch, behind whom the Atlesian officers had chosen to stand.
The rest of his peers and allies were arrayed safely out of frame and out of sight behind the small table station of many scrolls and projectors pointing towards white boards dragged out from the school. All waiting to see what images would be brought to life once the meeting began.
The thing sat at the edge of their attention unnoticed for several seconds. Yet one by one the young Hunters looked back up to their elders and the giant, and beheld something revealed to their mundane eyes for the first time.
Kad eased back and down on the uncomfortable slabs, exhaled a deep focusing breath.
And let go.
Dropping the view of himself held deep in his heart. Here and now, letting the world see an unrestrained picture of his power. Unburying the scope of something meant to only be imagined in some tale of times long lost in myth and antiquity. The dream ideas of a gleaming hero, a noble prince, and a mythically perfect demigod made manifest in a shape that looked all too Human. But at the same time held such coiled energy and might it was anything but.
Intimidation, and awe flowed free in equal parts. Some felt sweat fall from their brows as shielding aura's dripped away. They saw not their fellow youth anymore, with crimson sword balanced back against his right shoulder catching the weak midday sun against the ember leather glow. This was a man of importance, black haired and fierce with strength, wisdom and charisma beyond his years. If he were to speak the world would listen.
Dr. Geppetto still focused on the scroll in his lap held up a hand. Fingers splayed out until he closed them one by one counting down. The projectors kicked on as he hit zero.
Two screens came to life, one containing the dull grey and hard angled picture of northern architecture in the Atlas council chambers. Vale's view of this place a semi-circle facing their recording device. Its orderly rows of seats populated nowhere near their nearly a hundred capacity, by a somewhat ethnically bland display of pale light haired middle aged men and women. Some in the pure white Atlas military dress uniform, others in darker assortments of what higher quality dress clothes they had donned that morning. Appearances still had to be maintained of course.
Standing center at a white marble podium with black gloved hands atop the wooden gavel laid before her was an elderly and very short woman. Not a crease in sight on her General's dress coat. The tone of her still very full locks of hair only a few more years away from being wiry and white with age. But her brown eyes were hardened in determination.
"General Cordovin I presume?" Kad said.
A single nod was her reply,
On the other screen was the dim yet homely rustic brown office of Headmaster Lionheart. The outside light flickering in softened by the barrier of window drapes. Bookshelves and sturdy oak wooden furniture dotted by his collection of potted plants in authentic Mistrali vases.
Dark of skin with shaggy light brown hair and beard. Headmaster Lionheart had chosen to sit in front of his own desk. Facing it and the scroll propped up as though the Vale group were in his venerable chair. He wore a simple voluminous white dress shirt and a thin ribbon necktie, behind him were those of the Mistral council he had gathered. A smaller group of men and women than both Vale and Atlas, whose appearances were as diverse as their heritage from the old city. All of them tired, dirty and waiting to proceed with baited breath.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for joining us today," The giant began, his deep voice strong with certainty and warm in tone, "My name is Kad Amaranth, and I bid you welcome back to a united Remnant."
General Cordovin spoke coldly, "Greetings on behalf of Atlas Mr. Amaranth."
"And on behalf of Mistral," Professor Lionheart added, his eyes finding trouble meeting the camera.
The general carried on, "Now… A, united Remnant… Not quite so, I am sure you would agree, Mr. Amaranth."
"Not at all General," Came the giant's reply, "Divided by distance and until recently an inability to communicate. But not since before the Great War has our world shared a goal as common and true as it does now."
He paused, grip tightening on the concrete edge of the slabs to the right. Taking initiative in the brief interim a voice from the Mistral delegation arose.
"For those less certain," One man began, "What is this goal? So that we all may ascertain where your interests lie moving forward?"
Kad gave a quick light huff of amusement, "My interests are of something we should all see clearly now as tenuous as it has always been… For untold generations, we have lived under a grand deception. A belief that our continued survival was reliant on complacency."
