I don't own Naruto or Kuroinu series

Bunji here to bring the Naruto X Kuroinu that was in top place of my poll few months back, took awhile due to life and issue of where I wanted this story to take place.

Anyway pairing is Naruto X Harem


Chapter 1-Nightmare for a Goddess-The Return of a Hero Part 1

"So he rest here. I hope what that man told me was true, he can aid us." Spoke a woman's voice.

The woman wore a brown coat that hides her whole body with a large hood that covered her face.

The area she had enters was known as the Hero Tomb. A place where one of the world's greatest hero was put to rest however, legend speak of anyone who seek the desire of protector from evil or a warrior to defeat any form of darkness they must come and seek the resting place of the hero.

The cloak woman looked upward as she stood before a giant stone door. There was strange symbols draw on the door.

The woman soon heard voices coming from above. There above on two large statues of headless warriors which the voices came from.

"Look brother! It's been ages, but we finally have company!"

"I see that!"

"Guardians here?" The woman spoke.

"We must entertain our guest!"

"You're right! We have to be gracious hosts!"

"Hmm, what should we do?"

"How do I know? We need to come up with something!"

"How about, we ask why this one is here."

"I came here to see the hero's tomb! Please let me through!" The woman yelled.

There was a long pause, the silence made the woman worried.

"Our job here is to guard this door!"

"That's right! We cannot let you pass!"

The woman gasps when she discovered the voices were indeed coming from the two headless statues. The two headless statues jumped from their position downward before the woman.

The force of their quake stomp created a strong blowing wind. That wind blew the hood off the woman exposing her face to the headless statues.

The woman had long beautiful silk blonde hair, she had long pointy ears. She had strong beautiful green eyes. She was an Elf.

"Let her through." A body-less voice spoke.

Quickly the two headless warriors stopped.

The two headless warriors notice the giant stone gate symbols was glowing.

"Wait…this aura…"

"Yes this aura is indeed…"

The two headless warriors looked at one another (even though they were headless) they kneel before the elf woman.

"You may enter his tomb."

"We will wait here. But be warned."

"Yes be warned, deflower the holy tomb and you will burn in the wind."

"I will not, I only to seek his aid." She said as she bowed her head to the two guardians.

"Hmm you are the first for a very long time to actually in need of his aid then."

"The first?" She said with a frown.

"Yes, others would come to try take his power."

"But no one surpass us ha-ha-ha-ha."

The woman became silence after hearing the headless warriors laugh.

"I wish to avoid a dark future that has haunted my dreams."

"If that is your wish then the hero will help you, if your wish is truthful."

The woman walked passed the headless warriors. Once she went through the giant stone gate, the gate closed behind. The hallway she now was within was dark, lucky for her there was a torch. She grabbed it and used it to light her way through the dark large hallway.

Hero's Tomb:

After a long walk through the dark silence hallway, the Elf woman finally made her way to the Hero's Tomb.

Unlike any other tomb of any giving resting place, there was a Throne an empty throne. But right in front of the throne was large stone coffin. Before the stone coffin is a stone pad.

The Elf woman walked towards the stone pad and used the torch to read what it said.

"To summon the hero's spirit light the heart with flames of hope." She said while reading what the stone texts said.

The woman paused as she didn't explain what it means by 'light the heart' she looked around. But then the Elf woman notice there was something odd about the stone coffin. Bringing the torch closer to the coffin to get a better look, when the torch's light was closed enough. There was a sound of a click noise.

The stone coffin slowly lowered down to the floor. Once it lowered to an unknown lower level, what came up in its place surprise the Elf.

Rising up was a fountain but not any normal fountain. This fountain had a strange aura surrounding it. Above the fountain was a floating blue orb. The blue orb gave a glow.

"Who do you wish to summon?" A kind body-less voice spoke.

"Huh, um."

"Who do you wish to summon?" The voice asked again.

"I wish to summon the hero, who once saved these lands long ago before my Kingdom rose." Her wish was.

There was a long pause.

"Ah, you seek 'him' very well. Wait one moment."

Once again there was a long pause

"Um, hello?" she tilt her head to the right.

Silence welcomed her once again.

"What if…it was just nightmare? No…it felt so real. I don't want it to be real. Please make my wish come true." She bit her bottom lip with a nervous look in her eyes.

