Joan Thursday was loathe to admit it, but she was fascinated by her father's bagman. The Detective Constable was unlike anyone else she had ever met, which, of course, meant that Miss Thursday was determined to unravel the enigma that was DC Morse. When he first appeared on the Thursday's doorstep, Joan was a bit surprised that someone seemingly so uncomfortable with social interactions could be a policeman. Even so, his loyalty to her dad was immediately apparent and from there, she set out to discover everything about this new DC who was all hard edges, in looks as well as personality. Every so often, she would get a peak behind the curtain, so to speak. She'd catch snippets of a heated conversation behind a closed door or see the set line of his jaw as he drove off. As it was, Joan felt she still knew very little about Morse and this was highly frustrating, especially since he was bound to have heard plenty about herself.
On her way into work one day, she took stock of what she did know. Morse was still distinctly awkward in social situations. He was terribly introspective, almost to the point of morose, which did not make for stimulating dinner conversation. On the other hand, when faced with something that captured his interest, he was single-minded in figuring it out and anything or anyone who got in the way of that was summarily dismissed with a withering look and/or a tart remark. She wondered what it would be like to have Endeavour Morse's full attention, to be at the center of his intense focus. The thought made her shiver, though with what, she wasn't entirely sure. Those eyes, so often downcast, an indescribable shade of blue, were the only truly expressive part of him. It was they, more than any words passed between them, that told Joan the most about Endeavour. She had seen them determined and hurting, bewildered and amused, gentle, admiring, and even once yearning. That one had not been directed at Joan, but she had seen it all the same. Just for a moment, she allowed her imagination to drift. What if she had been on the receiving end of that look? She shuddered again and came back to herself. 'Snap out of it, Joan,' she thought, and at that moment, she found herself in front of the bank. Straightening her clothes, she took a deep breath, cleared her mind, and plastered on her best professional smile. Another day.