He continued, fighting an urge to rise up and stand, "A lie that the Grimm are unbeatable. That some dreams were too grand to make real, and the sacrifices we made were only to delay our enemies. So precious time, energy and lives could be wasted on petty rivalries and differences some had no control over and there was nothing we could do about any of it."
"Enough with the grandiose noise please sir," Another voice from Atlas called, "Brass tacks if you will."
"Fine then," Kad said, "The time has come for us to act, and I would know how we can help one another get back on our feet."
Professor Lionheart, "After knocking us down to our knees Mister Amaranth?"
A new influx of voices from the world beyond was muted in tone as the unformed asked their peers and companions if they knew what Lionheart was talking about.
Kad drew in a hard breath of air through his nose, "I am certain your colleagues told you who I am… And what I did. Any admission of guilt you seek from me… Will be freely given Headmaster. Though do you wish to dwell so much on the past?"
"I wish to dwell on whether or not we are still handing over control of our fate to a new would be tyrant."
"…On that, to answer that you shall have to do something truly astonishing."
"What do you mean?"
"Trust me…"
Lionheart drew back his head, recoiling away, "…Trust you?... No sir I do not. I know what your true heart looks like… You were among Cinder's inner circle. All of the gods blasted tragedies that have befallen the planet in the last few months… If you are not responsible you are most certainly complicit. And now you are asking us to believe that you only want what is best for the world? Nothing for your own personal gain or further carnage?"
A single simple word.
Half a still gut rending plea, and half a resolute statement of intent.
Again the giant shifted in his immense stone chair, "Trust me, I have no such ambitions… I am not a diplomat good sir," Kad flared his arms up and down once letting his hands give sign of his own exasperation.
"I really don't know what I must say here in this moment… Perhaps I might demonstrate actions speak louder than words."
General Cordovin returned to the verbal fray, "How so Mr. Amaranth?"
"Doctor," Kad raised his voice slightly, speaking to the Atlas scientist, "Please reach out to our White Fang contacts again."
"Very well," Geppetto replied,
Professor Lionheart spoke again, "What are you doing?"
"Finding an olive branch," Kad told the Faunus.
The giant turned to the other councils, "I know my past all too well. And better than all of you I might add… And I oft find myself wondering now. What might have been if not this? Could I have changed had I known? What would have happened if I did?... I suppose all of those heroes of legend who sacrificed to bring us today would have better answers than I. Or could more confidently stride forth and lead into the unknown... Perhaps because their stories come from the end when they had become what they ended up as. I can say, none of us are there yet."
He halted these words. Drawn back into the past with perfect memory of all his flaws and choices leading him into a blank thousand mile stare, "So I ask myself, where from here? The answer for all those chaining threads of fate that eques out of those dark paths I linger in is. Unless."
"Sir, I have them." Dr. Geppetto called,
Kad snapped himself out of the trance he had talked himself into and gave the doctor a nod, "Please,"
Three new windows opened on the same displays cast on screens thousands of kilometers apart. A static filled video feed showing two nearly identical figures in a featureless shadowed room. They both wore the same red hooded cloak thrown over a black and white tunic shrouding their faces in darkness. A second tall set of ears stuck through one's hood, the other's heritage hidden out of sight. Both had their arms within black sleeves up with hands before them, fingertips pressed together.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Councils," Kad began, "These are the brothers Corsac and Fennec Albain. First lieutenants to Sienna Khan leader of the White Fang."
The one with twin orange furred fox ears, Fennec was the first to speak after a moment of silence with a neat bow, "This is… Unexpected... When we heard news of contact with Hunters"
His brother Corsac continued, also swallowing down his sudden unease, "We were not expecting all. Or any of our Kingdom's illustrious leaders."
Kad replied, "I am sure you were not. Nevertheless we have business to discuss Sirs."