The blue orb suddenly bust into water as the water from the fountain suddenly took form, a shape of a person. Though the form was made out water from the fountain he spoke as if he was alive.

The summon being that stood floating in the air before the female elf, look down at her with a friendly smile.

"I am surprise. What this, a person who's here out of aid and not out of my power huh?"

"Are you the hero of this tomb?"

"That I am."

"Please you must help me. You must help save my Kingdom and the Kingdom of others." She begged.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy calm yourself little lady. I'm afraid we hadn't been introduced. Tell me do you know of my name or and who and what I was long ago?"

"I do not. I only know you as The Great Hero. Your former home is now the home of my Kingdom. The only information remains of you on this world. Is that you saved the world from a Tyrant and a great beast." She told the Spirit of the Hero.

"Hmm, I see. You are born from an age beyond mine and the children of my friends. If you're seeking my help that means the age of peace had came to an end." The Hero frowned.

"May I ask, what was your name?"

"I am the Hero of the Age of Peace. But you may call me Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki." He introduce with a friendly grin.

"My name's Celestine Lucullus in this vessel form. I am the reincarnated of Goddess Laurentia." The Elf woman introduced herself.

The Hero spirit grin became a kind wide smile, her name and who she was brought his attention.

"So what is it that spooked a Goddess in mortal form to summon my spirit?" He asked.

"I dream, my dream foretold of an ill future. I dare not wish it to become a reality. I did not tell my people or servants of this dream."

"Let me guess you don't want them to think you're crazy or have them worried?"

"It is because who I am, they will believe me, though I do know some will not share the same feelings." She frowned.

"Ah yes of course." He nodded.

"I see. Also I notice something else."

"What?" She asked.

"These dreams you have of your foretold future. They are serious, I see the lack of sleep in those eyes of yours." He pointed at her, indeed Celestine lacked her beauty sleep indeed. Her dreams that were nightmare, nightmare so real it kept her wide wake for three days.

She looked away with a sadden frown.

"Come you have summon me, but you must revive me if you wish to gain my help."


Suddenly the ground floor an inch beside her suddenly crack and was lower as each stone turned into a set of stairs.

"Enter my grave room. And the rest will be explained."

Naruto's spirit vanished before her eyes as the fountain's water splash on to the floor.

Celestine journey downward to where Naruto was kept in his giant tomb.

Upon entering the lower floors Celestine discovered Naruto's coffin. Unlike the giant coffin that was on the upper floors. This coffin was different and special there were markings on the side of the coffin and on a symbol in the middle of the coffin.

Before the coffin there was another stone text. Celestine placed her hand on the stone test as she brush off dust to get a better view on what it said.

"From life to death, from death to life again hear my words and be reborn again, great hero." She spoke what the written text said.

The sound of rumbling was heard. The room shook with loud quakes. The room walls light up with blue aura, the blue aura left the walls and form into genderless being. The being looked at Celestine only for a moment, it soon then shots itself into the coffin.

Upon entering the coffin, the entering force created a shockwave that pushed Celestine back. She hit the back of her head against the stone wall. The force was enough to knock her out.

Sometime later…

Celestine woke to the sound of a banging noise.

Not sure how long she was out. Celestine turned her attention to Naruto's coffin. She saw there were large cracks around the coffin. But then she saw a claw bust out from within the coffin, she gasps for what she saw. But suddenly the claw transform into a human hand.

The hand moved the coffin to the right side to be open. Once it was open the being who once was put inside, was now free.

"Ah yes I return." Naruto Uzumaki the Great Hero has return.

However, there was one problem. The clothed that Naruto wore he was barely were now nothing but ruin torn clothes and they easily fell apart. And before he knew it he was standing naked before the Elf beauty.

"Ah my bad." He covered himself.

"Here use my cloak." Celestine removed her cloak and handed over to the Hero. But upon removing her cloak, Naruto's eyes wonder and glaze up the beauty that match Celestine's face as her body was sexy. Underneath her cloak she wore a very exotic outfit that show lot of skin, her stomach expose while her breasts were large and round, her thighs were perfect thick shape with her butt exotic round.

Celestine's eyes widen for what she saw, Naruto notice her blush and wonder why. Looking down he saw he had a major hard on for Goddess Elf. He quickly covered himself.

"Sorry, been long time since I've been alive, let alone visited by a woman." He said with a nervous chuckle while blushing.