The two did not respond, gathering their thoughts. Sharing a sideways glance, and deciding how to proceed.
"But of course," Fennec said, before letting his brother start again in an eerie back and forth.
"The White Fang has always advocated,"
"Peaceful resolutions and,"
Snide and not so polite whispers filtered in from the other chambers. Venomous thoughts of the recent past coming back to mind.
"Yes I am sure you all are well trained to say that," Kad told them, "But please cease this charade. I know who you are and you should know who I am given the means I have contacted you. And I am here to inform you, speaking as representative of our late ally. There has been a change of plan. Your uprising is finished."
"…I am afraid, we do not know what you are talking about. With an uprising," Fennec told him, trying to still play the ignorant.
"Our organization is well aware of the individuals who have unfortunately chosen to associate themselves with our name in their terrorist activities." Corsac, the shorter brother added.
Fennec nodded in agreement, "We would not be surprised to see their hands in the recent crises,"
Kad sighed, almost shrinking down on his immense stone seat, "…I regret to be the one to inform you this. Your ideas of Faunus domination are unreasonable and were never going to be achievable. But that does not mean you have failed."
The two didn't respond. The giant continued, "I can say with some certainty now that the powers that be have seen the error of their ways in how your people have been so rudely mistreated. Now I tell you again, this uprising is over…"
His iron voice softened, "Please, I implore you to see that you have a once in a lifetime opportunity to step into the light and free yourselves from this path of violence and hate. Step back into the world community in peace and dignity. Offer a truce and show you can be reasonable as well as ferocious if your needs require it."
The brothers looked between themselves again. Kad leaned forward now, projecting his intimidating bulk and presence outward. Sensing deception still brewing, "Do not toy with me sirs. It is unbecoming and playing to terrible stereotypes of your pack to keep forked tongues flicking about… So by your jungle law do I now command you to stand down."
Fennec laughed a small sound, "You cannot compel us to do anything Human."
A swift and violent motion swept Kad's fighting knife from the sheath on his left to stab the blade point first deep into the slab beneath his arm sending shards flying. The onlookers both near and elsewhere flinched back on instinct.
"Yes, I can," Kad stated. The words coming from the bottom of his chest like thunder heralding a distant storm. "I was there when my tribe leader Cinder, killed Yuma in challenge for dominance of this alliance. If you were unaware I'm the one who cut off Adam Taurus's head. And I'm also the one who killed Cinder Fall. So by might and right spilled in blood I order you to stand down."
Even the birds above seemed to freeze in the stillness forced upon the world. Kept entrapped by the power of an inhuman will setting deep into the earth to hold its ground like a titan of myth before his enemies.
It was no longer a question of who would claim dominance.
But when the White Fang would choose to submit.
Neither asked for proof, but both closed their eyes and bowed their heads in submission. Satisfied Kad relaxed in his poised position,
"Give the order and inform Sienna Khan," He commanded next, letting go of his blade but leaving it where it was embedded, "Cease hostilities against the Humans and standby for new directives."
General Cordovin ended her silent observance, "And can we trust these... Individuals to keep their word?"
The giant held up both of his hands palms to the sky, "The kingdoms promised the Faunus equality,"
Empty left hand, barren as most of the promises made shifted up, "The Faunus promised retribution."
His bandaged right rose to the aftermath and carnage behind him, "Answer that yourself General."
Now a predatory eye turned to Headmaster Lionheart. "I hope to be a man of my word, Headmaster. I do not expect forgiveness, or to have the past forgotten."
Again Kad swept out his left hand in a grand broad gesture, "But look around yourselves… Unless we can make change here and now, nothing is going to get better. This is our moment, a once in an era opportunity to redefine the order of our world."
Kad pointed a steady index finger towards the Atlesians, "Atlas has always been on the forefront of the race of progress. Will you sit idly on your hands while the rest of Remnant rises together?"