"Now before you and I have our little chat. Let us go somewhere more comfy to talk." Turning away from his coffin he left with Celestine following behind.

Following Naruto for what seem like few minutes, following him up through hidden staircase that went upward.

There they enter a large bedroom that strangely looked freshly new. There Naruto open a large clothed there he found fitting clothed for him. While he was getting dressed he spoke to the elf woman.

"So explain why you are in need of my help? Not every day I am needed to save a Kingdom it has been years since I was brought back to the world of the living."

"How long was it?" She asked him.

"Can't remember I just hope my boys and friends haven't cause trouble while I was away." He sighed.

"Friends?" She looked confuse.

"You met two of them early, the brothers."

"Oh." Celestine look bit surprise.

"If those two still remain my guards then the others hadn't left their post. Then again after what I've done for them in death."

Naruto put on a pair of black colored pants.

"So what is the real reason you came to this place?" He looked over his left shoulder. Celestine sat down on the comfy bed and let out a deep sigh.

"I feared not only my Kingdom but the Kingdom of many will fall upon one man and his army. I am…unsure what will happen or will it happen." She gave Naruto a look filled with sorrow and fear.

"Please…go on." Naruto put on a chainmail shirt as he listens to what else the Elf beauty had to say.

"My dream…it felt so real. The touch…the pain…the suffering of everyone." Naruto felt a strong hint of fear in her voice she couldn't bring it to herself to give him a straight answer.

"Celestine was it?" Celestine nodded "Hold still."

Naruto walked towards her as he placed his right hand on top of her head. She grasps as she felt a surge of power just enter her body then into her mind, she couldn't move at all. Soon there was a blank stare look on her face.

Naruto flashes of images, images that only brought a strong illness toward his now beating heat. The more images he saw the more he grew sick at what he saw. He soon let go of the Elf Goddess and turned away.

Within Naruto's mind he saw the image of Celestine naked, her face had a blank emotionless stare as she lay there on the ground in the background was a ruin castle. Naruto saw the image of a man his appearance covered in shadow to Naruto. But he heard the voice brought such fear to Celestine. As the man grabbed Celestine by the hair and said.

"I guess we're done here. It's a decent country now. But my battle has yet to end. Not as long as there are things to take by force!"

Celestine saw Naruto who was facing the stone wall with his hands ball into fists. Red aura surround his hands for a moment before he un-ball his hands.

"Naruto-san?" she said his name.

"The images I saw…those of your dream. My dear…I'm afraid those weren't just dreams. They were foretelling what may happen a possible future for you and your land." Naruto turned and look unpleased.

"No…it can't be." She pause "So it is true…it will happen." She frown as she felt her heart stank as fear filled in.

"NO!" Naruto yell, but he soon calm down "I am now please…very please you came to my tomb and awaken me."

"You…will help me?" She asked with hope in her eyes. He gave a nod which she smiled.

"Thank you." she rose from the bed only to bow her head to the Hero.

"But…I'm afraid you must give me something in return. You have given a strong cause me to return to the living Celestine. You are the first of many who came to my grave for my aid then rather steal my power."

"I understand…" Celestine looked deeply sadden when she heard him spoke of giving him something in return.

"You may…do with me. I offer myself to you. I would rather lay with you, a Great Hero then that fiend." Celestine would give her purity to him if it means her Kingdom and many lives would be spare from the dark future that could wait them in the end.

"No," He said. His choice surprise Celestine, he faced her face to face and looked her in the eyes.

"I would the love not force lust to lay with a beautiful Goddess, I am not like those fiends. But that is not what I want in return." He touched the right side of her face as she blush from feeling his warm hand.

"What do you want in return?" She asked him.

Naruto grabbed her hands and looked her in the eye and said.

"A world where new Hope can be born, what I want to keep Hope alive in this world, the Hope I left behind has disappear. I will aid you and those who in need."

"Thank you Naruto," She smiled.

"Though being married to a Goddess I wouldn't mind." He said with a joyful laugh.

"The other will not believe me, my dreams they will believe is just fear of losing my power." She frowned.

"Now tell me what is you want? What you truly want Celestine? It's not just me beating the bad guy." He smiled.

"I…I want my Kingdom to be safe, I want my people to be spare from this evil, I don't want any wives, daughters, sisters be raped by the fiends or be force to watch their fathers, brothers be slay by those who wish to break this Peace. You're peace. I want to save everyone but I'm feel so powerless…Please help me." She begged him as her eyes spoke nothing but truth to him.