The finger drifted toward Mistral, "Kingdom of a thousand cultures. Home of many once, present and future champions I hope. You have forgotten yourselves. The past is the past, and now the time has come to be a shining example once again."
Now the giant addressed all present, "Join us, raise Remnant up to heights never before dreamed of… Just as we here in Vale have begun."
So Kad stood, and now directed his hand out to the students on the side, the doctor tracking him with the cameras. "
Here," Kad said to command their attention as he walked over to his teammates, grasping Co'Balt's shoulder in a firm grip. The young Huntsman's bristling reaction indicating his wish to be left out of this. Kad panned his ember irises over the crowd. Team CFVY stood nearby, the unmistakable twin rabbit ears of Velvet Scarlatina framed before the green breastplate of Yatsuhashi. Further down was Blake Belladonna, her black bow twitching as she absentmindedly took her left wrist in her right hand and looked away. On her left Sun Wukong gave a smile and a wave to the giant.
"Here," Kad said again, "I would call anyone of those who fought and died here my brother or sister. Humans, and Faunus fighting side by side. And we have pushed our enemy back beyond the walls. The Grimm are not invincible, and we are not weak."
"So that is what you want," General Cordovin said, her voice heavy with a shocked tone.
"General?" Headmaster Lionheart said in question.
"That's what you are saying?" Cordovin said her voice rising with disbelieving volume, "We…Sally forth? Crusade?"
Kad crossed his arms, "Perhaps General. In time."
Yet the woman did not reply in the moment he left to form an answer. Pursing her lips and retreating into silence. Holding something back Kad surmised.
Something that scared her.
"What is it General?" The giant asked,
She looked around the council room, and after finding no one she could pass this duty off to Cordovin spoke again, "We have recently received some… Troubling long range reconnaissance reports from Vacuo."
She raised her right hand and signaled an off screen underling to approach, whispering a command to a young woman in an Atlas officer's uniform who came into view for a heartbeat.
"One of our battleship's took this video at the heart of Vacuo territory on a deep patrol flight. Following Grimm as they retreated from our borders."
A new video sprung up. High above the ground a sweeping digital camera scanned the lonely desert of Vacuo. Picking up shapes which dotted the landscape slowly and slowly growing in number the further the flying battleship made its way.
Shapes now growing, exponentially...
Until Kad was staring at a sea of black.
Thousands upon thousands of every species of Grimm that had ever been seen, heard of or imagined sprawled across to the horizon over what had once been the capital city of Vacuo. Flocks of flyers outnumbered the very clouds in the amber evening sky choked in grey cloying ash over the hot sands. A hostile environment painstakingly tamed by years of determination overrun in an ocean of claws. Colossal beasts threw back their tanks sized heads and howled their hatred to the uncaring sky while swarms of hundreds climbed the shattered ruins of the empty buildings that had been laid to waste by the apocalyptic horde.
Superhuman eyes spotting two spectral humanoid figures. Both clutching evil weapons, born aloft on obsidian wings.
The image thrown up on their displays was grainy, more from the distance sent and projection method than original quality. Yet the giant's stomach sank to his boots.
It wasn't a simple pack. It wasn't an army like they had defeated.
His memories drifted back to a dream of barren plains, and a nightmare city of glass.
This was an apocalypse.
Such a force could sweep across the face of Remnant, and even at the height of their power he doubted any kingdom could oppose this deadly horde.
This was the end.
Headmaster Lionheart's mouth hung agape behind his right hand attempting and failing to hide his horrified expression, "Good Gods… Vacuo… They're all, they must be…"
General Cordovin drew upon her many decades of military composure and spoke, "Yes. Vacuo has been designated a complete loss. No intelligence is available on if any of their Hunters, civilians, or paramilitary groups managed to escape. We have recorded fewer and fewer sightings of creatures within our borders. They are gathering from potentially all across the globe."
Now at Kad's side Marshal Wilde concurred in a tone that hide his own awestruck shock completely, "Makes sense, we haven't seen as many in Vale either."
The General nodded, "Preliminary estimates of their numbers,"
The giant cut her off, "Three hundred and forty five thousand nine hundred and twenty four."
The primarch's eyes and brain having already gathered a more precise number in spite of the poor video.
"Give or take," He added self-consciously.
One of the Albains lost his tight lipped control, "This is… Oh my…"
Cordovin continued, "So, you can understand Mr. Amaranth this is why I am not entirely on board with the idea of an expedition at this…" Her voice trailed off in confusion.
For as she was speaking Kad slowly tilted his head back to stare straight up into the sky.
No answer came down.
"…We have lived in the shadow of the Grimm for too long." Kad softly whispered,
He returned his gaze to Remnant, beginning a circuit on the inside of the gathered crowd, "Must we sit here, as we have always done. Watching the sands of time trickle away. Whilst we fail to realize that the hourglass might burst at any moment? Yes, that dreaded thing has come. Time has finally caught up."
Kad looked back to his friends and comrades, "And if I can only speak for myself then so be it. But listen to me as I speak of a world, free of fear. Free from the suffering that has plagued our people since time immemorial… A world free of the Grimm. Ozpin and the councils were too afraid to let this be your dream. But I say different, I say the edge of the world and the stars beyond are waiting for us. If we reach out our hands and take them."
Lionheart stammered out a few words, "But, but… We must con, concoct a defense against t-t-this horde, not as the General said,"
While he struggled to complete that train of thought. Kad made his way behind the slab of rock he had sat upon. Retrieved his knife and took up the satchel containing the grand crystal shard which he took into his right hand.
Kad closed his eyes, feeling the energy surging up from within the arcane geode. The pain lessened by his hours of practice, knowing more of now where to direct the power. Air whistled in, making a vortex of growing debris around the giant. The equipment sputtered and sparked in the building aura surge. Until Kad opened his eyes, both alight with an otherworldly flame which burst out as Kad raised the shard and let loose a flaming lightning bolt into the sky.
Thunder cracked across the courtyard. All the spectators stepped away and clamped their hands over now ringing ears. And when they had blinked the spots out of their eyes Kad had placed the crystal back within its vessel. All knew the power of Dust in the raw. But this was something different, staggering and terrible to behold.
"This," The giant said, "The thing Ozpin and all his predecessors decide we were not worthy of. This is our defense. The time has come to abandon fear and attack. We must collect every Hunter, Soldier, war machine, and civilian volunteer we can to."
Marshal Wilde reached down, flicked something off in the mess of wires and dissected devices. Shutting down the scrolls broadcasting to the world. Aside from no longer being connected to his target audience Kad couldn't help but go stock silent at the audacity he witnessed.
"You are not leaving to challenge that," He said. The old Huntsman drew in a deep breath, "I know what you think of myself and my peers Mister Amaranth… But we did what we did for the good of all. Now the fact that your' little insurgency got as far as you did says a lot about our methods. And had we met before this happened, maybe you could have persuaded me to not be so restrained. But this, going out to fight these Grimm is not only suicide, but wasteful suicide."
Kad held up the satchel, "Not this time."
Wilde snarled, "I cannot take that risk! You have the ears of the world now. Rally our forces and make a stand here at Vale."
Blood rushed hard through the giant's veins and his lips pursed in restraint.
For he knew too much time had been lost already,
"Fine," Kad said,
The Marshal relaxed. All the young warriors around them balked, trying to construe the image of Kad's unshakeable resolve with that word of submission. No matter how high or low they held him in their esteem. Some tensed, ready to give voice in the giant's aide.
But Kad spoke again, "Stay here trapped in limbo. You have chosen it like all the others."
And turning on his heel Kad swiftly walked away.