"For now you must be tired from your travels. Please rest here we will finish where we started in the morning, it has been awhile since I've live so there a few things I must take care within my castle."

"Castle? But I thought this was your tomb?" Naruto laughed which confuse Celestine.

"It is, but is also my castle you came at such late hour my dear, in the morning you shall see. Then again having fog magic does come in handy. I must go and 'wake' the rest of my castle ha-ha-ha." He smiled.

And with hope in her heart, she listens to Naruto and sat down on the bed as he left the bedroom to journey his castle to tighten up a few things.

Later that night:

Naruto was in the Dining room of the castle there he was having a meeting. There were a large number of other characters who came to the meeting which Naruto held.

Naruto sat in a large throne like chair. Beside him were the two headless twins who kneel down on one knee liked the others they await for what their master had to say.

"Ah my lord what has brought of your revival and this summon?" A male voice asked.

"Ah yes, well boys." Naruto pause when he heard someone cough.

"And ladies." He smirked.

"I have return from the grave by the wishes of a Goddess who roam my land as its new ruler. However she had a dream foretold of her and her Kingdom's demise. I cannot stand this to become true. Hope has vanished from this world I left behind and so I return to restore its rightful place!" Naruto said with a deep angry stare.

"So we're playing heroes again huh? That's fine by me." A female voice spoke.

"Don't think this will be easy, if this has trouble a Goddess in mortal form this may prove difficult for us." A third male spoke but his voice echoes as if he was in armor.

"Yahahahaha!" A creepy laughed was heard. It came from a skeleton being dressed in pirate clothing.

"This is not a laughing matter bone-head." The female spoke with annoy voice.

"I want to end this war soon as possible, seeing what I've seen sicken me. I want each of you to come with me. I may send few of you off as guardians or support." Uzumaki told his allies.

"There's one little problem Naruto-san." A second female voice spoke.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Some of aren't human…at least anymore. Don't think they will be so open to some of us to help them?" She said with a sad voice.

"That's true but from Celestine's dream I've seen the enemy forces is a mix of human and non. But for now I will give each of you a humanoid form, those who wish it. I will not have all of you go, some I need to stay behind. My castle has been hidden yes for years but I believe if this new threat discovers a new ally for Celestine they will surely try to take my castle."

"Take? Ha like they can. I got a silver arrow with their names on it." A third female voice said with a chuckled.

"I'll stay and defend the castle if that you wish." Spoke a Knight in Golden colored armor.

"Ah Dragonslayer I may need you to come with me." Naruto pause for a moment as he took a quick thought "But I hadn't truly decided yet either you or Mirror Knight will company me and Celestine back to her Kingdom." Naruto told his loyal friend.

"What of I?" The Knight in red armor spoke.

"Dragonrider you will stay protect the Castle and tell the Rat King down below be prepare for some unwanted guests."

"Yes." The Dragonrider nodded.

"Also tell the 'Other One' of the current state of the world and of my return. He guarded the city below for many years without fail. I am grateful for his service."

"Yes of course."

The Great Hero has return to the world of the living, with one goal on his mind to keep the Hope of this world alive once more and end this new evil before it has chance to consume these lands whole.

"Time for a Hero's come back."

End of Chapter 1

Naruto's allies so far are-



Rat King

Agni and Rudra-The Twins-

Spinal-Skeleton pirate

And many others

-On Naruto's to save list-

Chloe, Olga Discordia-The Dark Elfs

Alicia Arcturus, Prim Fiori,-Princess Sisters

Maia-Former member of Volt's crew but now a wandering Mercenary

Ruu Ruu-The Half blood Elf

Kaguya-Eastern Miko (Holy woman)

Claudia le-Van-Tyne-Holy/Captain of Knights

Celestine Lucullus-Goddess reborn as a High Elf

Reason Celestine is on the list, Naruto met her but he hasn't solve her problem yet so thus she on the to be save list.

Now which Castle/Kingdom/land Naruto and his allies shall visit beside Celestine, is unknown could go in order or not, not sure on that depend. You can vote on who Naruto and his allies save first. And don't worry Naruto X Celestine will happen.

Anyway later, got other fics to update and ect

See ya later Bunji out!