The old Huntsman however had one last desperate ploy, "Kad Amaranth! By the authority vested in me as Marshal Huntsman of Vale. And your status as of yet still a student of Beacon I am ordering you to cease and return."
The words carried no weight. Kad took up his sword and was soon just a distant silhouette weaving across the empty Beacon grounds.
Marshal Wilde watched him go. Indignation high in his blood.
And as the young crowd began to disperse. He signaled one of his close and trusted confidants amongst the adult Huntsmen to come in close.
Ruby found Kad at the fountain, facing towards the school at the spot where all their journeys had begun so long ago. The statue within the venerable greeting featurette surrounded by now stagnant water half of the lady Huntress still remained of the statue severed at the waist with the axe head still by her feet. The Huntsman had lost his sword and the arm that held it along with his head. It pained her to see the icons reduced to what they were. But it pained her more to see her friend so alone.
The unearthly perception she had shared of the giant during the meeting was dissipated now. Ruby saw only the admittedly rather large boy balancing a rough gray rucksack on the smooth stone rim as he went through its contents one last time. Ruby pulsed her semblance and came down within an arm's reach of Kad. Ethereal red petals scattering in the air.
"Hey," she said with a smile.
Right to business Kad took the crystal from its carrying satchel within the large bag and offered it on his open right palm to the girl.
"Here," Kad told her, "If Atlas shows up maybe they can power a weapon or a mech with this."
She blinked in surprise, not having asked a single thing Kad was offering up this relic without question.
"Worst case scenario," He continued, "Someone may just have to,"
But Ruby placed her left hand beneath his and closed his open fingers with her right hand before softly saying, "You'll need that. And we're coming with you."
He did not havelong to ponder who was this we Ruby spoke of. Sun Wukong flanked by his team jumped on top of the broken statue, the monkey Faunus casually leaning to his right against the truncated Huntsman.
Weiss, Blake and Yang emerged from around the pond, alongside both team JNPR and Raven. From the opposite heading came the rest of Kad's reforged team. Dozens upon dozens of the warriors of Beacon heeding the Primarch's call to action. All ready to follow him into the mouth of hell that lay waiting to swallow everything that was or would now never be if they didn't fight.
The ax-man Auburn Roland spoke, "Don't go sayin you can't ask us to do this. Not even a question mate."
Alicia wove through the thin crowd before her with the rest of APRC, "You believe in us so much it just feels wrong not to do the same."
Even Penny beamed a smile at him, full of energy and good cheer, "Wherever my teammates and friends go I shall go as well."
Co'Balt grunted, "Yeah, what she said."
Hearing that Penny shared her radiant smile with her reluctant Faunus teammate. He returned it half in kind for once.
Yang Xiao Long had one thing to say, "Though you better have a plan. I mean, a really good plan to stop all those Grimm. I'm talking like,"
Kad stopped her, "Yes. I have a plan."
He nodded to the left. The youngsters collectively turned and spotted team CRDL carrying several large black military crates out from the campus in a partial Human chain. Cardin balanced one of the crates on his right shoulder while taking the carrying handle of another in his left. Meanwhile behind him Dove held a handle in each hand from two separate crates as Russel held the last. Sky brought up the rear hefting one single box.
They boys received a couple pointed looks. Paying them no mind the team set their cargo down as they drew closer to the giant. Cardin approached, taking a small textbook from behind his back, "Here we go. And you left that book you wanted behind,"
Raven stepped and snatched said book out of Cardin's hand, taking a quick moment to read the cover, "Meteorology?"
The giant gave her a nod, "I've always had an interest in the way the world works."
Not assured or satisfied with that Raven then asked, "So what's in the boxes?"
Kad issued a quick command to the boys of CRDL, "Show them. And you can keep that," He said to Raven, "I finished it two days ago."
Sky knelt down and unlatched the seals on the crate he had been carrying. Lifting the lid to reveal the Atlas bomb hidden within. A few students took steps backwards, instinctively moving away from the very dangerous object.
Neptune was the first to call out, "Holy crap, where'd you find those?"
"Here and there," the giant said, "Ships, another White Fang hideout. Not important, but I've been working on them with the crystal. I think I can boost the explosive yield by quite a lot. I don't have many."
Weiss interrupted him, "How many do you have?"
"Fourteen," Kad replied, "If we're smart it might just be enough."
Seeing a chink in the giant's confidence Cardin spoke, not for one second believing it, "They'll be enough. Like you said, we're stronger than we thought we were. And the strong survive, no question we've made it this far. Or that we'll beat these monsters."
In concurrence Sun gave a whoop of excitement and jumped from the statue over the heads of the front row and sang, "Whoo! Let's go! Yo-Ho Vacuo! Far to the west where the cactus grow! Take me away from the ice and snow,"
He smoothly spun and offered a hand out to Blake with another smile, "Let's go to Vacuo!"
She laughed a little, "Let's go to Vacuo."
"Bring weapons and ammunition from the school. We'll stock up on food and water down in Vale. Grab whatever Hunters and Atlesians are coming, and be on our way by tomorrow morning. Move, move, move!"
All present followed Kad's booming commands and scattered to go make their final preparations. Ruby however chose to remain by the giant's side. As he packed away the crystal amongst the rest of the things in his bag. The unmistakable sound of clicking high heels sounded from the direction of the campus.
The two could easily guess who the shoes belonged to. Professor Goodwitch approached.
"Mister Amaranth, Miss Rose," She greeted after coming to a standstill to the pair's right,
"Professor," Kad replied,
Ruby gave another excited sound, "Ooh! Are you gonna come with us? Now the Grimm really won't stand a chance."
She threw a flurry of mock hand to hand blows up. The Professor shook her head, sticking her drooping glasses back upon her nose, "No, I must remain here. As Senior staff member on campus it falls to me to defend this institution. I finally have my home back and I do not plan on letting the Grimm defile Beacon again."
Kad was more considered in his response, "Professor, if you want us to stay and defend from Beacon and Vale. I will weigh your words more heavily than another's."
"No," Goodwitch said, "I do not wish that… Do you know the story of these two?"
She raised a lithe right hand, indicating the broken statues.
Ruby was quick to answer, "The first ones. The two who founded Beacon."
"Indeed," Goodwitch told her, "But do you know their story?"
Their Professor gave a little smirk, "Not even I knew until Professor Ozpin told me. An old, old story They greet all the new students here as heroes of old. Shining exemplars of the academy. But it is like you said Mister Amaranth, we know their stories from where they ended. And here they are, not as they began. With the wandering deserter and the wood cutter's widow."
She shifted looking up at the broken monument, "Two lost souls. Neither where they wanted to be, but finding purpose and resolve where they found each other. Along with the young children lost and abandoned in the wake of another war. Together they trained a new generation of Hunters when all hope seemed lost and laid the foundations of this academy to ensure Remnant would always have its protectors. That Ozpin told me, was the most important part of the story for a teacher. Our success, our pride is measured in the students we guide. And the Hunters we create. Now it is time for your generation to leave its legacy."
Humbled in surprise yet again the giant bowed down to the Professor, "Thank you for your blessing. Though I am afraid Marshal Wilde will not be pleased."
"Don't worry about the Marshal," Goodwitch replied, "I've dealt with him before, and I shall deal with him again. May your strength, will, and faith in each other lead you true, Hunters. Farewell."
Ruby's small smile grew, "Don't worry Professor. We'll make you proud, and we'll all be back as heroes!"
"…I certainly hope so Miss Rose."
A/N - if you found yourself unable to review last chapter. Please remember twas you had already submitted a review. I did not turn them off, just made a little adjustment to the chapter count. Always review as you, and share if you care. Gonna do a chapter or 2 of 375-13 next. If you've yet to check that out it would mean a lot to me